Comment by Wes Penre: There are lots of
opinions on what will happen in 2012, including the
option that nothing will happen. If you research
this for some time, you will notice there seem to be
different groups trying to accomplish different
goals around 2012. I am not going to list all these
opinions here, but instead I want to concentrate on
this concept on a higher level.
Every thought we're thinking, every movement we
make, everything around us is basically energy.
Therefore, thoughts and intentions are very powerful
when it comes to forming the reality we live in.
Those who have been following my research on this
website know that there are very dark forces trying
hard to manipulate us into negativity. Therefore,
it's extremely important that we assign 2009 to be
the year when we wake up and start using our energy
wisely. If we choose to be victims to those
manipulators, we will get the reality they want us
to experience. But like in any game, on any level,
we can change things around. Although the energy we
use on a collective level is forming our collective
reality, anybody's choice how to use their energy is
important and makes a difference. That's exactly why
people have started waking up in droves all over the
planet lately.
With this in mind, please continue reading:
lthough I have
written a number of articles on many
subjects I have never addressed 2012. I
generally address subjects that I feel
inspired to write about. There is much
discussion about 2012 and as the time
draws closer discussions are increasing
globally and now spilling over into the
main stream population There is however
a common understanding among most all
religions. They all conclude that there
is an end coming.
Is it an end to the planet itself? No it
is however an end to the old design
concept of human experiences. When
planets such as earth are created they
are designed based on specific concepts
or themes. They are systems with
architectural designs based on a
blueprint of intended experiences for
life forms born to the system. These
systems operate within a certain range
of frequency or vibration. It is out of
this specified EMF field that the
colors, tones and light frequencies are
determined for our planet. In other
words life in those systems will only be
exposed to certain frequency patterns of
color, light and sound. Our brains will
only connect with specific frequencies
of color, light and sound patterns
unless an individual transcends these
All possible potentials have been
extracted from the human experience. I
have not researched the Mayan calendar
extensively as most however I am aware
that it represents a countdown to the
end of this fourth cycle. We are in the
fourth cycle of the greater 104,000 year
cycle; four smaller cycles of 26,000
years. There is an over all greater
growth expansion in our solar system and
the overall Universe. These are natural
timers in place sort of like an hour
glass. The larger system of which we are
apart no longer requires data from
systems operating in this particular
level of vibration of experiences. When
this occurs a graduation process takes
place as new concepts and systems will
be birthed. The planet is currently in a
readjustment process and aligned for
transference from the sun which stands
as the translator of specific codes or
energy patterns to be fed to the planet
from central sun the main power plant
for our system. There has been an
increase in solar flairs which are very
much related to the much dreaded global
warming. It is important that we no
longer view this occurrence from a
fantasy standpoint but rather from the
depth of who you are as a cosmic
Recognize that all things are simply
energy patterns based on specific
codes/packets of energy or formulas
supportive of the intended form.
Scientists are baffled and confused but
still yet making slow discoveries but
should you allow yourself to see deeply
you will be a step ahead of these
discoveries. The following is a quote in
reference to these discoveries:
“IMAGE data, translated into visuals by
computer, shows the superheated gas
called plasma streaming from the sun and
hitting the earth's outer atmosphere.
Most is deflected but some starts a
reaction with the atmosphere itself. "It
shows bursts of hydrogen and oxygen
coming out of earth's atmosphere,"
Stephen Fuselier, manager of the Space
Physics Laboratory at Lockheed-Martin
Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto,
California, told reporters. "The timing
is most important - there is a direct
input from the solar wind. The earth
responds immediately by ejecting a part
of the atmosphere." It is a very small
part, Fuselier stresses - a stream of
charged oxygen atoms. Each storm
accounts for about 100 tons of oxygen
expelled into space. "That is about the
air volume in the Louisiana Superdome,"
he said. "That sounds like a lot by
human standards but in fact earth's
atmosphere is much, much larger than
that." He said even billions of years of
storms would not measurably deplete the
The moment it hits space, this oxygen
becomes super-charged in bursts that can
also be "seen" by IMAGE. Some of it
loops backs into the atmosphere but much
gets caught up in the solar wind and is
carried away. "It has gained 100,000
times the energy it had when it left the
atmosphere so it is very pumped up,"
Fuselier said. "When it plunges into the
atmosphere, these strong currents are
generated. They transform the
mid-latitudes from their usual calm
state into kind of a maelstrom that has
direct effects on our daily lives." Such
storms have knocked entire power grids
offline and can interrupt radio
broadcasts and satellite signals -
including global positioning satellite
or GPS technology relied upon by hikers,
marine traffic and soldiers in the
"This is "how space storms reach down
into the Earth and touch our daily
lives," John Foster of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Haystack
Observatory said.”
