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Illuminati News Presents:

Toppling the New World Order: A Vision for How We Can Do It

Splinter In The Mind, Aug 31, 2008

Category: Articles on Spirituality
Published here: Wednesday, September 03, 2008, 06:57 PM
Last Updated or Revised:
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 06:57 PM

A change in consciousness


Quite frankly, I’ve been racking my brain the past several months trying to foresee how on earth mankind can possibly take back the planet, given the stage of the Orwellian state we already find ourselves living in. I’m not the only one who has been stymied for practical ideas. Many Truthers feel it’s hopeless, while others feel there must be a way but don’t for the life of them know what it is. We all agree sharing information is important, getting it out to a much wider public. Beyond that, the plan pretty much fogs over.

So I’ve been racking my brain, worrying actually, and tonight I asked, with great emotional focus and urgency, for the Infinite, along with those entities in the unseen who work for the freedom and happiness of all beings, to show a way out to all of us who seek it. In the hour that transpired, I felt a presence of another consciousness, that touched my forehead (“third eye”) with an invisible hand and then knelt beside my chair and transferred thoughts and images to me. What was that? Your guess. But here is what I saw in that exciting hour:

Step 1. The immediate need right now is to spread the information. We need a much broader knowledge base. Many or most of the Earth’s inhabitants need to awaken to what’s happening for mankind to defeat it. To get the information out, those of us who know the facts must speak of them not only to people we know but to our communities, offering free public lectures at community centers, libraries, and the like. “Citizens Against Big Brother Government” groups will form from these meetings and begin to work as activists locally, contacting leaders and government representatives, explaining the situation to the uninformed, exposing those who support the conspiracy, and demanding accountability. “Students Against Big Brother Government” should form groups on campuses, getting the knowledge out to other students. More information materials need to be created for making these presentations, tools that the groups can use in their efforts to educate the public and their leaders. Meanwhile, we must work with what we have, and our own knowledge and passion about the conspiracy.

Step 2. The second immediate need is for a shift in consciousness – an adjustment in the attitude of the Truthers. We must come to see the power of our minds in creating our future reality, that we control whether that reality turns out to be favorable or unfavorable. We must quickly start to recognize, as a group, that our thoughts determine our future, that nothing can happen to us that we don’t allow as a possibility in our minds, and that repeatedly imagining a negative future supports the likelihood of that future coming to pass. We need to perceive that insisting in our minds that our futures be bright and joyful, both for us personally and for our nation and humanity, is essential to our success. Every time we speak or think fatalistically, we hammer another nail into the coffin of freedom. We must give up cynical talk and demand better of our future from the Infinite, which is the source of all that is and fully capable of manifesting anything that we, its children, determine to create. Truthers need to learn the technique of creative visualization (see my article on this) and use it to manifest an alternative to the future that the Illuminati are visualizing. In fact, the global elite are using our own visualization against us, every time we imagine experiencing a fascist existence. Truthers need to call one another on cynicism and fatalism every time it crops up, nipping it in the bud each time the habit of hopelessness rears its ugly head. The future is not hopeless, unless we decide it is. If we decide it is, mankind truly has lost its best hope.

Step 3: As Truthers struggling for hope make the shift from fear and discouragement to spiritual empowerment, the result will be minute changes in the way we see and do things. Our minds will start to perceive simpler, more natural ways of living – better choices we can make, affecting things like our families, our career, our relationship, where we live, and how we spend our time. Getting back to basics will stop seeming difficult or impossible, as doors of new thought and opportunity open. The move will be away from dependence on “the Cystem” and toward independence, which will look like different things for different people. In general, the trend will be toward getting off “the grid” and developing more sovereign means of living. Things like independent and community sources for food, water, and energy will become more accessible through the choices we make. We will move away from job positions that bore, humiliate or otherwise disempower us, into work we enjoy and find personal meaning in. Jobs that support the Cystem will fall away, being replaced by jobs that support life. Work that makes food, water, energy and other essentials of life available to people independent of the grid will grow in demand, as more and more people determine to get sovereign. The need for skilled trades people, for local food co-ops, and for organic farming will increase, as will the people employed in these areas. These changes in people’s habits will occur spontaneously, as a result of Step 2 (the shift from feeling helpless to having confidence in our power to create a free and joyous future).

