[Page 2]

Page 1:
The 2004 Election
The Beheading of Nick Berg
Letters From, And Articles About Michael Moore
Page 2:
9/11 and War on Terrorism
The War on Iraq

9/11 and War on

Albright Thinks Bush is Hiding bin Laden
- from World Net Daily -
(Posted here: December 19, 2003)
9/11 Inquiry Crippled by US
Government - Why?
- from The Insider - Information Bulletin -
(February 21, 2004)
Bush Opposes Extension of 9/11 Probe
- Washington Post, January 19, 2004
another "Warren
Except this time more than ONE person is dead. As
usual, Bush makes sure we don't get too close to the truth!
(Posted here: January 22, 2004)
9/11 Panelist May Quit Over Bush
- Daily News, February 26, 2004)
(Posted here: March 1, 2004)
Frustrated 9-11 Sister
Seeks House/Senate Help
For Public Testimony From President Bush
- by Tom Flocco, for honest Government in our Lifetime ... -
(Posted here: March 17, 2004)
Two 9-11 Widows Respond to Rush Limbaugh Attacks
- by Tom Flocco, for honest Government
in our Lifetime ... -
(Posted here: March 17, 2004)
9-11 Panel Still Discussing Bush
- by Tom Flocco, for honest Government in our Lifetime ...
(Posted here: March 17, 2004)
'Spartan' Director Mamet Spins Tale of
Conspiracy, Corruption
- by Larry Lawson, Detroit Free Press, March 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 20, 2004)
Three Thousand Died, Yet President Bush
and National Security Advisor Rice Have Little Or No Time for the Commission
Investigating the National Tragedy
- by Gerald S. Rellick for Intervention Magazine -
(Posted here: March 26, 2004)
Former US Terror Chief Slams Bush
(Why was 9/11 ignored this way? Because the Bush
Administration did NOT want anyone to stop 9/11 from happening)
- from BBC News, March 25, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 27, 2004)
Condi Rice Reluctant To
Tell America the Truth About 9/11
- from The Insider
Information Bulletin -
(Posted here: March 30, 2004)
Rice Leads Counterattack
- CBS News, March 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 31, 2004)
Condi's Credibility Gap
- by David J. Sirota
and Christy Harvey and Judd Legum, The Progress
Report March 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 3, 2004)
Condi's Crimes
- Black Commentator, April 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 7, 2004)
An Open Letter To Condoleezza Rice
"You Are a Liar"
- by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing -
(Posted here: April 12, 2004)
Condi's Cover-Up Caves In
- by David Corn for The Nation, April 12, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 15, 2004)
Transcript: Alex Jones Interviews
Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army (ret.): Explosive New 9/11 Revelations
and Explanations
- Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented The News, with
the version of the September 11th attacks that has to-date failed to
attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled
by the independent inquiry into the September 11th World Trade Center
attack, warns the American public that the government's official version
of the events does not stand up to scrutiny. -
- Alex Jones' Prisonplanet -
(Posted here: July 27, 2004)
Staged Capture of Bin Laden Coming
- It has become apparent that the global theatrical stage is being
prepared for the presence of the CIA troublemaker Osama bin Laden. -
- by Paul Joseph Watson -
(Posted here: July 27, 2004)
9/11 Video Shocks Sacramento
- Following the showing, a retired vet remarked, "How did we miss this
all this time? I've seen media clips of the front of that building [the
Pentagon] many times, but I wasn't really seeing what was there. I feel
sick. -
-, August 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 15, 2004)

The War on Iraq

Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish
- The Nation, June 11, 2003 -
(Posted here: May 7, 2004)
How British Charity was Silenced on Iraq
- from Guardian
Unlimited -
(Posted here: December 1, 2003)
Iraqi Commander Swears He Saw USAF Fly Saddam Out of Baghdad
- by
Bill Dash (first published Aug 14, 2003) -
(Posted here: December 14, 2003)
Indications Are Saddam Was
