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Last Updated: Thursday, March 17, 2005 04:57:54 AM

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Everything recently posted to the website will show up on this page on a daily basis. After 1 month, the oldest month worth of updates will be deleted from this page, but the articles will still be available elsewhere on the website, under its appropriate category.  Beneath each link on this page I have also included under which category the article can be found.

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Thank you!


The Secret Order of the Illuminati
by Wes Penre, November 27, 2003 -

The Global Chess Game
- by Wes Penre, January 10, 2004 -

Why is the World So Violent If Man Is Basically Good?
- by Wes Penre, February 25, 2004 -

How the Working Class is Kept in Chains
- by Wes Penre, April 10, 2004 -

Why Are Our Soldiers Torturing People in Iraq?
Wes Penre, May 4, 2004 -

The Masonic Version of History and the Ultimate  Deception?
- by Wes Penre, June 30, 2004 -






December 2004:

(Most recent on top)

 Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day":
Theodore Roosevelt, April 19, 1906


Thought For Today Index

Thought For Today - December 2004 Quotes

* * *

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News Archives


December 31

Happy New Year

May 2005 be the year for people in millions to wake up
and refuse to take the oppression anymore!

The New World Order Year of 2004 in Retrospective
- There were many winners and losers in 2004 -- most notably, President Bush and John Kerry, respectively -- but many more found themselves in muddy middle ground. -
- CNN -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Al Bielek on the Philadelphia Experiment
- The basic technique, just in thumb-nail, is that you rotate the time field. Consequently radar signals will pass right through it like it doesn't exist. If you rotate it far enough, optically it doesn't exist. It would not be visible to the eye under normal observation. -
- The Hidden Mysteries Archive -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Al Bielek on the Montauk Project
- Al Bielek, noted lecturer on the famous "Philadelphia Experiment" and the time travel/mind control experiments of the "Montauk Project," recently spoke with The Scribe interview team in Yelm. -
- The Hidden Mysteries Archive -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]



December 30

Tom Delay

A friend of mine, who exposed Tom Delay on her website, was shortly afterwards threatened:

"Dear Ms. Crouse-Brown:
Please be advised that the Majority Leader does not take kindly to this type of false reporting.
As a result, he has ordered a complete investigation of your background, personal contacts and Internal Revenue Records.
It would be advisable to remove any content mentioning the Majority Leader from your website and to refrain from making internet posts regarding him.
The Squad."

So, who is this certain Tom Delay?:

Tom Delay's New World Order: "I Am the Government"
- "I'm sorry, sir, but this is a government building, and no smoking is permitted." To which Mr. DeLay, House majority leader extraordinaire, if I may resort to Freedom English in honor of Tom's until now secret admiration of Gustave Flaubert, barks, "I am the government." -
- CounterPunch.org, June 28, 2003 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Appeal to Unreason
- Pity poor Tom DeLay. Not only must the House Majority Leader suffer the snipings of Democrats hot to find him guilty of “ethics violations,” he has now become the target of a heavy metal hex. -
- InTheseTimes.com, Dec 30, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


The WTO Trap
- The World Trade Organization, a Geneva-based body composed of foreign bureaucrats, will control our nation's economic destiny unless we get out -- now! -
- Stop the FTAA.org, Jan 10, 2005 issue -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 29

WTO Derailed - A Concise History
- Similarly, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that the number of chronically hungry people in the world has been increasing steadily since the early 1990s. In a world in which a few enjoy unimaginable wealth, two hundred million children die each year from hunger-related disease. -
- Znet, Dec 28, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Some Paine-ful Common Sense
- Most U.S. Americans will recall the title of the Revolutionary War tract written by Thomas Paine called "Common Sense". What many do not remember is the content of this very important, very honest account of life as seen by one of our Great Patriots. -
- by Erik Fortman -
[Archived here: Guest Writers]

The Great Wave
- “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...” -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay -
[Archived here: Guest Writers and Miscellaneous]


December 28

G8 Crackdown for Eight-Year-Olds
[Something wrong with this picture???]
- Police will issue ID cards to eight-year-olds as part of security measures at next year's Gleneagles G8 summit. -
- BBC News, Dec 28, 2004 -
[Archived here: Surveillance]

Pentagon: Rumsfeld Misspoke on Flight 93 Crash - Defense Secretary's Remark to Troops Fuels Conspiracy Theories
- A comment Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made during a Christmas Eve address to U.S. troops in Baghdad has sparked new conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. -
- CNN, Dec 27, 2004 -
[Archived here: 9/11]

My Kingdom is Not of This World - Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg
- But there is much in the original de Vere text that is not to be found in the Gardner version, and there is an authenticity to de Vere’s work, derived from the fact that he is the true inheritor and guardian of this tradition – the Dragon tradition, also known as the Grail tradition. -
- Interview by Tracy R Twyman -
[Archived here: The Illuminati]

