he United States government has a history of
human experimentation well documented in the public record.
Historical continual abuse are organized under many programs
such as injecting plutonium into service men and their pregnant
wives among the many stories from governments own websites and
archives. Others like the Tuskegee experiment were 300 airmen
were actually prevented from obtaining penicillin by covert
deception which would have cured them, most died. MK Ultra and
its multitude of programs some of which installed electrodes in
the brains of people covertly continues to this day..
Now in the present a widespread activity
is going on all over this country and the world where men, women
and even children are being attacked with directed energy from
radio frequency gun devices and covertly implanted surgically..
The attacks are done in the open in front of family, friends and
community; their reports of the torture attacks are ignored by
knowing authorities..
My own report of such attacks at my local
police precinct resulted in the officers looking in a computer
for a few minutes and telling me "it's the military and we can't
do anything to stop it or we will get into trouble; what was
meant was, police in collaboration with the Department of
Justice and the Department of Defense were doing it.
Attacking people and torturing them is
illegal. A long investigation of 6 years turned up the
following. The torture attacks are widespread and are being
sanctioned by government. The root of its beginnings are from
the end of WW2 where German intelligence infected the U.S. using
the trillions of dollars they amassed from the sacking of
Europe, eastern Russia and Northern Africa; the subsequent
insertion of German intelligence agents is well documented where
the looted money was invested in pharmaceutical corporations in
the U.S. and joined by the human experiment scientists of Nazi
Germany under operation Paper Clip to begin a plan of revenge
against the victors of WW2..
Infiltration of the U.S. Department of
Defense and political arm was accomplished under the cover and
secrecy of U.S. Department of Defense human experimentation
programs where the network could operate up to the highest
levels without being questioned or investigated for their
Today the progress of the takeover apart
from the fact that it is somewhat hybridized is still controlled
by those that seek revenge for the destruction of Nazi Germany,
where their revenge is proven by their exhibiting their
supremacy by attacking U.S. citizens in public with impunity
through having control of key intelligence positions especially
in policy that have successfully organized U.S. intelligence
DOJ, FBI, NSA and Police to allow the sanction of such innocent
people; organized by duping naive agents in the agencies with
false profiles. Cultivation of sadistic personalities is a
primary method of training personnel for the activities of
torturing citizens in the new "Threat Assessment Agencies" where
they recruit local community citizens to conspire and torture
attack targeted civilians. Blatant out in the open torture
murder used as a bragging instrument to illustrate that Nazi
Germany has gained control.
To consider that such is not the case is
to ignore the facts as have been uncovered. However even if the
Nazi German intelligence were not in the background will require
one to consider that the U.S. Government has turned to torture
and murder of its citizens in the open to scare decent local
administrators from taking action in stopping it for a further
purpose. The further purpose is certainly political and has to
do with torture murder without accusation, arrest or trial; in
consequence we would still have to come to the next most fitting
explanation which is that the current government admires the
ways of the Nazi's and seek not to emulate them but surpass
It will take some real effort to undo the
slide into the pit of cruelty and barbarism where the nation has
so far sunk; with your prayers, help and spreading of the facts
we will retake the moral high ground from those that have soiled
it and brought it low.
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