Bush hails Iraq progress |
Bush's visit to Iraq, was interrupted by
an Iraqi journalist who stood up and
threw his shoes at George Bush,
shouting; "this is for all the dead
women and children of Iraq Mr. Bush."
He was immediately overpowered and taken
to the cells, viciously beaten and
promised 15 years in prison but the
protest against George Bush's
policies have taken on a life of their
own here in Britain, with piles of old
shoes being dumped at public buildings
and national monuments, schoolchildren
have joined anti-racism campaigners and
dumped large quantities outside the
Israeli embassy.
The U.S. embassy clears away old shoes 3
times each day, and fundraising
by British children orphaned by the war
has meant an update in its coconut shy
stalls, with "throw a shoe at George
Bush" competitions.
Bush's support for Middle East terrorism
means he is in part responsible for the
deaths in Gaza. Allowing Israel to have,
and develop, WMDs is a huge crime only
dwarfed by the terrorist attacks
encouraged on local Palestinians.
The stated reason was to stop the rocket
attacks, but why did the Israeli F16s
not stop them ? And how come when Gaza
was attacked the Palestinians did not
shoot the rockets at the attacking army?
The reason is that the rocket firers
were Israelis. They have to keep up the
attacks, so America will keep funding
their arsenals, conventional, nuclear
biological war and propaganda.
All hate crimes should stop now.
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have it posted here, uncensored and unedited!
as long as it's written in a civilized manner.
Write me an email
and put the same title in
your email subject line as the name of the article you want
to comment on. You can be anonymous if you like,
or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
[i] ^
The word Illuminati means 1.
People claiming to be unusually
enlightened with regard to a subject. 2.
Illuminati: Any of various groups
claiming special religious
enlightenment. Latin ill min t ,
from pl. of ill min tus,
past participle of ill min re,
to light up. See
These definitions are taken from "The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language".
Like the
definitions tell us, any group which considers itself "enlightened"
could rightfully call itself the Illuminati. So is also the case! If
you google "The Illuminati", you will find quite a few groups
claiming this name. It can be confusing, so before we continue, I
want to make very clear that the Illuminati we are discussing here
is NOT a benevolent secret society who wants to bring peace and
harmony to this world by helping to bring back freedom to the
people, at least not in this "reality". If such a benevolent group exists and also happens to call
itself "The Illuminati", I apologize if some people will mix up the
different groups.
The Illuminati I am
exposing here is the super-rich Power Elite with an ambition to
create negativity and a slave society!
The possible REAL Agenda, to
some degree unknown to even the super-rich families like the
Rothschild's is described in the article, "Dialogue
with 'Hidden Hand', Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider". But
before reading that article, I suggest you study this subject on a
more basic level first. The "Hidden Hand" article is pretty advanced
and can not be understood by people who have no concept of the
Illuminati and the New World Order.
^ The
term "New World Order", just like the term "Illuminati", has been
used by at least two different groups, meaning basically two
different things:
1) A goal to change the current Order ("The Old World Order"),
which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the current
power elite I call the Illuminati (see definition above) needs to be
overthrown and their Old World Order to be destroyed and
replaced by a benevolent "New World Order". The goal is a
humanity-friendly One World Government. The means to overthrow the
current Old World Order is by violence, if necessary. The reason I
don't support this group is that I don't believe in their tactics. I
believe in
2) A goal to reduce the world population to 500 million
people in order to create a micro-chipped total enslaved society and
a One World Government, run like a world dictatorship. This is the
New World Order the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds,
Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are
ringing in and have almost accomplished. This is the New World Order
I am fighting against via this website.
Source: Correspondence
with author
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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