In my book The Holographic Canvas there
is a chapter titled Oxygen and the
Transformation of Reality, from the
article above the transmitting and
receiving process through breath is
evident. What is it that is most evident
in a diseased body?, the lack of oxygen.
Disease/parasites etc can only exist in
a minimally oxygenated body. Cells die
from the lack of oxygen; the brain will
not function properly when minimally
oxygenated. Currently we are scurrying
to make changes to our environment due
to the diminished quality of air and
life. Despite this global fear is it
possible to supersede this visible
environmental decline in 3d. Yes! Let go
of the fantasy! Many, many distractions
related to the old concept will
increasingly present themselves as there
are a number of potential endings that
have been written into the 2012 closure.
Life is both an experiment and an
experience and although the old
game/concept will come to an end it does
not mean that it will come to an end in
the minds of many. Quite a few will hold
the old format or blueprint in their
being as we have all grown comfortable
with these old programs. Such beings
will continue to live a variation of old
concepts associated with the old earth
but these will simply be a recorded
past, an old hologram one that will be
played over and over again until it is
realized that they have been living in
the past. Well guess what…this is what
we have been living. This is the past!
Some have returned here to be apart of
the awakening or the shifting of
consciousness out of this old field.
This life is but a memory and old
memory! These cycles come and go
creating cyclic portals for those
wishing to exit the past and move
forward into a freer and more fluid
experience. As the brain shifts out of
the mode of rewind new neuro pathways
are created in the brain. Magnetic field
has been proven to promote the growth of
neurons in certain areas of the brain.
Here is a quote taken from The
Holographic Canvas:
“The brain operates off of electrical
signals in the form of an image. Sensory
stimuli are processed in the brain as a
stream of electrical impulses created by
neurons firing. Neurons are a group of
cells specializing in specific functions
such as the assembly of blood, organs,
glands, bone etc. The body is comprised
of billions of cells, which
categorically form the entire organism;
however the brain includes billions of
neurons, which begin “firing” messages
upon stimuli of the five senses. These
messages are in the form of hormones,
chemicals and electrical impulses. “
Here is another quote taken from
Electrical Design in the Human Body by
Craig Savige
“The basic building block of the
nervous system is the nerve cell, called
a neuron. The brain itself consists
primarily of neurons. Under a microscope
a neuron looks like an octopus with many
tentacles. A neuron can transmit an
electrical impulse to the next neuron.
The network of electrical impulses
enables us to receive information from
the physical world and then send it to
our brains, and vice versa. Without the
neuron circuits our bodies would
completely shut down, like turning off
the power supply to a city. “
The harnessing of oxygen in our bodies
supported by deep awareness will allow
the transformation of the
chemicals/hormones in the body to expand
in alignment with the current
transformation of earth. You will never
feel the extreme changes in earth’s
temperatures as your body will operate
in alignment. It is also important to
remember that 50, 000,000 years ago the
entire planet held global tropical
temperatures. We did not have four
seasons. The tilt in the earth’s axis
allowed another aspect of the experience
to be had. Human emotions are completely
affected by atmospheric changes. The
slightest tilt or solar changes will
impact on these streams of electrical
impulses from which emotions are
Another seldom unaddressed aspect of
human biology is that there is magnetite
in human brain. A Caltech geobiologist
Joseph Kirschivink discovered magnetic
crystals in human brain tissue now
called magnetite. Through the use of a
high resolution transmission microscope
they discovered that there were at least
5 million magnetite crystals in a
thimble full of brain tissue each of
which were approximately a millionth of
an inch long. They further discovered
that when this magnetite was exposed to
strong electric fields they could
readjust themselves and either open or
force these channels shut. The following
quote may assist in supporting my
conclusion of the manner in which the
sun acts as a convertor of energy and a
transmitter as well which would be also
evidence of the impact of the electrical
currents from the sun upon the earth’s
magnetic field as well as upon the
magnetite in our brains. (taken from the
Electric Sky, discoveries by Ralph
“The Sun may be powered, not from
within itself, but from outside, by the
electric (Birkeland) currents that flow
in our arm of our galaxy as they do in
all galaxies. This possibility that the
Sun may be externally powered by its
galactic environment is the most
speculative idea in the ES hypothesis
and is always attacked by critics while
they ignore all the other explanatory
properties of the ES model. In the
Plasma Universe model, these cosmic
sized, low-density currents create the
galaxies and the stars within those
galaxies by the electromagnetic z-pinch
effect. It is only a small extrapolation
to ask whether these currents remain to
power those stars. Galactic currents are
of low current density, but, because the
sizes of the stars are large, the total
current (Amperage) is high. The Sun's
radiated power at any instant is due to
the energy imparted by that amperage. As
the Sun moves around the galactic center
it may come into regions of higher or
lower current density and so its output
may vary both periodically and
I understand that the information being
presented is not written in a manner
filled with mysticism and fantasy the
way that many are accustomed to having
their spiritual uplift. I am lead to
write this information in a manner that
is shifting away from the old process as
part of the shifting into a more fluid
consciousness with each and every
traveler owning his/her journey and your
responsibility to your own awakening.
