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  Posted: Friday, November 07, 2008, 9:22 PM

Last Updated: Friday, November 07, 2008 09:56:53 PM



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Illuminati News Presents:

Henry H. Klein - Jewish Martyr for American Freedom
by Dr. Henry Makow, Nov 07, 2008

Category: The Barack Obama Administration Under Scrutiny


Henry Klein (1879-1955)
Henry Klein (1879-1955)


hese prophetic words were uttered by a courageous Jew, Henry H. Klein, shortly before his "suicide" in 1955:

"Zionism is a political program for the conquest of the world...Zionism destroyed Russia by violence as a warning to other nations. It is destroying the United States through bankruptcy, as Lenin advised. Zionism wants another world war if necessary to enslave the people. Our manpower is scattered over the world. Will we be destroyed from within or will we wake up in time to prevent it?" (Pamphlet "Zionism Rules the World")

Like Robert Edmondson, Klein is another American hero who has been flushed down the memory hole for fighting the Rothschild Rockefeller cartel. There is no Wikipedia entry for this Jew who fought the Jewish bankers all his life as a crusading NYC reporter, editor, author, city official and Mayoral candidate. He says the Rockefellers and others of  great wealth are all under Zionist control. He became a lawyer and defended pro bono Christian patriots charged with sedition in the famous "Sedition" Show Trial of 1942-1944. 

Klein represents the true Jewish spirit, not exclusive to Jews by any means, of serving God, the inborn principle of universal and absolute truth and justice.  Like other groups, Jews have been been betrayed by the Luciferian central bankers using various 'isms including Zionism, Communism, Liberalism, Socialism and Feminism.

Klein dedicated his 1935 autobiography "My Last Fifty Years" to his mother "whose Instincts and Spirit were transmitted to her son."  He can truthfully say, "In a world ruled by Mammon, I have tried to serve my Fellowman...If in these pages I have exposed some hypocrites, humbugs and liars, I feel I have only further served God."

Zionism and Barama

Klein's criticism of Zionism was confirmed last week when Barack Obama proved that even a Black man can become President  of the United States if he is prepared to lick Zionist banker boots. His first act was to appoint Rahm Emanuel an Israeli dual citizen as his Chief of Staff. This is fitting since  Obama's own citizenship is in doubt. Anyway, sit back and enjoy Barama's black-face imitation of JFK while he executes the Illuminati agenda inflicting more war and hardship on the US people.  At least now all the Conservatives are outside the tent (instead of inside being deceived) and the Liberals are going to discover the real meaning of "change."

If I may digress from Klein's story for another moment, there is a revealing item in the Jerusalem Post about how Rahm Emanuel called his rabbi on Rosh Hashanah to ask if he could violate the holiday for a conference call about the $700 billion bank bailout.

Rabbi Asher Lopatin gave his permission "as long as the violation was kept to a minimum" since "this was a matter of life and death."  This is "modern Orthodoxy at work - committed to Judaism, but also committed to making it a better world," the rabbi said.

Was Jewish author Arthur Koestler right when he commented that Judaism "teaches Jews how to cheat God" ? Typical of the soon-to-be-universal self-deceit, the rabbi says bailing out Jewish bankers justifies violating religious law and calls it "making a better world."   This is another reminder that Jewish rabbis are considered "scholars" and are not holy men in the sense of renouncing the world.

The Show Trials

The election of Barack Obama will polarize Liberal and Conservative. We will see the age old  Zionist Communist practice of censoring information, dissent and free speech in the name of curbing "bigotry" and anti-Semitism.  

In 1942-44,  FDR ordered a Stalinist Show Trial to punish American patriots and anti-Communists.  Since Russia was an American ally, he wanted to tar his critics as Nazis and anti-Semites.  About 45 disparate activists were charged with inciting rebellion among American soldiers and put in jail.  The investigation against them was conducted by the B'nai Brith, the FBI and reporters for the (Illuminati Jewish banker owned) Washington Post.

Henry Klein represented Elmer J. Garner of Wichita, Kansas, the first cousin of FDR's first Vice President John Nance Garner, a deaf 83-year-old American patriot who died three weeks after the trial began. He had been held in the [Washington, D.C.] jail for several weeks, for lack of bond fees, and died alone in a Washington rooming house with 40 cents in his pocket.

Among the other defendants were: a sign painter who was 80 percent deaf, a Detroit factory worker, a waiter and a maid. (This account is indebted to "A Mockery of Justice -The Great Sedition Trial of 1944" by Michael Collins Piper & Ken Hoop.)