Being Held Prisoner
- from DEBKA File Special Report -
(Posted here: December 14, 2003)
Saddam's Magic Beard
- by Alex Jones, Infowars -
(Posted here: December 15, 2003)
(On the Capture of Saddam Hussein)
We Caught the Wrong Guy
- by William Rivers Pitt -
(Posted here: December 15, 2003)
Saddam Threatens to Expose US
- from Arab News -
(Posted here: December 28, 2003)
Scott Ritter: How the British Spy
Agency MI6 Secretly Misled A Nation Into War With Iraq
from Democracy Now! -
(Posted here: December 31, 2003)
US WMD-Hunter Admits Iraq Had No WMD
- from "The Insider - Information Bulletin" -
(Posted here: January 25, 2004)
Lord Hutton
Leaves the WMD Question Unanswered
- from "The Insider" -
(Posted here: January 29, 2004)
Major Protests Mark Iraq War
- from U.S. National AP, March 20, 2004 -
(Posted here: March 21, 2004)
Bush Makes Sick Jokes About
Non-Existent WMD
- Out-of-Touch With Reality Or Just Another
Evil-Doer? -
-, March 31, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 1, 2004)
"My Son Was Killed in
Iraq. Last Night I Saw George Bush Laughing About It"
- by Dom Stasi, Axis of Logic, March 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 1, 2004)
Fox News Pundit Brit
Hume Tells Families of Dead American Soldiers To "Just Get Over It"
-, March 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 2, 2004)
Bush Making Sick
Jokes About WMD And Skull & Bones (Video clip)
- Alex Jones,, April 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 3, 2004)
Dynamic Duo Miss the
- Bush and Blair,
The Perfect Pair -
-, April 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 18, 2004)
Pentagon Deleted Rumsfeld Comment
-, April 21, 2004 -
(Posted here: April 22, 2004)
US Deploys Heavy Armor in Iraq!
BBC News, April 29, 2004
(Posted here: April 29, 2004)

An American military
officer said that the American soldiers shown on pictures torturing
Iraqi prisoners were a disgrace for the U.S. Military and had been
suspended. However, this was not an isolated event by an isolated group.
What about the British soldiers?
New Horrific Photos Emerge of
British Troops Abusing Prisoners!
London Mirror, May 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 2, 2004)
... And those
cases are just the ones that have been detected. How widespread is this?
30 More Torture Scandals Probed
- Sunday Mail -
(Posted here: May 2, 2004)
More News From
the "Liberating War"; A Soldier Educates Us How To Torture a Prisoner.
How Can Anyone Buy the Concept That War Can Be Liberating?:
Britain In Tailspin Over Iraq Photos
- Sunday's Paper, May 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 3, 2004)
These Are No
Isolated Incidents by Outlaw Groups. There Is No Doubt That the Soldiers
Are Trained In Treating Prisoners This Way. Also, see
Anti-Americanism Is A Globalist Ploy:
The Pictures That Lost the War
- My -
(Posted here:
May 3, 2004)
John Pilger: "Why Bush Lies About
- -
(Posted here:
May 3, 2004)
Excerpts From Writings of Accused
Soldier Who Helped Run Bagdad Prison
- Information Clearinghouse, April 30, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 4, 2004)
What the US Papers Don't Say
- Guardian Unlimited, April 30, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 1, 2004)
Abuse May Have Been Ordered
-, May 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 4, 2004)
Problem -
Reaction - Solution
PROBLEM: The Illuminati create the War on
Terror. Newspapers show horrible pictures of what is going on in Iraq.
REACTION: The world reacts and wants
something to be done. SOLUTION: UN Peace
Forces being sent into the area to establish the Illuminati goal,
leading one step closer to a totalitarian Super State.
UN Sanctioned Multinational Force To
Be Sent To Iraq After June 30: Annan
- GeoTV, May 1, 2004 -
Excerpts From the US Army Report on
Iraqi Prisoner Abuse
- NOTE: This is very upsetting! -
- -
(Posted here: May 6, 2004)
Bush Annoyed with Rumsfeld Over Iraq
Abuse, Aides Say
- Well, Bush Is Not In Charge. He Only Knows What He Needs To Know -
- Reuters, May 5, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 6, 2004)
Limbaugh On Torturing Iraqis: U.S.
