Last Updated:
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 04:35:20 AM

Tuesday, December 05, 2006 |
Me and the Devil Blues
MAD of NwoWatcher Interviews Wes Penre of Illuminati News
(Part 1)
MAD and Wes Penre, Dec 05, 2006
Last Updated:
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 04:35:20 AM |
MAD and Wes Penre |
hroughout history certain pervasive groups,
usually working in conjunction, have fought to establish an
international web over the entire globe. Using the arts of
persuasion and warfare, they have crafted a far reaching battle
plan which stretches the broad scope of our world, and forces
the iron fist of religion, politics, and economic standards upon
the populace of which it often-time rules with a fascist
authority. Over the ages of man, from the Anunnaki to the Great
White Brotherhood, the Cult of the Serpent, the Nephilim,
Brotherhood of Venus, Nagas, the Cult of Kali, the Druids, the
Knights Templar, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, the
Los Alumbrados, Skull and Bones Society, Bohemian Grove, Ordo
Templi Orientis, Order of the Golden Dawn, Bilderberg Group,
Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, FBI, CIA, MI5,
Mossad, the KKK, Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Hollywood
entertainment, Corporate dictatorship, Opus Dei, Zionism and the
Jesuit Order; we have been manipulated and given “privileges” by
certain bloodlines and oligarchies who consider themselves as
being a superior breed to that of common man.
One man who has been researching these subjects for many years,
and providing his own unique commentary in the topics of
globalization, international banking, the New World Order and
planetary slavery, is Wes Penre who manages
WWW.ILLUMINATI-NEWS.COM, a provocative and informative
website which seeks to expose secrecy and corruption in world
events. I recently had the rare opportunity of interviewing Mr.
Penre, who revealed many intriguing details into the world wide
conspiracy which is, even now, imposing its oppressive
domination and subtle mind-control upon us all.

Wes, thanks for taking some time to be with us today. It's a
pleasure to speak with you regarding your theories, research,
and evidences which expose the deadly globalization goals of the
"New World Order". I've been a fan of your work with for a couple of years now,
and it's nice to finally have an opportunity to sit down and
chat. What was the initial process which first led you on the
path of researching these so called "conspiracies", and could
you give us a background on the history of Illuminati-News?
It’s truly my pleasure, and an honor, MAD. I initially posted
Illuminati News on the Internet by the end of 1998, after I had
bought my first PC. My website was one of the first on the
Internet to seriously dig into these subjects on a broader
scale. However, my research started long before that.
I indicate in my biography that I had once been a member of one
of those secret societies myself, but I don’t mention which
society. The reason for this is because leaving a secret society
is not an easy thing to do. Although some of them do allow you
to leave, you have to keep quiet about the secrets you’ve been
taught, otherwise you’ll be viciously attacked. If you write
anything bad about them, you may be in trouble. However, it’s
not the matter of being attacked by them that made me decide not
to reveal which group I belonged to; it was more a matter of not
having the time and patience to handle the attacks I knew would
be coming if I went public. However, I recently made a conscious
decision to reveal it anyway, as I now believe people have the
right to know. You will be the first to know, by the way, as I
have not yet made it public.
The secret society I was a member of on a very high level was
the Church of Scientology. Yes, I did say ‘secret society’,
although they call themselves a religion these days, mostly for
tax reasons. But it is actually a secret society per definition,
and it works in the same way as Freemasonry and others, with
secret levels of initiation. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder, was
deeply into the occult, and a master magician. This, of course,
was not communicated to the members. Much of Hubbard’s
‘technology’ was stolen from Aleister Crowley, John Dee, the Old
Egyptian Mystery School, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian’s and many
others. Hubbard mixed it all together in a huge kettle and
stirred it into a giant soup. On top of that he sprinkled a
little science fiction here and there to make it taste better.
Shortly before he was shot to death by the police a few years
ago, I communicated with Bill Cooper regarding Scientology. I
figured that he, whom had worked within the Intelligence
network, could have some additional information about
Scientology and Hubbard. He stated that the Church was nothing
but a Navy Intelligence test project, which became much more
successful than anybody ever anticipated. The goal of
Scientology is the same as that of all secret societies – to
take over the world through entertainment and popular culture.
However, when I left Scientology in the 90’s, I did so because
after I had completed OT VII, which at that time was the highest
official level of Scientology, I started realizing that things
weren’t what they seemed to be. I began to research Scientology
with an objective mind, and inevitably found out the truth about
it. I left the Church, but the woman I was married to at that
time did not want to leave the “congregation”, and we ended up
in a painful divorce.
I am not going to reveal the Scientology secrets here, as they
can easily be found on the Internet. For those who are
interested, just google “Scientology” and it won’t take long
before you know all about it – lots of information. Anyway, it
took me years to break loose from the mind control I’d been
subjected to, and many times I almost gave up – it was extremely
hard and painful, especially as I decided to do it without any
help. I am not a fan of psychology and psychiatry, and I doubted
that any therapist could really help me with this. Finally I
‘popped out of it’ and life started to have a meaning again.
Although the whole thing had been a trauma, I am still happy
that I joined the Church, because breaking away from it made me
start realizing how those strange secret societies really work,
and I began to research them intensively. I saw that they are
simply not clubs for eccentric older men, who have nothing else
to do (something many people think they are), nor are they
charity organizations, although they use charity as a front to
hide their inner, darker secrets.
