who believe that there is no major world conspiracy which involves a small
number of people manipulating humanity through a hierarchical structure of
control toward a New World Order, all have one identical factor in common.
They have, in actual fact, not looked genuinely
into the abundance of well-researched information on world conspiracy to see if
there is one!
Many of those "non-believers" may well say:
"It's just not possible, far too complex a plan for the world's population to
become manipulated and controlled without everyone knowing about it."
Others may say: "It's just not possible that so
few, immoral and unbalanced people can be in total control of our world
Others may just be in denial, because to
realise such a fact would immediately crush the false security of their belief
system, financial investments or employment situation, etc.
It may be that others are simply too afraid to
allow this fearsome truth into their reality.
Whatever the reason, none have genuinely
looked. They have not looked with an open mind, an open heart and with the
honest intention of finding out the absolute truth.
With this powerfully focused attitude, anyone
can find out, undoubtedly, whether or not there is a major world conspiracy.....
or even discover the answers to the Universe!!
See the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Contrary to common understanding, most human
beings (unless we are extremely enlightened) have desires consciously or
unconsciously to manipulate others to some degree or other. However, very few
people are immune to this conditioning.
It is important, therefore, when pointing the
finger at the major manipulators and controllers of our planet, for us to be as
fully aware as possible of the depth of the motivation behind our own desires.
Truly desiring to be totally free, for
ourselves, as well as for all of humanity makes for an immensely powerful and
focused energy toward exposing the major controllers so that every human being
will become free. Free at last.
The Elite World Government, controllers of our
society, have (in certain aspects,) great intelligence - but they have no
Intelligence without wisdom can be a very
dangerous mindset, and they are the epitome of this fact.
It quickly becomes obvious to those who
personally research into the hierarchical structure of world conspiracy, that
the major manipulators and controllers of humanity are the ones with the largest
accumulation of wealth, the owners of the banks and multinational oil,
pharmaceutical and food corporations etc. These are the people who run the
Not surprising really, is it?
These same people own and dominate the
military, police and intelligence hierarchy and, of course, all the political
pawns that society has been brainwashed into believing are the most powerful
people in the world.
They have also systematically created - and
they orchestrate - the brainwashing structures of the media, education and
dogmatic mainstream religion to imprison our minds within the logical,
reasoning, left hemisphere of our brain.
These structured systems have been covertly
designed to cut us off, as much as possible, from activating the intuitive,
creative, right hemisphere of our brain, which is connected to our "heart mind"
and therefore to all the knowledge that exists.
Once the individual has accepted the reality of
this world power structure, they have just taken the first step toward freedom
for themselves and for all of humanity.
Fig 1: The Elite Government system seeks to imprison the human psyche in
the left brain, the "rational" intellect which only believes what it can
see, touch, hear or smell. The education system and the media are
structured for this and most teachers, lecturers, scientists and
journalists are left brain prisoners themselves.
Fig 2: When we open our hearts and minds we actviate the right brain,
the intuition and insparation that connects with the cosmos.
The left brain prisoner is a minipulators dream. They have YOUR power in
THEIR hands
The equally balanced right and left brain person is a manipulators
nightmare because.... YOU ARE IN YOUR OWN POWER!!
It is very important to understand the "mental
attitude" of the individuals who are within the apex of the hierarchical pyramid
structure of control over the human race. Being totally devoid of any
humanitarian qualities, they are immensely different to the average person, and
basically do not think in any way similar to us.
They think and act from the reptilian (ancient
and animalistic) part of their brains.
It has been documented by science that the
reptilian part of the human brain - known as the "R Complex" - is the source of
the following behavioural traits:
An obsession with ritual; cold-blooded
behaviour; territorialism ("This belongs to me" mentality); obsession with
"top-down" hierarchical structures.
The more that this "R Complex" is activated in
the individual, the more these negative traits will be manifested more
It is also important to understand that they do
not "feel" in any way similar to the average person either.