Guards Were Just "Having A Good Time"
- I wonder if he would laugh if the soldiers were doing it to him? -
- Media Matters, May 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
Female Soldier Charged With Abuse
- or the story how an ordinary young girl suddenly turned into a monster
- BBC News, April 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
The S&M War
Are the Abu Ghraib photos 'wanton' acts of deranged individuals – or the
very latest in 'black propaganda'?
- -
here: May 8, 2004)
Rape Rooms
What Bush Said As the Iraq Prison Scandal Unfolded!
- -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
Photos Hit Core Beliefs of Muslims,
Scholars Say
The reason for orchestrating and showing the abuse
is because the Illuminati want to create additional terror attacks on
the U.S. and future wars against the Muslim world and blame the attacks
on THEM!
- -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
The Agenda Behind The Hutton
- David Icke -
(Posted here: May 8, 2004)
Dogs Of War
- Details on Private England -
- Sunday Times, May 9, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 10, 2004)
Torture's Not New, But Now It's News
- John Pilger for, May 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 11, 2004)
Republican Senator Says Iraqis
Deserved Torture
- (Video clip). Also, please read the comments underneath the video box,
showing that the senator is contradicting himself -
- PrisonPlanet TV -
(Posted here: May 12, 2004)
Abuse of Iraqis "Well Thought
- "The images, which
show naked male prisoners being humiliated, date back to 2003." -
- New Scientist, May 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 13, 2004)
Female GI In Abuse Photos Talks
- Interview With Private England:
"I was instructed by persons in
higher rank to stand there and hold this
leash and look at the camera," she said -
- CBS News, May 12, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 13, 2004)
Top Brass 'Picked Man Who Ordered
- The
creation of torture units was the consequence of orders by the Defence
Department –
headed by Secretary Donald Rumsfeld – to
prise information out of prisoners -
- News.Com.Au., May 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 13, 2004)
Rumsfeld Doing A 'Superb' Job, Bush
- Indeed he does, George! He is proudly and strictly following the
Illuminati Agenda -
- Chicago Sun-Times, May 11, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 13, 2004)
New Abuse Photos Are Even Worse
- BBC News, May 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 14, 2004)
Leash Gal's Sex Pics
- New York Post, May 13, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 14, 2004)
Don't Start A War With Iran Now!!!
- Rep. Ron Paul, MD. -
(Posted here: May 16, 2004)
CIA Wrong On Iraq 'Mobile Labs,'
Powell Says
- The U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency was wrong about Iraq's purported pre-war mobile
biological weapons laboratories, a key part of the case about suspected
weapons of
mass destruction, Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Sunday. -
- Reuters, May 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 17, 2004)
Rumsfeld Knew: Iraq Prison Abuse
Part of Pentagon-Approved Black Ops Program
- DemocracyNow!.org, May 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 18, 2004)
Exclusive: Shocking Details On Abuse
Of Reuters Staffers in Iraq
- by Greg Mitchell, May 19, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 21, 2004)
US Press Accounts Confirm: Rumsfeld,
Bush Approved Iraq Torture Policy
-, May 18, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 21, 2004)
Donald Rumsfeld Must Go
- The Gazette, May 22, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 22, 2004)
Reporter Apologizes for Iraq
- TheNakedTruth -
(Posted here: May 22, 2004)
The Human Toll Of the Butcher of
- , March 23, 2003 -
(Posted here: May 27, 2004)
Bush Calls for Saddam Execution
- Bush: "I mean, he is a torturer, a murderer, they had rape rooms. This
is a disgusting tyrant who deserves justice, the ultimate justice."