More prominent targets included former American diplomat and economist Lawrence Dennis, who said "Pearl Harbor did not suspend the Bill of Rights"; Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling of Chicago, an outspoken and articulate anti-Communist lecturer;  Rev. Gerald Winrod of Kansas who had run for the Senate and had emerged as a force; and  William Griffin, a New York-based publisher with strong connections in the Roman Catholic Church.

By jailing these people it was hoped that the FDR administration could intimidate its more serious critics, men like Col. [Charles] Lindbergh or Senators [Burton] Wheeler [D-Mont.], [Robert] Taft [R-Ohio] and Gerald Nye [R-N.D.]

Klein's Defence

After Garner died, Klein represented Col. Eugene N. Sanctuary, a 73 year old man who ran the Presbyterian foreign mission office in New York City. Sanctuary had written a pamphlet "Is the New Deal Communist?" in which he made a 35-point comparison of it to Marx's 1848 program. He also wrote "The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians" (New York: N.p., 1939). He was also the author of several hundred sacred and patriotic songs including "Uncle Sam We Are Standing by You" published in June of 1942, --hardly the dangerous seditionist that the prosecution and the sympathetic press painted Sanctuary to be.

"This alleged indictment," Klein said in his opening address to the jury, "is ... under a Constitution which guarantees free press and free speech at all times, including during wartime...These people believed in the guarantees set forth in the Constitution, and they criticized various acts of the administration."

Klein's defense included the following:

"We will prove that the communists control not only our government but our politics, our labor organizations, our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and our armed encampments."

"We will prove that this persecution was instigated by so-called professional Jews who make a business of preying on other Jews by scaring them into the belief that their lives and their property are in danger through threatened pogroms in the United States [and that] anti-Semitism charged in this so-called indictment, is a racket, that is being run by racketeers for graft purposes."

"We will show that the most vicious written attack on Jews and on the Roosevelt administration emanated from the office of the FBI by one of its agents, and that the purpose of this attack was to provoke others to do likewise. We will show that this agent also drilled his underlings in New York with broom sticks preparatory to "killing Jews."

"We will show that large sums of Hitler money helped finance Mr. Roosevelt's campaign for re-election in 1936 and that right at this moment, British, American and German capital and industry are co-operating together in South America and other parts of the world."

According to Lawrence Reilly's account of the sedition trial, Klein's speech was a critical turning point in the defense: "Klein did much in his brief speech to torpedo [Prosecutor] Rogge's case by bringing to light the hidden agencies responsible for its existence."

As a direct consequence of his offensive against the ADL and the other Jewish groups that had played a part in orchestrating the trial, Klein was targeted, specifically because he was Jewish, by organized Jewish groups.

Klein wrote that "attempts were made to poison me in in Washington DC and to knock me off otherwise in NYC. My telephone has been tapped for more than 10 years and my mail stolen. Clients and friends were warned to keep away from me and word was sent out by the Jewish cabal to starve Klein."

According to Revilo Oliver, Klein committed suicide in 1955 but it is quite likely he was murdered. Louis McFadden, the chairman of the House Banking Committee was similarly murdered in 1936. The author of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" boasts of killing opponents, especially uncooperative fellow Masons, and making the deaths look natural.


Henry Klein sacrificed his life for his country but his country doesn't even know he existed. This is the fate of patriots in a land which has been totally subverted by an international satanic cult bent on translating its economic monopoly into a total monopoly over politics, culture and religion. Zionism, including organized Jewry, is an unwitting accomplice in this demonic drive to control and own everything and everyone.

But it is just one arrow in the Illuminati banker quiver, which includes Freemasonry, most religions including fundamentalist Islam, Intelligence agencies, corporations, governments, foundations, think tanks, the mass media, education, NGO's etc. Essentially they have control over money and everyone dances to their tune, while oozing unction. They can pit their various agents against each other in order to achieve their goal, the degradation and enslavement of mankind. 

It's hard to say whether the Illuminati expresses a Jewish need to control everything, or a Satanic one, or whether there is any difference between the two. But what is clear is that, like everyone else, Jews like Henry Klein have an innate connection to God. Once we realize we are all victims of a monstrous hoax, we can express His Spirit anew.

: http://www.henrymakow.com/henry_h_klein_jewish_martyr_fo.html

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Wes PenreWes Penre is a researcher, journalist, the owner of the domain Illuminati News and is the publisher of the same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.

In addition, he has done spiritual research to present a solution to the problems of this world. His MySpace website address is: http://www.myspace.com/wespenre. You can also visit his blog and make comments at http://wespenre.blogspot.com/.

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