Operation Garden
The United States
Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2.
Donald L. Cline
following information was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The
information herein is DECLASSIFIED and does not come within the scope of
directions governing the protection of information affecting the national
It took a little more than three years to obtain a full copy of Operation Garden
Plot from the U.S. Government, and was done so under the freedom of information
act for unclassified documents. The implications within the full context of this
document should make the hair on the back of your head stand on end!!!!!
In this document signed by the Secretary of the Army, is hereby assigned as DOD
Executive Agent for civil disturbance control operations. Under Plan 55-2 he is
to use airlift and logistical support, in assisting appropriate military
commanders in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico and US possessions and territories, or any political subdivision
The official name of this project is called "Operation Garden Plot."
Under this plan for the deployment of Operation Garden Plot, the use of CIDCON-1
will be mandatory. This direct support of civil disturbance control operations
is to be used by the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corp. with an airlift force to
be comprised of MAC Organic Airlift Resources, airlift capable aircraft of all
other USAF major commands, and all other aerial reconnaissance and Airborne
Psychological Operations. This is to include control communications systems,
aero-medical evacuation, helicopter and Weather Support Systems.
If any civil disturbance by a resistance group, religious organization, or other
persons considered to be non-conformist takes place, under Appendix 3 to Annex B
of Plan 55-2 hereby gives all Federal forces total power over the situation if
local and state authorities cannot put down said dissenters.
Annex A, section B of Operation
Garden Plot defines tax protesters, militia groups, religious cults, and general
anti-government dissenters as Disruptive Elements. This calls for the deadly
force to be used against any extremist or dissident perpetrating any and all
forms of civil disorder.
Under section D, a Presidential Executive Order will authorize and direct the
Secretary of Defense to use the Armed Forces of the United States to restore
JCS Pub 6, Vol 5, AFR 160-5 hereby provides for America's
military and the National Guard State Partnership Program to join with United
Nations personal in said operations. This links selected U.S. National
Guard units with the Defense Ministries of "Partnership For Peace." This was
done in an effort to provide military support to civil authorities in response
to civil emergencies.
Under Presidential Decision Directive No. 25, this program serves to cement
people to relationships between the citizens of the United States, and the
global military of the UN establishments of the emerging democracies of Central
and Eastern European countries. This puts all of our National Guardsmen under
the direct jurisdiction of the United Nations.
Section 3: This plan could be
implemented under any of the following situation:
(1) SITUATION. Spontaneous civil disturbances which involve large numbers of
persons and/or which continue for a considerable period of time, may exceed the
capacity of local civil law enforcement agencies to suppress. Although this type
of activity can arise without warning as a result of sudden, unanticipated
popular unrest (past riots), it may also result from more prolonged dissidence.
This would most likely be an outgrowth of serious social, political or economic
issues which divide segments of the American population. Such factionalism could
manifest itself through repeated demonstrations, protest marches and other forms
of legitimate opposition but which would have the potential for erupting into
spontaneous violence with little or no warning.
(2) SITUATION. Planned acts of violence or civil disobedience which, through
arising from the same causes as (1) above, are seized upon by a dedicated group
of dissidents who plan and incite purposeful acts designed to disrupt social
This may occur either because leaders of protest organizations intentionally
induce their followers to perpetrate violent acts, or because a group of
militants infiltrates an otherwise peaceful protest and seeks to divert it from
its peaceful course.
Subsection C: (2) Environmental
satellite products will be continue to be available.
(d) Responsibilities. Meteorological support to civil disturbance operations
will be arranged or provided by AWS wings.
The 7th. Weather Wing (7WW) is responsible for providing / arranging support for
Military Airlift Command (MAC) airlift operations. The 5th Weather Wing (5WW) is
responsible for supporting the United States Army Forces Command.
Civil disturbance may threaten or erupt at any time in the CONUS and grow to
such proportions as to require the use the Federal military forces to bring the
situation under control.
A flexible weather support system is required to support the many and varied
options of this Plan.
ANNEX H: XXOW, AWSR 55-2, AWSR 23-6, AFR 23-31, AR 115-10, AFR 105-3.
Subsection B:
Concept of Environmental Support. Environmental support will be provided by
elements of Air Weather Service (AWS) in accordance with refs a-f. The senior
staff meteorologist deployed int the Task Force Headquarters (TFH) will be the
staff weather officer (SWO) to the TFH.
Centralized environmental support products are requested in accordance with AWSR
105-18. Weather support is provided by weather units located at existing CONUS
bases or by deployed SWOs and / or weather teams to the objective areas.
Support MAC source will be provide in accordance with the procedures in MARC
103-15. MAC forces will be provided in accordance with the procedures in AFR
Air Force Global Weather Central: Provides centralized products as requested.
JCS Pub 18 - Doctrine for
Operations Security AFR 55-30
Operations Security
Opposition forces or groups may attempt to gain knowledge of this plan and
'use that knowledge to prevent or degrade the effectiveness of the actions
outlined in this plan. In order to protect operations undertaken to
accomplish the mission, it is necessary to control sources of information
that can be exploited by those opposition forces or groups.
OPSEC is the effort to protect operations by identifying and controlling
intelligence indicators susceptible to exploitation. The objective of OPSEC,
in the execution of this plan, is to assure the security of operations,
mission effectiveness, and increase the probability of mission success.
The denial Of information to an enemy is inherently a command
responsibility. However, since the operations Officer at any level of
command is responsible to his commander for the Overall planning and
execution of operations, he has the principal staff interest in assuring
maximum protection of the operation and must assume primary responsibility
instability for ensuring that the efforts of all other staff elements are
coordinated toward this end. However., every other individual associated
with, or aware of, the operation must assist in safeguarding the security of
the operation.
a. The basic objective of OPSEC is to preserve the security Of friendly
forces and thereby to enhance the probability of Successful mission
accomplishment. "Security" in this context relates to the protection of
friendly forces. It also includes the protection of operational information
to prevent degradation of mission effectiveness through the disclosure of
prior knowledge of friendly operations to the opposition.
b. OPSEC pervades the entire planning process and must be a matter of
continuing concern from the conception of an operation, throughout the
preparatory and execution phases, and during critiques, reports, press
releases, and the like conducted during the post operation phase.
Specific operations orders and standard operating procedures "MUST be
developed with the awareness that the opposition may be able to identify and
exploit vulnerable activities.
Released under Freedom of
Information Act on March 30th, 1990. All material presented here has been
declassified and supersedes USAD Operations Plan355-10 of July 16, 1973.
Information released by USAF under supervision of Alexander K. Davidson, BRIG.
GEN, USAF, Dep. Director of Operations.
References: 10 United States Codes 331,332,333,8500,1385, MARC 105-1, MARC
105-18, AR 115-10, AFR 105-3, PDD-25.

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