We're confused; is he talking about Saddam or the
US invasion of Iraq? -
- BBC News, December 17, 2003 -
(Posted here: May 28, 2004)
After Listening To the Bush Blather
- A Lesson For the Media
Never before have
Americans been so blatantly misled without the protection of journalists
to hold their leaders accountable. Never. -
- -
(Posted here: May 28, 2004)
The Things Bush Didn't Say in His
- The re-writing of Iraqi
history is now going on at supersonic speed. Weapons of mass
destruction? Forget it. Links between Saddam and al-Qa'ida? Forget it.
Liberating the Iraqis from Saddam's Abu Ghraib life of torture? Forget
it. -
- CounterPunch, May 26, 2004 -
(Posted here: May 29, 2004)
The 'Ignoble Liars' Behind Bush's
Deadly Iraq War
In Retrospective: - Cheney's extraordinary hour-long pronouncement was
composed, almost exclusively, of disinformation, which had either
already been publicly discredited, or would soon be exposed as lies. -
- LaRouche in 2004 -
(Posted here: June 2, 2004)
U.S. Allies Also Accused in Prison
- Some Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib said
they were abused by troops from Poland and other coalition countries,
according to copies of statements to Army investigators obtained
Thursday by The Associated Press. -
- Associcated Press, May 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 3, 2004)
Army Issues Order To Stop U.S.
Soldiers From Leaving
- The U.S. Army has issued orders preventing
thousands of soldiers designated to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan from
leaving the military even when their volunteer service commitment ends,
officials said on Wednesday. -
- Reuters, June 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 3, 2004)
Bush Is Given Papal Lecture on Iraq
- The Pope sharply rebuked President George
W Bush yesterday over his policy in Iraq as tens of thousands of people
took to the streets of Rome to demonstrate against the presidential
visit. -
-, June 5, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 5, 2004)
Rumsfeld (Who Ordered the Torture)
to Become New Head of the Investigation Into It
- US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is expected to replace the
two-star general investigating the prisoner abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu
Ghraib jail
... -
- ABC News Australia, June 10, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 11, 2004)
Iraq Torture Scandal More Than Skin
- President Bush attributed the problems
uncovered at Abu Ghraib to “a few American troops who dishonored our
country.” Mr. Bush, the problems go deeper than a few bad apples.
- ABC-CBN News, June 5, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 17, 2004)
9/11 Report Proves US Lied: No Iraq
Link With Al-Qaida
- The official investigation into the attacks on 11 September 2001 prove
that, not only did Iraq have no links with al-Qaida, but in fact Saddam
Hussein opposed the terrorist network and kept it out of his country.
- The Insider, June 17, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 17, 2004)
Bush's Words Come Back to Haunt Him
- "We've had no evidence that Saddam
Hussein was involved with September 11." - G.W.Bush 9/18/2003
- -
(Posted here: June 18, 2004)
Rape Of Iraqi Girls by US
Mercenaries and Soldiers Was Rampant in Baghdad
- One victim was a 9 year old
girl who suffered permanent vaginal injuries
- Aztlan,net -
(Posted here: June 20, 2004)
US Poll: 54% of
Americans Say Iraq War A Mistake
A poll shows a big swing in U.S. public
opinion against the war in Iraq this month, with a majority of Americans
now saying they believe the United States made a mistake in sending
troops to Iraq. -
- VOA News, June 25, 2004 -
(Posted here: June 26, 2004)
Embedded Filmmaker Who Shot
"Fahrenheit 9/11" Iraq Footage Describes Humiliation and Sexual Abuse of
Iraqi Families in U.S. Raids
- Swedish-Iraqi filmmaker Urban Hamid, who was embedded with U.S.
troops in Iraq for two and a half months, describes Iraqis being bound,
hooded, humiliated and sexually abused by U.S. troops in neighborhood
raids. (Video) -
- DemocracyNow, June 29, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 1, 2004)
Bush Gets Chilly Reception on Eve of
Meeting in Ireland
- Ennis, Ireland - President Bush arrived
Friday night at the heavily guarded Dromoland Castle as the authorities
braced for large demonstrations across Ireland against the war in Iraq.
