Wes Penre |
ritz Springmeier, the author of a number of
significant books on the Illuminati, government mind control and the
New World Order is currently sitting off a 9 years sentence in
Federal prison. He is the author of news-breaking books like,
"Bloodlines of the Illuminati", "Be Wise As Serpents", "The
Illuminati Formula..." and more.
Springmeier also took under his wings the former
Satanist and mind controlled slave, Cisco Wheeler, in an effort to
deprogram her and free her from satanic ritual abuse and cure her
from her Multiple Personality Disorder. Fritz considered himself
being a Christian Patriot, and he was holding lectures on the
subject of the Illuminati and mind control.
So what happened? Was he being framed and setup
by the Government, because he was considered dangerous to their
hidden cause, or was he actually involved in criminal activities?
Fritz Springmeier |
Cisco Wheeler |
It is hard to say what is true and false in this
story. His current wife, whom I came to know briefly through email
correspondence, before she got married to Springmeier, claims that
Fritz was framed, while the evidence shown in court point to that he
was deeply involved in violent acts to overthrow the government.
According to the court, he was in a bank robbery and got away with
$6,000.00. The feds also found a great amount of weapons and
ammunition on his property.
I want to direct you to two articles that in
length describe the background to what happened, the incident (or
incidents) that got him in jail, and you can make up your own mind.
Whatever the case, I personally strongly discourage anyone from
using violence as a justification for reaching his/her goals. We
can't meet destruction with destruction. There is, in my opinion,
only one reason to use violence, and that is in self defense, or if
your family and friends are attacked. The solution, otherwise, is
education and
spiritual growth.
Here are the two articles, which should be read
in this order:
Springmeier - Another Human Tragedy
on Fritz Springmeier
Fritz Springmeier and his current