Britain's humiliating retreat from Dunkirk June 4, 1940,
Winston Churchill defiantly declared, "We shall fight on the
beaches...we shall never surrender..."
His bluster was based on the knowledge the United States
would back Britain.
The majority of Americans were against intervention. But
a covert British propaganda and "dirty tricks" campaign,
employing 1000 people in NYC alone, had hijacked democracy.
It illustrates the way London-based central bankers control
the American people to this day.
The Republican Party was against intervention. Thanks to
the British, the Republican Presidential nomination June 28,
1940 went to an unknown pro-intervention pro-conscription
"internationalist" Wendell Wilkie, a lifetime Democrat
who had never held public office.
the eve of the costliest war in US history, (one million
dead or maimed, $2 trillion in 1990 dollars), Americans were
not allowed a choice. There wasn't an anti-war candidate.
Does this remind you of 2004?
Much more than propaganda was involved. The organizer of
the Republican convention, Ralph Williams, an "isolationist"
(doublespeak for nationalist) conveniently died May 16 and
was replaced by a lifelong British agent Sam Pryor who
packed the convention with Wilkie delegations and supporters
shouting, "We want Wilkie."
True, Williams was 70 years old. But historian Thomas
Mahl says that the British mandate included murder and he
implies this took place. (p.160)
" [Wilkie's] nomination exempted President Franklin
Roosevelt from the normal pressures of an election
campaign," Mahl writes in his explosive book "Desperate
Deception: British Covert Operations in the US, 1939-44."
Lippmann wrote, "the sudden rise and nomination of Wendell
Wilkie was the decisive event, perhaps providential, which
made it possible to rally the free world...Under any other
leadership but his, the Republican Party would ... have
turned its back on Great Britain..." (164)
If a Republican nationalist like Robert Taft had won the
nomination, Churchill was prepared to make peace with Hitler
and abandon Stalin to his fate. The Jewish holocaust
wouldn't have occurred because of Hitler's wish for good
relations with England.
But the Illuminati game plan was for a two-front war
which the Nazis would lose. Although Mahl doesn't mention
the Illuminati by name, his book exposes its modus operandi.
I will provide details below.
To recapitulate for new readers,
Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry. Since
its foundation in 1776, it has pursued the enslavement of
humanity using world government or "internationalism" as an
Based in the City of London, the Illuminati represents
the families that own the world's central banks. Through
intermarriage, this clique combines Jewish finance and
European/ American aristocracy in the pursuit of money, the
occult, and its own supremacy.
It must enslave humanity to protect its
over credit. The government does not create money. It
borrows it from the central bankers who create it out of
nothing and charge interest.
The aim is to colonize the whole world. Nations (like the
US and England) movements (Communism, Feminism, Zionism and
Fascism) and peoples (Jews and Arabs) are all sacrificial
pawns in a multigenerational plan to create a Luciferian
world dictatorship.
Central to the plan are wars contrived to distract
demoralize and destroy humanity. Each war increases
Illuminati power and wealth and makes mankind accept
domination. World War Two was no exception.
The Rockefeller and Morgan empires are part of the central
banking cartel. At the highest level, all intelligence
agencies (MI-6, CIA, Mossad, KGB) answer to this cartel, not
to their national governments.
The Illuminati campaign to frog march the USA into World
War Two was handled by "British Security Coordination," (BSE)
part of MI-6. It was financed by the Rockefellers and
Morgans and housed rent-free on the 38th Floor of the
"International Building" of Rockefeller Center.
"This was a convenient address," Mahl writes. "Several
British agencies promoting intervention were also housed
here. The British Press Service was located on the 44th
Floor. The British intelligence front group Fight for
Freedom located its operations on the 22nd floor in the same
building, also rent free." (11)