Thank you for sharing this exclusive announcement of your
previous involvement with Scientology, and your insight into
some of the methods used by the group. There are so many
Scientology horror stories out there, it isn’t even funny. Were
you surprised to find out the truth about Scientology, and all
the other secret societies and organizations that you began
-WES: Was
I surprised when I found out the truth? Absolutely! Suddenly
most of the questions I’d had all my life, like: “Why are there
wars”? “Why do we let people in undeveloped countries starve
when there is an abundance of food”? Just to mention a couple of
questions I’d had since childhood. So I spent a lot of time
researching this whole thing and learnt more and more about how
this planet is set up, and how most of us are just puppets and
slaves in a much bigger game than any of us can imagine; about
how the secret societies have always been there to set up and
control it all. It was a shock to find out about the Illuminati
and how they secretly have tried to take over the world over the
last thousands of years. But the scariest part was the
realization that they are extremely close to completing their
goal, and that it probably will happen in our lifetime, unless
we start doing something about it.
There are a lot of extremely interesting and important articles
available at your website, which is a non-for-profit venture run
primarily through you, but before we get into any more details
regarding some of your informational specialties, here is a
quote directly from your mission statement at Illuminati-News:
"This webmaster is of the conviction that the world is
controlled by a network of secret societies, with the goal to
create a New World Order and a One World Government. This
network of extremely wealthy and powerful people have, through
lies, half truths and propaganda, succeeded in making more and
more of the world population believe that a world without
borders is a world of peace; a world without wars. They are
working hard to make us believe that Globalization is the road
to freedom, when in fact it is the road to enslavement."
I know it might become a rather complicated and detailed answer,
but if you could, who do believe to be the small handful of
groups, people, or corporations at the center-point and nexus of
this plot? Who do you believe to be some of the major
"Illuminist" players of the modern world?
know you’re too young (and so am I) to remember World War II and
the “Resistance”. Still, you have probably heard about how they,
behind the scenes, rescued Jews, gypsies and other unfortunate
people from the Nazis, while keeping up a front of being friends
with the Nazis, to make it easier to smuggle people out of Nazi
Germany, as the Gestapo would not necessarily suspect them. The
Resistance worked out of different ‘cells’, which means that
people in the particular cell you belonged to only knew what
they needed to know to keep that cell going. It was all on a
‘need-to-know-basis’. No one knew who was in charge of the
organization, except for a very few who ‘needed to know’. The
reason for this was that if someone got caught and tortured by
the Gestapo, they had no information of real value to give, and
thus the organization could keep running, no matter what, even
if a certain cell was destroyed.
The Illuminati organization works in a similar way. You can look
at it as a huge pyramid (which is exactly how they themselves
view it). This pyramid is made out of a lot of imaginary bricks
(or cells) – each one with a specific purpose to help ringing in
the New World Order and the Super Socialist/Fascist State. A
simplified drawing of the pyramid was done by the excellent
researcher Fritz Springmeier in 1995, and is included in my
article: “The Secret Order of the Illuminati” (
Also, each brick/cell is often a pyramid in itself – a secret
society with different levels of secret initiation. So the whole
Illuminati structure is basically a lot of pyramids within
pyramids, and it makes it very complicated, esoteric, and hard
to investigate. People think that if you are a, let’s say 32nd
degree Freemason, you have a lot of insights into the secrets of
the Illuminati; but the Freemasonic pyramid is just ONE pyramid
within pyramids, and therefore this 32nd degree Mason only knows
what he needs to know – nothing more. Same thing if you’re a
33rd degree Mason.
So who’s at the top of this complex pyramid? Who pulls the
strings? Who are the major players/organizations/corporations?
Some people say it’s the Rothschild’s, others say it’s the
Reptilian aliens from the lower 4th dimension, while some say
it’s the Jesuits and the Vatican, the Bilderbergers or the
Zionists, and the Christians say it is Satan. According to my
own research, I would say it is “Satan”. Although I am not a
Christian, I still think that Christian researchers are close to
the truth, although we may have different viewpoints as to who,
or what, Satan actually is. But, more on that in a minute.
Anyway, to be able to give you an answer to your question, we
need to go back in time at least 5000-6000 years, to find out
where everything might have possibly started. Personally I think
it started further back than that, but 5000-6000 years ago is a
good starting point for our purpose.
There is little doubt that the Bible is a re-write of the older
Veda books and the Sumerian Scriptures, and here’s where it
really starts getting interesting. The Old Testament story is
very, very similar to the one told in the Sumerian stone
tablets. The OT God is in that case is known as Enlil, the old
Anunnaki “God”, who ruled over early humanity with an iron fist.
The OT talks about a ‘God of Wrath’ and a ‘Jealous God’, which
fits the profile of Enlil perfectly. Satan in this case would be
Enlil’s half-brother Ea or Enki, who was also a top engineer and
actually created Homo sapiens in a genetic experiment, to use us
as slave labor – all according to the Sumerian stone tablets.
These tablets have been translated by Zacharia Sitchin, one of
the few scholars of the Sumerian language in the world. And
slave labor, that’s exactly what most of us still are today.
Makes you wonder, huh? Not much has really changed in that
respect over the last 5000-6000 years.
Getting a job for example, or having a job, is a privilege??? No
way, having a job, most of the time means that you sell yourself
to the corporations, which have the purpose to bring about the
New World Order (if they are big and successful corporations,
they are most likely owned, or infiltrated, by the Brotherhood).
You are nothing more than slave labor in the eyes of the
Illuminati, and you as a person are not worth a dime. If you
don’t follow company rules strictly, they can remove you and put
someone else in your place; someone who is more obedient to
their leadership. You have the right to a small wage or salary,
somewhere to live, and enough to survive. This is not to be
kind, but to keep us from rebelling. This is how evil this game
is. Without knowing it, we work for THEM, helping them with
bringing into effect our own final entrapment and ultimate
slavery. Pretty ironic, isn’t it? We could of course refuse to
continue working for them, and their whole structure would fall
apart, but first we must wake up to the facts. In the meantime,
we only have two choices: 1) continue working for the system or
2) leave the system and build ourselves a cabin in the woods and
live from what nature has to offer. Few people are willing to do
In fact, by taking a job at a Company, you are offering them
YOUR service and should be treated with respect for doing so,
and they should pay you well for giving up your valuable time
for them. This said, without taking into account the evil
purpose of the corporation, in case it happens to be one of
those who are owned by the Brotherhood.

