Millions of Americans Implanted!
Victims Click here for immediate help and skip the hard facts ( X )
The United States government has a history of human experimentation well documented in the public record. Historical continual abuse are organized under many programs such as injecting plutonium into service men and their pregnant wives among the many stories from governments own websites and archives. Others like the Tuskegee experiment were 300 airmen were actually prevented from obtaining penicillin by covert deception which would have cured them, most died. MK Ultra and its multitude of programs some of whcich installed electrodes in the brains of people covertly continues to this day.. Now in the present a widespread activity is going on all over this country and the world where men, women and even children are being attacked with directed energy from radio frequency gun devices and covertly implanted surgically.. The attacks are done in the open in front of family, friends and community; their reports of the torture attacks are ignored by knowing authorities.. My own report of such attacks at my local police precinct resulted in the officiers looking in a computer for a few minutes and telling me "it's the military and we can't do anything to stop it or we will get into trouble; what was meant was, police in collaboration with the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense were doing it. Attacking people and torturing them is illegal. A long investigation of 6 years turned up the following. The torture attacks are widespread and are being sanctioned by government. The root of its beginnings are from the end of WW2 where German intelligence infected the U.S. using the trillions of dollars they ammassed from the sacking of Europe, eastern Russia and Northern Africa; the subsequent insertion of german intelligence agents is well documented where the looted money was invested in pharmaceutical corporations in the U.S. and joined by the human experiment scientists of Nazi Germany under operation Paper Clip to begin a plan of revenge against the victors of WW2.. Infiltration of the U.S. Department of Defense and political arm was accomplished under the cover and secrecy of U.S. Department of Defense human experimention programs where the network could operate up to the highest levels without being questioned or investigated for their actions. Today the progress of the takeover apart from the fact that it is somewhat hybridized is still controlled by those that seek revenge for the destruction of Nazi Germany, where their revenge is proven by their exhibiting their supremacy by attacking U.S. citizens in public with impunity through having control of key intelligence positions especially in policy that have sucessfully organized U.S. intelligence DOJ, FBI, NSA and Police to allow the sanction of such innocent people; oranized by duping naive agents in the agencies with false profiles. Cultivation of sadistic personalities is a primary method of training personnel for the activities of torturing citizens in the new "Threat Accessment Agencies" where they recruit local community citizens to conspire and torture attack targeted civilians. Blatant out in the open torture murder used as a bragging instrument to illustrate that Nazi Germany has gained control. To consider that such is not the case is to ignore the facts as have been uncovered. However even if the Nazi German intelligence were not in the background will require one to consider that the U.S. Government has turned to torture and murder of its citizens in the open to scare decent local administrators from taking action in stopping it for a further purpose. The further purpose is certainly political and has to do with torture murder without accusation, arrest or trial; in consequence we would still have to come to the next most fitting explanation which is that the current government admires the ways of the Nazi's and seek not to emulate them but surpass them. It will take some real effort to undo the slide into the pit of cruelty and barbarism where the nation has so far sunk; with your paryers, help and spreading of the facts we will retake the moral high ground from those that have soiled it and brought it low. . |
1.) A method of decreasing the energy surging through the body has been found to be effective by induction of the current in the body with bands of relevantly inductive material; the technique of induction is coupled to a means of counter reaction to the electric current via magnetic fields organized for that purpose and a link to them can be found on the website http://www.secretangel.tv2. Testing can now be done for individuals that require evidence for court evidence and family where such evidence is accepted as an international standard by the CDC and originates from SAR testing. We can also be witnesses in regards to your results in court. For testing you can write to
3. ) The sensors are expensive and cost approximately 25-30 thousand dollars for the custom sensor to be fabricated to specifications that led to the detection of the energy present. Other means to detect the energy will not give the necessary level of validation that such electric currents exist in the body. External field detectors are not acceptable to professionals or authorities as proof nor can they derive evidence data that can prove body damaging effects which are essential for court action. We are striving to manufacture a device far less expensive.
The test is for a 12 hour duration. The fee is $1000. in advance. The test would be done at a hotel here in Long Island. The issues for you to consider are as follows:
1.) Many people report being electronically beaten up and then it stops for hours or enen days. The issue is that you may be heavily attacked before and during your travel here and then they may stop, which could potentially result in no pulse information.
2.) If no evidence occurs during the test you would have an option to go additional 12 hour periods ( one 12 hour period per day) $700. each 12 hour period.
3.) If evidence is found we will be witnesses in court for you for a fee of $1000.
4.) The attackers have not stopped pulsing us while we take readings, in part potentially because we have done the data collection 24/7 for months.
5.) We are in the process of drafting a generic fits all court complaint that will be file shared with persons like yourself. We are having an attorney review such a case within a few weeks to determine whether it will get us into court. As to winning, all court complaint civil suits are not guranteed as a certainty of winning especially with a jury; however its the right path.
6.) You would be responsible for travel, hotel, food and the hotel would be a mid-range price selected for specific reasons approximately $180. a day.
7.) The fee needs to be paid in advance; the appointment needs to be made in advance.
8.) If traveling to you is required the fee is double.
