ome people may argue and say that
Globalization is nothing new and we just
have to accept that attempts to conquer
the world will always be a part of human
nature and empires will come and go.
Many of us probably remember our
History classes in school where we
learnt about Alexander the Great of
Macedonia, Julius Caesar of Rome and
other "great conquerors", whose mission
it was to build a huge empire that could
include the whole world, if possible.
However, these conquerors always failed,
just like Napoleon and Hitler in more
recent time. So even if what is
happening before our eyes now is
disturbing, things will sort out in the
end and the present time conquerors,
like the United States (who is just a
puppet for the real imperialists, the
Zionists) will fail eventually. People
are dying like flies in the meantime,
which is "unfortunate", but this was
also the case when Alexander and Caesar
ruled. So it is just human nature,
right? Everything goes in cycles?
This is exactly what is wrong with
education. Someone said that history is
extremely important, because if we don't
know our history, we will not understand
our present; things will repeat
themselves and we will not learn from
our mistakes. It is all true, but that
takes into consideration that the
history we learn is the correct one,
otherwise we are as lost as ever,
because we still don't know our past. So
here is another cliché: "History is
written by the winners", so therefore we
always get a biased version of the past.
Again, this is true as well, but to
accept this statement as an axiom is a
big mistake, because it creates apathy.
If we take the statement to heart, it
means we accept that we will never know,
so therefore history is sort of
worthless to learn to some greater

Caesar |
You can go and take a history class, and
you will see what I mean. Although the
ball part of what you learn may be true,
what is important in regards to
understanding our present time is often
excluded from the public schools, and is
done so intentionally to protect those
in power with a secret agenda. We learn
about Alexander the Great, Julius
Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf
Hitler in great detail, but no one
connects the dots for you. And if the
dots are not connected, history may seem
like unrelated events leading up to
certain state of affairs, and because we
don't understand the connection, we just
wash it off as part of human nature. "It
is unfortunate, but that's just the way
things are", we think, and those
occupied with conquering the world can
do so pretty much without interference
from common people, as long as they
don't come to our house
and try to mess with us in person - then
we may speak up, but no one will hear or
do much about it. Just another
unfortunate event...
If you are one of those who fell for the
propaganda (and I don't blame you, it's
cleverly set up so that you will), give
the following a thought: if humankind
are a bloodthirsty creatures, whose main
purpose is to rule and conquer by
killing opponents, why are you basically
thinking that is wrong? Even if you say
that it's all unfortunate, but still
nature, is it your nature too? Most of
us would say 'no' to this, so isn't that
enough to make us think that there are
things we don't know here? Things that
are hidden from us?
I am not saying you shouldn't read
history books and learn from them. We
all should, but it is also all our
responsibility to research outside class
to try to find the "missing data", the
"hidden truth", the pieces of the puzzle
that were not laid in class. This is
very important if we want the current
world situation to change to the better;
we can't change something we don't
understand. Now, when we have the
Internet and access to so many more
sources, it is also much easier for each
individual to find material to study-
and it's often free of charge. It
doesn't mean it's easy to separate the
weed, but it's probably easier than it
ever was.
The truth of the matter is, and this is
my point, that old history events that
seem to be unrelated are actually
related. What does Alexander have in
common with Caesar, like Napoleon with
Hitler, and Hitler with Bush? If you
read the history books only, the answer
would be: nothing, except that they all
wanted to conquer the world, apparently
for slightly different reasons. But if
you look beyond that and do your
homework, you will notice that they do
have a lot in common, they just lived in
different times. They all had world
conquest in mind and they all were
mystics in one way or another. If you
look into it, they were all connected to
Mystery Religions, so called Secret
Societies, and these Secret Societies
have one thing in common - world
conquest! Even Bush has his "Skull &
Bones" membership - same old Mystery
The conquerors of the past failed to
conquer the WHOLE world because they
were stopped somewhere along the way,
whether it was because of successful
resistance, assassination of the
conqueror, fatal illness of the same, or
otherwise, but both Alexander and
Caesar were doing pretty good in the
respect of world conquest, making great attempts, taking
into consideration the times they were
living in. They didn't have nuclear
weapons or global transportation or
space technology. Still they conquered
an enormous part of the ancient world!
And we think it can't be done today when
we have so much more technology? The
problem is that many more people will
die than in ancient times because of the
power of today's weapons. But what I
want to bring to mind is that
"conquering the world" is a very old
goal of those top Secret Societies that
have been around at least since the
Neolithic Period when the old
Sumerian culture came to rise, and if we don't understand
this, a few power-hungry bloodlines will
eventually either take over, or utterly
destroy our planet and the future for
our children and grandchildren.
The reason this has been allowed to go on for
millennia is that the source of the
destruction was never known. It is known
now, and this is the time to stop these
people, once and for all. And we have to
teach our children what is behind this
destruction, imperialism, and power
hunger, and it has to be written down
for future generations so this can not
happen again. We need to ban societies
with secret levels of initiation,
because most of them have a 'secret
agenda' that is not to the benefit for
the many. I say "most of them", because
some people may argue that there
can be good secret societies that keep
things secret because they plot to SAVE
the world; with other words they work
for the benefit of mankind. I am sure
these groups exist and have existed
behind the scenes for a long time, but once we have
banned all secret societies, the "good
ones" are not needed either, are they?
The conclusion here is that it is all
our responsibility to research what is
behind Globalization and what the end
goal is, otherwise they may actually
succeed this time, and even if they
don't, with the nuclear powers they have
today, they may as a last resort destroy
the whole planet.
I am an advocate for "knowledge is
power" and I believe that if we educate
ourselves, this insanity can be stopped!