-MAD: It
IS like a giant pyramid format, the game is a pyramid scheme.
They’re still utilizing the oldest tricks in the book, while
discovering new methods and illusionary deceptions along the
way. You were beginning to get into some of the aspects of the
Mesopotamian creation myths, the theories of Zacharia Sitchin,
and the Enuma Elish. While I don’t personally agree with all of
Sitchin’s statements, his work is still important for
consideration in the grand scheme of things, as is the Sumer
creation epic; please continue.
Back to our story from Old Sumer: Enki started feeling sorry for
Homo sapiens, because we were treated badly by Enlil (God) and
his people, and after all, Homo sapiens were Enki’s creation in
the first place. So Enki created a secret society called “The
Brotherhood of the Snake”, or “The Brotherhood of the Serpent”,
to educate mankind as to who we are, and the secrets of the
Universe, as the Anunnaki knew it. The effect this had was that
Homo sapiens started rebelling against their “Gods”, and Enlil
found out what his half-brother had done and condemned it. Enki
was ordered to stop educating mankind, to avoid rebellion, but
Enki refused to obey and was “cast down from heaven” to Earth
and became to “Lord of the World”. Sound familiar? This means
that Enki is Satan, the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, whom gave
knowledge to mankind. This is the main reason why Satanists (on
a lower level) worship Satan and despise God. Satan gave
knowledge to people, while God wanted to stop the process and
keep us ignorant.
If we look at it this way, we might say that the Satanists are
justified when they worship Satan, but it is not that simple.
Although Enki’s intentions may have been good (or he might have
had some hidden agenda we don’t know of), his secret society was
eventually infiltrated by his opponents, who wanted to keep this
knowledge for themselves in order to manipulate the rest of
mankind. This led to a period when only a few initiates knew the
secrets and used this knowledge entirely for their own purposes.
More secret societies were formed, and everything escalated to
what we can see today. The secrets of those societies are kept
hidden for the same reason as in the early history; if they were
revealed, people would rebel. In this present era of Information
Technology, it has been possible to reveal some of these
secrets, and people ARE beginning to revolt. We started
realizing we are slaves and puppets, unknowingly helping THEM to
achieve their goals to create a World Government.
Then, what happened to Enki? The story tells us that he was
overthrown and his own secret society was turned against him and
started teaching that Enki was evil, and they gave him different
names, where Satan was one of them. From being “The Prince of
EArth”, EA/Enki became known as “The Prince of
Darkness”. So instead of liberating Homo sapiens, he had
unintentionally created a secret society, which since then has
been used to manipulate and enslave humankind. There are
indications Enki was killed by his half-brother Enlil long ago
and the secret societies were taken over by Enlil’s loyal
officers. This is when Satanism was created. The satanic rituals
were made so horrific that no one with any sense wanted to have
anything to do with them, and due to the lies that were spread
about Enki/Satan, mankind has fought him in all his
reincarnations here on Earth, thinking he is the “Evil
One”. He is said to be the Master of Hell, while the real evil
guy from our perspective would be Enlil, whose lackeys are since
then in charge of the Illuminati on EArth. So, the secret
societies of today are still run by the Anunnaki bloodline, by
hybrids from the time when the Anunnaki ‘came down from Heaven’
to mate with human women (this is also described in the Bible).
This ancient bloodline is still kept as pure as possible by the
Illuminati (this is done by interbreeding); because they
consider themselves being the true rulers of EArth due to
their ancestry, and the Anunnaki blood also gives them occult
powers that normal people lack.
What they now seem to be waiting for is the return of the
Anunnaki, who left Earth long ago, but are expected to come back
soon. The hybrids, who are in charge now, have been the
controllers of EArth while their Masters have been gone,
and expect to be rewarded when the Anunnaki come back to take
over the planet. By then, everything must be prepared, and the
Anti-Christ (the World CEO) must have been placed in power.
However, there is an internal war between different groups of
the Illuminati. Some of them do NOT want their Masters to
return, but want the EArth for themselves. So there are
lots of wars and internal fights on many levels. The
Anti-Christ, or the World CEO, will most certainly be someone
from the Anunnaki bloodline – someone with the purest blood;
many think he will come from the Rothschild bloodline.
The Brotherhood of today owns, or has infiltrated, all major
businesses, politics (all major parties), entertainment and
education, and they even own whole countries. How many people
know that the U.S.A. is in fact a huge corporation, owned by the
Then, if all this is true, who then, is God?
If we are to believe the Sumerian Scriptures, the OT God is not
a god at all, but someone who came from another planet or
dimension, and his race created mankind from genetic
engineering. Therefore, in my opinion, if there is a God, no one
seems to know who “He” is – at least not here on Planet Earth.
No matter which major religion we belong to, it looks like we
are worshipping the Anunnaki Gods in one way or the other. Very
You were right, MAD. This WAS a lengthy reply.
Fascinating Wes, and interesting that you would point out the
connections of EA to the modern language and words like
EA-rth, among so many others (hEAven for instance). So
much of the English language is built upon ancient Phoenician
(phonics) and Hebrew roots, adapted through the Greeks with the
great “god-king” Cadmus, and quite often we see prominent gods
and symbols scattered throughout our everyday words. I’ve found
that not only does EA (the Greek mother-goddess Gaia) play a
prominent role in our language, but also the supreme
Canaanite/Hebrew god EL (Saturn).
