he latest excuse we were told, for the attack on Iraq, was to
bring about democratic change.
But let us be sure we were NOT told the facts and never are.
Tony Blair has now said ”he is sorry for the war, the
intelligence was wrong”.
Privately, the intelligence services are furious, as they have
the middle-east saturated with intelligence gathering
The Cyprus listening post is the largest in the world, every
telephone call, every email, just the sound of your voice can
trigger listening and locating devices, your telephone does not
even have to be in use for it to be turned electronically into a
microphone, between satellite monitors, C.C.T.V. traffic
recording programmes, secret traffic-master lamp-post cameras,
pavement recorders, roadway infrared sensors, detector vans,
pylon beam recorders, hospital, doctors surgery and dental visit
records and checkups, academic transcripts, taxation,
solicitors and accountancy dealings ATM receipts, prescription
drugs, driving licences, airline tickets, rail passes, parking
permits, car registrations, supermarket and garage receipts,
mortgage payments, mail intercepts, junk-mail lists, postal
infra-red mail scans, banking records, website visits, credit
card slips, street camera surveillance, satellite and helicopter
reconnaisance, laser beam mikes, and public building facial
mapping unit camera’s with gait and posture programmes apart
from “humint” or human intelligence gathering techniques.
Iraq and Saddham Hussein in particular was completely
penetrated by Israel especially,- with “total saturation”, why
we knew even his toothpaste brand and his “snore” signature.
Israel claims it could pick out any conversation signature at
any time from the ether, and target the whereabouts of its
owner, then a helicopter gunship would be sent out to destroy
We are told that the same intelligence services that could do
this, got it wrong on its advice to Tony Blair, come of it !
Tony Blair agreed to the war on Iraq before coming to power, as
did George Bush, remember neither was elected, but got in
through subterfuge.
When a crime is committed, and this was all a crime, always ask
who gained from this?
We cannot now say Saddham Hussein was evil and killing people
etc. when we bribed and armed him to do it for us, as in the
Iran war,
The same goes for Osama Bin Laden, a senior intelligence source
told me, “yes they are bastards, but they are our bastards” we
financed and trained them all.
Also we cannot say he mass murdered the marsh arabs and the
kurds, when the West armed them and sent them in to target the
Ba’athist party.
This “war on terror “is not what it seems.
British intelligence were only now recovering from the Russian
agents who ran whole departments from the 1930s to the 60s,
bringing us onto their side, in W.W.II
to find their reputation again rubbished this time by Tony
Blair, makes them very uneasy.
Remember the political motto, “if you cannot win the game, move
the goalposts to one you can“
And they now say we need identity cards ! when 5 million people
in the country are illegal refugees that these cards would not
apply to them anyway.