The Canadian Government
Has Paid Almost $ 7 Million in Compensation to Victims of Project Monarch
by Wes Penre, 2001
Ewen Cameron is mentioned on several occasions on my web site. He was also known
as "Dr. White", one of the highest Illuminati doctors on this planet. He worked
closely together with Dr Green (Joseph Mengele) in Canada and the USA to program
children, torturing them in a manner which you and I can't imagine possible. He
was a pedophile and a Satanist and a leading psychiatrist. Quite a few victims
from his torture have tried to make their voices heard, especially now, since
the Internet has become a global forum. Few people have believed those poor
survivors, because the cruelty with which they've been treated is so horrible
and abominable that the average person can't believe it's true.
Nevertheless - now the Canadian
government has compensated victims from project Monarch and MK-ULTRA. They have
paid almost $7 million in compensation to the unwitting guinea pigs of FEDERAL
FUNDED brainwashing experiments in Montreal, Canada. The figure may even
increase as justice department officials sort through about another 50
applications from people who say they were patients of the late Dr. Ewen Cameron
at McGill University's Allain Memorial Institute. Jan. 1 was the deadline for
applications for the $100,000 payments announced in 1992 by then-justice
minister Kim Campbell.
Although there are believed to be
only 80 victims of Cameron's(1)
full "depatterning treatment" -- weeks of drug-induced sleep followed by massive
electroshock treatments, reducing the patient's mind to a childhood state --
329 applications for compensation were received, justice department lawyer Lou
David said.
So far, 69 people have received
the lump-sum payments, while 214 were rejected, Davis said. Another 46 are still
being reviewed by a four-member justice committee and Ontario Blue Cross which
first screens applications. The article doesn't scratch the surface of this
story -- though I'm glad they at least ran the settlement notice.
Source: OTTAWA (Southam
News Wire)
of good information on Dr. Cameron here:

Last Updated:
Saturday, May 14, 2005 04:15:47 AM