An excerpt from his book "Mind
Control - World Control".
Experiments into Remote Mind Control methods has
been well researched since the 50's.
Soviets reportedly began to delve into the biological effect of
microwaves as early as 1953. A number of laboratories were set up across
the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe, including one at the Institute
of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Academy of Medical Sciences.
Although the Soviets reported on their experiments in the open
literature, the parameters they defined were insufficient for
duplicating the experiments, and some scientists in the United States
questioned whether the whole matter was disinformation. It was not.
Early CIA funding provided the wherewithal for a
project launched at Honeywell, Inc. for "a method to penetrate inside a
man's mind and control his brain waves over long distance."
At the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Maitland
Baldwin, under CIA supervision, bombarded the brains of lobotomized
monkeys with radio waves. According to researcher Alex Constantine, "His
CIA monitors noted weird excesses: in one experiment, Baldwin
decapitated a monkey and transplanted its head to the body of another,
then attempted to restore it to life with radar saturation."
In 1964, CIA Director Richard Helms sent a memo to
the Warren Commission, mentioning "biological radio communication."
Helms' theorizing about such methods was truly reminiscent of Orwell's
1984. He said, "Cybernetics [or computer theory] can be used in the
moulding of a child's character, the inculcation of knowledge and
techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social
behaviour patterns all functions which can be summarised as control of
the growth processes of the individual."
In 1977 Dr. Sam Koslov, the scientific assistant to
the Secretary of the Navy, was briefed on a number of current research
projects. One of them, in progress at Stanford Research Institute was
named "ELF and Mind Control." ELF is the acronym of extremely low
frequency electromagnetic radiation. Koslov didn't like the sound of
that project and ordered it cancelled, but according to the Washington
Post, the funding was merely diverted into a different project heading
and continued to go forward.
The following report, although anonymous, provides a
detailed first person encounter with what may be government
electromagnetic testing. It was published in an underground magazine a
few years ago. I do not maintain that reports such as these are absolute
proof of government electromagnetic testing on citizenry, but
well-reasoned accounts such as the following must be taken into
"The large black top of the Federal Building in San
Francisco looks like a giant air-conditioning vent, 50 feet tall,
the entire top of the building. It is actually a radar, microwave, and
radio transparent shield for an array of communications devices on the
roof of the building. Such "blinds" on top of government buildings are
nothing unusual, it isn't necessary to visually remind everybody that
such buildings also are likenesses of Orwell's Ministry of Information
(read, CIA). And as such are in need of systems of communications
independent of civilian mediums. Which, anyway, would be purposely
interrupted in any serious case of civil unrest.
"It is important to note three facts at this point,
the purpose of which will come clear in the end: First, the Federal
building is located at the base of a broad hill. It is on the low rise
of this hill where San Francisco's 'Skid Row' district, the
'Tenderloin,' uneasily rests. And so the Federal Building can be seen
from virtually any place in the Tenderloin. And let us reverse this
thought: virtually any place in the Tenderloin may be seen from the
Federal Building. And it is this unimpeded view which brings to mind the
second oddly coinciding factor; that Low Frequency Electromagnetic
emissions like television broadcasts will not pass through earth (hills,
or the horizon), nor do they even pass very well through buildings, and
so require a fairly clear shot, unlike higher frequency emissions like
radio. This is why you have to put TV antennas on the roof.
"Now fact three: Extremely Low Frequency
transmissions, or ELFs, have been the focus of significant research by
the military intelligence machines of several governments, including our
own. ELF developments for military purposes is based on indications that
ELFs at close range seem to cause aberrations in the thought processes
of human beings, such as hallucinations, disordered thought, confusion,
aggression, depression anger, hopelessness. Not unlike television, a
close companion to ELFs in the electromagnetic spectrum. It is not
difficult to imagine the value of such a weapon to our secret
government, so fond of the disruption of societies, the control and
subjugation of individuals, and of war, 'the insane death dance of
paranoid societies.'