The Occult Roots of Christianity
- If you were to tell a stranger that you belong to a religious movement whose adherents believed in demons, the raising of the dead, or the invoking of entities to alter worldly events in accordance with their own will, they might logically suspect that you were a member of a Satanic cult.
by Boyd Rice, Oct 21, 2004 -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]

13: The Secret Power of a Sacred Number
- We are told that 13 is an unlucky number. The date Friday the 13th is taboo because the Knights Templar were arrested and condemned by the seneschals of Philippe IV, King of France, in a “pre-dawn raid” on Friday, October 13th, 1307. The number 13 has been shunned for centuries. -
- by Boyd Rice, Oct 21, 2004 -
[Archived here: Occultism]

The Priory of Sion: A Star- Studded Cast of Grand Masters
- The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Sion) was a secret society created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion (Order of Sion) by Godfroi de Bouillon, in either 1090 or 1099. -
- by Tracy R. Twyman, Oct 18, 2004 -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

Monarchy - The Primordial Form of Government
- What shocked them was that [King] James used his coronation speech to remind them of the ancient, traditional belief that a monarch is chosen by God to be His emissary and representative on Earth, and ought therefore to be responsible to no one but God. In other words, James was asserting what has become known to history as ‘The Divine Right of Kings’, and they didn’t like it one bit. -
- by Tracy Twyman, 2003 -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]


Quake's Power = Million Atomic Bombs?
- Scientists describe Sunday's devastating earthquake off the island of Sumatra as a "megathrust" -- a grade reserved for the most powerful shifts in the Earth's crust. -
- CNN, Dec 27, 2004 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Hidden History of B'nai B'rith
- It is clear that the B'nai B'rith is an abject tool of British intelligence, run and directed to serve the interests of British imperial policy, and not the interests of Jews, nor even of B'nai B'rith members. -
- Hidden Mysteries Archive -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

Satanism: The World of the Occult
- Anton LaVey of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, California, says that "Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal religion. It is based on the belief that man is inherently a selfish, violent creature... that the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win" -
- by Russ Wise -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]

EU Rules Threatening to Sweep Away Vitamin Pills
- Vitamin supplements used by thousands of Britons, from pregnant women to people warding off winter colds, are to be swept from shop shelves from the new year under controversial European Union safety regulations. -
- Guardian Unlimited, Dec 26, 2004 -
[Archived here: Health]


December 27

The Turkish Experiment with Westernization
- A similar experiment was undertaken in Egypt, with the help of Lord Cromer. He was the mastermind behind British imperialism in the Arab world. (It is worth pointing out here that Cromer was a Freemason and belonged to the same Masonic Lodge to which Sheikh Muhammad Abduh of Egypt belonged to.) -
- Al-Jazeerah.info, Dec 26, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

There Is No World Conspiracy?
- People who believe that there is no major world conspiracy which involves a small number of people manipulating humanity through a hierarchical structure of control toward a New World Order, all have one identical factor in common. They have, in actual fact, not looked genuinely into the abundance of well-researched information on world conspiracy to see if there is one! -
- by David Icke -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 26

The Cult of the Serpent
- As for the covert space operations that are being carried out by various top-secret organizations within the U.S. government, they are based on a combination of "alien" technology recovered from numerous crash-retrievals of aerial disks, while other aspects are based on prototype and state-of-the-art Military-Industrial technologies developed by well-known U.S. companies. -
- from The Reptilian Agenda Website -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

The Branton Files

-  Thinkaboutit.com -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

Americans Ceding Too Much Freedom
- The United States is sliding down the slippery slope to becoming the 21st century equivalent of 1930s Germany and the USSR with Bush in the Hitler/Stalin role, all in the name of the Patriot Act -
- Sun-Sentinel, Dec 24, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

How Old is Santa Claus?
- In fact, the modern image of Santa Claus was created 71 years ago when Haddon Sundblom created him for The Coca-Cola Company's advertising campaign. -
- The Coca Cola Company -
[Archived here: Business]

Saturnalia - A Little History on the Holidays
- So what has all this got to do with Jesus and holy lights? Nothing much, really. Dec. 24th wasn't a Christian holiday until the year 350, when Pope Julius I (or Emperor Constantine) finally thought that if you can't beat them, join them, and tacked Christ's birthday onto the date that everyone was celebrating anyway. -
- Eugene Weekly, Dec 23, 2004 -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]


December 25

Demand Letter Sent To Bush By Corp CEO
[Although the election is over, I think it is still appropriate to post this letter, Wes Penre]
- America demands the TRUTH and not after the elections; this nation demands the truth from you RIGHT NOW! This letter and an identical email will be going out to hundreds of thousands by me, millions by others. The following content was sent to the White House by facsimile earlier today from Ground Zero in New York City. -
- by Karl W.B. Schwarz, Oct 13, 2004 -
[Archived here: Archives/2004 Election]