Step 4: As our numbers grow from our efforts at spreading the word, and as we grow in personal empowerment, the face of world politics will quickly start to change. A Truther political party will develop in every country, becoming so popular and supported by so many citizens that it actually defeats the established parties in elections. While right now this seems like an impossibility, it will be not difficult in the near future, when our numbers have swelled in size to include a large percentage of humanity. When enough people wake up to the truth of our situation, what reason would they have to vote for either established party, when they see how both are run by the same deceivers bent on bringing the nation under even further surveillance and control? Spontaneously, the people will put up and vote for Truther candidates who will begin to transform governments. With every election, as our numbers grow, more Truthers will be elected, in time forming a majority in Congress, in Parliament, etc. When such a majority is reached, these government bodies will promptly dismantle laws that allow things like surveillance, free-speech zones, the United Nations, the European Union, funding for wars, and the insane national debts. National debts will be forgiven and the creditors who hold them will go away empty-handed. The banking system that allows imaginary money to be created will be abolished by law, along with the debts the imaginary money loans generated. The courts will be filled with decent judges, and laws will be reinstituted forbidding payments to legislators by special interest groups. Truther-filled governments will abolish the two-party system, and in fact they will abolish parties altogether. A fairer system of running for office, that’s resistant to corruption, will replace the current party system. The new method will allow anyone to run for office. Local areas will pick their favorite candidates from among local contestants, and the winners will go on to run in regional elections. The winners of the regional elections will proceed to the final ballot for national elections. Secret societies will become illegal, as will all methods of electronic surveillance. Anyone caught with a hidden camera filming the public, in a store or anywhere else, will be subject to fine or arrest.

Step 5: People will stop watching mainstream media stations and reading mainstream newspapers, while new television stations and newspapers arise to meet the demands of an aware public. The new public media will be conceived and operated by Truthers, and citizen journalism will no longer be a phenomenon restricted to the Internet. The current mainstream media will collapse due to lack of patronage and interest, and with it will crumble the Illuminati’s main propaganda machine. Truther-filled governments will make laws protecting the freedom of the Internet, and censorship will be a thing of the past. True investigative journalism will return to TV and the press.

Step 6: There will be a huge unemployment problem in the ranks of the Illuminati, whose sources of revenue will dry up as the world becomes aware of their schemes and make their shenanigans in the stock markets and banking systems illegal. The elite will have to go to work like everybody else, learning trades and humble skills that support life. The Cystem will implode on itself, and when it goes, so will the lifestyle of those it served. Mankind, having awakened to the manipulation and eliminated it, will also have awakened to their power for self-determination. Empowered and free, fulfilled in their lives at last, they will have no motives for anger or revenge against the toppled Illuminati. They will feel only compassion for those entities, whose fear and separation from the Infinite led them to such miserable efforts to survive. In the new atmosphere of freedom that permeates the Earth, our former enslavers will find the permission to change and to heal. While that may be a painstaking process, they will find and regain their primordial goodness, the pure state of spirit they enjoyed when first they were conceived in the mind of the Infinite. Because at heart, they are that goodness, like everybody else.

Step 7: As mankind lives together in harmony, sovereignty, freedom, empowerment and fulfillment for the first time in recorded history, still greater levels of consciousness will become accessible to all. The need to kill to eat will fall away. The DNA weakness that ensures we disease, age and die will be corrected by consciousness, empowered by the Infinite that can override DNA and fill it with physical immortality. Poverty will be a thing of the past, and the need to work to live will drop by the wayside as all beings learn to live on the eternal light. With plenty of leisure time and a consciousness of joy and empowerment, people will experiment with and learn skills that once were considered impossible or to be the domain of magicians: teleporting, levitating, manifesting material objects from pure thought, dematerializing one’s body and rematerializing it again, traveling in seconds to other planets or other dimensions, and much more. Why will we do these things? For fun, and because we can, as we expand and enjoy the definition what it means to be living. Evil will no longer be perceived as unavoidable and necessary to life on earth. It will simply dissolve in the light of higher consciousness. As there was no evil in the mind of the Infinite when it dreamed its sweet dream of creation, so there will be no evil left in creation itself. As the changed consciousness on the planet grows more pure and powerful, it will inspire and trigger like changes across the universe and across all the dimensions. Creation will progress to a state where it reflects the original, joyous, divine intention as a perfect mirror of that dream in Infinite Mind. In that state, life will resemble a dance, a symphony, a tapestry, or a flower garden. Who knows where it will go from there?


