Kofi Annan
Linked to Freemasonry and Voodoo
by PH
(Posted here by Wes Penre: March 05, 2006)
Secretary General of The United Nations appears to in fact be leading the United
Necromancers or United Nepotism if one counts his son Kojo's involvement with
the Oil-for-fraud
corruption. This article will attempt to delineate for the reader the
occult background surrounding Kofi Annan , a man at times described as the
"Secular Pope" but whose religious beliefs are largely a mystery. This will be
done in a connect the dot manner using mainstream media to the extent possible.
The article describes Annan's father as having worked for 'Lever Brothers'.
Lever Brothers are in essence or at least were at that time a Freemasonic
business enterprise that formed Lodges for their employees. 1 for Supervisors
and another for the workers.
www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ladylever/collections/masonicapr on.asp.
www.trosch.org/msn/mason-graphics_ptr.html. Also provides this information
and notes that Kofi's father like Kofi himself are of the hereditary nobility of
Ghana. They collaborated with the slave traders going back to the Portuguese in
www.usasurvival.org/racism.html . The article notes Ghana still has slavery
and Kofi does nothing about it. And lately the US says that the UN is "dragging
its feet" on sending a force to end the atrocities in Darfur. Why should Kofi be
in a hurry when his position in life has been made by slave trade of fellow
www.deanesmay.com/posts/1111663531.shtml .
8. Mr. Rawlings is half Scottish - where the freemason lodges in Ghana come from
and 1/2 Ewe, the ethnic group from which we get the word VUDU or VOODOO the
original and present religion for many in Ghana.
www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Rawlings .
10. Kwame Nkrumah was the first leader of independent Ghana and the first black
leader to gain independence from colonialism as well. This leader was involved
in horrid rituals to become the leader of not just Ghana but in his mind all of
www.ghanian-chronicle.com/thestory.asp?id=1588. He allegedly used the blood
of a pregnant woman in an attempt to become the "messiah of Africa".