hoped that I was wrong, but...
The American people have
spoken. They want more war. I made three predictions last year. On the day
John Kerry "came back" to win the Democratic nomination, I made a $20 bet
that Bush would win. I have stuck with that. In two articles ("Nader's
Truce", Sept. 22, 04; and "2004
3rd Party Field, Oct. 15, 04) I predicted the Bush win. The
day before the election, I wrote an email to Indian author and cartoonist,
Rajinder Puri, and typed in this simple sentence. "Once more for the record.
I'm calling Bush by 2 points."
Well, it looks like this
dumb, ol' redneck, pothead musician from Texas can cut to the chase faster
than most Ivy League political pundits, who were more than not calling Kerry
throughout. Today, they're still talking about college students' cell
phones, when they should be talking about the pure inanity of Kerry for not
conceding like a gentleman. (It is 10:30AM Central, Nov. 3, 2004. Kerry just
conceded.) Bush has won. Now, maybe people don't agree with my antagonistic,
agnostic anarchism - yet I see clearly.
The following were simple
reasons that led me to surmise a Bush victory:
Kerry won the
Democratic primary. Obviously, a Skull & Bones member, and Bush's blood
cousin, was a staged game by the Neo-cons and the Globalists. Howard
Dean proved by far the better grassroots organizer and fundraiser.
Gephardt had the clout and respect of even the Republicans. I mean, the
whole point was to get us out of war, yet John Kerry was FOR the war.
Get that, Democrats? Reread my article "Gotcha: Kerry Dupes Democrats."
The American economy
will be crushed in the next four years. This is obviously the plan, and
Bushs spending cant be matched by any president in history, including
Reagan. Every time the Federal Reserve prints new money, our saved money
is worth LESS.
The Middle East needs
to be further re-arranged. Bush will do this much more effectively than
would waffler Kerry.
Ralph Nader was bought
off by Rupert Murdoch and had a Skull & Bones handler, er, staffer named
Etra. This led to a media blackout on the Libertarians and Constitution
Parties. Next election, look for these parties to be covered. Next
election, Edwards will most likely be our President, so they will need
to siphon votes from the Republicans. (The Governator, Arnie, may throw
a wrench in these cogs of deduction, IF the 22nd Amendment is
insanely reversed. Scharzenegger was groomed by Jacob Rothschild, so
this is highly possible.)
The week that
name entered the American lexicon, I said that he would one day have
American approval to control portions of Iraq. I continue to predict this,
and furthermore, he will be a bogeyman for a future Republican about a
decade or two from now. Remember, al-Sadr is in his early 30s. Very young
for a spiritual leader. I will actually agree with Michael Moore on one
point: al-Sadr is a Freedom Fighter, not a terrorist. This is obvious, as he
is fighting for control of his own country. It should also be noted that al-Sadr
and his followers had sided with the United States against Saddam, although
they did not enjoy being "liberated" by heathen Christians. It was only
AFTER the Americans destroyed Moqtada's news service, thus ignoring his
human right granted by God to free speech, and a free press - it was only
after his 1st Amendment rights were violated that al-Sadr
utilized his human, God-given right to self-defense. I will say this here
and now. If the American Government, or any government, ceases my ability to
write these essays and publish my books, I will have to utilize my 2nd
Amendment rights. Neither man nor government has the mandate to supercede
God's rights granted to man. I know this, and I am agnostic! Again, the two
most important of these God-given, human rights are first free speech, and
second the right to bear arms. In the end, though, Moqtada has become a folk
legend to Muslims. Meanwhile, the U.S. will necessarily need al-Sadr's help
to control a chaotic Babylon.
Moqtada al-Sadr has been
our friend, and now is our enemy. He will become our friend again, and then
an enemy again.
George Bush now has a
mandate from the people of America. The Republicans have won what amounts to
a great victory. They picked up seats in both Houses. Bush has won over 30
States, the popular vote, and the Electoral College. America has spoken. War
and security are more important than freedom. That is what we will be
getting. War and false security.
That means that the Alex
Jones and David Icke crews will be getting a pass for four more years to
rant and rave all we want. It is historically the Democrats that
domestically attack radical, anti-N.W.O. white boys. Can anyone say Koresh,
Cooper, McVeigh, and the gentleman and family from Ruby Ridge? It's the ELF
and PETA crowd that better watch out right now. And, damn it, as much as I
abhor the violence that these liberal groups undertake, we brethren on the
"right" better stand by them when they are unjustly questioned and
incarcerated. We owe that to our fellow activists. They may be misguided,
but our enemies are the same: the IMF, World Bank, Trilateralists, Skull &
I mentioned Rajinder Puri
in my opening paragraph. He is from India, and we have struck up a
transcontinental correspondence based on mutual respect. He sent me one of
his five published
Recovery of India. It taught me a lot. It taught me that Pakistan is
actually a part of India. After the Illuminati's World War II, several
things happened. Israel was created after 1900 years of non-existence.
Conversely, Palestine was disintegrated into nothingness. (I support a
Palestinian State, with or without a Jewish one. I also support the
Internationalization of Jerusalem, so that the entire World may enjoy the
wonder of this city.) Also, the United Nations was created, after its
precursor, the League of Nations, failed. Stalin was given Eastern Europe.
George Bush's grandfather was found guilty under the Trading With the Enemy
Act for funding Hitler and the Nazis. America was unwittingly thrust upon
the global stage permanently. The United States was given cart blanche by
the Globalists to subject the Latinos in Central and South America to
whatever torture or death we could devise. And, we devised.
Another most important
Hegelian Dialectic was created in India. Rajinder Puri notes that, even
today, there are two Indias. "There is an India that rules from the palaces
and mansions. And there is an India that is ruled in the huts and the
hovels." The huts and hovels clearly yearned for a united India. Recall that
up until Partition of India in 1947, Muslims and Hindus had lived in
moderate harmony for years. The great Gandhi echoed this belief that India
was one. Yet, England (one of the three seats of White Devil country. France
and Germany are the other two) had already learned the ways of sabotage,
intelligence, psy-ops, black ops, and pure manipulation. The British, as
they do, put up Nehru for Hindus and Jinnah for Muslims. They had these
infiltrators foment chaos between the two groups. Before the people of the
huts and hovels could be alerted, the puppet Congress voted to divide India,
creating a natural enemy in the agitated Pakistan. Bangladesh was carved out
as a further irritation. Fifty years later and the Globalist Illuminati have
what they were seeking. India and Pakistan, brothers, are on the verge of
full nuclear war.
My point is the Illuminati
are experts at this kind of manipulation. It did not matter that Bush and
Kerry were the players in 2004. The names could have been, I don't know,
Nehru and Jinnah. The outcome is the same. I will end with this. I wrote an
article advocating an anarchic society with the provision of private
property ownership. People wrote me saying they loved the sentiment, but
that, essentially humans had to evolve before such a civilization could
We will have a New World
Order and a mandate for war. However, mankind does not have to 'evolve' to
stop the coming enslavement. We simply need to all grow up.