Interview With An Ex-Vampire

"This is a true story. Bill Schnoebelen has been high up in the hierarchy of almost
EVERY prominent secret society, and been deeply involved in the darkest
of the darkest of the occult. He once was a true Satanist and a REAL
vampire, totally addicted to blood, until he managed to break out about 20 years
ago .
This is a 9 HOUR interview, and I guarantee you I could not stop
watching! I intended to watch one DVD per night, but couldn't stop until I
had watched 6 of them in a row. The night after that I watched the last 3.
Amazing guy with astonishing information! Click on the DVD cover above and find out
how you can order the 9 set DVD interview with Bill Schoebelen. I highly
recommend them!" Wes Penre, Illuminati News
You can now
AN EX-VAMPIRE" for ONLY 99˘!!!
click here and follow the link under "Order/Contact
Info" to find out more!
If you want to listen to/watch more
of Bill Schnoebelen, there are THREE free
google videos for you, which I am sure you will find very interesting!
Still, the VAMPIRE SERIES above is the gem!
The information in them is very unique.
Here are the free videos:
Exposing the Illuminati From Within - Video with
Bill Schnoebelen
Part 1 |
Part 2
The Light Behind Masonry
Click here
for more hot tips

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05/30/2008 |
4:30am |
Washington's Culture of Deception
- A bomb exploded inside Washington,
D.C., this week, and, no, it was not the
work of a Middle Eastern terrorist. It
was the work of former White House Press
Secretary Scott McClellan. He, perhaps
more than anyone else, was the face of
President Bush's White House. He
faithfully served President George W.
Bush for close to a decade and served as
Bush's Press Secretary for some three
years, resigning on April 19, 2006. -
- by Chuck Baldwin, NewsWithViews, May
30, 2008 -
(Posted here: Friday, May 30, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Politics:
The George W. Bush Administration
(Genocide Inc.)
Under Scrutiny] |

05/29/2008 |
6:25pm |
05/29/2008 |
5:18am |
05/27/2008 |
4:47am |
05/26/2008 |
2:01pm |
The Financial
Squeezes Every Penny Out of its Stations
- “Why is the government giving Exxon
subsidies and tax breaks when they’re
making billions of dollars and when they
squeeze every dime they can out of every
dealer who made that profit for them?”
Burnham said.
Soraci said rent increases reflect
rising real estate values. “We have
excellent real estate out there that is
superior to our competition,” he said,
which allows the dealers to “compete
more effectively.”
Even some of Exxon’s successful and
loyal dealers complain. Jerry Daggle
owns five Exxon stations in Northern
Virginia, and even though they have
different competitive conditions and
prices, “Exxon magically lets me make
about 8 cents a gallon” at each one, he
said. -
- by Steven Mufson, The Washington Post,
May 26, 2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, May 26, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Banking and Paper Money: The
World Economy and the Financial Meltdown] |

05/26/2008 |
12:46pm |
All-Seeing Eye
With the help of U.S. defense
contractors, China is building the
prototype for a high-tech police state.
It is ready for export.
- The security cameras are just one part
of a much broader high-tech surveillance
and censorship program known in China as
"Golden Shield." The end goal is to use
the latest people-tracking technology —
thoughtfully supplied by American giants
like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric
— to create an airtight consumer cocoon:
a place where Visa cards, Adidas
sneakers, China Mobile cellphones,
McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer
and UPS delivery (to name just a few of
the official sponsors of the Beijing
Olympics) can be enjoyed under the
unblinking eye of the state, without the
threat of democracy breaking out. -
- by Naomi Klein,, From
Issue 1053 — May 29, 2008 -
(Posted here: Monday, May 26, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order: Asia
and the Asian Union] |

05/26/2008 |
12:00pm |
05/26/2008 |
9:56am |
The New World Order:
The Satanic
Sex Liberation
- The Beatles' manager Brian Epstein had
powerful Hollywood entertainment
industry connections, and the famous
five were re-cast in a role where they
had unisex haircuts, and jacket styles
which were neither male nor female; the
idea being to blur the individuality of
the sexes, and such places as Carnaby
Street played along, male fashions
became softer, gentler, more feminine,
and men were told they needed to wear
deodorants, hair sprays perfumes, eye
liner and face powder. -
- by T. Stokes -
(Posted here: Monday, May 26, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [The Music Industry:
The Controllers of Art | Guest
T. Stokes] |