In ancient times we see these "cults" or "brotherhoods" making
their mark in virtually every civilization on the path of our
ancestors. Going back many thousands of years to the myths of
the Mesopotamian Anunnaki, and the priesthoods of the Egyptian
Great White Brotherhood; we witness a process of not only
religious and political development, but also social control,
domination, propaganda and endless warfare. On the one hand,
they are the keepers of ancient knowledge, of the "sacred
flame", but on the other hand they always seem to use this
knowledge against us in order to keep us pinned under the
methods of social control. Even to the very origins of human
civilization, we see the same psychological tactics of
domination, and for the most part the same symbols used time and
time again.
Pyramids, the All Seeing Eye, Circles, and Squares, Stars, the
Sun, the Moon, Serpents, Horns, Crosses and a variety of emblems
all dedicated to the facsimile gods and goddesses of the
national religions. India and the Orient, Greece, Israel and
Phoenicia, the Celts, Mexico, Rome, Europe nor America being any
exception to this rule.
My next question comes in the regards to the evidence you just
spoke of, incorporating the "13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati",
proposed primarily, but not exclusively, through the works of
Fritz Springmeier. There's not much question that these
bloodlines exist, and that they are extremely wealthy and
influential in world events. In your research, have you found
that they are the DIRECT inheritors of the royal bloodlines of
the ancient world, or does it seem that they have only recently
gained their status in the past five-hundred to one-thousand
years? Might some of them have actually bought their way into
the social structure of world controllers?
The Knights Templar is a good example of this, though we can
still follow the mythological lineage of ideals back at least
into the time of the ancient Canaanites. Or take the Bush family
for instance: Through their misdeeds and lecherous actions with
the Skull and Bones society, the CIA, drug smuggling, the oil
industry, corporate interests, American politics and Zionist
Israel, it appears as if they have slowly worked their way up
the ladder of "world domination" only in the past century. Are
we looking at direct bloodlines of the ancient Mesopotamian and
Egyptian King-ships, or are we seeing group after group after
group, who over the millenniums forcefully takes the throne of
the "Illuminati"? A little bit of both?
This is a very good and important question, MAD. Like you say,
these bloodlines exist for sure. People sometimes try to argue
about it, but that’s a waste of time. The proof is there. Fritz
Springmeier, although he may not have been the first, really
brought the bloodlines into focus with his book, “Bloodlines of
the Illuminati”. Since then, lots of excellent research has been
done on this subject.
According to Springmeier, there are 13 TOP Illuminati
bloodlines, which all branch out into sub-bloodlines of “lesser
importance” to the top Elite, because they are ‘less pure’.
Still, even the “lesser important” bloodlines are considered far
more important than the bloodlines of “regular people”. Some of
my visitors ask me how you become a member of the REAL
Illuminati – not just Freemasonry, but the “REAL” Illuminati.
Well, you can’t. Not unless you are of the right bloodline.
These members are carefully pre-selected, often from birth,
because they were born into the “right families”. Those babies
are often traumatized and mind controlled from birth (or
earlier, while still in the womb) by Illuminati programmers (who
sometimes are the parents), to create multiple personalities and
obedient and reliable slaves, who can help the Agenda without
questioning it. Sounds pretty farfetched that parents traumatize
their own children like this, doesn’t it? Well, we have to
remember that these people are ruthless to the extreme. They are
not doing this with the purpose of being evil, though, believe
it or not. In their crooked ways of thinking, they believe they
are doing a good thing. How? Because it all helps the Illuminati
Agenda, which they think is all good. They don’t consider
themselves being evil at all; they just think that the end
justifies the means. They see the rest of mankind as an
ignorant, fairly unintelligent herd of sheep, which needs to be
controlled and manipulated. They believe they are doing this to
create a better world, even if it means they have to kill
billions of people and traumatize the rest.
The bloodlines of the Illuminati are a pretty complex issue. The
top families claim that they go way back in time, all the way to
old Mesopotamia. If this is true or not, it is hard to say, but
they have been proven to extend back for a very long time. Also,
if the Anunnaki stories are correct, which seems very likely to
me, and the only thing that makes sense, those bloodline HAVE to
go all the way back to that time period – otherwise there would
be no purpose with being of Illuminati blood.
The interesting thing here is that people on top of these secret
societies, although they may have different last names, are all
related through blood one way or the other, and this can, and
has been proven. It’s the exact same thing with modern politics.
How many people know that most of the U.S. Presidents were of
royal bloodline, and all from the same family tree? And how many
people know that George W. Bush and John Kerry are related
through blood? Doubt it? I have the evidence on my website. I
have posted a few very interesting family trees there to show
that what I am talking about is not some weird conspiracy
theory. Here is the web address: A lot of
interesting information is posted there concerning the Elite
bloodlines. It shows that prominent people in business, politics
and even entertainment, are often of royal bloodline and
related! One reference from the web address I just gave you even
shows that Prince Charles is a descendent from Vlad the Impaler,
also knows as Dracula(!). I am not making this up. These
references come from what people would call ‘reliable sources’,
which often means mainstream media and well respected magazines.

Another confusing thing with these bloodlines, which sometimes
makes them hard to trace, is that they change family names ever
so often. Although the Rothschild’s for example, only can be
traced back so far, you will find through further research that
they changed their names from Bauer to Rothschild in the 1700’s.
From there you can continue your research back in time. This is
very common practice, and a reason for that is to avoid showing
the world that the same bloodlines are always in charge. If
people at the top had the same last names all the time,
generation after generation, people on the street would start
wondering. Keep the masses asleep, at any cost!!!