- York Times, June 26, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 1, 2004)
Saddam Confused? Shadow of His Old
Self? Hardly
- Bags beneath his eyes, beard greying, finger-jabbing with anger,
Saddam was still the same fox, alert, cynical, defiant, abusive, proud.
Yet history must record that the new "independent" government in Baghdad
yesterday gave Saddam Hussein an initial trial hearing that was worthy
of the brutal old dictator. -
-, July 2, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 4, 2004)
Iraq Combat: What It's Really Like
Over There
- Old soldiers in
the Civil War coined a phrase for green troops who survived their first
taste of battle: "He has seen the elephant." This Army lieutenant sums
up the combat experience better than many a grizzled veteran:
- by Joe Galloway, June 23, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 4, 2004)
To Go On Trial Alongside Saddam
- Those responsible for helping Saddam
Hussein to gain power and those who supplied him with weapons of mass
destruction gas, chemical and biological weapons -
- The Herald, July 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 7, 2004)
Jewish Neoconservatives Led US Into
- An elite group of unelected Jewish
neoconservatives and Zionists admit that they, not the US government,
are responsible for the American policy on Iraq. -
- The Insider, July 7, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 8, 2004)
Rumsfeld Gave Go-Ahead for Abu
Ghraib Tactics, says General In Charge
- The former head of the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad has for the first
time accused the American Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, of
directly authorizing Guantanamo Bay-style interrogation tactics. -
- by Julian Coman, July 9, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 12, 2004)
Case Dropped Against U.S. Soldier
Initially Accused of Cowardice
- The decision to drop the case against Sgt.
Georg-Andreas Pogany came after a Navy doctor last month diagnosed him
as suffering from damage to his balance system, most likely caused by
Lariam, an anti-malaria drug issued to some
troops serving in Iraq.
- CNN, July 15, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 16, 2004)
Secret Film Shows Iraq Prisoners
- "The boys were sodomised with the
cameras rolling, and the worst part is the soundtrack, of the boys
shrieking. And this is your government at war." -
-, July 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 17, 2004)
Blair Admits They Lied About Iraq's
'Mass Graves'
- The British prime minister has been forced to admit that claims about
the number of Saddam's enemies killed during the civil war - the
infamous "mass graves" - was exaggerated by at least 8000%.
Meanwhile, the situation in Sudan is far more dangerous than Iraq ever
was, or ever could have become, and many times more people are suffering
and dying. -
- The Insider, July 19, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 19, 2004)
Alex Jones on the Hypocrisy of
- Video clip where Jones makes a great point on double morale when it
comes to torturing prisoners in Iraq -
- Alex Jones' Prisonplanet -
(Posted here: July 27, 2004)
Saddam Could Die Before His Trial
- 'We believe he could die because of his health problems. We also think
an attempt may be made on his life.' -
-, July 28, 2004 -
(Posted here: July 29, 2004)
'Can't Blair See that this Country
is About to Explode? Can't Bush?'