Many people are guided by their emotional
feelings, which can manifest positive behaviour such as moral judgement,
compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others.
Within the "R Complex" mentality there are no
such emotions, therefore qualities such as moral judgement, compassion, empathy
and kindness towards others are non-existent.
Another important factor, is that the highly
activated "R Complex" person has no deep concept of "self".
Because of this lack of inner knowledge of "who
they really are", their motivations are directly based in fear. This very deep
subconscious fear of not being truly in control of themselves, manifests with
the powerful desire to control others, by using fear as their weapon.
This is the "R Complex" mentality.
This is the mentality of the individuals within
the Elite World Government hierarchy, who covertly dominate, manipulate and
control humanity toward the agenda of their New World Order.
Vibrational Prison
The reptilian mentality have
imprisoned so much of human consciousness within the dimensional prison of fear,
guilt and frustration. Only by opening our hearts and minds can we escape and
reconnect with our infinite self.
Love is the answer.
The Elite World Government hierarchy control
society by blinding us with ignorance and fear through their structured
mind-control systems of the media, education and dogmatic religion. They know
very well how the human mind works, and they use this knowledge to their
By keeping the masses of the human race in
ignorance and fear we become an absolute cakewalk for domination, manipulation
and control. Like taking candy from a baby.
Although, amazingly enough, stepping out of
this pyramid of ignorance and fear is so unbelievably simple.
All the major institutions and groups that
affect our daily lives connect with the Global Elite, which decides the
coordinated policy throughout the pyramid. People in the lower compartments will
have no idea what they are part of.
Presently, the greatest majority
of people in the world are imprisoned within this structure of ignorance and
They are ignorant of the big picture - of what
is really going on, and also, who we really are - our immense capabilities as
human beings.
Ironically, the "power" that the controllers
have is an absolute and total illusion. They in fact have NO POWER WHATSOEVER.
Their illusionary power exists only because
each and every human being who imprison themselves within the pyramid of
ignorance, are giving their own power away to the reptilian mentality of the
major controllers within the Elite World Government.
We, as individuals and as the human race, can
immediately be free of this controlling structure by genuinely looking at and
seeing the "big picture" and therefore stepping out of the pyramid that has kept
humanity enslaved for such a long time. Many people all over the world are
waking up to this fact and are now free, simply by seeing and acknowledging the
bigger picture.
Knowledge is power and the power
of knowledge can set us free.
Once enough individuals around our beautiful
planet begin to see the big picture, step out of the pyramid of ignorance, take
their own power back instead of giving it away directly to the Elite World
Government, their controlling pyramid structure will collapse and will be no
Humanity will be free, free at last. Free to
build a better world, by "giving" - from the immense power of love, instead of
"taking" - from the energy of fear.
A. Fear is a long slow
wavelength and activates very few of our DNA antenna's which connect us with
the cosmos.
B. Love is a short, fast
wavelength which activates many more antennas and reconnects us with all
that is.
The knowledge that is now amassing within the
human race is the understanding that the greatest power in creation is the power
of love.
Everything in creation, everything we can see
and understand, and everything we cannot, is a manifestation of this immense and
wonderful power. Fear is just one of the many manifested energies created from
the immense power of love.
It is important to realise that when the energy
of fear is deeply understood, it can be used as a powerful catalyst for guiding
us as individuals and humanity as a whole, toward love, truth and courage.
Fear is an energy that is implosive,
ever-contracting and "self" destructive. It exists within the realms of time, is
finite and therefore eventually dies.
Love, on the other hand, is a power that is
explosive, ever-expanding and "self" empowering. It exists within the realms of
time and timelessness and is therefore infinite. Love can never die.
The time is drawing near, when all of the human
race will no longer be within the pyramid of ignorance and fear. We will be back
where we belong, in the arms of LOVE, PEACE and FREEDOM.
We can do it. We will do it. It
starts with you.
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