So now, when I have showed the fact that people at the top of
the food chain are often related through royal bloodline, what
does this mean? Well, if you know how this planet is controlled
and manipulated, it doesn’t come as a surprise. It only proves
that we are all run by a clique of self appointed manipulators,
who think they are above the law, and above all the rest of us
and can treat us however they wish. And they run this planet as
a Family Business. And their business modus operandi is to
control and take ownership of our souls, one by one, two by two,
until they have us all.
Elections? What a farce. Think about it! Most Presidents of the
United States, from George Washington to George W. Bush, are
royalty and related through blood. Coincidence? Not even a fool
would suggest that after have seen the evidence. America is
supposed to be a free country where EVERYONE stands a potential
chance to become President. Isn’t that what we’ve been taught in
school? How come then, that only high society people, or people
with royal blood are elected? How do you think the nominees for
presidency are selected? Well, there are supposed to be two
major political parties; the Republican Party and the Democrats,
right? Every once in a while we go to the election booth and
vote for one or the other. It’s all very exciting and serious
business for some people. Hmm, isn’t it strange then, that the
candidates from both parties are sponsored by the same super
rich people? I’ll tell you this: America is a ONE PARTY state in
practice. We live under the illusion that we have a choice, but
in reality the super rich Illuminati sponsors decide the
Number one: If you and I, MAD, would run for office, those super
rich people would never sponsor us, and we wouldn’t stand a
chance. Money talks you know, and without millions and millions
of dollars in sponsorship, you will never become President. And
even if you had the funds, you wouldn’t stand much of a chance
anyway. If “they” don’t want you, they will smear you; use black
propaganda and false accusations against you, until you lose all
credibility in the eyes of the ignorant masses. Only the
candidates THEY select can seriously run. And often these
candidates were pre-selected as young men, through secret
societies like the Skull & Bones, where both Bush and Kerry are
members, by the way.
Number two: Perhaps, in the past, at least there were fair
elections, and the candidate with the most votes won, but it
didn’t matter that much to the Brotherhood if the Democrats or
the Republicans won; they control both sides, so the outcome
will be the same in the long run. Now, on the other hand, by
manipulating the voting machines, they can even decide which
party is going to win, long before the election period has even
started, and this way they can speed up the process of creating
their One World Government by choosing the party that can help
them the most at that particular period of time. To learn more
about how politics really works, see the political section of my
-MAD: Do
you believe this to be a spiritual war, and must a person’s
specific religious beliefs (or lack thereof) play a factor when
humanity is dealing with the devious elements of "Illuminism"?
In theory, if properly tuned, could the whole world successfully
oppose the New World Order, despite their religious differences
and affiliations? Or will organized religion always be one of
the greatest tools at the disposal of the "Black Nobility"
There is truth in all religions, otherwise people would not be
attracted to them and stuck within them. We are not attracted to
the lies, but to the truth. However, all organized religion is
created by those same secret societies with the purpose to
divide and conquer, and they have served the Brotherhood very
well throughout history. Very few wars throughout history have
been non-religious. One religion against another, that’s how
religion has been used. Organized religion consists of dogma,
and dogma is what is trapping us. You are taught a whole belief
system, whether it is Christianity, Hinduism or something else,
and are supposed to buy the whole package. The same goes for
cults and sects. At the same time, you are not supposed to
really look into any other religion for answers – “your”
religion is the only one that has all the truths and to mix it
with other dogmas will lead you astray from the truth. Well, if
nothing else, common sense tells us that all those religions
can’t be true, because they contradict each other.
Therefore, I believe that the first step to fight the New World
Order is a step each and everyone needs to take, regardless of
faith and religion. This first step is EDUCATION. People need to
find the truth about who is controlling us and put the pieces
together. Unfortunately, religion keeps us trapped and
blindfolds us. Many religious people have a hard time seeing
outside their religious box, and when they come to a point in
their research where their own religion is put on trial, they
don’t want to look any further. This is how powerful religions
are for the Illuminati. This is a huge barrier to break through,
but it must be done. And to answer your question more directly,
yes, this is DEFINITELY a spiritual war, but it must be fought
without dogma. We must find the truth within ourselves, without
organized religion, to be able to oppose this force we call the
New World Order.
Just because religion is such a powerful tool, it is very easy
for the Brotherhood to destroy opposition by simply continuing
to infiltrate the different religions and turn them against each
other again, and the battle we start would soon be lost. We are
NOT liberated by religion, but chained by it. And until we break
those chains, we can easily be manipulated. The people the
Illuminati fear the most are not the religious people, but the
ones who break loose from religion and start thinking for
This may all sound like an impossible task, but remember that
the manipulators are just a tiny small percent of the whole
world population. We don’t need everybody on this planet to wake
up, to be able to stop the globalization movement. If enough
people are willing to do something about it, we could succeed,
but our chances are getting slimmer; it is a race against time,
I am not sure if I believe that mankind will wake up in time to
change things around, although I would love to be proven wrong!
Personally, I believe more in individual spiritual development.
I am convinced that we all exist on multiple spiritual levels or
planes simultaneously, and by expanding our knowledge and
awareness, we automatically transform into a higher awareness
within ourselves, or a higher dimension, if you will. I also
believe we create our own reality and that the physical universe
is an agreed upon illusion. Once we realize all this, we have a
trampoline from which we can jump higher up in awareness instead
of jumping back down into the water, into the abyss. This means,
as I see it, that if things are starting to change to the better
in your life and the New World Order fails, it may be because
you managed to transform into that reality of spiritual
awareness that was required, and the end of the New World Order
will be what you perceive. This doesn’t mean that the New World
Order did not succeed on a lower plane, which you now have left.