![]() Live show 9pm eastern mon, tues, thurs, fri sometimes runs 15 min late due to show overuns ARCHIVED SHOWS BELOW ![]() ![]() Click "ON AIR" aboveAnother NEW SHOW for today Open for listeningAlmost nightly show 1 hour GIVE A DAMN PRINT The country has been taken over by foreign infiltration of US intelligence and Media. Make copies 12 to a page of this and distribute. |
The US government, federal, state and local authorities are using microwave wave and acoustic weapons as well as implanted devices to attack thousands of Americans openly in their homes right now today. This is a well documented fact well known but not reported in the mainstream news. After reading the below Legislation Proposed you may want to validate this as an issue, please then click the following link where there are many websites exposing this activity; this google search phrase will show you some of these other sites ( click "mindcontrol microwave attack " ). There are many other links located on the grid index at the bottom of this page. We have just a few days ago ( Jan, 11, 06 ) sent the Proposed
legislation below to ALL SENATORS to make electronic weapons attacks
illegal titled "Safeguard USA". Official We Site |
1st Stage Signs of Electromagnetic Energy. Nervousness. Irritability. Feeling a shock as one drifts off to sleep. Seeing lights as one drifts off to sleep. compressing the vertebrae. Sensitivity to sound. Depression. minor spasms and charliehorses. Inability to concentrate. Loss of memory. Night sweats. Sensitive ear to touch. Upon waking finding that the muscles of the back are tingling as if electrified. Ringing in one or both ears and or hear tone bursts. Teeth snap together when drowsy. Loss of sleep. Nails become wavy. Water weight and cellulite accumulations on the upper thigh and buttox from cellular fluids dispalced generally from the head and upper body especially in women, where those fluids find ready redistribution in those areas. |
2st Stage Signs Burning sensation on the skin. Loss of hair. Feeling of temporary heating of the head ( demodulating RF effect) Rashes. 2nd Stage symptoms from exposure Narcoleptic reactions, sleepinesss. Sleep only after exhaustion. Virtual insomnia. Miscarriage. Gaunt face. Facial arinkles. Losing skin turgor. Hair breaks from rapid microwave heat on hair causing increase fracturing of hair shafts. Accompanying activity of sabotage of business and or personal life, strange people in area, strange reactions from people, items moved or missing in home. Waking after sleep feeling as though you did not sleep, children's symptoms manifest themselves as ADD and Hyperactivity. |
1st Stage Signs Changes in the tone of the internal voice. Waking up in extreme pain, and arthritis condition. Spontaneous tearing without emotional thinking. Mild pressure in the head, a cloudy feeling. Increased need to urinate during the night. Feeling puffs of air on the face and back as if as an example a hair on the body or eyelash moved, such is a demodulation of energy on the skin. Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body-this feeling is akin to the impression that these areas were devoid of blood. Unaccountable increased heart rate just before drifting off to sleep causing the person to wake up. |
3rd Stage effects from exposure
Loss of coordination. Accidents from sleeplessness. Damage to eyesight. Atrophy of the muscles. Heart valve damage. Loss of weight. Nausea. Sensitivity to sound. |
3rd Stage effects from exposure
Decreased dexterity. Unaccountable increased heart rate. Depression. Seizure. Choking. Vivid dreams. Lost time. Change of mood. |
The personality becomes quiet, a lack of thought takes
place. Decrease in mental activity. Limbs jerk typically as one is trying to sleep. Weakness. Lethargy or hyperactivity. Forgetfulness. Aggravation reactions. |
4th Stage Syndromes from continued electromagnetic
exposure, information of which is prohibited from major news from
reporting it under the Patriot Act and other legislation.
Victims click here for help KIT PAGE & VIP info
Victims Click here for
imediate help and skip the hard facts ( X )
Our Investigation includes Spectrum Analyzers to 325 GHZ,
Signal Generators to 20 Ghz After spending $200k in a full time effort, we need more equipment! We have made inroads as to affecting the signals and from the equipment you see here which we bought at the cost of substantial debt, garnered enough knowledge to understand what needs to be procured. If you are affected and are counting on anything to help
at all, consider that here the investment has been made and the results
are comming from our research. We are action not words.
People ask why its difficult to image implants in the body. The answer has to do with technology some 25 or more years old where polymer plastics that conduct electricity can be used to create microchips the size of a pinhead that are as translucent as human tissue. The factor of polymer conductive microelectronics allows for the invisible heart of the system, as well antenna technology using the same material renders that component invisible too. The final touch is the power supply comprised of chemical capacitors known in the industry as ultrapacitors, a hybrid between batteries and capacitors. The combination of these elements prevents detection by typical medical scan techniques! The final issue is artistry where the devices are made to look nondescript such as rough surfaced encapsulation of reddish clear material similar to silicon to emulate tissue should an accidental surgery come across one of the devices. The modern age of electronics described has furthe been coupled with RFID techniques where the power grid of household 60 cycle electricity or transmitted energy forms such as the international time pulses can be used to keep such devices charged indefinitely. These links illustrate the issue that plastic
microelectronics are available for manufacturing implants that can evade
detection! A
search phrase that can be used to obtain similar information=
Such devices the size of this letter "o" can receive
and send radio frequency information. The pulse of the signal causes the
loss of critical cell wall mambrane material rendering the cells porous
and inflamed whereby their inner contents leak to the exterior and the
outer materials from other cells and artery as well as vein material
leaks into cells. The effect caused from RF impact causes the cells
surrounding an implant to become inflamed where demodulated RF polarizes
the cells causing the stray electrons move in larger numbers over larger
paths to cause electric energy effects of localized cells allowing cells
further and further from the implants higher RF level to be as affected.
Like an infection the porosity of the cells and their electro
sensitivity spreads through the tissues. |
This website deals with the experiments done on the public at large, where during the 40's and 50's radiation was used on unwitting subjects and officially admitted to 30 years later; during the 60's drugs and hypnotic brainwashing with torture was exposed during the MKULTRA Senate investigation hearings under then Admiral Stansfield Turner's direction. NOW they are using implants and directed energy weapons on a large national scale and we are here to expose their activities of using them on men, women and children.
Covert execution is a new crime in New York, across the United States and around the world and its being done by elite authorities using high tech methods of directable microwave, covert implanting small electronic devices inside them up the nose into the frontal brain area, injections of microchips from hospitals and doctors. People get sick and die without knowing its been done to them. It can also be done to people using directed radio beams.
Victims are nurses, teachers, business owners,government employees who have complained that our own government is killing us. Senators, Congressmen, law enforcement, politicians, reporters and media have ignored thousands of letters, telephone calls and protests from these people. Many books document the subject of out in the open attacks but never on TV or in large newspapers. Senator John Glenn in 1997 tried to close loopholes allowing these activities and his bill failed to pass. The damage to immune system and torture as well as the psychological damage is so horrific many have committed suicide.
You may have been implanted and not believe it, or a friend or family member and now even after reading this warning be in denile to pay attention now at a critical time when its been estimated that 100 million Americans are now implanted without their knowledge or permission. In N.Y. it has been estimated that a full 10% to 20% have been attacked with such energy and have had their lives altered or destroyed.