05/21/2008 |
4:05am |
Global Food
There is
More Than Meets the Eye About the World
Food Crisis
- Trying to come to grips with the world
food crisis, it’s hard not to subscribe
to some version of a conspiracy theory
-- that somehow, for some reason, this
rush towards widespread world famine is
actually a plan by a world clique intent
on drastically reducing the world
population, accelerating the collapse of
national governments, allowing gigantic
world corporations effectively to take
their place, controlling vast areas of
land, leading towards a world governed
by these corporations. -
- by Eric Walberg, Online Journal, May
19, 2008 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, May 21, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [New World Order:
The Global Food
Crisis] |

05/20/2008 |
8:03pm |
05/20/2008 |
7:27pm |
05/20/2008 |
5:25pm |
05/19/2008 |
4:47am |
05/19/2008 |
4:15am |
05/17/2008 |
7:35am |
05/16/2008 |
9:53pm |
05/16/2008 |
8:22pm |
05/16/2008 |
3:42am |
05/15/2008 |
8:35pm |
05/14/2008 |
10:37am |
05/14/2008 |
9:25am |
2008 Election:
Ron Paul and
- By posting this article, I am not
saying for sure that Ron Paul is a
Freemason, but it doesn't look good. The
Brotherhood needs a candidate that all
the 'conspiracy nuts' like us can vote
for to keep us in line, and Paul could
be this special agent. To mainstream
people he is just insane because of the
wealth of true information he puts out
there. This is called 'putting the truth
out there in plain sight'. But it's too
overwhelming and unreal for average
people, so he is not to be counted in
anyway, and if he was, he would just be
another Brotherhood puppet. Most people
discard him immediately, while others
like us, who are in minority, choose
Paul, when in fact he might be another
agent for 'them'. Just a possible
scenario... -
- AftermathNews,
April 14, 2008
(Posted here: Wednesday, May 14, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Politics/The 2008 Election: Ron Paul] |

05/13/2008 |
9:39pm |
Secret Destiny:
The United
States Is A Corporation
or "Don't Take it Personal, it's Only
- Yes, you read the title correctly. We
are not living in a country with a
government of the people, by the people,
for the people, but we are part of a
giant organization, United States
Corporation, and the President of
America is the CEO. We are only the
employees. This Corporation, in its
turn, is owned by another Corporation,
The British Crown. -
- compiled and presented by Wes Penre,
May 13, 2008
(Posted here: Tuesday, May 13, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Secret Societies:
America's Secret Destiny
Articles by Wes Penre] |

05/13/2008 |
6:25pm |
05/10/2008 |
9:14am |
05/08/2008 |
2:54pm |
The War on Terror:
"Admit" that "War on Terror" Is a Hoax
- Key war on terror architect Douglas
Feith has now confirmed Donald Rumsfeld,
Paul Wolfowitz and Wesley Clark in
admitting that the so-called War on
Terror is a hoax.
In fact, starting right after 9/11 -- at the latest -- the goal has
always been to create "regime change"
and instability in Iraq, Iran, Syria,
Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Lebanon so as
to protect Israel. And the goal was
never really to destroy Al Qaeda.
- "George Washington's Blog", May 07, 2008 -
(Posted here: Thursday, May 08, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [War on Terrorism:
Miscellaneous On War On Terrorism] |

05/07/2008 |
12:15pm |
The Financial Meltdown:
For Economic Collapse In America
- There's no military implication here,
no political, no social implication or
policy directive thereunto. This is
strictly economic collapse. By the end
of Day Three, effectively, all banks in
the world will be shut down, all paper
currencies will become valueless.
Martial law would be declared. There
would be no continuing transactions, at
least for a period of time, of
commodities. All providers of fuels and
foods would be shut down automatically.
- by Al Martin, Feb 23, 2008 -
(Posted here: Wednesday, May 07, 2008)
[Permanently archived
here: [Banking & Paper Money: The
World Economy] |

05/06/2008 |
6:15pm |
05/04/2008 |
10:25am |
05/03/2008 |
2:40pm |
05/02/2008 |
7:04am |