Misinformation About The United States Military
- The United States Military Has Over 200 Incursions Into Sovereign Countries And Has Murdered At Least Eight Million People Since The End Of World War II. Why? For The Greedy Capitalistic Corporate Profits Controlled By The 1% Oligarchy. -
- by Mark Elsis, Oct 1, 2002 -
[Archived here: War Towards a New World Order]

Shredded: Hundreds of Thousands of Government Documents
- Hundreds of thousands of secret Whitehall files are being shredded before the public gains the right to see them under the Freedom of Information Act on 1 January. -
- Independent.co.uk, Dec 23, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Trained to Kill
-  David Grossman is a military psychologist who coined the term killology for a new interdisciplinary field: the study of the methods and psychological effects of training army recruits to circumvent their natural inhibitions to killing fellow human beings. -
- by David Grossman -
[Archived here: War Towards a New World Order]

Generation Gap
- It's the fact that in the midst of history's most vicious, all-devouring, inhuman war, only about 15 percent of American soldiers on the battlefield actually tried to kill anyone. -
- by Chris Floyd -
[Archived here: War Towards a New World Order]

New America and the Global Order: The Free World’s End?
- Tom Nairn presents a searching critique of Timothy Garton Ash’s book Free World. He argues that it seeks to conserve the global status quo through a comforting subordination to American power. His wide-ranging survey suggest that the new century is not going to embrace any such outcome. -
- The Journal of Turkish Weekly -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 24

Drug Firms Feel Sick Over Moore Attention
- America's pharmaceutical industry is putting out an advisory about the latest potential threat to its health: Michael Moore. -
- The Seattle Times, Dec 23, 2004 -
[Archived here: Drugs]

Gallup: Internet News Growing, Other Media Decline
- The only news source to show an increase in daily use from Gallup's 2002 poll on media usage is the Internet – now at an all-time high," the polling firm said this week. -
- NewsMax.com., Dec 23, 2004 -
[Archived here: Media Control]

Confessions Of An FBI "X-File" Agent
- The following is from a secret report released by an FBI special agent code-named JORDON, who has been involved with the intrigues taking place near Dulce, New Mexico and Area 51 [Dreamland] Nevada. Among his fellow colleagues within the FBI, Jordon was often referred to as "The X-File Man". -
- by "Jordon" -
[Archived here: UFOs & Aliens]

December 23

Do We Need a National ID Card?
- Are you in favor of a national identity card? Even though many Americans are against the idea of a national identity card, it is coming. In fact, in many ways, it is already here. -
- The Washington Times, Dec 22, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

35 Facts the Government Wants About You
- As well as basic identification details it would contain aliases, previous addresses, National Insurance, passport and driving licence numbers and immigration status. It would also contain a unique number and information to help prove who the carrier is, such as fingerprints or iris scans. -
- Mirror,co.uk, Dec 21, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Where The Churches Went Wrong: The Deception of the Ages
- The Baptists were sure they were the only one’s who had religion and God right, everyone else was wrong. The Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Messianic temples and everyone else were and are the same. With over 27,000 different sects and branches of religion today, exactly which one has it all right? None of them. -
- by Sherry Shriner -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]


December 22

Just Like Hitler: Time Selects Bush for "Man of the Year"
- Just as Hitler was Time's Person of the year in 1938, Bush is Time's pick this year. After all, he is bringing in an almost identical system of oppression and tyranny. -
- PrisonPlanet, Dec 20, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Europeans Are Rising Force in New World Order
- The balance of world golfing power is rapidly shifting from America to Europe, according to an analysis of the 2004 world rankings which are now finalised for the year. -
- The Herald, Dec 22, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]
[Section: New World Order Mentioned in the Mainstream Media]


December 21

Snapshots Trigger Police Response
[This is how paranoid our society has become...]
- ALBANY -- Ashley Miner didn't think taking pictures of the state Capitol would rise to the level of a terrorist plot. The building has been photographed only a jillion times. -
- TimesUnion, Dec 20, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Some Solutions and Tips on How to Fight and Resist the New World Order
- Hidden Mysteries Website -
[Archived here: Solutions]


December 20

A New World Order in the Making
- The Strategic Dialog Center (SDC) is a think-tank based at Netanya Academic College in Netanya, Israel. Its founding co-chairman is Michael Gorbachev... The SDC is part of a wider Zionist/Neo-con strategy... -
- The Milli Gazette, Sep 1-15, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Illuminati/Masonic Symbolism in the Presbyterian Church
- The All-Seeing Eye and other Masonic symbols openly displayed in the Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, Virginia. -
- Hour of the Time Website -
[Archived here: Religions and Religious Wars]