But for it to succeed, we must all agree to that reality. Those
who did not develop spiritually may still be trapped in a world
where they are enslaved, until they, one by one, manage to break
loose spiritually. I have written about this more extensively in
my article, “How to Fight the New World Order” (
whole-heartedly agree with you here Wes, and am of the belief as
well that the war we are fighting, is, and must be one, of a
spiritual nature. So many people are unaware of their own
spiritual potentials and capabilities, let alone that they are
engaged in a metaphysical battle for their very souls, and the
future of the planet. And this spiritual battle does indeed take
place on multiple levels of consciousness and awareness. Due to
constant manipulation and deceit, it’s been fairly easy for the
Illuminati to suppress and control our spiritual development
over the past millenniums through restrictive dogma and tactics
of oppression.
Awareness comes from personal experience and our subtle,
spontaneous human interconnectedness, emotions, and
relationships; not from the obsessive compulsive rituals held
within prison-like confines of death-worshiping churches, or at
the seat of a sacrificial altar. You are correct too in the fact
that mainstream and alternative religions can potentially teach
people positive life lessons, though it’s more commonly used not
only as a crutch for the psychologically dependent, but also as
a way to set faction against faction, and keep us divided in our
differences instead of united in our commonalities.
Another subject of which we have many agreements, and that you
touched upon in your comments regarding Scientology, is the near
total control of not only the mass media and corporate run
news-stations, but over Hollywood and the entertainment industry
as well. In particular, you’ve done a lot of extremely
interesting research into the psyops tactics and “satanic”
symbolism behind Rock and Roll.
Rap and Hip-Hop are starting to come under this same scrutiny as
well, as more and more entertainers become involved with
Freemasonry, and incorporate “Illuminati” style subject matter
in their lyrics and artwork. I don’t know if I believe that all
of these people are CIA mind-control slaves, but I wouldn’t
debate the fact that many of them are controlled assets of the
military-industrial-complex, and social engineering institutions
such as Tavistock.
Most of these entertainers are probably unaware of the plot, and
just perform the music they are given, and take the roles their
agent sign them up for, not realizing that they are being used
for a major corporate takeover connected to the agendas of the
government and military (compartmentalization again).
I also wouldn’t question the fact that some of these well known
entertainers actually ARE involved in MK-ULTRA or PROJECT
MONARCH like programming, beginning at a very early age and
perhaps running through multiple generations of celebrity
families in Hollywood. Could you go into a little detail on this
subject, and how deep do you think the rabbit hole goes
regarding the entertainment industry and Hollywood propaganda
have a certain section of my website specifically dedicated to
music, art and entertainment: (
I noticed early on, that the one part of the Illuminati Agenda
that people have the hardest time believing is that the music
industry is manipulated and controlled by the Illuminati. Before
I go into details, I just want to throw out some food for
thought: If we agree that this world is to a great extent
controlled by the Brotherhood (which these days is quite easy to
prove), why on Earth would it be so hard to realize that the
music industry and Hollywood are controlled, too? After all, if
I were a top Illuminist, one of the first places I would look
into and try to control and manipulate would be the music and
film industries. Why? Because from there I can reach the whole
world at once with my propaganda! Whatever your message is - if
you own the media, the music industry and the film industry, you
have the PERFECT propaganda machine! Don’t think for a second
that the Illuminati didn’t think about that. They are not that
stupid. Even L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of
Scientology, had the same idea. If Scientology could recruit
enough celebrities, the church would BOOM. So he and his
successors did exactly that, and the churched BOOMED!
This subject is so hot that many researchers don’t even want to
touch it, it seems like. Not even the well known researchers,
such as David Icke and Alex Jones have touched the subject of
rock music and mind-control in Hollywood. Very strange, I must
say, because it is such an important part of the Illuminati
agenda. Perhaps, they don’t want to look in that direction
because they like the music and therefore have a ‘blind spot’ to
the subject. I don’t know. I have tried to alert them on this
problem, and although I usually get communication back, I never
got any replies to my emails about rock music.
Anyway, here is the thing, and here is the myth: Rock and roll
is rebellious and a weapon against corruption and greed; with
Rock’n’Roll we can change the world!!! Now, here is the reality:
Rock music was an Illuminati experiment from the beginning to
the end, to see how easy it would be to manipulate, degrade and
drug down the masses. Illuminati puppets like the CIA sponsored
Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary and others started promoting LSD,
while other government plants, including the rock stars
themselves, promoted other kinds of drugs as well. From there we
had the hippie movement. All those young, good-hearted people
let their hair grow, thinking they could change the world with
drugs, peace demonstrations and rock/pop music. Instead, people
became more and more introverted and apathetic as time went on.
Many got stuck in drugs and quite a few died from it – including
the rock stars themselves.
Dr. John Coleman wrote an excellent book called “The Committee
of 300”, about the Tavistock Center and how they, within that
facility and behind locked doors, did advanced mind control
experiments on people. According to Coleman and other
researchers as well, it was here the Beatles and the Rolling
Stones were “created”. The Beatles were presented as the ‘good
guys’ and the Stones were the ‘bad guys’, who took drugs and
were generally degraded (Beatles, of course, took drugs too, but
it was done behind the scenes, at least at first). This is
typical Illuminati agenda; to create two sides of the same coin
to have a game going. Which group do you like, Beatles or
Stones? You almost had to choose sides back in the 1960’s. John
Lennon, supposedly, in a late interview, actually admitted to
that the Beatles were a CIA experiment, although I haven’t been
able to verify if this is a true or just disinformation.
