The Lucifer Deception
[An Essay On Christianity vs
by James Dierbeck
Here's another little
piece to the puzzle, and
like James says, the
whole subject is very
With this not said what
is written in this essay
is the ultimate truth,
but an interpretation of
how things are viewed in
Christianity and on
certain levels of secret
However, we need to
remember that the
deception is vast; it is
like peeling off an
onion, and there are an
insane amount of layers
before you get to the
real truth.
Even within secret
societies, what is
believed on one level is
discarded on the next.
Why? Because it is
extremely important to
keep the lies and
deception going, and it
is designed so that not
even the smartest of the
uninitiated is supposed
to find the truth. The
truth is available ONLY
to a very very few, and
we don't even know who
they are - YET!.
his topic is complex, with many aspects to
cover, & I'll likely need to make it a 2 part
article. The roots of the Lucifer deception are
in the Inquisition. In my quest for the secret
scriptures, I discovered a common thread with
various exterminated Christian sects, and their
I already discussed the main Nicean Creed which
was used as an excuse to kill other Christians;
the doctrine that there's no lesser Lord, as
contradicted by Rev 11:15, Acts 4:26, Psalm
110:1 KJV & by Christ calling the "Comforter"
the "Holy Ghost" in John 14:26, & Zechariah 11,
etc. The motive being, to rob his scripture
given influence on the stolen sheep, in the
latter days. The Bogomil sect celebrated May 5
as "Day of the Sun"...who is the lesser Lord.
They were all exterminated in the Balkans.
Well, the most common scripture of all from
various exterminated churches in various nations
that the Inquisition seized was titled "Christ
and Satan", which was the New Testament portion
of the Saxon "Heliand" pre-Bible. A censored
version has recently become available to read,
which admits to "lacunas" which are missing
portions. Few can read ancient Saxon.
In 1992, I'd learned of a pre-Inquisition
scripture in the Oxford Bodellian Library,
titled "Junius 2", but no copies available. Thru
my law firm handlers, I asked the anti-pope
singer Sinead O'Connor to try to read it and
report to me what it says. She did, but the law
firm refused to allow me to read her report to
me about it... I'm uninitiated.
Sinead was suddenly made some kind of cleric
rank, and quit the music biz. I guess she had to
change her status in order to read it. Im hoping
I didn't send her into a horror situation for
trying. I was learning at the time how dangerous
knowledge can be myself. The "Junius 2" also
contains the book "Christ and Satan" in older
English, and the real reason for the
To be sure, the "lacunas" are the important
verses that are missing from view by the
apparently ONGOING INQUISITION. We can be sure
the topic of "Christ and Satan" is involved. So
lets look at Christ and Satan in the Bible
closely instead...
In Job 1:6, Satan attends a gathering of the
Lord and the "sons of God" (ELOHIM), and the
Lord delivers Job into the curse power of Satan,
that he may become a prophet via suffering unto
the blues spirit (Job 3:20-22).
In 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, Paul welcomes the curse
of suffering he blames on Satan, "that the power
of Christ may rest upon me".
The Lord and Satan appear together in Zechariah
3, to judge a man as to worthiness of being
saved. And in Jude 1:9, the devil argues with
archangel Michael over the fate of Moses, and
loses. (The laws of Moses led to many unjust
deaths until the time of Christ, when he saved
the adulteress).
The Bible paints a different image of Satan than
the Masonic Baalist image of Satan, by design.
LaVey was an admitted freemason, and he's been
photographed wearing a Catholic priest collar;
important clues. In the bogus "Satanic Bible"
LaVey knows nothing about Satan, and his "Church
of Satan" rejects the Biblical Satan totally (by
design of propaganda they cannot conform). The
bogus "Satanic Bible" instead promotes using
candles made from Christian babyfat in the
murder rituals INVENTED by him, styled after
Baalism, such as at Bohemian Grove. There were
no Satanic rituals in ancient times. But the
Bible endorsed exterminating Baalism repeatedly;
(2 Kings 10:19-30 KJV or 4 Kings other versions,
& Elijah slew 450 "prophets of Baal", after
winning the contest of power. The Philistines of
Sampson, and the uncircumcised that David slew
were all Baalist baby sacrificers.