Arnold Exposed - Save the Constitution!
- Just as important, we are dedicated to exposing the individual, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is totally unfit to be Governor of California, much less President of the United States. Arnold Exposed.com will serve as a meticulously documented encyclopedia of Arnold's sinister, grotesque and even barbaric activities, from his Nazi links to illegal drug use and sexual harassment. -
- Arnoldexposed.com -
[Archived here: Politics]

The Opal File - A secret history of Australia and New Zealand
- This is is quite long, approx 56K and contains some very amazing information, such as Swiss Account Numbers of high profile people on Mafia Payrolls. You may be surprised at some of the names mentioned here. -
- Author unknown -
[Archived here: Politics]

Napster, MP3s and the RIAA
- Funny thing, while Napster was in its hayday, music CDs were selling at record levels! When Napster went offline, CD sales cratered. -
- by Neil Jensen -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Freedom of Information Kit
- The following files are for individuals or organizations who wish to make an FOIA application to a federal agency. Please read the file <Instructions> before making your application. There are 5 files; FOIA Instructions, FOIA Application; FOIA Fee Waiver; FOIA Appeal; selected Federal FOIA Addresses; and FBI Offices nationwide. -
- Sumeria.net -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]


December 19

Shadow of the Swastica:
The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization

- Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. "Establishment" and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up to the Present. -
- An Open Letter to All Americans By R. William Davis -
[Archived here: New World Order]

'Artificial Life' Comes Step Closer
- Researchers at Rockefeller University in the US have made the first tentative steps towards creating a form of artificial life. -
- BBC, Dec 18, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Building a Dialectic: When the Borders Close, It's Over
- About a year ago, this author was ranting to my Father about how the surveillance cameras were watching us, but the borders remained open.  My Dad looked at me very carefully and said, "Son, don't ask for that.  If they can't get in, we can't get out.  Mexico ain't that bad." -
- by Erik Fortman -
[Archived here: New World Order and Guest Writers]

December 18

The Federal Reserve - An Astounding Exposure 1934
- On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON -
- By Congressman, Louis T. McFadden -
[Archived here: Paper Money]

Mark of the Beast - The Patent
- A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated -
- by David Icke -
[Archived here: Government Patents]

The Origin of Christianity
- It is generally believed and taught that Christianity was founded by the Savior from Nazareth, when He was on earth. But a question immediately arises, which particular sect was the one He originated? -
- by A.B. Traina -
[Archived here: Religions and Wars]

Fraud in the Bible
- Pious fraud was a common technique employed by early Christian writers to make a point. Their intention was to convert anyone and everyone by any means available. One of the more persuasive methods was to write a text and falsely tell others that it was written in first person. -
- mksmith.org -
[Archived here: Religions and Wars]

Who Really Was King James?
- The King James Bible was, and is for all practical purposes, a government publication. There were several reasons for the King James Bible being a government publication. First, King James I of England was a devout believer in the "divine right of kings," a philosophy ingrained in him by his mother, Mary Stuart. -
- Author Unknown -
[Archived here: Religions and Wars]


December 17

Mary Todd Killed Lincoln
- Would anyone (especially a man in the 1860s) in their right mind try to kill the President of the United states with a one shot small pistol normally carried by a woman? Six shooter revolvers existed in the 1860s and if one were to plot to kill a President, one would logically have more than one bullet in the barrel. -
- by "Quantum Disk" -
[Archived here: Paper Money]


December 16

Blunkett Quits as Home Secretary
[CONGRATULATIONS British People! Your Government has become a tiny bit saner!]
- David Blunkett has quit as home secretary after an e-mail emerged showing a visa application for his ex-lover's nanny had been fast-tracked. -
- BBC News, Dec. 15, 2004 -

[Archived here: Politics]

[Unfortunately, insanity shows up elsewhere]:

5-year-old is Handcuffed at School
- "I'm trying to scare this kid straight. I would not be doing my job if I were not trying to get him on the right path," Thurgood Marshall Academy Principal Sam Morgan told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, adding the child "has been a holy terror." -
- Interest! Alert, Dec. 16, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 15

Fascism. The State Wages War Against its Citizens
- ... the FBI taken under this counter-intelligence program, a secret service project ... views acted against American citizens with measures of totalitarian societies. ... -
- IndyMedia.ie, Dec. 14, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

UFO 'Explodes' in China
- Beijing - An unidentified flying object, or UFO, passed across the large north-western Chinese city of Lanzhou and apparently exploded in the suburbs, state media said on Monday -
- News24.com, Dec. 13, 2004 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]


December 14

Transcript of Dr. Steven Greer's Interview on Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory
-  His name is Dr. Steven Greer, and a long time ago he developed the Disclosure Project, a not for profit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and also classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. He has devoted his time and his life to this project. In a moment, Dr. Steven Greer... -
- Disclosure Project, Oct. 28/29, 2004 -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Ancient Arts of Egypt
- For 3000 years it was a Time of Great Passion, Great Mystery, Great Intrigue and Great Mastery of Engineering.... -
- Ancientartsofegypt.com -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