"Now with these three things in mind, consider this
fourth. Since I have had the fortune to live for three years in this
ring of hell, the Tenderloin, I have noticed something very odd. At
least 15 times I have noticed in the morning or early evening a
pronounced buzzing or humming. Very low and hard to hear. Something like
the sound which some can hear of a TV that is on in a room, but with the
volume off. And on looking for the source of this sound, I found that it
seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. In other words it seemed to
be coming from inside my head. I do not mean this figuratively. I mean
that my head seemed to resonate with the vibration. And I felt that my
thoughts were disrupted.
The buzzing seemed to make thoughts fall apart just
before forming, like sand on a vibrating metal plate, and I felt vaguely
angry. On the third or fourth occurrence of this, I noticed that in the
wake of the buzzing sound, an unusual number of fights could be heard
breaking out all around me. From out on the streets, and from adjoining
buildings, and apartments, came the shouts and threats of people
overcome with anger. And I thought, though at first it seemed horrible
to consider, 'Hadn't ELF subjects reported the feeling or sound of
buzzing in their heads?' and 'what better section of the population
could be chosen on which to conduct ELF experiments.' A large percentage
of inner urban dwellers are already so close to the edge that he or she
is highly likely to express any fluctuation of mood with a corresponding
fluctuation of activity which might come to the attention of the police.
In a neighbourhood where aberrant behaviour is common
and expected, slight increases of such behaviour would go completely
unnoticed, but would be detectable by careful observation of incoming
reports to the police department. It would be unlikely in the extreme
that anyone would associate the strange buzzing sound with unaccountable
accompanying emotional swings. Impossible that someone would suspect
secret agents of systematically barraging the politically powerless with
mood and consciousness ELF waves from atop the Federal Building. But
even if such an impossibility came to pass, and allegations were made,
would they not automatically be discredited by the general perception of
the poor (i.e. Tenderloin inhabitants) as mentally unstable, alcoholic,
drug addicted, and of the government as an essentially well meaning
parent, who would not really ever purposely harm her children?
"Tests of ELF effects could be precisely monitored by
the existing police department recording system (at no extra cost), all
recorded on the justice system's networked national computer system,
containing exact times of complaints, record of outcome, location,
identity, profile, and criminal history of all persons involved. Police
department ignorance of the tests would actually be desirable. The
entire operation could be run by as few as two people. ELF broadcast
times would simply be correlated with any flux of reports to the police
department. And the exact nature of the ELF effects on human emotion
would be conveniently built into the data received from police reports.
For example, an increase of domestic violence at 4%,
and suicides 2%, perhaps one or two extra stabbings during your special
hour-long broadcast of the latest ELF 'Top Ten'. A decrease in
premeditated crimes might indicate a breakdown of thought process during
the time of ELF transmission. Do you see? A double blind experiment
(neither police nor populace have any idea) on a perfectly contained and
monitored large population control subjects, in a typical city, with an
'in place' monitoring system (police reports) with a plus or minus
accuracy allowance of virtually 0% since the experiment can be performed
an unlimited number of times over a period of years. Could such
malignant experiments be pulled off in any other setting?
If your aim were to induce murders, violence,
psychosis, severe depression, or suicide, you couldn't really go calling
on John Hopkins University now, could you?
Anyway, the very point of such a thing would be its
use on urban populations. Listen, you have a little country somewhere,
you destabilise the populace with ELFs and conventional means and
overwhelm the local law enforcement agencies, martial law is declared,
the democratically elected government falls. You install a corrupt
dictator. You say to the American people, 'We must send humanitarian
aid.' A hundred million dollars is allocated to the small country. The
corrupt dictator steals the goods and money, and deposits the laundered
free and clear taxpayer dollars in an offshore American bank. Beginning
to get the picture? Think of how perfectly foolproof this is, how
elegant, how appealing, how logical, how insidious, how horrible, how
possible, and all it costs is the suffering of thousands of people.
"Postscript; last week the buzzing happened again, so
loud yet so easily dismissed against the background of city noise. How
could I prove to myself that it was not simply just coming from my head,
could I possibly have the rare hearing condition, tinnitus, which causes
ringing in the ears? I remembered a Mr. Science experiment where the
electromagnetic transparency of various substances was being
demonstrated. A portable radio was placed into a wooden box. 'Hear that?