Symptoms are as simple at the begining and are such as acid reflux, insomnia, waking at the same time every night, limbs jerking when going to sleep, teeth snapping together, hearing tinitis or complex sounds, seeing blips of light, ADD, Hyperactivity, haggardness, Charlie Horses,Skin Rashes and many others;you to may be implanted and have symptoms that seem very ordinary but nevertheless they are caused by radio frequency energy. . Many people have been swept electronically and found to have frequencies comming from their bodies along with many having something unusual come to light from x ray or other medical scans; advances in materials that are used to make the more modern implants are plastic and invisable to medical scans; such devices may image particularily in the forehead where they are located near the frontal lobe of the brain using ultra sophisticated through the wall infared viewing devices available only from the CIA, NSA, FBI or Homeland Security; these agencies are illegally destroying the health and business'es of millions of Americans who have committed no crime but are attacked for reasons as simple as the fact that they were living near one of their operatives and it was convienient to use it due only to that issue.
many others it may be your body is being subjected to government termination experiments shrouded in doublespeak as "Harassment Exercises" against people; the demographic is across the spectrum where men women and children have been reported being attacked telling the same general story. We in the metropolitan area have been attacked in events such as 911and many now know through the internet investigation that government could easily have stopped the airplanes by jet interceptor but did not; this active allowance should tell you what your reading about is not as far feteched as it seems. You may have been implanted and not believe it or a friend or family member and now even after reading this warning be in denile to pay attention now at a critical time when its been estimated that a further program of indoctrination of an additional 30 million operatives into this program is now being implemented.
In this age of blatant censorship of the news this is the largest secret on this planet being kept from you by mainstream media, it is also the largest danger we face collectively as citizens of New York and of this Nation and indeed the world. Should you fail to react to this call to action you may well be sealing our fate; those that are doing this have tremendous budgets and are experts at keeping you the citizen from acting using psychology and technology. Children are targets as well, if this fact alone does not get you active then nothing will.
We have a complaint entered into the Eastern Federal Court for a woman in the metro area who has been implanted with several devices, one in the forehead , she also has a scar in the shape of a cross behind the ear where we expect it was there a middle ear cochlea transceiver was installed and in each arm there appears to be neural stimulators emitting heat to cause extreme pain and apparent devices in the abdomen. She is being covertly tortured, treated less than a human as an experiment by her torturers. It can happen to anyone and I implore you for the sake of your family or anyone you love to help her stop this crime. By helping in this matter it would be to your benefit, as it will also help you and millions of others who will most probably become victims if this crime goes ignored.
Come and join us
for a dutch lunch and hear from people who are living the
Additionally we need donations
to continue this advertisement
Covert execution is a new crime in New York
and its being done by elite authorities using high tech methods of direct able microwave, covert implanting small electronic devices inside them up the nose into the frontal brain area, using directed radio beams and injections of microchips from hospitals and doctors. People get sick and die without knowing its been done to them; under the cover of Human Experimentation.
Victims come from all demographics, men, women, children, including nurses, teachers, democrats, republicans, business owners, government employees, housewives, and students have complained that our own government is killing them. Senators, Congressmen, law enforcement, politicians, reporters and media have ignored thousands of letters, telephone calls and protests from these people. Many books document the subject of out in the open attacks but never on TV or in newspapers is it even mentioned. Senator John Glenn in 1997 tried to close loopholes allowing these activities and his bill failed to pass. The damage to immune system and torture as well as the psychological damage is so horrific many have committed suicide.
Its been estimated that 100 million Americans are now implanted without their knowledge or permission.N.Y. has been estimated a full 10% to 20% have had their lives altered or destroyed.
Symptoms are as simple at the beginning and are such as acid reflux, insomnia, waking at the same time every night, limbs jerking when going to sleep, teeth snapping together, hearing tinnitus or complex sounds, seeing blips of light, ADD, Hyperactivity, haggardness, Charlie Horses, Skin Rashes and many others you to may be implanted and have symptoms that seem very ordinary but nevertheless they are caused by radio frequency energy. People have been swept electronically and found to have implanted devices in their bodies confirmed by x-ray or other medical scans; advances in materials that are used to make the more modern implants are plastic and are invisible to medical scans, such devices are installed in the forehead and look like a thread located near the frontal lobe of the brain in CAT scans. Covert agency activities are illegally destroying the health and business’s of millions of Americans attacked for reasons as simple as the fact that they were living near one of their operatives and it was convenient to use it due only to that issue.
It may be your body is being subjected to government termination experiments shrouded in doublespeak as "Harassment Exercises" people across all demo graphic’s are reporting being attacked. You may have been implanted and not believe it and now even after reading this warning be in denial. Pay attention now at a critical time when its been estimated that a further program of indoctrination of an additional 30 million operatives is being implemented.
In this age of blatant censorship of the news this is the biggest secret on the planet, and the largest danger we face today.
A Federal Court complaint was dismissed unfairly for one of the women in the metro area who has been implanted with several devices, one in the forehead , and in each arm there appears to be neural stimulators emitting heat to cause extreme pain and apparent devices in the abdomen, she also has a scar in the shape of a cross behind the ear where we expect there is a middle ear cochlea transceiver installed. She is being covertly tortured. It is happening and I implore you for the sake of your family to help stop this crime. Without arresting you and dragging you away they kill you without your knowing its happening, in your own home.
Ordinary citizens of New York please take a hand in the
effort, so far all professionals and attorney's have ignored all pleas for
help and as an example search the net ( MKULTRA) if this is allowed to
continue right in our own home's under obscure secret legislation we are
doomed. My name is John and I have also been attacked with these devices
just as I was finishing my paperwork with the SEC for my company to sell
stock to the public. I was stopped cold from filing and turned all my
attention to investigate this devastating activity since 1999. For more
information Call John at 631 360-1557 particularly the link at the bottom
to "Other Web Sites Like This". Please help!
Yours Truly
Victims click here for help KIT PAGE & VIP info X
The author will be on the Eye on the Future Show this
Click below and test to discover whether you
can tune in; also tune in
only when you see times when
a show is playing for a test.
Anmindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol
LEARN how RFID like devices have been used on millions of
American citizens and in citizens in other countries to murder them by covert
disease experiments. Don't believe it, just read it and weep.
The current trend is to implant the homeless and then even though they
have already got somewhere near 100 million Americans implanted they want the
right to do it now as the risk of the public ( the elite consider the population
"sheep" ) understanding it they know that their jig will be up.
Directed Energy & Radio frequency attacked, implanted
device, RFID frequency symptoms list!
Don't think they
have such devices that
have been converted to use inside
a person to cause illness and death.
Click here
Health and Human Services has now ongoing program to implant
the homeless in NY, LA and many other cities click here http://ww
or use search phrase.
Health and
Human Services homeless implanted with RFID
AND AWFUL NEWS= clubs now have happy hour free implants ( click )
TO DONATE $ for the cause:
whatever you can; make check or money order to:
119 Whittier Drive, Kings Park, New York,
Make a difference for our research to
You cannot afford
not to find out the
Do you recognize the following symptoms in yourself or your children?
Please note: be cautious and conservative as to
children as they may parrot the
answers by responding affirmative to your questions.