What we call Satanism is not Biblical Satanism,
but Masonic Baalism, in the name of Satan. But
why? Because the devil is predicted to arrive
also in the end times...
"Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell
in them. And woe unto the inhibiters of the
earth and of the sea; For the devil is come down
unto you, having great wrath, for he knoweth
that he hath but a short time"-Rev 12:12. They
framed the devil in advance, who also conversed
with the Lord in Matt 3:3-11.
Some say the Bohemian Grove rituals are Satanic,
but only Baalism has the tradition of tall
statues with a fire altar at the belly of the
statue. Baalisms' Ishtar is pictured with owls
in Sumerian glyphs.
That's why the owl statue. It's instead of the
traditional Moloch horned half man, half bull.
THAT's where the image of Satan with horns came
from. They decided to be low key at Bohemian
Grove, by using the owl statue.
With Bohemian Grove, we can prove that the false
Jew ILLuminati of Rev 2:9 & 3:9 IS the
"synagogue of Satan", or at least, what's called
Satan. In 1738, Pope Clement XII declared
freemasonry to be the "synagogue of Satan". And
in 1961, the Vatican Roman Curia, in their book
"the Plot Against the Church", declared Scottish
Rite freemasonry to be the synagogue of Satan.
This shows the (lost) struggle within the Church
between the sons of darkness and the sons of
light. Jesuits were expelled from the Catholic
church awhile.
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley was a prominent freemason
openly also. Like Harry Potter and the Order of
the Phoenix, those who rise in rank in so called
Satanism, or various occult groups, will likely
discover Crowley's' secret society lodge, Ordo
Templi Orientis Lodge, or the Order of the
Golden Dawn welcoming them at the org core.
There's absolutely no scriptural references to
Satan buying souls, but freemasonry is all about
buying souls. Terror and rewards is Baalism &
freemasonry. In Acts 5:2-11, it is Satan who
tempts the couple to lie to Peter, and strikes
them both dead on the spot then. No deal with
Satan there.
God reserves the right to give blessings and
curses in Deuteronomy 30:7, and Judges 9:57, and
Psalm 37:22 KJV or 36 other versions, and 2
Samuel 16:12,& Rev 11:5-6. Christ is the
blessings, and Biblical Satan, the curses. For
"Of whom is Alexander and Hymaneus, whom I have
delivered unto Satan that they may learn NOT to
blaspheme"-1 Timothy 1:20. (They mocked him, got
cursed by the name of Satan, and shipwrecked).
"To deliver such a one unto Satan for the
destruction of the flesh, THAT THE SPIRIT MAY BE
SAVED, in the day of the Lord"-1 Corinthians
Early Christians cursed in the name of Satan,
so, what's up? Either Paul is screwed up, or you
are, if that's not fitting your doctrine about
A Masonic Rosicrucian I've known educated me
about the difference between the extant book of
Jasher and the Rosicrucian version of the book
of Jasher. The verses that teach believers to
curse in the name of Satan are missing from
what's available to read. But the Rosicrucian
version cannot be read, except by the initiated,
so I never actually read it myself. Paul got the
idea to curse via Satan somehow, didn't he?
He wouldn't just decide that's OK without some
basis. "And no marvel, for Satan himself is
TRANSFORMED into an angel of light"-2
Corinthians 11:14.
We hear the IRS approved preachers always
telling us what Satan wants from us, and lots of
unscriptural BS, which is safer than opposing
REAL EVIL of men. They're propping up the
Masonic image of Satan every step, like the
deceivers they are, imposing Inquisitional
doctrines on the stolen sheep. The very topic is
a great deceiver now.
The name Lucifer is removed from the modern
Bibles, to deceive us, but is in the 1611 KJV &
the Latin Vulgate Bible, in Isaiah 14:12.
It's the ONLY mention of Lucifer by that name,
(which means "light-bearer"). Isaiah gave him
that name, and NEVER SAID that Lucifer is Satan!
