Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schnoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
watch the whole FIRST HOUR [of 9] OF "INTERVIEW WITH
This is a VideoGoogle version, and the quality is
significantly inferior to that of the original 9 Set of DVDs!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
Click here
for more hot tips

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[Thought for Today
- Thought-Provoking Quotes By Famous and Sometimes Ordinary People, On A Daily Basis -
- collected by Wes Penre -
Please read these quotes. They
are very important insights to understand the
whole picture.
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02/27/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/26/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/22/2009 |
A Government for the People
What does it take to obtain the
optimal political system?
- As a teenager, I was already
discouraged by the school system. I
thought it filled no purpose and it
didn't lead to anything constructive. I
remember telling my friends at the time
that it would be great if someone asked
us when we were kids what we wanted to
be when we grow up and then support us
to become just that! Most people thought
it was a great idea, but of course, we
all felt powerless and I just did what I
had to, so I could get out of there. I
didn't know, and hadn't heard of,
Meritocracy. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News,
February 22, 2009 -
(Posted here: Sunday, February 22, 2009)
[Permanently archived
here: [Politics:
to Politics |
Articles by Wes Penre]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/21/2009 |
The Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The
- Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian
Illuminati have been extremely
misunderstood and attacked by the Powers
That Be over the centuries, and they
were (are) not what most researchers
today accuse them of. They are NOT part
of the Black Brotherhood. This group is,
and has always been, an opponent to the
Global Elite, and I think they are an
essential group in the fight against the
Old World Order. And I do embrace their
idea of meritocracy as a 'political'
system instead of democracy or any other
political structure existing today.
Already as a teenager, being totally
discouraged with the school system, I
told my friends that every kid should be
asked what they want to do in life if
they could choose freely. This way a
person's goal can be spotted early and
the society can support each person and
help him/her reaching those goals. Then
we have a society of dedicated, happy
individuals. Goals and talents may
change over the years, and that would,
in my opinion be okay, as long as the
individual is sincere and doesn't just
want to use the system to be lazy. -
- by Conrad Goeringer, American
Atheists, 2008 -
(Posted here: Saturday, February 21, 2009)
[Permanently archived
here: [Secret Societies:
Freemasonry | The Illuminati: The Bavarian Illuminati]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/20/2009 |
Phi Beta Kappa and the Masonic Hierarchy
- The reason there is so much
speculation about the Bavarian
Illuminati is because the real truth
hasn't been told anywhere that I can
see. In short, the Bavarian Illuminati,
whose first Grandmaster was Adam
Weishaupt, was just a more recent branch
of an old Secret Society, going back
thousands of years. A branch of it is
still alive and well today. They were
the ones who started the Freemasonic
Order from the beginning, but the
original Freemasons had no desire to
take over the world and control the
population - quite the contrary. It had
a purpose to counter the 'Powers That
Be' and put an end to wars and slavery.
However, with time the Freemasonic Order was infiltrated by the very same
forces it was fighting against and was
eventually taken over. It led to the
Freemasonic Order we have today, which
is totally corrupted and in the hands of
the Power Elite. -
- by Christopher Knowles, The Solar
Satellite, Feb 17, 2009 -
(Posted here: Friday, February 20, 2009)
[Permanently archived
here: [Secret Societies:
Freemasonry | The Illuminati: The Bavarian Illuminati]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/19/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/19/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/16/2009 |
Music and Mind
Janet Jackson Reveals To the Press That
She Is A Multiple Personality
Original Article Published in The
Register Guard, June 5, 2004
[now also with
Britney Spears]
- Now, Jackson says she expresses more
grown-up urges through one of her alter
egos, named Strawberry: "She's the most
sexual of them all, the wildest."
The other character living inside her is Damita Jo, which is her middle
name and the title of her latest album.
Damita Jo, she says, is "a lot harsher, and quick to put you in your
place." -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, June 5,
2004 -
(Posted here: Monday, February 16, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Rock & Roll And Mind Control:
Under Scrutiny]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/15/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/14/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/13/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/12/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/11/2009 |
Opposition and Resistance:
All of Them Must Go
- Its message was simple enough.
You--politicians and CEOs huddled at
some trade summit--are like the reckless
scamming execs at Enron (of course, we
didn't know the half of it). We--the
rabble outside--are like the people of
Argentina, who, in the midst of an
economic crisis eerily similar to our
own, took to the street banging pots and
pans. They shouted, "¡Que se vayan todos!"
("All of them must go!") and forced out
a procession of four presidents in less
than three weeks. What made Argentina's
2001-02 uprising unique was that it
wasn't directed at a particular
political party or even at corruption in
the abstract. The target was the
dominant economic model--this was the
first national revolt against
contemporary deregulated capitalism. -
- by Naomi Klein, for The Nation, Feb
04, 2009 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, February 11, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Grass-Root Opposition and Civil
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/08/2009 |
How To Become
my Co-Researcher:
Frustrated About
the World Situation, but Don't Know How
to Help?
An open letter to all my readers!
- Do you ever feel frustrated and
powerless over the escalating world
I receive a lot of emails from people who have read my website and others
as well and now feel they have a grasp
of what is going on in the world, but
they feel hopeless, helpless and
sometimes fearful. Even when I refer
them to my spiritual section and even
when they like my spiritual ideas, they
still want to do something 'more direct'
as well.
I know one thing EVERYONE can do, which is extremely helpful. Help me
research! -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Feb 09,
2009 -
(Posted here: Monday, February 09, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Solutions
Articles by Wes Penre]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/08/2009 |
Music and Mind
Freemasonry and Hip
The Hip Hop Artists Own Words