- The war is a fraud. I'm not talking about the weapons of mass
destruction that didn't exist. Nor the links between Saddam Hussein and
al-Qa'ida which didn't exist. Nor all the other lies upon which we went
to war. I'm talking about the new lies. -
- Truthout, August 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 3, 2004)
The president's real goal in Iraq
- ...we won't be leaving. Having conquered Iraq, the United States will
create permanent military bases in that country from which to dominate
the Middle East, including neighboring Iran. -
- Information Clearinghouse -
(Posted here: August 4, 2004)
The Writing on the Latrine Walls
- "I feel like I compromised every one of my principles by even being
over there," he told me after the story had been spun out a bit. His
eyes, which had seen too many things through the lens of his camera,
were haunted. -
-, August 9, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 11, 2004)
Documents Uncovered Proving US
Doctors Aided Torturers In Abu Ghurayb
- ...they have discovered important documents proving that doctors and
medical staff working with the American occupation troops participated
in the torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghurayb prison. -
- Free Arab Voice, August 9, 2004 -
(Posted here: August 11, 2004)
The Secret File of Abu Ghraib
- New classified documents implicate U.S. forces in rape and sodomy of
Iraqi prisoners -
- Global -
(Posted here: September 3, 2004)
Iraq war illegal, says Annan
- The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the
US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN
charter. -
- Information Clearing House, Sept. 16, 2004 -
(Posted here: September 17, 2004)
In Their Own Words
- It's not hard to catch out liars whose statements are part of the
public record. -
- -
(Posted here: October 14, 2004)
Behind Prisoner Abuse in Iraqi Concentration Camps
- Witnesses in the trial of a U.S. soldier charged with abusing
prisoners at Abu Ghraib have told the court that the CIA sometimes
directed abuse and orders were received from military command to toughen
interrogations. -
- The Insider, Oct. 21, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 23, 2004)
US and UK Killed Hundreds of
Thousands of Iraqi Civilians so Far
- In the year or so since the war on Iraq began,
American and British forces have already killed more innocent civilians
than Saddam Hussein did in 20 years of conflict, uprising and civil war.
Many more civilians are killed by the allies every day - mainly women,
children, and the elderly. -
- The Insider, October 30, 2004 -
(Posted here: October 31, 2004)


In General
Royal Genes May Win Kerry the White
- by Jason Hopps, Reuters -
(Posted here: March 9, 2004)
After the
Mandate for War
- The American people have spoken. They want more war. I made three
predictions last year. On the day John Kerry "came back" to win the
Democratic nomination, I made a $20 bet that Bush would win. I have
stuck with that. -
- by Erik Fortman -
(Posted here: November 3, 2004)

Walter Cronkite
Cronkite: Karl Rove [Probably]
Set Up Bin Laden Tape
[Again, the
Illuminati use FEAR to get what they want. And people, like robots,
respond exactly they way the expect us to - more votes for Bush].
- Walter Cronkite: And I have a feeling
that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little
inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White
House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to
this thing. -
- Prison Planet, October 31, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 1, 2004)
Zionist Think Tank Confirms
Makow's Analysis Of Bin Laden Speech
[for background, see]
- Proves Bin Laden Is A Zionist Pawn Monster's Deadly Warning To 'Red' States -
- - by Niles Latham, Nov. 1, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 5, 2004)
Democracy Falls - Corporations
- Democracy in the United States is only a shadow in a corporate media cave of
deceit, lies and incomplete information. We stand ignorant of what the powerful
are doing in our name and how the corporate media ignores key issues affecting
us all.
- by Peter Phillips -
(Posted here: November 5, 2004

Exactly! How Can 59,054,087 People Be So Dumb???
- [Very scary, indeed! Now the Bush administration know they can do whatever
they want - no restrictions. They must laugh hard behind our backs!] -
- Daily Mirror, UK -
God Help America - The People Have Spoken...
- They say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has
deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation
and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world. -
- Daily Mirror, UK, Nov. 5, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 6, 2004)
2004 Third Party Presidential Results
- Results are based on 99% of precincts reporting. These results do not include
any provisional ballots and don't include most absentee ballots. -
- Ballot Access Org., updated Nov. 6, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 7, 2004)
Voting Bush = Dumb.
Voting Blair = Dumber
- At least huge numbers of Americans love and respect their Bible-bashing,
warmongering, holier-than-thou leader. As far as I can tell, everybody in
Britain despises our own Bible-bashing, warmongering, holier-than-everybody
leader. Even his own party. Especially his own party. But will the British kick
out Tony Blair at the next general election? Will they hell. -
-, Nov. 8, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 9, 2004)
We Understand What Happened on November 2!
(Posted here: November 18, 2004)
Kerry: Bin
Laden Cost Me Election
- According to Rivera, Kerry replied: "It was that Osama tape — it scared them
[the American people]." -
- News Max, Nov. 21, 2004 -
(Posted here: November 23, 2004)

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