Last Updated:
Friday, August 10, 2007 04:44:14 AM

SA Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)
A Piecemeal Prologue
Captain Eric H. May, Aug 06, 2007
Last Updated:
Friday, August 10, 2007 04:44:14 AM |
alf of the
American people believe that the Bush administration is on the
hunt for Al-Qaeda for the 9/11 attacks. Another half believe
that 9/11 was a Bush administration inside job, attributable not
to Al-Qaeda, but to "Al-CIA-duh." Both halves, though, agree on
one thing, and aren’t shy about saying it: This summer we are
likely to suffer another terror attack, a "911-2B."
The list
of notables’ quotables begins with the springtime warning of the
vice president to NBC’s Tim Russert on Meet the Press:
April 15,
2007, Dick Cheney: "The greatest threat now is ‘a 9/11’
occurring ... with a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our
own cities."
June 3,
2007, Dennis Milligan, Chairman of the Arkansas Republican
Party: "I believe fully the president is doing the right
thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil
like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]."
July 1,
2007, ABC News: "A secret U.S. law enforcement report,
prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al
Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular" this summer."
July 11,
2007, Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security chief: "I believe
we are entering a period this summer of increased risk."
July 20,
2007, Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury: "Whether authentic or orchestrated, an attack will
activate Bush’s new executive orders [NSPD-51], which create a
dictatorial police state in event of national emergency."
July 24,
2007, Peter DeFazio, House Homeland Security Committee member: "I
just can’t believe they’re going to deny a member of Congress
the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government
of the United States after a significant terrorist attack …
Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are
A Recess
Congress goes home for August, opinion polls show that roughly
two out of three American citizens either dislike or detest
George W. Bush, and things are rapidly falling apart for him.
More and more White House officials are invoking executive
privilege to avoid answering the hard questions of an
exasperated legislative branch about them and their "unitary
executive." Alberto Gonzales is the object of a growing
congressional impeachment movement, as is Dick Cheney — and half
of the public wants Bush impeached, too.
In the
last two weeks the stock market has dropped by nearly a thousand
points, and threatens a bearish mauling of the financial sector
that has been the Bush administration’s base and beneficiary.
His own
Republicans are threatening to bail out on busted-down Iraq,
unless they get strong reassurances from General David Petraeus
in mid-September. The general’s situation is hardly reassuring,
though. Embattled Baghdad, which he was sent to secure, is
currently under fire and without water, and Iraqi Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki is publicly calling for his removal.
Aug. 1, could have been the worst day of all for the White
House. In the morning came the news that the Iraqi government
had fallen apart, with the Sunni faction quitting al-Maliki’s
cabinet. This disastrous development was likely to hold the
headlines until the end of the week, when Congress would head
home to discuss this latest war calamity with already war-weary
A Minnesota
afternoon could have added even more woes to the White House.
America’s first and only Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison,
appeared on CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to
discuss some scorching anti-Bush comments he had made on July 8
to constituents in Minneapolis, in which he had compared 9/11 to
the Reichstag Fire, and George Bush to Adolph Hitler. In 1933
Hitler used the Reichstag Fire, carried out under his orders, to
establish a dictatorship in Germany.
analysis is accepted by most of the Muslim world, much of the
non-Muslim world, and a growing minority of Americans. Rather
than defend it, though, Ellison backed down with apologies in
his interview with Blitzer, saying that his remarks were a
"rookie mistake," never to be repeated.
Ellison’s retreat from his remarks was an attempt to stave off
the disaster that frequently befalls those who disrupt the
political paradigm. If so, it didn’t work. Two hours after
Ellison’s mea culpa, his congressional district suffered
a freak disaster with the collapse of the I-35 bridge into the
Mississippi River.
One man’s
loss is another’s gain, though. In the news, the collapse of the
Minneapolis bridge supplanted the collapse of the al-Maliki
government and the Bush White House for the rest of
Wednesday..., then Thursday..., then Friday. By Saturday the
congressman who had accused the unitary executive of treason was
with Bush himself, taking a tour of his afflicted district, and
begging for the relief of federal funds.
A Cowardly
It’s hard
to fathom why the Democratic Congress would bow down to the
unitary executive before skipping town for summer vacation, but
that’s just what they have done.
Last week
Congress gave the White House the gift of expanded executive
power by its approval of the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations,
further extending the reach of the unitary executive.
the Senate voted 60-28 in favor of granting Bush and Gonzales
more power to conduct domestic surveillance without the trouble
of a court warrant. The House followed suit Saturday, with a
vote of 227-183.
A Dodging
the same day that the Minneapolis bridge fell into the
Mississippi, the White House refused a written request by House
Homeland Security chairman Bernie Thompson and Oregon
Peter DeFazio to read classified annexes of NSPD-51, the
presidential order, announced in May, by which Bush can declare
himself dictator in the event of a natural catastrophe like
Katrina — or a terror attack like 9/11-2B.
Oregon is the target of "Noble Resolve," an upcoming 9/11-2B
military exercise scheduled for August 20-24 that includes a
nuclear attack on Portland. Pacific Northwesterners are
increasingly alarmed that they may be the targets of a false
flag nuclear attack, or the fallout from it. You can’t blame
them. After all, according to all sources, left and right,
911-2B is the only thing that can revitalize the war president
and the war plan.
Oregon’s DeFazio is unfazed by
it all, or pretends to be. Penny Dodge, his chief of staff,
refuses to answer questions from media about his failure.
DeFazio has taken to the Internet and airwaves to urge his
constituents to relax — despite his inability to examine
NSPD-51, and his unwillingness to examine the possibility that
they may be targets for a military exercise. He urges trust in
the motives of the unitary executive. In doing so DeFazio fails
in his duty, and acts the part of Bush’s buffoon in a comedy of
May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs
officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political
and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal,
the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine.
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website:

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