Big Brother & the Beast
- People are tolerating lies, sickness, hunger, mass murder, chemtrails and pedophilia with little objection. Where is the bottom line? Unless we universally denounce, deny and defy this despotism, dictated from Westminster by the City of London, we are all potential targets of a powerful and wicked regime rising in our midst. History tells us so… -
- by Hazel W.M. MacKinlay -
[Archived here: New World Order and Guest Writers]


December 13

Letter From "The Globalist New World Order"
- Dearest Citizen of the World, I believe the time has come to reveal to you some of the perplexities you have faced in recent decades. It is well for you to understand some of these things so that you might know how to behave in the New Order now taking shape in the earth. -
- Hidden Mysteries Website -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Orion Technology & Other Secret Projects
- Let's start with the Phoenix Project. It was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. it was a project that the Navy did in the 1930's and 1940's in an attempt to make ships invisible. -
- by Valdamar Valerian, 1992 -
[Archived here: Technology]

Movie Puts Spotlight on Freemasons
[How Hollywood, in "National Treasure", promotes Freemasonry and makes people interested in joining. The Masons are currently running a campaign to recruit new members, Wes Penre]
- "There's just tremendous symbolism in that movie," said Roush, Marion, who has been a Freemason for almost 40 years. I know a lot of it is legend, but it's just fascinating." -
- Chronicle-Tribune.com -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

[Talking of Hollywood]:

The Semiotic Deception of September 11th
- Intrinsic to the narrative characteristics of Independence Day was a paradigmatic template that the elite successfully imposed upon September 11th. Promulgated vigorously by Establishment media organs, Independence Day was instrumental in creating a cultural milieu that would be hospitable to future media manipulations. By the time of the WTC attacks, the collective subconscious of America was fertile with memes (contagious ideas) planted by Independence Day... -
- by Phillip Darrell Collins -
[Archived here: 9/11]

2004: The Insurgent Word
- These were the insurgent words of Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, Franklin, and three dozen other great Americans. If these were reasonable words 200 years ago, then has reason changed? If the U.S. is guilty of these crimes against humanity now, then should not the same consequence be applied? Through its own history, the United Sates of America condemns its current practice, through its own documents the United States finds itself guilty of those crimes which led to its creation. -
- by Gerard Donnelly Smith -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Poisoning Diagnosis 'Rock Solid'
- The doctor who has overseen the treatment in Vienna of Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko says the diagnosis of dioxin poisoning is "rock solid," but says more information must be obtained before medical authorities can determine the candidate's prognosis. -
- CNN, Dec. 12, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 12

10-Year-Old Arrested, Handcuffed Over Scissors
[Can anyone in his/her right mind say that doing this to the girl was a good thing? This poor girl is most certainly traumatized for the rest of her life. Wes Penre.]
- Administrators said they were following state law when they called police Thursday, and police said they were following department rules when they handcuffed Porsche Brown and took her away in a patrol wagon. “My daughter cried and cried,” said her mother, Rose Jackson. “She had no idea what she did was wrong. I think that was way too harsh.” -
- Associated Press, Dec. 11, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Bush Wants To Create A 'New World Order' With Pre-Emptive Strikes
- On December 2, 2004 while President Bush was in Canada, he challenged international leaders to create a 'new world order' through pre-emptive strikes against what he calls, 'enemies of democracy'. -
- Free Press International, Dec. 11, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Christian Compassion That Kills
- When a few dozen DEA agents raided his house and tore up his modest marijuana “garden”, Mr. May presented his state-issued permission card. However, in the words of one of the raiding agents: “We’re DEA. We do not follow Colorado’s constitution.” -
- by Douglas Newman, Dec. 8, 2004 -
[Archived here: Drugs]

Files About Freemasonry - The Structure of Freemasonry
- American Freemasonry remembles two sets of stairs that begin and end together, as this chart of Masonic structure shows. A Mason's first step is to become an Entered Apprentice. He climbs to the third step where most Masons stay. -
- Cephasministry.com -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]


December 11

A Clue to the Secret of the Holy Grail
- A legendary medieval Order, the Knights Templar, established a base in Hertfordshire during the Crusades. It is said that some of their descendents still live here today and maintain the original Templar tradition. -
- The Insider, Dec. 10, 2004 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati]

A Call to Action: What YOU Can Do!
- While it is good that more people are speaking out and informing the public of what is happening, the average citizen is left wondering what is to be done? Good question. I have put forth several suggestions as to what the average person can do to begin working against the New World Order, a few of which are as follows ... -
- by W. T. Samsel -
[Archived here: Solutions]


