John Roberts’ supreme Court
(1) confirmation
process be a slam dunk? Or will it be nasty, brutish and excruciatingly
long, replete with lurid exposes of his undergraduate escapades and
video rental records?
No matter what
happens, do not get too jazzed about Mr. Roberts. If the Republican
Party’s history of judicial nominations is any indicator, he will be a
disaster. How do I know this? Let me explain.
The Bush spin
machine tells us that We Must Vote Republican And Stand Behind President
Bush And His Judicial Nominees Because If We Don’t Evil Diabolical Scum
Of The Earth Liberal Democrats Will Put Their Activist Judges On The
Federal Bench And These Judges Will Perpetuate Judicial Tyranny By
Waging A Jihad Against America, Our Christian Heritage And Values,
Motherhood, Norman Rockwell, Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie And Chevrolet
By Legislating From The Bench And Imposing Their Radical, Morally
Bankrupt, God-Hating, Perverted Secular Agenda On The American People.
Get a grip! Let’s
get past the clichés and look at the history of nominations to the
federal bench over the last few decades.
For 22 of the 24
years since Ronald Reagan took office we have had Republican presidents
and/or Senate majorities. For six of Bill Clinton’s eight years in
office, his judicial nominees had to pass muster with a Republican
Senate majority. Sixty percent of current federal judges were nominated
by Republican presidents. Seven of the nine current supreme Court
justices were nominated by Republicans.
And we still have a
rogue judiciary! Everything Republicans say
they hate is still part of our legal, judicial and cultural landscape.
We still have endless mind numbing decisions on things like school
prayer, public displays of Christianity and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roe v. Wade
is still very much with us and is unlikely to go away any time soon.
Did you know that
five of the seven justices who voted “yes” on
Roe were appointed by
Republicans? Someone pointed this out to me recently and I thought I
would do
my own research. It turns out that Justices Brennan and Stewart were
Eisenhower appointees, while Justices Burger, Blackmun and Powell were
Nixon appointees.

The Supreme Court
So there you have
it. Roe is
not part of the godless Democratic legacy. It is part of the legacy of
the GOP, which many GOP types want us to think is an acronym for God’s
official party.
But if you support
the Libertarian or the Constitution Party, you only aid and abet
Democrats! I mean, would you rather have Al Gore or John Kerry picking
Has it mattered? Has
it really mattered one iota? Not only have Republicans perpetuated
Roosevelt’s socialist legacy and Wilson’s internationalist legacy, they
have continued to nominate judges and justices indistinguishable from
those that any Democrat would nominate.
All anybody really
seems to know about John Roberts is that nobody really seems to know
anything about him. Oh sure, he went to Harvard and was in private
practice in Washington for some years before becoming a circuit judge.
But that is about it.
The coming weeks
will bring the predictable excursions into the mind and soul of Mr.
Roberts. Network talking heads will conduct endless highfalutin
interviews with law professors and representatives of all the usual big
money pressure groups about Mr. Roberts’ judicial “temperament” and
philosophy. It is so lobotomizing.
In 2000,
Harry Browne wrote:
“The Constitution isn't written in Chinese, Swahili,
or Esperanto. It is in plain English. We don't need anyone to translate
or interpret for us. It isn't even necessary to study the history of the
adoption of the Constitution, since there's nothing mysterious about its
”Phrases like ‘make no law’ or ‘shall not be
infringed’ or ‘retained by the people’ or ‘reserved to’ are comprised of
everyday words that require no search for ‘original intent’ or
It must be nice to be a federal judge. Imagine having
the luxury of searching for deeper meanings of words that have no deeper
meaning. I wish that I, a common citizen, had the luxury of
“interpreting” laws and probing for their “original intent.”
officer, was it really the original intent of the city council that the
stop sign really meant for me to stop my car at that corner? Or might
there be a deeper meaning hidden in the stop sign’s penumbras?”
Bad citizen. No donut.
To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, only little people need
abide by the letter of the law.
Browne goes on to state:
“The Constitution means what it says it means -- or
it means nothing at all. And any judge who overrules the plain English
of the Constitution is no judge at all -- whether he's been appointed by
a Republican or a Democrat.”
Rush Limbaugh says, words mean things. The words of the Constitution are
no exception. Limbaugh and his ilk got much mileage out of Bill
Clinton’s uncertainty as to the meaning of words like “alone” and “is.”
They should invest similar energy on the confusion of supreme Court
justices over the meaning of the words in the Constitution.
Consider the wording
of the Tenth Amendment:
powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people.”
If the Constitution
does not authorize Uncle Sam to engage in a certain activity – those
activities are spelled out in Article I, Section 8 – Uncle Sam cannot
engage in it. Sahh-reee. There is, for example, no constitutional
authorization for either a war on drugs or federal intrusion into the
medical marketplace. Period.
So why, then, do
apparently educated people give us insane – and, I maintain, godless –
opinions like Gonzales v. Raich?
In this case, the Court upheld the supremacy of federal laws prohibiting
the use of medical marijuana over state laws permitting its use.
The Court relied on
the Supremacy Clause in Article VI saying that the federal law
superseded the state laws. The problem is that there is exactly zero
constitutional authorization for such a federal law. It simply is not
there! If the Court can resort to the Supremacy Clause whenever it
wants, while ignoring other constitutional provisions it finds
inconvenient, we might as well just perforate the Constitution and put
it on a roll.
Four of the six
justices in the majority on this ruling – Scalia, Stevens, Kennedy and
Souter – were Republican appointees.
So there you have it
again. Republican appointees disregard the words of the Constitution
just as recklessly as Democratic appointees. Any claim to Republican
intellectual or moral superiority over Democrats is part of the big, fat
Republican supreme Court lie. Don't fall for it!
constitution lies not on paper. It lies in the minds and hearts of
its people. If the American people are ignorant about their freedom,
unwilling to defend their freedom, and willing to sacrifice this freedom
for partisan political gain can they be said to have a constitution at
I use a lower case "s" when writing of the nation's highest court
because this is the way it appears in the Constitution. The supreme
Court was never supposed to be a big deal. The modern day overemphasis
on this court is absolutely grotesque.
Ann Coulter isn't falling for it.