Through this non mystical process the
brain begins to dismantle the current
holographic illusion. The brain remains
in constant contact with all fields of
existence and with this shifting away
from the old hologram the brain is
signaled to begin to allow the
individual to enter new fields of
thought and consciousness and worlds.
The limitation under which we have been
experiencing 3d life based on a
predesigned system will now become clear
allowing one to fluidly experience a
more expansive life. For too long we
have buried ourselves in the rendering
of our lives, and spiritual growth to
forces outside of ourselves. There is no
one responsible for your evolution but
you. You came on this journey of your
own free will and you must ascend into
your memory of who you are as a
sovereign being. You created a concept
of what earth would be and then you
entered your own design, your own game,
became your own children now lost in the
experience. I have said this a number of
times that you are the ascended masters
which you seek. Your blinders and
spiritual amnesia however have not
allowed you to see or to remember but
now this grand opportunity is upon
humanity once again to leap into the
future which is our distant past.
That transitional
moment is upon us right now. Do not wait
for 2012 based on any calendar because
time is of a magical nature and we are
in the midst of this great change. Just
remember that there are many
distractions coming your way many of
which will be extreme potions of fear
and snake oil money cures. Money will be
one of the biggest catalysts, the
biggest ma-trix of illusion. The new
age, metaphysical movement will be the
vehicle through which much of this ma-trix
will play out. Such numerical concepts
as 11:11[1] are codes pre wired into the
brain. Such codes serve the purpose of
monitoring, upload and download.
Symbols are the most significant
language to the human brain as much more
can be conveyed to the brain than a
million words ever could. 11:11, 11/22
etc became more prevalent to the new age
community over the past 15 to 20 years
as part of the cyclic transition in
place. We must keep in mind that the
human brain is no less programmable than
any computer. Many things are downloaded
into human consciousness more easily
according to the frequency of brain wave
patterns or even chemically induced
shifts in the brain can alter ones will.
Many have had the 11:11 experience and
for some it occurs several times per
day. Human consciousness has always been
monitored and increases as we move
towards this transition. This evaluation
of consciousness is to determine the
growth process, have we progressed
enough to be a threat to those requiring
the continuation of the old earth
experiment. This evaluation is of course
an upload process. Certain vibration of
information is then downloaded if one is
in an open and embracing state for these
codes. Many are. Most often when we
interact with 11:11 it is while we are
driving, sitting or in some sort of
focused yet relaxed mode. We are
generally never jumping around. Brain
waves need to be in a certain alterable
frequency. When there is a group held
focus on 11:11 these willing minds bring
in downloads that present another
illusion of freedom that impacts the
collective field as more fantasy is
conjured up. We are manipulated like
small children/infants excited to
receive goodies from our older siblings.