- These videos examine the various
agendas that are CURRENTLY being pushed
through Hip Hop and the direction they
are moving us in. Like one hip hop
artist says in the video, and I
paraphrase: "The music industry is one
big fraternity, and if you're an artist,
on some level you have to play along and
'do as they say', or you're OUT!"
Another one says: "The Hip Hop Industry
is supposed to be rebellious, but it's
all about control!" -
- Presented by BigMoney714, YouTube, Nov
30, 2008 -
(Posted here: Sunday, February 08, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Art and Mind Control:
The Controllers of Art]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/06/2009 |
Viktor Schauberger-
The UFO's of Nazi Germany
The Repulsine, UFO's and Flying
Saucers of Nazi Germany
- When they were all assembled, Viktor
exhorted them to work as hard as they
could, but under no circumstances were
they to attempt to escape, otherwise his
own life would be forfeit. They set to
work with a will, and, while not
understanding what Viktor was trying to
achieve, they nevertheless carried out
his instructions faithfully. Two
machines were eventually built, one
called a 'Repulsator' and the other a 'Repulsine',
reflecting their forces of recoil.
Accurate information about them is
difficult to obtain, because after the
end of the War all top-secret
information was confiscated by the
Allies - the Russians, French, English
and Americans - and is therefore no
longer available to the general public.
Let's run this by again, with particular
emphasis on the Repulsine, both the A &
B models. -
- The Time Machine Project, 2005 -
(Posted here: Friday, February 06, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [UFO's & Aliens:
Government Involvement and Cover-ups
| Science - The Illuminati Religion]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/06/2009 |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
02/05/2009 |
The Illuminati:
How the Global
Elite Are Fighting Against the Entire
by trying to change physical laws and
God's will, they are making themselves
- It's like having a huge body of clay,
which represent the energy of the One
Infinite Creator. This body of clay now
wants to experience Itself, so It picks
out small pieces of clay from Its main
body and put them aside. These small
pieces are now separated from It, but
still part of It. With these small
pieces, galaxies were created. Then
small pieces were separated from the sun
in the center of each galaxy which
became other stars, planets, moons, and
eventually other different life forms...
You and I are each a tiny piece of
"clay" (energy), but still part of this
huge body of clay which is the Source,
or the One Infinite Creator. So we are
Him and He is us... -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Feb 05, 2009 -
(Posted here: Thursday, February 05, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Illuminati: The Shadow Government: Who Are
Articles by Wes Penre]

Articles of Importance

Of Importance |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
Importance |
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
Of Importance |
Serving Others is
the Key to Fight the New World Order!
Seva Cafe: Love all, Serve all
- This film presents an excellent idea
how to "serve others", and it's a jump
start on that path. Our ONLY way to
progress spiritually to see a positive
future for ourselves and the rest of
mankind is to willingly "serve others"
with love and compassion in ours hearts.
You say you want to fight the New World Order? In that case, please join
me and begin to "serve others" whenever
you can and wherever you see the need!
People are often asking me what they can
do to help; that's the best and only
durable help you can give. If you do
this on a regular basis, that's all you
need to do; no weapons, no violence, no
hatred or revenge. Just "serving
others", unconditionally. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Jan 14,
2009 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, January 14,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
Other Dimensions and
Densities |
Articles by Wes Penre]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
Of Importance |
How To Fight The New World Order
- The key here is that 95% of the
population (a rough personal estimate)
doesn't even know they are manipulated
and are living with the illusion that
they are free, and free thinkers. Not
true. The brilliance of the Illuminati
manipulation and the mass mind control
is that we don't know that we are under
control. Therefore, we can still make
choices in life as much as we want, but
all choices are limited to the reality
we live in. We can not make choices
about something we don't know. Thus we
can't develop spiritually until we
understand that we are manipulated, and
we must learn how the manipulation is
set up, and by whom. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Jan 25,
2005 -
(Posted here: Tuesday, January 25,
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
Other Dimensions and
Densities |
Articles by Wes Penre]
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
Of Importance |
The Law Of One - The Ra Material
[Suite of 5 E-Books online]
- Hatonn speaks of our desire to seek something outside the physical
illusion. What he talks about so persuasively is something that is
often referred to by members of what Ra calls the Confederation of
Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator as ’the original
thought.’ This is another term for our word, "love," but implies a
great deal more. It implies a unity that is so great that we do not
see each other simply as close friends, or brothers and sisters,
but, ideally, as the Creator; and, as we see each other and
ourselves as the Creator, we see one being. -
- by James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins, and Carla Rueckert, 1984
(Posted here: February 15, 2009)
[Permanently archived
Spiritual Solutions:
Other Dimensions and
Densities |
E-Books for Free:
The Law of One
[Information sorted by categories for
easier reading]
The Ra Material
[Editing and additional compilation by David Wilcock]
The Authors
of the Ra Material
Ever feel you want to help out, but don't know how?
Of Importance |
Goals of the
Dialogue with
"Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati
- This self-acclaimed illuminati Insider
appeared on the "Above Top Secret" forum
recently, giving away information about
the Illuminati Agenda and their goals.
The reason he did that, he said, was
because time is right for us to know
some of what is going on behind the
scenes. And when he explains WHY he
needs to reveal it now, it's very
convincing. In this article I will post
the dialogue between the "Above Top
Secret Forum" members and "Hidden Hand"
in its entirety. -
- by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27,
2008 -
(Posted here: Saturday, December 27,
[Permanently archived
The Illuminati:
The Goals of
the Illuminati
Articles by Wes Penre]