One thing people are not aware of is that the back beat and the
rhythm in rock music have very occult origins and go back to the
Mystery Schools of old Babylon. But even if we stay within the
20th Century, we find that rock music is something that was born
out of the occult traditions. Modern rock music can be traced
back to the teachings of the 20th Century occultist, illuminist
and ‘Satanist’ Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). This is why so many
rock stars are into Crowley’s stuff. The Beatles were into him,
and so are/were the Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, Sting, Jim
Morrison, David Bowie, Elton John, Led Zeppelin and many, many
more. Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, by the way, is probably the
most fanatic Crowley disciple in the music industry, ever. He
once had the 2nd largest Crowley collection of books and occult
material in the world, and even bought Crowley’s old residence
near Loch ness in Scotland. Some people say Crowley was not an
Illuminist, but that is not true. He was a 99th degree of the
Order of Memphis and Misraïm, which actually is the REAL
Illuminati Order, where a few selected people go after have
completed the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. More on the Illuminati
degrees can be studied here: Crowley was a
black magician, no matter what people think. His magick (spelled
with a k at the end to separate it from stage magic, and
some ‘evil tongues’ say the k also stands for black,
like in black magick) is commonly used by the black magicians
within the Illuminati.
There is a lot to say about rock music, and there is no time to
go into it all here. For more details, I suggest people read the
“rock and roll and mind control” section of my website.
However, there are a few details I would like to mention:
I want to emphasize that before people make their own
conclusions about what I have to say about rock music, it is
important that they at least skim through most of the articles I
have posted on the subject. Too many people read a headline and
a paragraph or two, then they email me and say I am a piece of
**** for trying to have them stop listening to their favorite
music, and that I am a Christian fanatic. That “accusation” only
proves they haven’t read much, because I am not even Christian,
which I make pretty clear. Now, I am NOT trying to have people
stop listening to their favorite music at all – I want to make
sure everybody understands that. Personally, I still listen to
many of my favorite bands, although I know what is going on
behind the scenes. However, we all NEED to know what this is all
about, otherwise we will not understand the whole picture, and
what is affecting us subconsciously. And if we don’t understand
this vital subject, we will never be free from their
manipulation. Therefore I say, go ahead and listen to whatever
you want as long as you know what’s behind it. When you know the
truth, you are unlikely to be manipulated – at least that’s my
theory. And you will listen to the music with totally new ears –
I do! It’s still often great music.
Most people have heard the phrase: “I sold my soul for rock and
roll”. With other words, the artist supposedly sold his/her soul
to Satan in exchange for glory and fame, riches, drugs, rock and
roll and an abundance of sex. We say: “OK, but that’s just a
myth and a good story”. But is it really? Why don’t we ask the
artists themselves? Many of them have actually come out and
confessed that this is actually what they have been doing, and
they are serious about it! Take Bob Dylan as an example. He was
interviewed by late Ed Bradley on “60 Minutes” just recently.
This interview was posted on video-google until a few weeks ago,
when it was taken down for unknown reasons. In this very
interesting interview, Bradley asked Dylan how he could write
such incredible songs in the 60s, and Dylan said he had no idea.
He was convinced he didn’t write them(!) They were “written for
him” by “someone else”, and he did not mean another composer,
but something from the spiritual world. He started quoting the
lyrics from his masterpiece: “It’s alright ma, I’m only
bleeding”. He said something to the effect: “You just don’t
write lyrics like that. They were magically written”.
Then he goes on and accidentally mentions that he sold his soul
to the Devil a long time ago. When he realizes that his tongue
had slipped, he found himself and stopped in the middle of a
sentence. Bradley did not let the mistake on Dylan’s part pass
unnoticed, though, and elaborated on it. Dylan then admitted he
had to continue being on the road, year after year, as a part of
the bargain he had with the “Lord of this World”, which
Christians know is the Devil. Excerpts from this interview can
be read here:
Scroll down to the Bob Dylan section.
Dylan is just one in a crowd of artists that have messed with
the occult and made a bargain with the demonic realms and been
possessed by entities who are actually helping them write their
songs. Elton John admitted to the exact same thing when it comes
to his music. He said something to the effect that writing an
album like “Yellow Brick Road” in the mid 70s was out of his
league. He has no idea how that album came about.
My research has led me to believe that most (if not all) of the
super artists that have really been trend makers, are mind
controlled slaves, created by the Illuminati to complete a
certain task, and often enough, their managers are their
handlers and controllers. These artists are, like I said, the
trend makers, whom all the rest follow.
You have to have a certain attitude to make it in the music
industry, and you have to be willing to be manipulated and
controlled. Young artists think they can be famous by doing
‘their thing’, and the record companies will adjust to that.
That only occurs if the artist happens to have the exact
approach that the music industry is looking for at the moment.
If not, THEY will decide how the artist should perform his/her
stuff. If you don’t conform – no deal (all big labels are owned
by the Illuminati, by the way – easy to verify).
For those who doubt the satanic, occult overtones in rock/pop
music, I would strongly recommend the book: “Lucifer Rising” by
Gavin Badderley, who happens to be the head of Church of Satan
in Great Britain. His book exposes the satanic rock industry,
and you would be surprised how many rock stars are members of
Church of Satan! Badderley himself is interviewing artist after
artist in the book, and they all admit to being Satanists. The
book should be available in any well sorted bookstore.
So what is the purpose with the occult rock music? The purpose
is to reach the minds of our youth. Of course, death metal for
example is openly satanic, and so is Marilyn Manson, both in
their lyrics and music, but this is not often the case with the
rest of the rock/pop music genre. Instead, the occult/satanic
messages are hidden in the lyrics or in backward messages, also
called “back-masking”.
