personal wealth of the House of Rothschild has amassed to an estimated US
$300 trillion.
Imagine what you could do with that money…
rule the world! That never was
an ambition of mine, but I would be tempted to keep a cool $trillion to
guarantee my extended family and I could live in the lap of luxury for a
lifetime. With the other $299 trillion, I would be inclined to feed the
hungry, clothe the naked and house the homeless.
How could I enjoy sipping
champagne, by the pool, on my private island, knowing that the dispossessed
are dying for lack of clean drinking water? 1.2 billion malnourished
children do not appear to prick Baron Rothschild’s conscience. Half the
globe is laid prostrate on the ground, barely surviving and unable to
progress, because Rothschild’s are hording all the gold. Victims rely on
charity to sustain them, at a very basic level.
The tsunami appeal is winding
down now and the vast funds will be appropriated by two of the ‘most wanted’
hustlers and crooks, Daddy Bush and Wild Bill Clinton. I’ll be amazed if
Banda Aceh gets a dime, but the military will be well equipped. When the
puppet leader of Indonesia has served his Illuminati purpose, like all
obedient dictators he will retire to a life in “exile” to spend the
embezzled loot, protected by a friendly country.
The Rothschild’s have installed
tyrants to become the object of hate at a later date, for their UN
‘peacekeepers’ to topple, and plunder the resources of the oppressed people.
No-one can object to the ‘regime change’ of a barbarian and the poor are
meant to be grateful to their ‘benefactors.’ After living on a refuse tip, a
corrugated shack is a step up and a new CIA agent for President is
preferable to detention, torture and death. (Or
is it?)

Lord Jacob Rothschild
But how about some solar panels
on that shack and it could supply power to an entire village? There is no
shortage of sunshine in the developing nations and I’m sure Baron Rothschild
could afford it, if not Oxfam. Even better, production of
Tom Bearden’s MEG may provide free energy to the whole world and nobody
need suffer again. There would be no want, if the Rothschild’s would
distribute the cake fairly, and stop gorging on it.