rom our Department of Obscure Historic Facts Department:
Friday the 13th is considered to be bad luck. For on a Friday the 13th, sometime
back in the 1300’s, all the constables in France opened sealed instructions from
their King – King Phillip the Just (talk about PR!). The King was in cahoots
with the Pope. The Orders read seize all members of the Knights of Templar and
their possessions (which were considerable – being the wealthiest order in
Europe, having invented international banking and the credit card). The
condemned Knights were to be turned over to the Holy Inquisition for the
standard questioning, torture and burning at the stake.
A small group of Knights managed to escape, load their ship with a portion of
their treasure and land in Scotland, where they were taken in by Robert the
Bruce, who at the time was ex-communicated from the Church because he wouldn’t
turn Scotland over to England. (The aforementioned Robert the Bruce was in truth
NOTHING like the fwop portrayed in Braveheart.) The Templars, according
to some traditions, resurfaced in Scotland as the Scottish Rite of the
Freemasons, and as such had much to do with the founding of America and the
framing of the constitution.)
From our Media Relations Department:
The response to the previous e-mail (click
here for the email) where William Arntz
posed the question: “How Long do they kill our Prophets, while we stand aside
and look” was overwhelming. Over 500 people responded with letters to the San
Francisco Chronicle. They are posted on our web site:
click here.
According to 2 PR firms, 500 letters is itself a news item and very
out-of-the-ordinary. To date the Chronicle has not responded, nor returned any
of our phone calls. Hmm…
This email also kicked off a spirited discussion amongst our email list.
Although the majority seemed to be motivated to respond themselves, another
group of people were disappointed in Mr. Arntz for his response to the review.
But as one person wrote: “this is a very important discussion to have”.