Here is another important thing: For those who don’t know what a
“riff” is in rock music, I’ll try to explain it here in a few
words. A riff is a beat or a sequence or a pattern, played in a
certain order over and over again as a part of the background
rhythm; it sometimes has the form of a melody itself. We have a
typical example of a riff in “Satisfaction” by the Rolling
Stones (same pattern repeated over and over by Keith Richard’s
electric guitar). These riffs can be pretty seductive and put us
in a light trance. This, plus the back beat, is what is so
attractive and great about rock music, and no matter if people
know what a riff or a back beat is or not, they just feel great
without knowing why. Nothing's wrong with that, as long as it
stops there. However, if you add occult or satanic messages upon
that, when the listener is in a state of light trance, the
lyrics go right into your subconscious mind and may affect your
way of thinking, without you even noticing it. So, to simplify
it, the purpose of rock music is to have our youth interested in
the occult, degrade them and have them rebel against their
parents to destroy the family unit (a major goal for them),
create violence and apathy and to be brought down to a certain
level of consciousness, where they are easily manipulated. They
are trying to create a generation that can easily accept the New
World Order as something good.
Most teenagers these days don’t listen to the lyrics, and
therefore they say the lyrics won’t affect them. Nothing could
be further from the truth! In fact, if you DONT listen to the
lyrics, you are more prone to be negatively affected by hidden
messages than if you listen to and analyze the lyrics. What you
don’t consciously absorb goes directly into your subconscious
mind and will affect you
The question is: did these artists ACTUALLY make a pact with the
Devil, or what is really going on here? Personally, I think it
all comes down to mind control. I know for sure many of our
greatest and most popular artists have multiple personalities,
most certainly made such through trauma based mind control. I am
corresponding with, and have corresponded with, a whole lot of
mind controlled slaves in general, who have escaped, or were in
the process of escaping, from the Illuminati. They have,
independently from each other, pointed out the same artists as
being multiples. How do they know? Well, if anybody would know,
it would be them. They recognize things in others that we don’t
necessarily notice.
According to those people, Bob Dylan is definitely a multiple,
so are/were Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Britney Spears, Joan
Baez, Curt Cobain, Elton John, Elvis Presley and many more.
These artists have been specifically pointed out, both by the
mind controlled slaves and different researchers, among them
Fritz Springmeier, he himself a multiple.
However, I am not saying that all artists are mind controlled or
directly part of the agenda; only the ones who are the real
trend makers and super artists. These are heavily promoted by
the industry and the media. The rest, the majority, just jump on
the bandwagon, making a similar kind of music that the record
industry is looking for at the moment, and they go through their
careers quite ignorant of what is happening on a higher level.
By the way, another important thing: the whole country music
industry is nothing but a huge drug smuggling front for the
Brotherhood. And most of the artists in Memphis are drug
smugglers and mind controlled slaves, programmers or handlers.
Don’t believe me? Again, read Springmeier’s books, plus
TranceFormation of America, by Cathy O’Brien (former mind
control slave) and Mark Phillips. After having read the latter,
there can be little doubt in anyone’s mind that this is the
truth. Also, there are videos on and YouTube, where
you can watch Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips in action, trying
to find justice. It is very moving and very, very real.
There is much more to know, and I suggest that people check out
an article I wrote a few years ago, which I constantly update:
“Mind Control in the Field of Art”: and also
“Artists under Scrutiny”:, which confirms what I’ve been
talking about here.
One last thing I want to add: it’s not just rock music. We have
the same agenda going on here, regardless if it’s punk, rap,
rave, hip-hop, and grunge or whatever. No difference, same
-MAD: It
reminds me of the old legend of Robert Johnson (1911-1938)
selling his soul to the Devil at the Crossroads so he could play
the blues. Arguably the first musician of the rhythm and blues
era to die at twenty seven, he was a huge influence on groups
like Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Dylan, and The Rolling Stones.
Moving into a related subject, how do you see the topic of
Zionism as fitting into the structure of the media, Hollywood,
and the entertainment industry?
Many people think that Zionism is the religion of the Jews.
Nothing could be more wrong. Zionism is not a religion, first of
all, but a political movement, and has nothing to do with the
ordinary Jew. In fact, most Jews oppose Zionism as being evil
and want to have nothing to do with it.
One thing I had a hard time grasping was why Christians are
whole-heartedly supporting Israel, the Zionist state, although
they know about the New World Order, and that Israel was founded
by the Illuminati to create a Zionist state for their own
purposes. [Interestingly enough, as a side line, the word Israel
can be split up into three words: Is-Ra-El, where Is stands for
Isis, the occult goddess, Ra for Ra, the Sun God,
worshipped by the Illuminati, and El for Saturn, which is
no one less but Satan himself. Quite something].
I asked quite a few Christians about this contradiction, but I
never got a straight answer, until I asked one particular
Christian, whom I did some research with in the past. He said
that “God is working in mysterious ways, and he is probably
using his enemies to build God’s chosen Country”. He didn’t
sound too sure about it, like if he’d been wondering about this
himself, but at least I now understood how Christians, who know
about the Agenda, may think about Israel and why they support
Some say the Zionists are the ones behind the New World Order,
but I don’t agree. Yes, they are a big and important part of the
whole Illuminati network, and many Illuminists are also
Zionists, but to say that Illuminism is equivalent to Zionism is
simply not correct. It is very interesting, though, to read from
The Talmud. It is extremely anti-Semitic in the sense that it
looks down on everyone who is not a Zionist. It’s shocking to
read it. As an example, it says a Jew can lie as much as he
wants to non-Jews, and killing a non-Jew is not a crime. There
are worse things than that even, mentioned in this evil book.
For those who want to know more about the true nature of
Zionism, please read this shocking article from my website:
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview. Even I was shocked!
Go to Part 2

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