Robert Edmondson "Testified Against the Jews"
Dr. Henry Makow, Nov. 02, 2008
and Judaism

Dr. Henry Makow |
ur Zionist mind controllers have
succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert
Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to
him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown
into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing
hundreds of bulletins alerting his fellow Americans
to an International conspiracy financed by the
central bankers consisting largely of Communist
Jews. This conspiracy has grown into the New World
A measure of Zionist subversion is when a nation's
defenders are defamed and forgotten, while its
traitors are rewarded and honored. Other 1930's
patriots tarred as "anti-Semites" include Charles
Lindbergh. Henry Ford, Charles Coughlin, William
Pelley, Louis McFadden and Huey Long.
Their fate proves that despite what Americans think,
the US
a colony of the London-based Masonic Jewish
central banking cartel and its leaders are traitors.
Americans haven't been "free" for a very long time.
In 1936, Edmondson wrote in his defense, "I am not
against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a
people or as individuals, but because Jewish
leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively
anti-American, is attempting to jettison the
American political philosophy and take over the
Country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish
until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the
offender any other than the Jewish minority, my
attitude would be precisely the same. This problem
is the biggest and most acute thing in the world
"Knowing that...pitiless publicity is the only cure
for public evils, in 1934 I started on a campaign to
expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic
Communism which has been called the "Code of Hell":
a "Rabbi Racket" that victimizes its own followers;
an international "Satanic System" subverting France,
Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present
depression and moving to take over the United States
through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.]
We are all victims of brainwashing which equates
defending our freedom, family and values with Nazi
bigotry and genocide. We are under merciless
hate-filled attack from the bankers, yet we are
accused of "hatred" when we identify the source.
It's a pathetic disingenuous ruse. Remember the
little boy who said the Emperor has no clothes? The
Zionists put him in jail.
Jewish Leadership Aggression
The majority of Jews are not aware of the Jewish
leadership's secret agenda, which meshes with that
of the central banking cartel. Yet the security of
ordinary Jews is jeopardized by this centuries-old
plan for world government now reaching fruition.
Unless they oppose it, they will be blamed for it.
If they defend it, they are part of it.
In 1954, Edmondson published a collection of his
bulletins entitled "I Testify Against the Jews."
He quotes rare documents such as a letter published
in the 1880 Review of Jewish Studies
financed by James de Rothschild. The letter, dating
from 1489, is from the head of the Grand Sanhedrin
in Constantinople to a rabbi in Arles France who
asked how to counter anti-Semitism. He was advised
to infiltrate gentile society.
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis was to
convert to Christianity as the French King demands
but "keep the Law of Moses in your hearts;" make
your sons merchants "that they may despoil
Christians of their [property]; doctors that "they
may take away Christian lives."
"Make your sons canons and clerics that they may
destroy the churches.....Arrange that your sons
become advocates and lawyers, and see that they
always mix themselves up with affairs of state in
order that by putting Christians under your yoke,
you may dominate the world and be avenged on them."
Edmondson also quotes a May 11 1933 address to the
Hebrew University by the famous Jewish poet N.H.
Bialik which confirms a Jewish agenda few Jews are
aware of. He says Jews have undermined Christianity
by "deliberate Jewish has been
effected in great measure by cyrpto Jews (Secret
Jews) who have permeated Christianity and spoken
through the mouth of Christianity." (51)
He says these crypto Jews are also the creators of
"the Renaissance, of Liberalism, of Democracy, of
Socialism, and of Communism." (151)
Remember he was speaking in 1933: "The Gentiles have
at last realized this secret--that Judaism has
gradually penetrated and permeated them like a drug.
The Gentile nature is in revolt, and is trying to
organize the final battle...They would 'smoke us
out' of all the cracks and crannies where we have
hidden. They would exterminate us like baccilli and
be rid of us." (152)
This is proof that millions of innocent Jews,
including my grandparents, died partly because of
the demented megalomania of the Jewish leadership,
and ironically the Nazis were financed
the Jewish bankers as a way of forcing Jews to
support Zionism.
Judaism is a conspiracy against Christian Western
civilization which has succeeded to such an extent
that it cannot even be mentioned. It has inspired
the bankers to recast society so there will be no
families, no marriages, no private property and no
It has divorced society from God, who is synonymous
with absolute truth and justice. It has inundated us
in pornography and trivia, poisoned the well of
gender and debased relations between men and women.
We live in a decadent, superficial, hypocritical
society where people sell their souls for jobs, and
where mass media and education are devoted to
propaganda and indoctrination. We are denied the
truth, and kept in a state of arrested development,
befitting children or "cattle."
We can be as politically correct as long as we want,
but we can't escape the fact that mankind is in the
thrall of a Satanic force which is enslaving us.
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or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
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