Comment by Wes Penre, Illuminati News: If
this doesn't make you at least as angry as it does
Jon Stewart, it should!

Stewart vs. Cramer
e know about the Bush administration
turning a blind eye and refusing to
regulate bad behavior. We know about the
banks that played fast and loose with
our retirements, and then, when it all
blew up, they took golden parachutes
lined with our tax dollars.
On March 12, Jon Stewart of The Daily
Show discussed another serious problem:
financial news networks like CNBC that
promoted Wall Street propaganda and then
blamed the financial crisis on "losers"
who couldn't make their mortgage
Stewart took on Jim Cramer of CNBC; the
interview was moving, appalling, and a
searing indictment that hit home for us
here at CREDO. Take a few minutes to see
for yourself:
As Stewart said, "So what it feels
like to us - and I'm talking purely as a
layman - it feels like we are
capitalizing your adventure by our
pension and our hard earned money. And
that it is a game that you know. That
you know is going on. But that you go on
television as a financial network and
pretend isn't happening."
Sign this petition today to tell CNBC
that they should be ashamed of their
behavior. A financial news channel
should investigate and report the truth,
not merely air infomercials for Wall
If you can't watch the video
above, you can read a transcript by
clicking here.
Also, if you haven't seen it
already, take a few minutes to watch
The Daily Show's collection of CNBC's
worst advice. It's pretty insane to
see how wrong the supposed "experts"
were - and how happy they are to let
hardworking Americans take the fall.
Want your opinion to be heard?
Make a comment
have it posted here, uncensored and unedited!
as long as it's written in a civilized manner.
Write me an email
and put the same title in
your email subject line as the name of the article you want
to comment on. You can be anonymous if you like,
or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
Important Definitions:
[i] ^
The word Illuminati means 1.
People claiming to be unusually
enlightened with regard to a subject. 2.
Illuminati: Any of various groups
claiming special religious
enlightenment. Latin ill min t ,
from pl. of ill min tus,
past participle of ill min re,
to light up. See
These definitions are taken from "The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language".
Like the
definitions say, any group which considers itself "enlightened"
could rightfully call itself the Illuminati. So is also the case. If
you google "The Illuminati", you will find quite a few groups
claiming this name.
can be confusing, so before we continue,
I want to make very clear that the
Illuminati we are discussing here is NOT
a benevolent secret society who wants to
create peace and harmony in this world
by helping to bring freedom to the
people. Such a benevolent group DOES
exist and happens to call themselves
"The Illuminati", and is actually the
original group using this name.
They have been working behind
the scenes for a very long time to help humanity free themselves
from the chains we have been stuck in for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, the Powers That Be, the evil puppet masters running
this show on war and destruction, infiltrated the truth movement
already in an early stage by adopting the term Illuminati to
describe themselves, thus using the same name as the original
benevolent group. This to further confuse the matter.
Now, almost all researchers
(including myself) have adopted the term "Illuminati" to describe
the Dark Side, and by doing so, we have to a certain degree
unwittingly helped discrediting the benevolent group with this
original name and made it harder for them to get the job done.
Therefore, I will let this
definition follow each and every article posted on this website from
now on in an effort to try to clear up the confusion. I apologize
that so many people now have mixed up the groups, and I have partly,
but ignorant to this fact until recently, been responsible for that.
The point is that the Illuminati I am
exposing here is the super-rich Power Elite with an ambition to
maintain the slave society they have been working so hard to
accomplish over the millennia!
The malevolent group that wants to enslave us call themselves "The
Priesthood of AMEN" and their outer circle they call "Lucifer's
Web", and their most important secret societies are '"The
Thule Gesellschaft" and "The VRIL Society".
^ The
term "New World Order", just like the term "Illuminati", has been
used by at least two different groups, meaning basically two
different things:
1) A goal to put an end to the current Order (called "The
Old World Order" - OWO),
which is considered evil and anti-survival, and therefore the
current power elite needs to be overthrown and their Old World Order
to be destroyed and replaced with a benevolent "New World Order".
The goal is a humanity-friendly One World Government. The
means putting an end to the current Old World Order with violence, if
Personally, I don't agree with using violence to stop the Old World
Order, as I am more into a spiritual solution (see elsewhere on my
website), but I want to make my
readers aware of that there IS a group calling themselves "The
Illuminati", who want to replace the current Old World Order (the
Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc.) with a benevolent New World Order,
where people are no longer slaves to this Power Elite.
2) A goal to create a micro-chipped society, so that they more
easily can maintain the current Order that they have created
throughout the millennia. This is the
"New World Order" the Bush's, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds,
Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others are
supporting and working on maintaining. This is also the "New World Order"
I am fighting against via this website.
Just like in the case with the term "Illuminati", this second group
has confused researchers and truth seekers by using the basically
benevolent term "New World Order" for their negative and malevolent
goals. This has made it harder for the Resistance to operate,
because both "The Illuminati" and the "New World Order" have been
used as a propaganda for the Dark Side and everything connected to
these two terms now are perceived as negative.
If we really look at it, it's nothing
"new" with what this Power Elite officially calls the "New World Order",
but no
more than an effort to hold on to the Old World Order they have
already created.
I hope this to some degree makes things clearer.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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