The radio is still playing, which means? That's right, wood is
electromagnetically transparent.' The radio was imprisoned in various
other containers to see what would happen. Then finally it was wrapped
in aluminium foil, and fell silent. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed
the tin foil. Pulling a three foot strip of it, I wrapped it around my
head, and the buzzing stopped."

The GWEN Towers
One of the strangest - and most ominous - episodes in
the history of electromagnetic irradiation research is the construction
of the network of
Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, in the 1980s. The GWEN
towers are almost 300 feet tall, and a 330-foot web of copper wiring
extends out from them, broadcasting bursts of very low frequency (VLF)
messages at 20 minute intervals or, from another source, hour intervals.
These towers are spaced 200 miles apart from each other and describe a
straight line across America. At this time there are 54 operational
towers, although at least 29 more are scheduled to be constructed.
It is claimed that GWEN is part of the COG
(Continuity of Government) program of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, designed to keep government functional in the case of disaster,
including nuclear war. Some sources disagree that this is the purpose of
the project, citing the statement of Colonel Paul Hanson, GWEN Program
Director for the Air Force. Hanson has said, "The towers will not help
wage a nuclear war because they would be destroyed in any protracted
confrontation." Others note that since the GWEN hardware is transistor
based, they are particularly vulnerable to the electromagnetic pulses of
nuclear explosions. The location of the GWEN towers is also a matter of
public record, meaning that they could easily be targeted in case of war
or even terrorist threat.
Robert O. Becker, M.D., in Crosscurrents: The Perils
of Electropollution, says of GWEN: "GWEN is a superb system, in
combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioural
alterations in the civilian population. The average strength of the
steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United
States. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living
things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency
for that location. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart
across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be
'tailored' to the geomagnetic-field strength in each GWEN area."
A similar system is SECOM II, composed of five
broadcasting towers in Idaho, New Mexico, Missouri, South Carolina, and
Maryland. These towers were ostensibly constructed as communication
links between a central monitoring station and vehicles carrying nuclear
weapons and nuclear materials. SECOM II broadcasts in the 3-12 MHz
range, which, coincidentally or not, precisely blankets the resonant
frequency of the human organism.
Another group of towers is mentioned in an anonymous
paper titled "Mind Control Operations/Aquarius Group Activities," that
states, "With a general ignorance through arrogance of most public
population in the U.S. erection of large cellular towers being carried
out under HIGH TONE and ZENO are largely going completely unnoticed.
These projects are being carried out in private business capacities and
therefore in Deep Black Operations cover. However, public populations
would be wise to educate themselves in the construction of these
seemingly innocent towers in large population areas. The cellular 800
MHZ waves are a constant wave. Due to the great proliferation of towers
in key population areas, they will have a devastating effect."
An oft-heard allegation is that the CIA has developed
a mind control technology they refer to as RHIC-EDOM. The acronym stands
for "Radio Hypnotic Intracerebra Control-Electronic Dissolution of
Memory," and refers to the ability to induce a hypnotic state from
remote locations, impart hypnotic commands, and erase the memory of the
programming and the period of time that it took place in. This
technology allegedly includes electromagnetic broadcasting as well as
intramuscular implants. The erasure of memory is reportedly accomplished
by the electromagnetic stimulation of the chemical acetylcholine in the
The first mention of RHIC-EDOM was in the 1969 book
Were We Controlled? By the pseudonymous Lincoln Lawrence. Lawrence
describes RHIS-EDOM in this manner:
"It is the ultra-sophisticated application of
post-hypnotic suggestion triggered at will by radio transmission. It is
a recurring hypnotic state, reinduced automatically at intervals by the
same radio control. An individual is brought under hypnosis. This can be
done either with his knowledge - or without it by use of narco-hypnosis,
which can be brought into play under many guises. He is then programmed
to perform certain actions and maintain certain attitudes upon radio
Lawrence claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald had been
manipulated through RHIC-EDOM, but not by the Russians or the CIA or its
brethren. According to Lawrence, Oswald's controllers had been a
worldwide cabal of commodities merchants who, through the assassination
of the president, wanted to drive stock down and make a fortune. The
idea is not entirely implausible.
