I have no way to verify this information at this point,
but I decided it is better to
be safe than sorry. If it is
true, it is very bad news, although something like this
is expected to happen sooner or later...
Background:Leo Lyon Zagami was, until recently, a high level member of
the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider
and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was
the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati
"king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline
and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.
However, Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was
exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black
magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside
the lodges, behind closed doors. So he left everything and fled
to Norway, where he is
currently residing. Since he left, he's been harassed and
tortured and had his life threatened.
He realized that the only way to hopefully stay alive is to
expose to the world what he knows and make himself known.
History shows that this is one of the best ways to survive,
although nothing is for certain. Leo quickly started this
website, Illuminati Confessions, where he reveals the secrets to
the world, one by one. I strongly advise you to check it out and
download it to your computer, in case they decide to silence him
for good, and this website will be shut down. There is a lot of
extremely important information here, and much of it can't be
found anywhere else. Leo has also been a guest several times at
Greg Szymanski's radio show.
hat you're gonna hear from me dear Gianni is not very good news
unfortunately; I actually got very disturbing news in the last
few days from the USA regarding their future plans. They have
apparently stolen the main components of a nuclear missile last
week from a base 100 km from Denver and they killed 7 military
in the course of this self inflicted terrorist operation. All
this has obviously been kept secret for the moment, but why?
Well, the information comes from an insider, a friend in the
military intelligence, whom said that the main components of
this stolen nuclear missile could be easily put in a backpack
for future detonation and triggered with a small battery at any
given time. They want to blow up the warhead of this nuclear
missile (intercontinental balistic missile) in one of the main
US cities and install their long awaited martial law after they
blame Al-Qaeda for this terrible act of self inflicted terror.
Yes, they want to blame Al-Qaeda for it (their own New World
Order creation), but let's remember that all honest Muslims in
the US will suffer for this evil plan of the New world Order
illuminati , and they will suffer like never before because this
is gonna be much much worst than 9/11!
The next step after all this will be the North American Union
and the birth of the Amero...
Some of the more skeptics will say all this is pure fiction, but
I'm afraid it's not as the source of this information, whom
finds himself within the military intelligence community, has
never been known to lie or create sensationalist news , so we
can only hope that the evil bunch we define as the illuminati
doesn't succeed in what could become the worst nightmare of
America since 9/11...a nuclear nightmare!!!
I will also forward this news to other members of the
alternative media all over the world hoping we can at least dig
deeper into these latest events (a stolen nuclear missile and 7
service men already died...) before it's too late for the
American people to react in any way.
I also want to show you this brief article I found today in my
friend's Greg website ( that seems to be
confirming that the information I got from my source is very
accurate and not to be taken lightly; especially in regards to
Denver, but my source says the nuclear weapon will be triggered
elsewhere in the States:
Reports surfaced recently through CIA operatives posing as
alternative media personalities that nukes were seen being moved
at the Denver International Airport.
Here is a response to that report, first reported by Hal Turner,
by author of the book Vatican Assassins, Eric Phelps:
"Jesuit Coadjutor Hal Turner has been given some correct
information. I saw the CNN news report of the B-52s moving the
nuclear warheads in the Denver airport and knew this was
possibly the beginning of placing nuclear devices in targeted
cities here in the US. Following the detonations, Al Qaeda will
be blamed, Mecca and Medina blown to bits by CIA/Al Qaeda with
pre-placed special weapons, martial law declared, the roundup of
all American Moslems (as portrayed the Order's Hollywood movie
in which military officer Bruce Willis rounds up American
Moslems) and the opening of the concentration camps.
"This movement of nukes is indeed a Criminal Conspiracy carried
out by Bonesman George Bush under the leadership of his Knight
of Malta father who is the mere vassal of Knight of Malta and
Archbishop of New York City, Edward Cardinal Egan---directed by
Jesuit Avery Cardinal Dulles at Fordham University whose SMOM
uncle and ex-DCI Allen Dulles was a co-conspirator in the murder
and cover-up of JFK.
"Hal Turner has put out some real truth here but for what
reason? He is a White Roman Catholic, pro neo-Nazi, Jew hating,
pro Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Jesuit shill. Hal Turner, by
putting out this info, will be vindicated in his pro-fascist
position and draw millions of White Roman Catholics, apostate
Protestants and Baptists into his org---as intended by the
Jesuits. The Order's "terrorism" is in fact a political
ecumenical movement to culminate in a military dictatorship
first attempted back in the 1930s via Knight of Malta John J.
Raskob, a kingpin in the Democratic Party and controller of
DuPont, one of the country's foremost munitions manufacturers.
"With the iniquity of the Americans having come to the full,
maybe this attempt by the Order will be successful."
Well that's it for now and let's pray for once that is all a
bluff of the US intelligence, manipulated by the illuminati to
give us yet more strategy of tension; otherwise we are about to
witness DOOMSDAY, so I suggest you check:
Keep safe...
Leo Lyon Zagami
Khaled Saifullah Khan
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website:
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