Numbers are undoubtedly the formula
through which all things exist. For all
things are based on a measurement of
energy forming frequency patterns. What
many fail to realize is the programmed
system or hologram within which the
experience has been played out as we
readily surrender to the latest
spiritual hype. This has been a system
that has operated based on layers of
programs and concepts with further
programming orchestrated by other human
beings in positions of control over the
vulnerable minds. This may all sound far
fetched but should you decide to peel
the onion of your life and what you have
believed based on collective beliefs it
will all become clear. If you can center
yourself without the impact of your
emotions or your ego you will see an old
system that is on its way out so that
you can be free to allow yourself to be
worthy of being an unlimited being. Open
your mind, ignite your spirit choose
wisely for choices that are made
harnessing the old concept will not be
realized for quite some time as no one
will be the wiser that they have not
shifted. Listen to your own inner
guidance not guides or gurus but your
own God/Source within you that you
ultimately are.
2012 is simply the ending of the old
themes by which this reality was
designed. There is a new earth, a
different time, a different concept. A
number of you have probably faced some
difficulties and confusion in shifting
away from these “light worker” roles
which you have used as your identity for
quite sometime. Loosing our identity is
difficult as we no longer know what to
say when someone says “what do you do”.
You can now free yourself to be
something different, not a light worker,
not a metaphysician, not a healer or a
channel not any one thing! You can free
yourself to shift into new experiences.
The transition can at times be difficult
both financially and emotionally most
often forcing us to return to the old
but going backwards can also cause
greater pain. You may also experience
frustration, confusion and emotional
challenges as the old is no longer
working for you. Much of those feelings
are based on the old earth design,
social programs, family programs
religious programs that are now short
circuiting in opposition to being
replaced with the new. This is happening
in order to present one with the
opportunity to embark on the new. Your
brain’s slate is being wiped clean to be
rewired with the new should you allow
the process to take place. This
transition is not for the faint of heart
so do not be hard on yourself if you
find that it is just too much.
Dismantling programs thousands of years
old can be torturous although one need
only let go and allow or not allow.
There is much more that can be said here
but I believe that each reader will do
what is necessary for his/her own
growth. Remember that it’s only a game,
one that appears to have lasted for eons
but in the magic motion of time it has
only been but a moment!
Endnote by Wes
[ 1]
Read more about numerology and the
11:11 Digital Time Code.
The word Illuminati means 1.
People claiming to be unusually
enlightened with regard to a subject. 2.
Illuminati: Any of various groups
claiming special religious
enlightenment. Latin ill min t ,
from pl. of ill min tus,
past participle of ill min re,
to light up. See
These definitions are taken from "The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language".
Like the
definitions tell us, any group which considers itself "enlightened"
could rightfully call itself the Illuminati. So is also the case! If
you google "The Illuminati", you will find quite a few groups
claiming this name. It can be confusing, so before we continue, I
want to make very clear that the Illuminati we are discussing here
is NOT a benevolent secret society who wants to bring peace and
harmony to this world by helping to bring back freedom to the
people, at least not in this "reality". If such a benevolent group exists and also happens to call
itself "The Illuminati", I apologize if some people will mix up the
different groups.
The Illuminati I am
exposing here is the super-rich Power Elite with an ambition to
create negativity and a slave society!
The possible REAL Agenda, to
some degree unknown to even the super-rich families like the
Rothschild's is described in the article, "Dialogue
with 'Hidden Hand', Self-Acclaimed Illuminati Insider". But
before reading that article, I suggest you study this subject on a
more basic level first. The "Hidden Hand" article is pretty advanced
and can not be understood by people who have no concept of the
Illuminati and the New World Order.
term "New World Order", just like the term "Illuminati", has been
used by at least two different groups, meaning basically two
different things:
1) A goal to change the current Order ("The Old World Order"),
which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the current
power elite I call the Illuminati (see definition above) needs to be
overthrown and their Old World Order to be destroyed and
replaced by a benevolent "New World Order". The goal is a
humanity-friendly One World Government. The means to overthrow the
current Old World Order is by violence, if necessary. The reason I
don't support this group is that I don't believe in their tactics. I
believe in
2) A goal to reduce the world population to 500 million
people in order to create a micro-chipped total enslaved society and
a One World Government, run like a world dictatorship. This is the
New World Order the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds,
Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are
ringing in and have almost accomplished. This is the New World Order
I am fighting against via this website.
Want your opinion to be heard?
Make a comment
have it posted here, uncensored and unedited!
Write me an email
and put the same title in
your email subject line as the name of the article you want
to comment on. You can be anonymous if you like,
or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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