specially in politics it is of the
utmost importance to try to look behind
the facade: who makes up the team of the
presidential candidate? The future
president of the United States of
America is for a large part dependent on
and being fed by his team of advisors
and future cabinet members. Webster
Tarpley wrote a book on the men and
women behind the new President of the
United States, Barack Obama.
He argues that there is more to Obama
than his charismatic appearance and that
some of his advisors pose a great danger
to the US and the world. Deep Journal
interviewed Webster Tarpley on the
topic of his recently published book "Obama,
The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a
Manchurian Candidate."
This is a Two Part interview with
Webster Tarpley describing who is behind
Obama and who was pulling the strings on
the president elect and the plans behind
it for the future. A must watch with
brilliant insight and analysis.
Part one:
Part two: