Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
AN EX-VAMPIRE" for ONLY 99¢!!!
click here and follow the link under "Order/Contact
Info" to find out more!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
Click here
for more hot tips

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[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
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written by Wes) was updated on 11/24/2008:
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11/30/2008 |
10:26 AM |
11/28/2008 |
8:13 PM |
11/28/2008 |
10:25 AM |
The Illuminati
Controlled Music Industry:
The LC: The Strange but Mostly True
Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of
the Hippie Generation
Part 12
- Anyway, I believe we were discussing
the Byrds when class was last convened,
so let’s now meet a formidable
behind-the-scenes player and the band’s
first producer, Terry Melcher. It is
fairly well known that Melcher was the
son of ‘virginal’ actress Doris Day, who
was just sixteen when impregnated and
seventeen when Terry was born. Melcher’s
father was trombonist Al Jorden, who
reportedly regularly beat Day, and
likely Terry as well. Jorden wasn’t
around for long though; his death, when
Melcher was just two or three years old,
was naturally ruled a suicide. -
- by David McGowan, Nov 27, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, September 28, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Art & Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art] |

11/27/2008 |
10:59 AM |
11/27/2008 |
10:07 AM |
Water' Could Help Us Live Longer
- Mikhail Shchepinov, a former Oxford
University scientist, says that the
modified drink protects against
dangerous chemicals known as free
radicals that are known to contribute to
conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's
and Parkinson's...He also claims that
foods such as steak and eggs could be
enriched with the special hydrogen
isotope, known as deuterium, raising the
possibility of people being able to "eat
themselves healthy".
- by Matthew Moore,, Nov
27, 2008 -
(Posted here: Thursday, November 27, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Articles on Spirituality:
Spirit-Mind-Body] |

11/25/2008 |
5:04 AM |
11/22/2008 |
10:59 PM |
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy &
the Federal Reserve Bank
[45th Anniversary]
- Since that dreadful day on November
22nd of 1963 when JFK was assassinated,
there has been lots of speculations as
to why and by whom he was murdered. You
may think that you have heard it all,
and that we don’t need another theory.
However, I have researched JFK quite a
bit; especially with regards to the
assassination, and I have come up with a
different, and not very widely discussed
possibility for the killing, with a
parallel that goes back almost a hundred
years in time.
- by Wes Penre, Nov 22, 2003 -
(Posted here: Saturday, November 22, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Assassinations
- Real and Attempted |
Articles by Wes Penre] |

11/22/2008 |
1:56 PM |
11/21/2008 |
7:47 AM |
Mind Control:
Group "Rush" Involved in MK ULTRA
Project, Using Sophisticated Mind
Control Techniques to Tag Colorado
- Publishing this material is probably
the most dangerous thing I have ever
done. I don't care whether you are a
Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist,
an atheist, a cultist, an occultist, an
agnostic or whatever your belief system,
or lack thereof, is. It doesn't change
the fact that this is happening today in
this third dimension where much of our
spiritual consciousness is directed at
the moment, and it's time to start
acting as a unified human race to fight
these unimaginably evil forces to
finally, after all those thousands of
years, obtain REAL spiritual freedom! -
- by Wes Penre, Nov 21, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, November 21, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Mind Control:
Different Mind Control Programs
| Rock'n'Roll and Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art
Articles by Wes Penre] |

11/19/2008 |
5:15 AM |
11/15/2008 |
10:35 AM |
11/15/2008 |
11:05 AM |
11/14/2008 |
6:24 PM |
Cults and Mind Control:
that Eckankar is a Covert Occult
Organization and a Front for the
- Eckankar, a New Age religion with its
worldwide headquarters in Minneapolis,
is deceiving its members as to its true
origin and purpose. It is not a
spiritual organization but a disguised
form of advanced Freemasonry. It was
created by its founder, Paul Twitchell,
in 1965, to promote worship of the gods
of ancient Egypt. Not only did Twitchell
plagiarize the writings of other authors
to a shameless degree, but he
deliberately concocted his teaching as a
covert way of getting naive members of
the public to worship the magical
deities from the Old Kingdom period of
ancient Egypt. Eckankar is therefore a
disguised occult teaching with a hidden
occult agenda. Most of its members
appear to be unaware of this. -
- by Ruth and Noah Samuelson, Oct 10,
2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, November 14, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Government & Mind Control:
Cults in General] |

11/14/2008 |
4:26 AM |
The Illuminati
Controlled Music Industry:
The LC: The Strange but Mostly True
Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of
the Hippie Generation
Part 11
- Morrison essentially arrived on the
scene as a fully-developed rock star,
complete with a backing band, a stage
persona and an impressive collection of
songs – enough, in fact, to fill the
Doors’ first few albums. How exactly Jim
Morrison reinvented himself in such a
radical manner remains something of a
mystery, since before his sudden
incarnation as singer/songwriter, James
Douglas Morrison had never shown the
slightest interest in music. None
whatsoever. He certainly never studied
music and could neither read nor write
it. By his own account, he never had
much of an interest in even listening to
music. He told one interviewer that he
“never went to concerts – one or two at
most.” And before joining the Doors, he
“never did any singing. I never even
conceived of it.” Asked near the end of
his life if he had ever had any desire
to learn to play a musical instrument,
Jim responded, “Not really.” -
- by David McGowan, Nov 13, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, November 14, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Art & Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art] |

11/13/2008 |
5:45 AM |
11/12/2008 |
6:45 AM |
11/11/2008 |
4:29 AM |
11/09/2008 |
7:17 PM |
11/09/2008 |
12:13 PM |
The New World
Conquering the World is Nothing New
From Alexander the Great to Barack
- Some people may argue and say that
Globalization is nothing new and we just
have to accept that attempts to conquer
the world will always be a part of human
nature and empires will come and
go...Many of us probably remember our
History classes in school where we
learnt about Alexander the Great of
Macedonia, Julius Caesar of Rome and
other "great conquerors", whose mission
it was to build a huge empire that could
include the whole world, if possible.
However, these conquerors always failed,
just like Napoleon and Hitler in more
recent time. So even if what is
happening before our eyes now is
disturbing, things will sort out in the
end and the present time conquerors,
like the United States (who is just a
puppet for the real imperialists, the
Zionists) will fail eventually. People
are dying like flies in the meantime,
which is "unfortunate", but this was
also the case when Alexander and Caesar
ruled. So it is just human nature,
right? Everything goes in cycles? -
- by Wes Penre, Nov 09, 2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, November 09, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Globalization
Articles by Wes Penre] |

11/07/2008 |
9:22 PM |
11/07/2008 |
7:43 PM |
11/03/2008 |
5:21 AM |
11/02/2008 |
4:02 PM |
11/01/2008 |
11:37 AM |