Many children and teens have the overt symptoms such as
electronic noise, light flashes and electric
pulses, but never mention it to their parents as they have assumed that
it is normal; where they think
that everyone has
them and never mention these artificial symptoms.
Also even adults will have difficulty recalling symptomatic
pulses and pastel lights as they are dozing off
due to short term memory deficiency similar to forgetting dreams as you
recall them only for a few
minutes as you wake
up. The ability to recall such events is difficult but not impossible, its
that a pad and paper be kept on the
chest and that a simple line be made when such events occur so that
they can be recalled by such a notation in the
Radio frequency and implant frequency symptoms list!
Electromagnetic pulse experiments in our area is causing minor
and major discomfort, syndromes and disease!
originating from the experiments that have been and are being done in our area
have been misdiagnosed and only the symptoms are being treated, where the cause
is ignored. find out more (631) 360-1557
his web site is for the purpose of file sharing, except where stipulated. ,
Email has been sent to me but erases upon downloading. If you send email and don't get a response try again.
Mindcontrol Technology
We invite your attention in speeding up the process to stop politically these activities by helping with a little of your time. By going online and searching the legal archives for cases that have to do with people being implanted with microchips in particular! There are many free search tools available and because we cannot mention the for pay search archives by name we say the following; go to a search engine and put in the following search phrase " Search for Federal and State Court Cases ( click)" Pay sites allow free searching for headers if a credit card is entered where when a case is located you can copy the case location info and input it into a search engine for results that will cost nothing, The reason for your help is that its difficult to sort through the millions of cases due to search engines on the sites allowing only limited phrase capability. We will hope to receive the url you located your contribution and the pasted text of the header of the case discovered that has relevance to our cause. We have found 10 cases involving claims of devices implanted in the body that have been dismissed as of our first day of search July 24,2004, if you found more they are important because they contain remarks as to why they were dismissed and the factors of why they were dismissed are essential to formulating a winning case. ( send your results to
Official Report:
The Bush Administration's Homeland Security Agency has been authorized to recruit one of every twenty five people to spy on neighbors for suspicious activities.
In regard to recruitment of such a large number of people, some 15 million new spies among your neighbors or roughly 2 per short block of city.
In regard to such numbers of people being used to spy using
radar devices that will affect the health of citizens we are warning the public
and the intelligence community at large that a sinister activity beyond what is
being told is going on where such new recruits will be indoctrinated. Here is a
short historical link worthy of being in this sites introduction.
We know from investigation that the government is involved with mass killing of American Citizens in their homes.
NEWS July 18,2004 See Kit Page
Look for VIP semi monthly updated info on the KIT page Look for Brainiac Hat
There is an old saying,
most of you
have been told by your parents and it goes something like this.
" The more you learn, the more
you realize how little you know
You hated hearing that cliché,
later in life most of us
realize just how true it
We are now hoping you have recognized such wisdom and have the
fortitude not to remain in denial, run or forget what you read here
mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol, mind
control, This web site is for the purpose of file sharing, except where
mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol,
mind control, mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol,
mind control, mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol, mind control, mindcontrol,
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What your about to read is true, it is the result of a 3+ year investigation. It will be difficult if not impossible for you to believe even after you read the evidence contained in public releases from military DOD, Dept. of Justice, police, US Patent Office, retired officials, private investigators and then the victims of the crime of the century and perhaps of all time. This is not fiction but something so evil and insidious I thought I should take some time and lead you into it gradually but there is no time, the criminals who are murdering men women and children in their homes by the million require a quick description of the situation; millions have already been murdered in their homes by a hideous science of implantation by microchip and or directed silent electromagnetic energy. This is the truth, a secret international organization sanctioned by all governments despite their serious differences in public with their political objectives exists; this particular international liaison takes precedence in international politics in that all officials across the globe fall silent as to its existence and activity, its as if the activity does not exist for the public.
Their goal is multiple and they are the New World Order as they themselves define themselves, evil in nature and structured in the medieval way generally with kings and vassals and knights and we all the peasants if we do not have rank in their evil empire, they consider us mere livestock. At this precipitous time in history there are many events forcing mankind on the brink of cataclysm from nuclear war via nuclear proliferation, the known thinning of the North Pole and the environmental after effects that are known to follow, these two things alone have spawned an evil policy for removal of a serious percentage of the population coupled with the toppling of the free country Americans who in their ideology of freedom represent a threat to the policy being stuffed down the publics throat. The media do stories about what they are told to say, and now because of the internet we are finding out what they have been hiding, which is that those in charge are guilty of serious crimes of human rights abuse here at home.
Truth is that the policy is a product of greed wherein those in the old boy power network refused to allow technical fixes out of the bag so to say; the US and European Patent offices are filled with technology that easily with very little development can end all the peoples problems, that now because these inventions were ignored has accelerated the destruction of the warming of the worlds ice which will cause tremendous problems and refusal to allow technical fixes has caused the using up of natural resources which are necessary to support the worlds population. Such statements together with outright greed have spawned the evil policy of secret genocide ( think tanks say the less people the better ). How you ask can something like that which is described here exist and go on undetected; simply put " National Security " . Your right to know under current legal dogma enacted amounts to the following fact; all facets of government are under " Admiralty Law " and this is known to exist under the current US system of law only and by the very display of a fringed flag in all court rooms throughout the US. heady stuff to understand what I say is true and it is. The web site your on is for the purpose of exposing the activities of the group described here at the preface.
The secret genocide has been well thought through as a means to keep you and the mass population of the nation from discovering the truth which is millions have been killed and millions are being killed using the most obviously attacked by the electronic device described earlier. The method of hiding something so insidious being done out in the open is pure evil genius. They attack many many people out in the open to promote several agendas. One and the primary agenda is to demonstrate what they want people to understand are the symptoms of being bombarded with electronic weapons, they have such people being attacked out in the open with such extraordinary symptoms that the massive population will see those symptoms as a definition of an attack and never make the connection that the very common and non serious seemingly everyday symptoms they are experiencing are not at all related to such attacks, but they are and seriously so. The second agenda is to cause fear not in the massive population who are being kept from the truth because its under " National Security " regulations to enforce non reporting but to put deep fear into all authorities that such activity can and will go on despite even their authoritarian complaint which is stifled and generates an aura and reality of the criminals being untouchable.