14:16 is clear that Lucifer is a man, (not a
serpent), who is risen from death when the
cities of the world are all collapsed by the
trib impact event of Rev 18:21. It's unfulfilled
as yet. So, unlike the devil, Lucifer is fallen
unto us via resurrection, whereas the devil
comes down unto us from the sky. Rev 20:10 is
clear that the beast is NOT the devil, nor the
false prophet; so IF Lucifer is the beast (he's
not the beast either), he's not the devil. I
rest my Biblical case on that.
The official Masonic party line about Lucifer
currently, is that Lucifer WAS a king of
Babylon, which I can prove false also. the site
Masonicinfo tries to downplay the Lucifer
writings of Pike by saying Lucifer WAS a king of
Babylon. The prediction about the cities of the
world collapsed is unfulfilled, as is the verse
that follows Isaiah telling Lucifer to prophesy
to the king of Babylon; "The Lord hath broken
the staff of the wicked, and the scepter of
RULERS"-Isaiah 14:5.
Also unfulfilled yet by any king of Babylon is
14:9, which implies that Lucifer uses ghost
power. Isaiah is directly speaking to Lucifer in
verses 14:12 &14:9 and 14:19, & the entire
14:16-17 is an end times prediction matching
with Rev 18:21 & 16:18, etc. Isaiah 14:5 matches
end times predictions also of Rev 11:15 and
Isaiah 23:9 & Psalm 110:5-6 KJV and Psalm 135:10
So, the freemasons try, but fail to prove that
Lucifer WAS a king of Babylon. Babylon was the
capitol of Baalism, BTW. Bush is currently the
king of Babylon, literally, by occupying Iraq.
That brings me to discuss Bush the beast. Think
not? See about his
name in Hebrew adding up to 666 using 3
different methods of numerology. Hebrew letters
double as numbers. Now read about the beast of
Daniel 7:25, who "thinks to change times and
laws", and subdues 3 kingdoms until the 3½ year
trib. As I said, Rev 20:10 is clear that the
beast is not the devil. Once the trib begins via
the impact event, the mark of the beast will be
clear enough to all, as the NWO tries to
maintain control via the mark. Boycotting it
could save your life, when the Lord and the
angels take action, (Matt 13:49-50, Rev 9:15,
Zechariah 5:2-4, and 2 Thess 1:7).
I don't consider Bush the devil, though very
evil, nor Lucifer. I do believe that Lucifer is
the "lawless one" predicted in 2 Thessalonians
2, because of similarities with Isaiah 14. But
in 2 Thess 2 is a mystery verse; "And for this
cause shall God send them string delusion, that
they should believe a lie: That they might all
be damned, who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness"-2 Thess 2:11-12.
That's a match with Acts 3:23; "And it shall
come to pass, that EVERY soul, which will not
hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among
the people". The losers won't take warning from
him, or anyone else, because the imposed Jesuit
doctrines forbid accepting anyone but the Lord
himself, (and the Vatican) as valid
representatives of God.
In summary, the freemasons don't really worship
the Biblical Satan, for they INVENTED false
Satanism based on Baalism. Yet they truly are
the "synagogue of Satan" thereby, at Bohemian
The Babylonian sword on the Fez hats is Baalist,
and the "star & crescent" symbol is ancient
Baalism, etc, etc.
The truth shall set you free, if you accept it".
James Dierbeck; outlawed preacher,
songwriter/publisher, whose paid for
self-published ebook was hacked offline by NSA,
from the site that was selling it...and witness
to Masonic corruption at high levels, in
Amendment 10 negates unconstitutional fed
powers, like the 1947 National Security Act,
UNpatriot Acts, international "agreements", &
federal police agencies like DHS/FBI/BATF/DEA.
Federal referendums = power to the people, once
elections are unrigged.
Rev 19:11/19, Isaiah 24:21-22, Matt.13:49-50,
Psalm 110:1-6 KJV (109 other versions),
Ephesians 6:12, 2 Kings 10:19-30 KJV (4 Kings
oher versions)... then consider the VIPs doing
Baalist rituals at Bohemian Grove!
Wes Penre is a
researcher, journalist, the owner of the domains
Illuminati News
Zionist Watch and is the publisher of the
same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World
Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet
at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people
informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked
up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.
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