"It is done. I am the Alpha
and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."
are official documents and treaties detailing the
weather manipulation methods available to many nations, yet
none appear to be deploying it beneficially. Hurricanes
Katrina, Stan and Rita could have been steered from where
they made landfall, lessening their severity, but rather
than blowing Wilma away, it increased from a tropical storm
to a category 5 hurricane in 18 hours and became the most
intense recorded. Truly, a WMD!
With hurricane
Alpha brewing, this 2005 Atlantic season has broken the
records. We can deduce from this that weather warfare is
being waged against the defenseless occupants of planet
Earth, but don’t look to outer space for scapegoats in the
shape of Spielberg’s spindly “aliens.”
People from
other planets, and the interior of this one, harnessed free
etheric energy long before it was developed by Nazi
scientists, but they didn’t invade.
need not have waited until terrestrial technology caught up
to begin an assault, they could have conquered Earth when
our most advanced mode of transport was the horse and
carriage, while we groped around in gaslight. Why attack
now, and with weaponized
weather, when they could wipe us all out at the push of a
button? Do not judge ET’s by our standards, Earthlings are
the Universal delinquents, not Martians.
research only focuses on the military application of weather
control. AWM
2025 is an Air Force study, finding; “weather modification
can be divided into two major categories: suppression and
intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it
might involve the creation of completely new weather
patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even
alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or
long-lasting scale.”
on the battlefield
is a
“technique for conducting secret warfare, of which only a
bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised...”
as foreseen by National Security advisor
Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 1970’s. In Kashmir,
rainfall was instrumental in impeding the relief effort
after the huge and timely earthquake. A severe winter would
exacerbate this humanitarian catastrophe, which is not the
will of Allah.
The best
barometer to pinpoint the perpetrators is to ask, ‘who
stands to gain’ and it’s not the “Anunnaki Reptiles”
hitching a ride on Planet X!? Seek no further a field than
the ‘movers and shakers’ at a clandestine Bilderberg
Conference, whose clear objective is a One World Government
with a greatly reduced slave population. Prince Philip
appears quite human to me, it is his desire to reincarnate
as a deadly virus which is unearthly.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
However, our
‘space brothers’ seem to be passive observers, since they
are not actively intervening to prevent Satan’s little
helpers from orchestrating the ‘World’s End.’ Some people
wait in hope for a rapture or the arrival of flying saucers,
but for others, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have
already swept through their lands, leaving desolation,
despair and decay. Nevertheless, there
will be a new
Heaven and a new Earth, one day.