The only other mention of RHIC-EDOM claiming insider
knowledge of the technology is an article by James L. Moore, in a 1975
issue of Modern People magazine. In that article, Moore claimed that he
possessed a 350-page manual originating from CIA sources on RHIC-EDOM.
The manual had supposedly been prepared by the CIA shortly after the
murder of John F. Kennedy.
Verifying RHIC-EDOM are the researchers of the late
L.L. Vasiliev, professor of physiology at the University of Leningrad,
who described one experiment in remote hypnosis using undefined
techniques of radio control:
"As a control of the subject's condition, when she
was outside the laboratory in another set of experiments, a
set was used. The results obtained indicate that the method of using
radio signals substantially enhances the experimental possibilities. I.F.
Tomaschevsky [a Russian physiologist] carried out the first experiments
with this subject at a distance of one or two rooms, and under
conditions that the participant would not know or suspect that she would
be experimented with. In other cases, the sender was not in the same
house, and someone else observed the subject's behaviour. Subsequent
experiments at considerable distances were successful. One such
experiment was carried out in the park at a distance. Mental suggestions
to go to sleep were compiled with within a minute."
Interesting in the context of RHIC-EDOM technology is
a statement made almost ten years after the publication of Were We
Controlled? Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, the MKULTRA heavyweight, during
questioning by Senator Richard Schweicker in 1977 Senate hearings on CIA
drug testing responded as follows:
SCHWEIKER: Some of the projects under MKULTRA
involved hypnosis, is that correct?
SCHWEICKER Did any of these projects involve something called radio
hypnotic intracerebral control, which is a combination, as I understand
it, in layman's terms, of radio transmissions and hypnosis.
GOTTLIEB: My answer is "No."
SCHWEICKER: None whatsoever?
GOTTLIEB: Well, I am trying to be responsive to the terms you used. As I
remember it, there was a current interest, running interest, all the
time in what effects people's standing in the field of radio energy
have, and it could easily have been that somewhere in many projects,
someone was trying to see if you could hypnotise someone easier if he
was standing in a radio beam. That would seem like a reasonable piece of
research to do.
Another statement was made by J.F. Schapitz who,
working with the Department of Defense in 1974, filed the following
research proposal:
"In this investigation it will be shown that the
spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated
electro-magnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the
human grain - i.e., without employing any technical devices for
receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to
such influence having a chance to control the information input
Schapitz proposed an experiment wherein a subject
would be subconsciously told to leave the laboratory, the command
triggered by a word or action from the researcher. As in the tricks
played by stage hypnotists, Schapitz was certain that the subject would
rationalise the otherwise irrational desire to leave the lab. Records of
Schapitz' research, beyond the initial proposal, have never been
In a way, proof of the existence of RHIC-EDOM does
not much matter. It is not vitally important if Lincoln Lawrence or
James L. Moore were speaking from personal knowledge, or simply
speculation that they wanted to render more believable. "RHIC-EDOM" is
in essence just a name that describes a technology close to or identical
to others that have been demonstrated to exist.
A specific Russian mind control technology was outed
by the American Defense News in 1993, termed "acoustic
psycho-correction." According to the magazine, "The Russian capability,
demonstrated in a series of laboratory experiments dating back to the
mid-1970s, could be used to suppress riots, control dissidents,
demoralise or disable opposing forces and enhance the performance of
friendly special operations teams, sources say.
"Pioneered by the government-funded Department of
Psycho-Correction at the Moscow Medical Academy, acoustic
psycho-correction involves the transmission of specific commands via
static or white noise bands into the human subconscious without
upsetting other intellectual functions. Experts said that laboratory
demonstrations have shown encouraging results after exposure of less
than one minute."
Janet Morris, science fiction author and research
director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council, a Washington, D.C. think
tank, is one the leading lights in the field of non-lethal weaponry
which in practice is a nice euphemism that includes techniques of mind
control. According to Tactical Technology magazine, "While visiting
Russia in November 1991, Morris and other members of a team sent to
investigate Russian technologies for commercial development were invited
to a demonstration of a mind control technology A volunteer from the
U.S. team sat down in front of a computer screen as innocuous words
flashed across the screen. The volunteer was only required to tell which
words he liked and which words he disliked. At the end of the
demonstration the Russian staff started revealing the sensitive,
innermost thoughts o the volunteer - none of which had been previously
discussed. The recorded message was mixed with what appeared to be white
noise or static, so when played back it became indecipherable. Since
there were no more volunteers in the U.S. group, the Russians
volunteered to go upstairs and let the Americans choose a mental patient
for a demonstration. The Americans declined the offer.