( Recall the speech made before the UN by President Bush
several years ago
in relation to this speech he
mentions his foreign assets. )
What you learn here will likely be brushed off as the ravings of a lunatic until you begin the process of really reading the evidence which is on the bottom of this first page as an index. I warn you that if you ignore this warning to help with all your might we as a people as a nation even as a world have no future; your families will be swept away unless we band together and make the ultimate sacrifice, which is to put aside all and every other agenda's that you may have whether its activism or mundane daily interests. The choice is yours, there will be nowhere to hide and the stakes are to the death. They, as powerful as they are are few; we are many and still have the key positions which can put the brakes on. But it won't happen without your effort. Would you prefer to depend on my effort for your life; do not want that, want to take a hand in this critical day to make a difference whether you work for the government or are a civilian. It cannot be stopped with certainty by either government or the public alone but requires your supreme commitment. There is little time as they grow stronger every day. Think clearly now, you know something is wrong, don't depend on me or others to fix it. Most people cannot be ordered to do anything, but this being an emergency I do think you had better reconsider the following. Do not go from this site without pledging your life to stopping it because it is your life they will take. Do not leave this site and go back to what you were doing as it were, your routine or your job without first making this your prime concern in your life. Ask others what they think and when they play doubting Thomas's ask what about the widespread research and the other evidence. Ask everyone if they have such symptoms and continue to ask for we are all there is in the equation to save our lives. You may be one of the few who in regard to history were called in a spiritual way to be more than you are as a result of reading this now. I ask all of you who read this to become more than you are and never forget this is possibly why you were born, not to be a hero but to do what anyone would do when one truly understands an emergency situation. You should know the following, act quickly and place advertisements around the country as follows:
"Activists join with us to support each others agenda's,
thereby increasing your effectiveness (your telephone number or mine).
Local papers will charge $20. get started, conquer ignorance
in your own town!
This advertisement will get you in touch with the kind of people that do things that count in the world, they just need to be educated as to this circumstance and maybe through your eloquence or their spirit will rise to the occasion. Your country needs you now. Don't let it down!
Flyer to pass out click here
and that they will behave. CLICK WHERE THEY SAY LISTEN LIVE ALSO |
Perp's don't want you to send in this complaint.
agency to stop electronic attacks against yourself. Drop everything and fill it in now and send it today! ((click here)) |
This web site is for the purpose of file sharing, except where
stipulated. The covert use of radio frequency weapons labeled falsely non lethal
or harassment together with
being implanted is being
done purposely in an open way on thousands of American men women and
These people being used in terminal
experiments are being utilized in a combined program to train operatives
recruited from neighborhoods, many are generally normal
citizens who have been tricked into these activities by
being fed false profile information. Millions of Americans have been
implanted and their implants have been set
to a low
level output; only when they are designated a high profile target are the
implants turned on so that they
the target will
understand that an attack not from diminishing health is taking place; those
chosen as high profile
targets are in the propaganda
being used to prevent the large number of people from understanding that they
implanted too. So the use of high profile terminal
attack subjects is to camouflage the less intense effects on the
masses which is. Camouflage meaning that the overtly attacked
are understood by the observer to have extreme symptoms present and therefore
say to themselves that they are not being attacked because they don't have the
most extreme symptoms.
As well overt attack victims are
used to advertise their power to scare local civilians and administrators as
well from taking action, this action reaction consolidates the control through
fear over the people, subsequently the effect is to cause the people to be
Large scale experiments permissible despite link to disease and death of U.S. citizens. Media muzzled! Government experiments on women & children law passed despite plea from Ret.. Senator John Glenn for reversal ! Electromagnetic pulse experiments are being performed
in your Metro and Suburban area! |
"Congressional Crime"
U.S. Code available in all libraries
Human rights activists and investigators working to change laws allowing experiments often resulting in disfigurement, disease and death on US women, children and men. You received this information because your media refuse to buck the system and warn you of total abuse of power causing artificial mental illness symptoms, serious diseases and death! "Get involved", just spread the word. Take the time as a concerned citizen and go to your public library and look up such statutes as cited here! Especially now! The Government is spreading Lies and rumors about activists for exposing these atrocities, support your hometown people exposing the statutes and laws that are being used to do acts against citizens but most of all on children. Get the facts to stopping this call 631 360-1557 |
Date: Nov. 10, 2003 "We" the affiliated with the following links are being used in termination exercises by government operatives under orders from CFR ( committee for foreign relations ) and moles ( double agents ) who have written false profiles, mislead intelligence by endorsing false directives to keep field personnel on fishing expeditions on persons whom represent no danger to US security. We are in many cases implanted by GPS devices and all of those on the sites above are being actively tortured by electronics. If you have no knowledge of such things I would advise you to learn through reading the information sent here thoroughly. There are of course many who misinterpret the situation who are being victimized, please take that into consideration. We are actively pursuing the death penalty of all persons involved. It appears to be your agencies responsibility to look into such matters; your response will be reported to public forums in the community. Its hoped your agency can act to stop these atrocities. In light Ret. Vice Pres. Al Gore's recent remarks of the formation of a virtual police state it stands as a guideline that such things can happen; wherein this letter is to apprise you of the fact that what he says and worse has been going on. Many have asked for help from officials and been told they have no jurisdiction or never respond. It appears that a serious breech of communications within government agencies has been caused by those doing such things in order to continue using electronic weapons on the public in large numbers. Please respond! Yours truly Telephone # 631-360-1557 Letter Authors Note: It is Feb. 13th 2004 there has still been no responce from Homeland Security. We now go to official business meetings in our area and distribute the following in regard to a business we have organized. We would never accept state run genocide and will endeavour to counter it at every turn. To business leaders and authorities: The issue of our time is terrorism and although rarely mentioned infiltration as well. Both are intrinsically tied together. Today some 50 years after WW2 most people have forgotten the word infiltration. In the most defined form it has to do with the recruitment of double agents from CIA, FBI,Police, DEA, DOD and other government jobs agencies. the legal archives are filled with cases of espionage against the United States by its own agents. Calling attention to such issues by those in government jobs is impossible now due to constant retaliation against government whistle blowers. The issue in regard to the new Department of Homeland Security is that there is a recruitment goal of 1 in every 24 citizens of the US to be neighborhood spies of any unusual occurrences; we are here as the beginnings of an oversight organization to make all efforts to prevent the hijacking of Homeland Security. Our fear is that the loopholes in place will allow those using silent electronic weapons to implement their use in surveillance where those told they are doing legitimate surveillance are really also using devices that destabilize the immune system and neurological systems of persons targeted by such investigations. Such devices can be to covertly view inside a persons home using such things as radio frequency or acoustic radar but not limited to such devices but include in the body or teeth implants. Most U.S. citizens, both government and private individuals loose sight of the fact that their country is the target of espionage from the following countries; China, Russia, N. Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, France, Germany and Britain the United Kingdom to mention a few of those actively engaged in recruitment of U.S. government employees. Of course you may be surprised to see allied countries named in this short list, but that is the price that is paid for being the current premier superpower. Everyone wants US secret weapons, control over US politics and its economy, which are the high stakes prizes; few know this activity is going on and the reason is that the media have been compromised. Did you know that your media is mostly owned by foreigners, and people don't know this. The American public has been prevented from learning many things which fall under the definition of subversion against them because a free press is a thing of the past We are doing this to educate the public and government employees through our investigative findings as to dangers that have not been properly addressed by government itself. As a result of our research investigation into high level infiltration of personnel and creation of anti US policy being created in and by moles in the United States government, we have innovated a line of products that can be used to help insure the capability of U.S. Government employees and the ordinary citizen subject to electronic attack. Our investigation spans some 23 years into strategic politics; and the last three years were dedicated to infiltration issues where this investigation in a search for the truth now spans three continents to four countries, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and the North American continent. The issue of where the trail leads in regard to infiltraitors is that some are naive patriotic agents handed false profiles from moles up the ladder of authority and or combined with rogue double agents training those that are patriotic but who take orders blindly where they depend upon the profiles they receive as valid but are not. An analysis of the facts surrounding the investigation point decisively to an interconnection of most of the worlds different governments antiterrorist international agreements; these agreements between such countries are the means by which a separate and distinct group have achieved serious infiltration and control, and are a force unto themselves. Where now this dangerous entity within the intelligence sector of various antiterrorist network organizations are actively attacking persons whom would be most likely to uncover the truth about this seperate treasonous activity. International counter terrorist agencies of the many countries involved are now being manipulated into solidification for an international global coup, which must be opposed. Our findings should cause you to reconsider returning to
business as usual due to the These electronic attack devices are also being utilized in forming terrorist groups and cells. The methods are multiple, where people targeted by electronic attack are either tortured to manipulate their will, or that they are recruited after such torturous abuse to join such a group, or that the groups using such devices recruit from various sources of government agencies ironically using loopholes in government legislation, where such legislation has its roots in being formulated by moles who have infiltrated our policy making bodies. There is evidence that Atta the 911 terrorist leader was instigated in part through the use of such weapons, and had some connection to US interests. The misguided sanctioning of electronic technology used to attack citizens has been granted by a group of high ranking personnel inside the US government, which is under orders from foreign operatives in part stem from the "CFR" { <Committee for Foreign Relations> is a european law making body which makes its laws or statutes US law without Congressional approval for even their existance to operate within the United States }. These US government personnel are virtual recruits of foreign powers and are in fact traitors of the United States where they permit the covert activities of electronic attack against US citizens including women and children. The facts surrounding their activities in regard to the investigation have been verified through our having obtained official documents as to its going on. One of the principal issues of the group doing these criminal acts is to instill fear into any authority that may try to raise the issue of stopping it, subsequent success in such tactics solidify their power. The weapons described as silent electronic weapons have already been used to covertly install their own personnel who lay waiting as moles inside government agencies. The irony of their success is that it depended upon the mountainous bureaucratic maze that has allowed statutes to be passed in Congress that allow further inroads for their activities.Subsequently formed agencies or altered mandates by acts of Congress have spawned policy allowing subversion to exist within these various agency programs. The lack of oversight and the loopholes in the agencies that are allowing the active attacking of men, women, children, politicians, lawyers, servicemen, industry personnel, and others from all walks of life with these silent weapons in their homes, is such that the use of the loopholes together with insurgency of infiltraitors has been effective in creating a separate foreign run chain of command that is growing ever larger as you read this. The symptoms that arise from the use of such weapons are unique in their stealth, they are in many cases very ordinary symptoms except that they arise suddenly and follow a general pattern. Following this introduction is a list of symptoms that are directly related to electronic warfare attack. There is a list below of the symptoms. Yours Truly |
This site is about experimenting on US citizens with silent
weapons without their knowledge in their
homes, condos and apartments,
includes many first
hand interview accounts of victims who have experienced the horror of government
out of control.
List of the symptoms to judge whether you or your children are
being made ill by silent weapons, which often begin with haggardness,
sleeplessness, shock sensations as one drifts off to sleep and acid reflux; the
effects on the immune system
which can cause ADD,
Hyperactivity, CFS ,MS, Cerebral Palsy, and many other diseases.
Includes a review of U.S. laws granting permission to cause
illness and death, including Health and Human Services
statutes, documents from Department of Justice authorizing use of silent
weapons systems by elite local police departments
other non government employees.
Illustrated with US patents, Dept. of Justice documents,
military documents, and court cases that won against
government. Includes methods used to combat the activities; also
interviews with former FBI head of three major
metropolitan cities blowing the whistle about government involvement in
such activities and chronological list of
done to servicemen and the public.
Click here to learn about the author! |
Hailed as the one source book for diagnostic information
and strategy and methods to jam and stop the
attacks from the covert army of human
experimenters now in " every "
Doing so called surveillance
of their neighbors from
apartments, condos and
houses using devices that cause silent electronic death or illness.