December 10

Celebrating Christmas - A Dying Tradition?
- Festive traditions are facing gradual extinction thanks to barmy bureaucrats who WRONGLY believe they are offensive to followers of religions other than Christianity. -
- by Harry MacAdam -
[Archived here: Miscellaneous]

United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure
- This article is not intended to defame this country's forefathers. See Secret Societies All I am doing here is listing the facts. I will list other authors articles for you to refer to as corroboration. These names were compiled from the Masons own list of famous names posted on there websites. (See Links Below) The names used in this document have been used from that list along with a brief summary of who they were,(*Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition.) and the role they played in our history. Keep in mind, you can not be a Christian and a practicing Mason, its an oxymoron. -
- by Robert Howard -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

Fire Base Skull
- Sgt. Skull's Glorious Imperial News -
- firebaseskull.com -
[Archived here: Links]


December 9

A salute to those U.S. soldiers who deserted and found their way to Canada. Those young men, who refused combat in the Iraq War, not because of cowardice but from conscience, were a pleasure to hear out on "60 Minutes" on December 9, 2004. They are the future of our Nation and a model for a new, peaceful world; they who realized that they could not blindly follow order in an illegal war.

Shame on those citizens of America, who in their blindness and ignorance demand that the Canadian government sends the deserters back to US so they can be shot under American law!

* * *

Savaging the Dollar - Strategies For The New World Order
- There’s nothing accidental about the falling value of the dollar. From the beginning we’ve seen Bush and Co run up enormous deficits to reward party loyalists and to put the country in the control of the Banking-Business establishment. Never the less, the plan does have its shortcomings. -
- ZNet, Dec. 8, 2004 -
[Archived here: Paper Money]

Censored 2004: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003
- Project Censored 2005 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Iranian Student, Victim of Psychotronic Torture, Seeks Relief
- [Editor's Note: Some of you may find it hard to believe what is being explained here, but this person is not exaggerating in the least. I get dozens of e-mails from victim of electronic torture and this man's statements are very typical. Based on feedback from other victims, we now seem to have some ideas on how to thwart these signals. It's not perfect, but we are getting some nice reports of partial, and sometimes, total success...] -
- Educate Yourself -
[Archived here: Mind Control]


December 8

Save Us From the Politicians Who Have God on Their Side
- These American hijackers have made the world a more dangerous place -
- Guardian Unlimited, Dec. 6, 2004 -
[Archived here: Religions & Wars]

Ex-Stasi Spy Chief Markus Wolf Hired By Homeland Security?
- "Wolf is the man that effectively built the East German state intelligence operation’s internal directorate," Martin continues. "He turned half the population into informants. That is his specialty, is taking a population, constructing the various state divisions, mechanisms of control, in order to organize informants within the population. That is his real specialty. And that is precisely, as Primakov has intimated, why Wolf is being brought in. -
- InfoWars.com, Dec. 6, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

181,000 Voters in U.S. Elections Were Dead
- More than 181,000 dead people were listed on the rolls in swing states for the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election, the Chicago Tribune reported Sunday. -
- Big News Network, Dec. 6, 2004
[Archived here: Politics]

WHISTLEBLOWER AFFIDAVIT: Programmer Built Vote Rigging Prototype at Republican Congressman's Request!
- In stunning revelations set to rock the vote from Tallahassee to Capitol Hill -- and perhaps even a bit further up Pennsylvania Avenue -- a Florida computer programmer has now made remarkable claims in a detailed sworn affidavit, signed this morning and obtained exclusively by The BRAD BLOG! -
- Crimes and Corruption of the New World Order News, Dec. 6, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

VIDEO: Arnold Says he Supports a Constitutional Amendment that Would Enable Him to Run for President.
- I think that if someone lives here a certain period of time and also goes to war for America, and votes and all that...and makes good contribution ...I think someone should have the right to run for President." -
- ArnoldExposed.com, Nov. 29, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Secret Patriot Act II to give Hitler's Powers to Bush
- Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the Washington Times that no member of Congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act that was passed by the House on October 27, 2001... -
- InfoWars.com, Dec. 8, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


December 7

T. Alexander Hickman

Canadian Corruption
Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy. RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
- If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL SYSTEMS CONTROL, at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, what would you do? -
- http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse -
[Archived here: Mind Control]

Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble
Part 1: The 9-11 Commission
- Many do not remember that Henry Kissinger was originally slated to be the 9-11 Commission chairman until the public uproar gave cause to head a different way. One of the matters we have turned over to Eliot Spitzer's office is an evidence trail indicating that the insurance on the World Trade Center (WTC) was increased by 300 percent in June and July 2001 and one of the three U.S. named beneficiaries of that windfall is one Henry Kissinger according to the document trail uncovered by an attorney. -
- Online Journal -
[Archived here: 9/11]