"The Russians told Morris of a demonstration in which
a group of workers were outside the hospital working on the grounds. The
staff sent an acoustic psycho-correction message via their machine to
the workers telling them to put down their tools, knock on the door of
the hospital and ask if there was anything else they could do. The
workers did exactly that, the Russians said.
"The Russians admitted to using this technology for
special operations teams selection and performance enhancement and to
aid their Olympic athletes and an Antarctic exploration team. Unlike lie
detectors, this machine can determine when the truth is spoken,
according to Morris.
"Being an infrasound, very low frequency-type
transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via
bone conduction. This means that earplugs will not restrict the message.
An entire body protection system would be required to stop reception.
The message, according to the Russians, bypasses the conscious level and
is acted on almost immediately. The Russians say that the messages are
acted upon with exposure times of under one minute.
"Morris envisions this technology will be
miniaturised into a hand-held device. Presently, the International
Healthline Corp. of Richmond, Va., is planning to bring a Russian team
of specialists to the U.S. in the near future to further demonstrate the
capability. International Healthline is a private corporation that is
exploring Russian medical technologies for import to the U.S."
A specific application of electronics in mind control
is in the direct broadcasting of audible sounds, including voices, to
the human brain. In 1961, biophysicist Allen Frey, working for the
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), announced that human beings are
capable of hearing microwave broadcasts, in the case of his experiments,
what he described as buzzing or knocking sounds. Frey suggested
"stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by
In 1973, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed
Hospital, while in a soundproof room heard spoken words broadcast by
"pulsed microwave audiogram." Broadcast in a range between 300 MHz to
3GHz. Sharp was able to identify words that were broadcast without any
form of electronic translation device - by direct transmission to the
A 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency report credited
the Soviets with having made the same discovery as Sharp and Grove,
although this was apparently disinformation in the interest of
encouraging Congress to appropriate funding in order to play a pretended
"catch up" with the Russians.
One electromagnetic weapon that transmits at the
frequency of the human nervous system is, according to research Harlan
Girard, manufactured by Loral Electro-Optical Systems in Pasadena,
California. In substantiation, it is reported that Loral had previously
done research on electromagnetic weaponry for Lt. Gen. Leonard Peroots
of the U.S. Air Force. Peroots is reported to have requested a weapon
that would broadcast negative messages directly to the minds of friendly
A study by A.W. Guy and others, released in 1975 by
the DIA, reported on experiments to determine the particulars of the
phenomenon of audible electromagnetics, and its relation to such things
a pulse power, pulse shape, and frequency. Along with a number of
details about the nature of electromagnetic interaction with humans and
animals. Guy explained why the microwaves were audible: microscopic
thermal expansion of brain tissues. Guy had even experimented with
sending Morse code via microwaves.
Also reported on were Soviet capabilities: "Sounds
and possibly even words which appear to be originating intercranially
can be induced by signal modulations at very low power densities."
Dr. Robert O. Becker, in The Body Electric, commented
on the technology: "Such a device has obvious applications in covert
operations designed to drive a target crazy with 'voices' or deliver
undetected instructions to a programmed assassin."
As with many other instances of claimed mind control,
separating subjects experiencing hallucinatory voices from those
broadcast electronically is a difficult task. One possible solution is
suggested by Judy Wall, in her article "Synthetic Telepathy.", published
in 1996. Wall proposed that the effect of microwave voices could be
detected with an electroencephalograph (EEG) machine. The main drawback
- this technique is that if whatever agency was broadcasting the
messages was aware of the use of monitoring equipment, the messages
would undoubtedly stop. As Wall states, "While it is not a perfect
solution, it is hopefully a start towards monitoring, validating, and
correcting the problem of involuntary mind control experimentation and
harassment of innocent victims.