The Statute 1520a to the right in its entirety allows through direct and indirect statutes allowing experiments that can even be to terminate an individual or population, One of the casual relationships we call to question is that of chemtrails ( massive widespread spraying of the entire N. American continent with aluminum, barium and specially treated desiccated blood platelets, and currently about to released in pictures on stamps search chemtrails on the internet ) and that of what we feel is a related widespread use of 500 mile diameter radar pulses tailored to be as intense 500 miles from the epicenter as it is at the epicenter using a special mathematical process. We feel that the excuse which may have truth to it, where the DOD claims they are trying to reduce the greenhouse effect by putting up a blanket of material to reflect light back into space, is only a smokescreen for a secondary purpose which is the reduction of the source of the problem of the green house effect problem namely mankind; and that the real second use is to reduce mankind's numbers instead of releasing advanced technology that can reduce emissions from mans activities, they won't release the technology because it can also release third world nations from being dominated by the oil industry and power brokering that the industry represents. The technical issue is that humans breathing in the metals sprayed all over them have these metals further drawn into vital portions of the human cell structures of say the mitochondria tubules and by high output emf from 500 mile diameter radar and other local emf possibly even the ordinary 60 cycle house wiring fields; where subsequently the 500 mile diameter radar bursts or in case where a subject is implanted with a GPS microchip or a person is targeted by home radar surveillance or other homeland security electronic surveillance technology, will then have the cellular deposits of metals and other toxins react directly to the emf of the radar or home borne 60 cycle or intelligence surveillance that have an electronic output that will electrophoretically affect the metals to migrate into the cells and then subsequently act like an antenna increasing the amplitude of emf signal or energy thereby effecting the biology of people to reach damaging levels. It appears that such a methodology is at work where the spraying and radar bursts are a means to decrease the immune system and subsequently kill old and young alike with uncommon systemic reactions due to hereditary predisposition. A Point of fact addressed to any attorney lacking loophole insight. Have you seen the evidence linked to suitable urls in the above paragraphs, and could such activities be carried out in lieu of the evidence without the intrepetion of the statute to the right having loopholes as described. If you can not see the facts now I suggest you change vocation. |
50 USC Sec. 1520a 01/22/02 -EXPCITE- TITLE 50 - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM -HEAD- Sec. 1520a. Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents -STATUTE- |
The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract) - (1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or (2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects. | |
( Research Investigators Note highlighted area to the right means that they have permission to do research and industrial trials using electromagnetic weapons, viruses, biological, chemical, and acoustic weapons to determine their efficiency at killing or maiming using ordinary citizens like you and me .) |
Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e) of this section, the prohibition in subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes: (1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity. |
a loophole lovers dream come true. ) ( Research Investigators ) Note : Additionally note above to riot control. Where together with consideration that doctors have remained silent about fatal human experiments proven to have been done and the always present corruption in government it can be understood that since electronic weapons have been added to Federal, State, and local elite police arsenals, and where such devices are available it is inevitable that they are used in ways that cause the harm written about on this web site and in the book. End of Research Investigators Notation ) |
toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents. (3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control. (c) Informed consent required The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) of this section only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject. |
Restated from above, needs to placed in this section as follows: ( Research Investigators Note highlighted area to the right reference highlighted letter ( d ) where is referencing to notice to congress, thereby the exception has to do with the "act" of notifying congress; whereupon when congress is so notified of the intent of the "The Secretary of Defense" to carry out DOD activities and the congress is so then notified and where congress in the thirty day period days of notice fails to respond with a response or legislative conferencing with Senators to bring a bill foward to counter the request to intervene, then the DOD can without such or any response carry out their activities unimpeded. Why should they notify congress, because congress is your direct representative where they act on all citizens behalf's by virtue of their status of appointed representatives; for the "The Secretary of Defense" to tell them is a technicality that they have told all citizens as the congress has the power to act on the citizens behalf literally, literally in that congress can issue legislation to recruit, nominate, volunteer you or otherwise directly action ate any activity and further wherein they do or would not respond to such a DOD oriented request is in actuality to allow through abrogation of authority the activities presented by DOD authorities. |
Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees. |
In this section, the term ''biological agent'' means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing - (1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or (3) deleterious alteration of the environment. | |
(Pub. L. 105-85, div. A, title X, Sec. 1078, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1915; Pub. L. 106-65, div. A, title X, Sec. 1067(4), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 774.) -COD- CODIFICATION Section is comprised of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85. Subsec. (f) of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85 amended section 1523(b) of this title. Subsec. (g) of section 1078 of Pub. L. 105-85 repealed section 1520 of this title. Section was enacted as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998, and not as part of Pub. L. 91-121, title IV, Sec. 409, Nov. 19, 1969, 83 Stat. 209, which comprises this chapter. -MISC3- AMENDMENTS 1999 - Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 106-65 substituted ''and the Committee on Armed Services'' for ''and the Committee on National Security''. | |
"Shocking Truth " about artificial creation of illness revealed in this 3 plus year investigation blows the lid off the US governments covert war on American men, women and yes even children. |
Detailed analysis of where this
How many people are being used and attacked ? Order to find out the mind
Countermeasure devices that can eliminate the
of electronic weapons are included with
the book, that can restore health and extend life. The devices were created by
the inventor of supersonic aircraft, space station modules and medical
technology and are available for purchase, and are available nowhere else, for
detailed full information order today.
Below are a few of the U.S.
Laws allow experimenting on public, problem is
that like all government activities incredible abuse of
power occurs, in this case they are
and killing U.S. citizens
including children.
Learn why doctors cannot or
will not diagnose.
Learn why media refuses to
cover the story.
Learn how and who spawned the
Learn what those in control
Learn why authorities are silent about
Learn if you have been implanted with a microchip by
doctor or hospital or is there directed
energy or broad coverage
community experimental
energy exposure, which is described as
likely in a
speech by then Senator John Glenn
Senator John Glenn's
speech asking
that human
experiment loopholes be closed!
Record, introducing bill S. 193 to the 105th Congress. The bill did not become law; such a law is still needed for the reasons Glenn describes here. (These remarks were found by searching under the 105th Congress for S. 193. The text of the bill can be found there also.) |
( Partial excerpt )
Mr. GLENN. Madam President, I rise today to
the Human Research Subject Protection
Act of 1997.
I send the bill to the
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will
be received and appropriately referred.
Mr. GLENN. Madam President, if I approached any
Senator here and I said, you did not know it, but
last time they went to the doctor or went to
the hospital,
your wife or your husband
your daughter or your
son became the subject of a medical experiment that they
not even told about. They were given
they were given pills, they were given
radiation, they were
given something and were not even
told about this,
were not even informed about it, yet
they are under some
experimental research that might
possibly do them
harm--maybe some good will come out of
it, but maybe
it will do them harm also--but they do
not know
about it,' people would laugh at that and say
that is ridiculous.
That cannot possibly happen in this
Yet, that very situation is what this piece
legislation is supposed to address.
I have been in public life and have served this country
many years. Frankly, I do not think too many
that I see surprise me anymore about our laws
and about
Government. Three years ago, though, I began
learn about a gap in our legal system that does
truly concern
me. In 1993 the Governmental Affairs
began to investigate the cold war radiation
experiments. These
experiments are one of the
unfortunate legacies
of the cold war, when our
Government sponsored experiments
involving radiation on
our own citizens without
their consent. They did not
even know the experiments were
being run on them. It
was without their consent.
One of the most infamous of these experiments took place
in my own State of Ohio, when scores of patients at
the University of Cincinnati were subjected to large
of radiation during experimental treatments,
their consent, without their informed consent.
During the
course of this investigation, I began to ask
the question,
what protections are in place to prevent
such abuses from
happening again? What law prohibits
on people without their informed
What I found, when I looked into it, is there is no law on
books requiring that informed consent be
More important, I believe there is a need for
such a law, as there
continue to be cases where this
basic right--I do
view it as a basic right--is abused.
