Last Updated:
Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:04:47 AM

Libby Trial Exposes Neocon Shadow Government
Sidney Shanberg, The New York Observer,
Mar 05, 2007
Last Updated:
Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:04:47 AM |
ay by day, witness by
witness, exhibit by exhibit, Patrick Fitzgerald,
the prosecutor in the trial of Dick Cheney’s
man, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, is accomplishing
what no one else in Washington has been able to:
He has impeached the Presidency of George W.
Of course, it’s an unofficial impeachment, but
it will also, through its documentation, be
inerasable. The trial record—testimony,
exhibits, the lot—will be there, in one place,
for investigators, scholars, reporters and
Congress to pore over. It goes far beyond the
charges against Mr. Libby. It is, instead, a
road map to the abuses of power that Mr. Bush
and Mr. Cheney and their shadow government of
neoconservatives have committed as the neocons
carried out what they had been planning for
years: an invasion of Iraq—and other military
excursions—for the purpose of expanding American
From the start, when he was named special
prosecutor in late 2003, Mr. Fitzgerald seemed
to understand and embrace this much wider
Yet he was careful not to overreach, crafting
the indictment of Mr. Libby narrowly: He had
lied to a grand jury, and to F.B.I. agents,
about leaks he had given his favorite media
people to discredit a vocal critic of the war.
The critic was former Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
Mr. Wilson, whose diplomatic service had
included work in Africa, was asked in 2002 by
the C.I.A. to investigate unconfirmed reports
that Saddam Hussein had recently tried to
purchase 500 tons of yellowcake uranium from
Niger to be further refined to produce nuclear
Wilson went to Africa, consulted his sources,
and found no meaningful evidence of such a plot.
He reported these negative findings to the C.I.A.
And further investigations by several parties,
including the International Atomic Energy
Agency, a U.N. body, established that the
uranium story was phony. Yet Messrs. Bush,
Cheney and others in the President’s close
circle kept presenting the uranium story as part
of the pressing rationale for a U.S. invasion of
Even as the White House found itself apologizing
for a January 2003 State of the Union address
which continued to tout the uranium story and
other known falsehoods about the Iraqi threat,
it continued the push for war. The invasion
began on March 20, 2003.
Mr. Wilson responded to the White House in a
July 6, 2003, Op-Ed article for The New York
Times, charging that the administration had
manufactured evidence to win support for the
war. It was this story, published in the
country’s most influential news organ, that
drove the White House into a frenzy—in
particular Mr. Cheney, the administration’s
leading hawk.
The smear campaign against Mr. Wilson and his
wife, Valerie Plame, went into high gear.
Conservative pundit Robert Novak, a frequent
conduit for White House whispers, wrote a column
on July 14, 2003, attacking Mr. Wilson and
outing Ms. Plame as a C.I.A. “operative.” The
trial has since identified one of the unnamed
senior administration officials Mr. Novak cited
as his sources: Karl Rove, the advisor closest
to the President.
The Justice Department responded to calls for an
investigation into the leak by naming the U.S.
Attorney for Chicago, Mr. Fitzgerald, as special
prosecutor for the case.
Whether or not Mr. Fitzgerald gets a conviction,
he has created a trial record that establishes
the administration's guilt. Sprinkled throughout
are the names of most of the neoconservatives
who had been planning the current Iraq War ever
since the 1991 Gulf War ended with Saddam
Hussein still in power.
They came out in the open in 1997 when they
formed a Washington think tank of their own—the
Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
Their first public act was a 1998 letter to
President Bill Clinton, calling for the swift
“removal of Saddam Hussein’s regime.”
Citing those still-undiscovered “weapons of mass
destruction,” they said: “[W]e can no longer
depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition
… to uphold the [U.N.] sanctions …. ”
Then, in 2000, just before
Mr. Bush’s elevation to the White House by the
Supreme Court, the PNAC war-seekers issued a
lengthy manifesto calling for a major escalation
of the country’s military mission. This 81-page
document proposed a buildup that would make it
possible for the United States to “fight and
decisively win multiple, simultaneous major
theater wars.” The report depicted these wars as
“large scale” and “spread across [the] globe.”
Iraq was named as a major
Another aim of this
escalation was as follows: “Control the new
‘international commons’ of space and cyberspace,
and pave the way for the creation of a new
military service—U.S. Space Forces—with the
mission of space control.”
Perhaps the eeriest sentence
in the document is found on page 51, conjuring
up images of 9/11: “The process of
transformation … is likely to be a long one,
absent some catastrophic and catalyzing
event—like a new Pearl Harbor.” (The PNAC
documents can be found online at
Among the 25 signatories to
the PNAC founding statement: Dick Cheney, I.
Lewis Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz,
Jeb Bush, Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalizad.
Most of these names echo
throughout the Libby trial record. Besides the
damning notes from Mr. Cheney, accounts of
conversations between Mr. Cheney and Mr. Libby
and Mr. Libby’s subsequent conversations with
other pivotal administration officials, there is
at least one document, in Mr. Cheney’s
handwriting, that suggests the President had
direct knowledge of the campaign to discredit
Mr. Wilson.
The trial and its record was
always all about the unnecessary war—a war
created by massive and deliberate lying about an
imminent security threat that wasn’t there.
That’s why the President and his men were
desperate to shut Mr. Wilson up.
He was the imminent threat—to
their delusional empire-building.

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