Tenet Calls For Internet Security
- [Tenet]: "I know that these actions will be controversial in this age when we still think the Internet is a free and open society with no control or accountability," he told an information-technology security conference in Washington, "but ultimately the Wild West must give way to governance and control." -
- By Shaun Waterman - United Press International -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Voter Fraud in Florida and Ohio: Kerry Won the Election by at least 1,7 Million Votes
- The truth about this election is this: Florida and Ohio had to go for Bush in order for him to "win" the election. In reality he lost both states. In fact, he did not even win the popular vote. He lost the national popular vote by at least 1,750,000. This shows you the scale of the fraud. -
- Global Research -
[Archived here: Politics]


December 6

Iran, China Forming Major Alliance
- Just as the foreign policy team of the United States is getting a major overhaul with the resignation of Secretary of State Colin Powell comes new word of a major, growing alliance between "axis of evil" member Iran and communist China. -
- NewsMax.com, Nov. 18, 2004 -
[Archived here: NWO Wars]

Michael Moore Tells Hollywood Elite to Brace for Schwarzenegger Presidential Candidacy in 2008
- Moore continued by saying that he had no doubt that Schwarzenegger's controllers would get this done and that those in Hollywood who were concerned about what was happening better get serious and get serious now. -
- InfoWars.com, Dec 5, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Election Company Has Long Criminal History
- While U.S. newspapers have been filled with quotes from American officials pontificating about election miscues in the Ukrainian election, doubts have been raised anew about the accuracy of the election results of Sequoia Pacific, fingered for blame four years ago in the Florida Vote Snafu which marred the 2000 election. -
- MadCow Morning News, Nov. 24, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]


December 5

The DMCA Is A War on Education
- Ask yourself: does the United States Consitution consider the rights of corporations to be more important than rights of individuals? If you said "no!", we agree with you whole-heartedly. Now what is the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) doing passing laws in the US? Read on. -
- THE ISSUE - US Constitution -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Barbara Olson's Call From Flight 77 Never Happened
- The Olson phone call story is a central load-bearing beam in the whole 9/11 official construction. It was crucial in establishing the existence of marauders on a civilian flight and their possession of dangerous weapons. Later, the identity of the plane that hit the Pentagon hinged on it, too. This vital, founding element of the narrative originated in the Department of Justice and was carried by CNN, part of $38 billion-a-year AOL-Time-Warner (as it was then). It was issued on 12th September at 2:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time---just 16 hours after Olson’s bereavement. -
- by Rowland Morgan -
[Archived here: 9/11]

The Round Table
- After much research and discussion with individuals who have thoroughly done their homework I am convinced that there exists a very real power elite on this planet. This elite goes back conceivably thousands of years (succeeding generation are taught the secrets) and has continued to evolve its esoteric knowledge- based power to control world economy and thus everything else. This knowledge is the basis of both black and white magic. I call it the Illuminati because freemasonry is only a part of it. -
- by Echan Deravy -
[Archived here: The Illuminati]

Vatican Official Declares on National Television: Extraterrestrial Contact is Real
- Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body), and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. -
- by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Ohio Protesters Demand Presidential Recount
- About 400 protesters gathered outside the statehouse Saturday to support a recount of the presidential election here and call for an investigation into Election Day irregularities. -
- Chicago Sun-Times, Dec. 5, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]


December 4

Catholic Press Attacks Call for Pope to Apologise to Templars
- It appears that the Catholic Herald does not recognise the case for an apology. The article quotes three individuals, one academic and two authors, who between them argue that the Templars ceased to exist and "deserved" to be oppressed, therefore no apology is necessary. These sentiments are echoed by the editorial inside the newspaper. The implication would seem to be that the Vatican is wrong to be "seriously considering" issuing an apology. -
- The Insider, Dec 4, 2004 -
[Archived here: The Illuminati]

The Lonesome Road of Self-Improvement
- The road to change and healing oneself - whether it's building better physical health, improving ones behavior, or creating a happier and more fulfilling life - can start out being lonely and difficult. Choosing the "high road" so to speak, is never a popular choice - at first. -
- by Paula Peterson -
[Archived here: Solutions]



December 3

Abuse in the Mental Health Fields
- In June 1992 my father showed me a copy of Kenneth Wooden's "Weeping in the playtime of others." Since reading that book I was impressed how one man could expose so vast and horrible an institution. Since October 1992 I have been in various capacities witness to the atrocities committed by the mental health and welfare systems in the state of Rhode Island, the one state that has been neglected by Mr. Wooden and the state that has served as a model for how the mental health system in the united states has been run (the world's first psychiatric hospital for children was founded in RI.) -
- by Peter Zendran -
[Archived here: New World Order]

The Diana Document
- Attached below is a sworn and testified statement that I have made on 12th May 1999 to the enquiry into the deaths of the Princess of Wales, Dodi Al Fayed, and Henri Paul. I firmly believe that MI6 have information in their files that would assist Judge Stephan's enquiry. Why don't they yield up this information? They should not be entitled to use the Official Secrets Act to protect themselves from investigation into the deaths of three people, particularly in the case of an incident of this magnitude and historical importance. -
- Hidden Mysteries -
[Archived here: New World Order]