I want to add a comment on what I expect some readers will be thinking: that this visionary scenario seems unrealistic because it entails lots more people waking up than seems possible in the time we have.

First of all, we don’t know how much time we have. Where did this 2012 thing come from anyway? So the Mayans ended their calendar there. They had to end it somewhere, or they’d have been writing forever. They ended it at the point where the sun passed a certain meridian in their sky chart. Maybe 2012 is going to be no bigger a deal than 2000 turned out to be with the Y2K scare. Maybe the year is being made into a big issue to cause fear in people, because fear feeds and strengthens the global agenda. It’s hard to tell, but maybe. The point is, we don’t know how much time we have, and we may have more than we think.

The second reason I believe enough people could wake up in time is that I saw the Western world go from a place that snorted in derision at the concepts of meditation and enlightenment to a place where those concepts seem to have become even more popular than the Christianity they’re intended to replace. All in a few short years. It happened through exactly the kind of techniques this article is describing: small local groups acting locally, spreading ideas through community lectures that we advertised through postering, radio PSAs, and articles (when we could get them) in newspapers (usually college papers or other non-mainstream press). Because it was happening all over the world, because thousands of enthusiastic kids started TM centers in communities everywhere, the word spread fast and pervasively, and it changed the Western world. So it doesn’t seem unrealistic to me that it could happen again, only with truth spreading this time instead of deception.

Still a third reason why this scenario seems doable is that truth is on our side. Truth has a tendency to reveal itself eventually (see my blog piece about this), and now seems to be the natural time. Why now? Because the reins of control are tightening and the invasions of privacy are growing, both exponentially. It’s hard for the public NOT to be aware of the conspiracy now at some level. People I broach the subject to are much less scornful of it than they were just a year ago, I think because of the course of recent events. This works very much to our advantage and makes our job lots easier. The closer the hunters approach with the snare, the greater the chance that the creature they’re after will detect them and escape.

We do have to get over our fear of what others think of us, of being laughed at or sounding foolish when we talk about an unpopular subject. Better to be ridiculed a bit now and be alive and free in ten years than to keep our mouths shut, keep looking cool, and soon be dead or microchipped. The hardest part at the moment is moving from the inertia of being an Internet research-and-discussion movement into the dynamic next stage of being an information-dissemination and activist movement. But once we find our stride, the action we need to take will start to come naturally.

Check out the Whole Truth Coalition website at

This is a group David Icke is supporting, that has set itself the mission of coordinating information between community Truther groups that are now starting to form. Also check out this new DVD-set by David Icke that you may find useful in making public presentations. Divided into two one-hour segments, it can serve as an introduction to the conspiracy for people who are likely to be skeptical.

It’s time to jump on the band wagon! Together we can do this. It starts with one man, woman or student in one community.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

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Make a comment and have it posted here! Write me an email and put the same title in your email subject line as name of the article you want to comment on. Wes Penre.

Wes Penre


Wes Penre is a researcher, journalist, the owner of the domains Illuminati News and Zionist Watch and is the publisher of the same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.

In addition, he has done spiritual research to present a solution to the problems of this world. His MySpace website address is: You can also visit his blog and make comments at - Click on the picture to order


This page may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.


New Website!

Wes Penre


Welcome to!
- Under the section "The Illuminati" I have put the sub-section "Zionism and Judaism" as the top sub-section on purpose due to that these are the top Illuminati Elite.

As of late, I have stumbled upon a whole lot of information on this subject and it is way too much to post here at Illuminati News. The Zionism and Judaism section would be way too long.

 Therefore, I decided to publish a second website, which I called Zionist-Watch. It is up and running as I write this. -
- by Wes Penre, Jan 03, 2008-

Zionist-Watch Website