As I started out, I would like
to put this on a
personal level for everyone of my
colleagues. You
just think about your own family, your own son,
your own daughter, or grandchildren who might
be, the next time they go to a doctor, the subject of some
experiment that they are not even told about.
do not think there can be many things more
un-American than that.
The link below is the official Department of Energy web
outlining an extraordinary number of medical
experiments on
men, women, and children predominantly
using chemical and
radioactive substances which were
clearly understood to be
deadly substances. It is
apparent that a method to indoctrinate,
recruit, and
enlarge the budget for increased use on the public
other more modern electronic devices has taken place as
you will have proven to you with documentation presented in
the book " Congressional Crime "..
DOE information as an example for those that doubt
doctors are capable of acts wholly against the public
Additionally no mention or reference to the
new silent electronic
experiments; as the official policy
releases only a
small part of the record only 30 to 15 years after
activities; this delay appears to be policy so as to decrease
liability and accountability, and is a part of the pattern of
regularly engaged in, the abuse using electronic
weapons is on the
rise dramatically. Do you have the
of Energy lists and locations of human experimentation
If the official web page above will not open try the on site
copy below.
HERE --> X
Use of electronic weapons to incapacitate, cause disease and kill. Get the facts! |
Support the effort at bringing advertisements into major
newspapers, its expensive; but how else can you get this kind of information. It
will depend on all of you to keep it happening so that the terrible things
written about here can be stopped.
Through buying the
book and jamming device the message can continue to reach the people. To help us
pay for advertising in newspapers around the country which we do, make a
donation if possible, or buy multiple copies; without you the laws will
remain secret and men, women and children subject to the whim of those who are
keeping you in the dark.
It only takes a few minutes to have 100 flyers printed and distributing them on your daily routine takes very little effort. The future depends on all of us doing even some small part in educating and alerting others; no other agenda is of such importance to get your attention and support. |
To print a flyer about this currently media taboo
Click the link below to download and print (
from your browser is best )
to give to friends,
associates, and family so as to educate them about
these activities; their health may depend upon knowing what may
happening to them.
1.) Page 1 copy
for printing.
2.) Page 2 copy for printing back of flyer.
Use a stud finder for detecting nails in sheet rock, but get
the type that has a setting called metal scan.
It has
been found to be able to locate implanted microchips! You need to practice to
understand what signals repeat virtually every time and you can use a dime under
a thick newspaper to get the hang of it.
If you can
afford it use a metal detector for finding coins at the beach; use precaution in
intrepetation when sweeping near tooth fillings. Many of the coin detectors have
settings that can allow the units to ignore specific metals so use care in
interpretation when too close to teeth, many are being found on arms and
OK so now your ready for more.
Enter the nightmare!
and information on how to counter implants and directed energy. Click here |
Author, Debbie I am here to speak for women across the nation being experimented on, without their knowledge or consent. I am a human rights activist trying to stop the torture and the despicable evil that is being done to us. I have talked to many women around the world and have heard their stories of injustice where they are being attacked with electronic weapons such as implants and directed energy and also stalking. Their stories are very much the same. We are being tortured relentlessly and many women are suffering from this due to the neglect and ignorance of public officials. The letters and appeals we have written to them are put aside and thrown away as if our pleas for help go un-noticed. Why is it that our crys to the public officials mean nothing? Our bodies, minds and souls are being raped and destroyed because a nazi society has been allowed to exist. These are the days of a government where a fourth reich is imminent, and we are being attacked by a silent weapon that kills, maimes and tortures. These nazi animals have the mentality of a rapist, where no conscience is present and they are trained as atheists who see themselves as God. They are taught to enjoy the pain of others. Preying on weak innocent people is their forte; we must have no fear to make our plight known; or they will feed off of our screams. If we remain silent about this horrendous crime, you too may eventually be attacked and brought to a death camp (your home is the new modern death camp) to die. Our fathers, husbands, boyfriends, brothers, uncles, and children are tortured and being killed in the same way. We must stand up and speak out for our lives and for our families or we will lose this war against humanity. We must fight back and take back our country and the right to a government with a conscience, which has been lost. |
NEWS FLASH, tangent from the depopulation program.
These are up close pictures of one of the thousands of planes
outfitted to spray chemtrails!
Claims are that the
ingredients cause Avian Flu Respiratory symptoms. Are M.D.'sbeing trained to
know the difference between the symptoms of spraying and the Avian Flu. Is their
a timeline when the population will have widespread effects from spraying that
coincide with the Avin Flu? Will there be an effect where the spraying will make
our respiratiory systems more easily infected by the Avian Flu? Has the corrupt
Press mentioned the chemtrails, strangely enough NO! We leave it to you to
consider also does the spray make us more conductive by inhaling aluminum and
barium togther with alleged biological material. A link to the future of our
Aerosol Operations 2005
By Amy Worthington
North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.
We continually witness bizarre meteorological occurrences as
powerful electromagnetic devices manipulate both the jet stream and individual
storm fronts to create artificial weather and climatic conditions. Black
operations projects embedded within these aerosol missions are documented to
sicken and disorient select populations with biological test agents and
psychotronic mind/mood control technologies.
Part of what is happening in the atmosphere above us involves the
Pentagon's secret space weapons program, designed for strategic, operational and
tactical levels of war. NASA missions will soon be transferred to Pentagon
control. (1)
The Air Force Space Command declares that, in order to monitor
and shape world events, it must fight intense, decisive wars with great
precision from space. (2)
Air Force Secretary James G. Roche has stated: "Space capabilities are
integrated with, and affect every link in the kill chain." (3)
A glimpse into new death technologies under construction is in legislation introduced by Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinch. His unsuccessful Space Preservation Act of 2001 was intended to ban space deployment of: (4)
* electronic, psychotronic and information weaponry
* high altitude ultra low frequency weapons
* plasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons
* laser weapons
COPYRIGHTED IN THE YEAR "2000" about this imminent castrophe |
Worse News = CLICK | |
Direct from the
South pole Scientific Web S ite = ( X ) Timeline of the shrinking S. Pole click here ->( X ) |
Newest breakup of ross ad ronne ice
is simultaneous and disturbing Sept. 04 CLICK ( X ) | | |
Victims click here for help KIT PAGE & VIP info X
This site is an ongoing investigation.
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No part of this
information may be transmitted without the express permission of the
Victims click here for help KIT PAGE & VIP info X