The Re-Whitewashing of Alfred Kinsey
- The more you study Alfred Kinsey, the more you realize that he was not a scientist but the Marquis de Sade with a research team. -
- PrisonPlanet, Dec. 2, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]


Grail Authors Bugged
- At present Gardiner and Osborn don’t know who is doing the bugging but they are convinced that certain “anomalies” prove to them that somebody is listening into their conversations and intercepting their emails. -
- PR Leap, Nov. 2, 2004 -
[Archived here: Secret Societies]

Fanatics and Politics in a New World 'Disorder'
- The re-election of US President George W. Bush is but one indicator of the political power of religion in the US. -
- Taipei Times, Dec. 1, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

History of Mind Control
- Mesmer happened to be, believe it or not, the godfather of Amadeus Mozart. In fact he raised Mozart, and of course Mozart was this incredible genius musician and his biography will show you more than one obvious example of someone who behaves as if he were suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. You can conclude that maybe Mesmer played around to enhance the musical abilities of Mozart at the cost of other parts of his personality. -
- by Walter Bowart -
[Archived here: Mind Control]

Maxwell's Silver Hammer
- Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a term designating the immensely powerful, near-instantaneous surge of electromagnetic energy produced by a nuclear explosion. It was first discovered in the late 1960s. The EMP from one detonation a few thousand miles above the earth would destroy all electrical systems throughout an entire continent. -
- by Dr. Robert Becker -
[Archived here: Mind Control]

Worse Than Ashcroft
- Bush's new attorney general helped write the Patriot Act and supported torture -
- The Village Voice Nation Liberty Beat, Nov. 29, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]

Da Vinci Code movie release timed to Knights Templar deadline
- The Da Vinci Code movie release is timed to the year before the seventh centenary of the persecution of the Templars in 2007. The year 2006 is particularly special because 13th October falls on a Friday, echoing the last day of the Templars. -
- The Insider, December 1, 2004
[Archived here: The Illuminati]


December 2

Trained to Kill
- Here he marshals unsettling evidence that the same tactics used in training soldiers are at work in our media and entertainment. CT thinks that parents, the church, scholars, and the government must come together to study this question more intensely: Are we training our children to kill? -
- Christianity Today -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Generation Gap
- The dehumanization process led to a steady rise in firing rates for U.S. soldiers during subsequent conflicts. In the Korean War, 55 percent were ready to pump hot lead into enemy flesh. And by the time the greatest generation's own children took the field, in Vietnam, the willingness to slaughter was almost total: 95 percent of combat troops there fired with the intent to kill. -
- The St Petersburg Times #991 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

THE SHOOTING DRUGS - PROZAC and its Generation EXPOSED on the Internet
- With two new mass killings in Santa Barbara and San Diego by young kids on SSRI Drugs, it is now more urgent than ever to get the terrible truth about these drugs out to the public. People need to know what SSRIs do to normal minds -- both children and adults -- how they can destroy ethics and morals, and distort a person's values, to where they think it is "fun", or "just retribution", to go out and slaughter people. -
- TrueBooks.com -
[Archived here: Drugs]


December 1

Nutritional Deficiency and Its Symptoms
- Hidden Mysteries Health Archives -
[Archived here: Health]

Crime Prevention or Provocation?
- J.C. was handcuffed and detained, before being charged a fixed penalty fine of £80 and then released. Rightly so, he is deeply disturbed by this injustice and no longer trusts ‘community policing.’ By all means apprehend and fast-track convicted criminals, but ordinary youths should be permitted to go about their daily business, unmolested by over-zealous and racist police, meeting government ASBO targets. -
- by Hazel W.M. McKinlay -
[Archived here: New World Order and Guest Writers]

Experts Call for New World Body to Fight Global Terrorism
- Democratic countries need to band together to form an international league of states dedicated to the worldwide fight against terrorism, given the United Nations' failure to do so, experts in Jerusalem said. -
- CNS News, Nov. 29, 2004 -
[Archived here: New World Order]

Foreign-Born President Amendment Sought
- More than 200 years later, in a diverse nation with more than 33 million immigrants, the push is on to alter that venerable document and allow naturalized U.S. citizens — Americans like Arnold Schwarzenegger (search) from Thal, Austria, and Jennifer Granholm from Vancouver, B.C., — to become president. -
- Fox News, Nov 30, 2004 -
[Archived here: Politics]


News Archives


I don't subscribe to everything in each and every article posted on this website. Some articles are submitted because of research value for me and others, and although I may only agree on parts of the article, I posted it anyway for this purpose. Wes Penre, Illuminati News.


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