It was the 5th of July, and the line
outside the theater in the middle size town was long. I was there early, I thought, but not
early enough to get a good seat to see Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911". As I
stood in line I was not sure really what to expect, as the reviews in research
circles have been mixed. Therefore the anticipation of watching it was even
bigger, as I would like to see for myself.
I think Michael Moore succeeded pretty
well in creating an impact. Although I was pretty aware of everything
Mr. Moore brought up, I still had a lot of
emotions, even felt anger, during the two hour show. He has been criticized by
David Icke
for missing the point as of who was actually behind 9/11 (in the film Moore blames it on the
Bushes and the Saudis), therefore we missed a great opportunity to tell the
truth to a lot of people.
Fintan Dunne, at "Break For" is making the same point. Alex Jones at, and even some outside source (New York Post) accuse Mr. Moore
ripping Jones off, saying the
movie is not even original, but stolen from Alex Jones'
Road to Tyranny'.
All those are valid viewpoints and
statements, which I
don't dispute. We can argue why Mr. Moore did not hit the real target in the
movie, and we don't know until Michael Moore tells us himself. However, if he
would have, who would have showed the movie? It has already been censored and
excluded from theaters as it is, and if Moore would have gone "too far" he might
not have been able to reach out. By
Henry Makow he is accused of
shilling for Illuminati Bankers. We don't know, perhaps that is true, but
regardless, I truly believe this movie may wake a few people up.
Fintan Dunne
says that the difference between Alex Jones and Michael Moore is that Moore
makes a profit and Alex basically doesn't, as he more or less used to give his
video away for free. Even if so, we must realize that Moore has the means to
reach out to millions all over the world, which Alex Jones and I don't have, not to
the same extent. So profit or not, Moore made an immediate impact on a lot of
people at once, with one single film, while the rest of us, who go further in
our exposure have more of a struggle, and lack the money and sponsors to reach
out broadly. Watching the film, one gets a hint of how
deep the deception is, and it shows clearly how arrogantly the Illuminati and
their puppets are acting. Humanity has a long way to go before they truly see
how completely they have been fooled, and perhaps we need to brief people on a
gradient scale. If this is the case, this movie is doing an excellent job. People in
the theater were responding quite well in their seats, although many of them
were probably Democrats. Which brings me to the next sub-topic:
I agree that the movie could have been a
little braver. Although Moore does not stress any political viewpoint particularly, the effect may be
that people are discarding Bush for John Kerry, thinking the Democrats may do a
better job. This is a shame and a waste of time. It would have been better if he
had pointed out that no matter whom you vote for, the result would be the same,
or similar. He could have done this without overwhelming people with too much
details about the Illuminati overlords, and still been able to stress the point.
However, at one point in the film Moore briefly mentions that when Bush went to
war, the Democrats openly supported him. Hopefully people will begin to
understand that the profiteers of war don't stay with the Bushes but is a common
phenomenon - hopefully, although it could have been made clearer in the film.
So overall, I think it was a good
film. Moore succeeded well in showing who profits from war and terrorism, and who has to
pay (often with their lives) to keep the Elite rich and help them getting
richer. He showed that for THEM we are all just worthless pawns in their game,
and human lives mean nothing to them. This point really came across. Moore's
laid-back profile is also helping. I am glad this film was made and shown to the
world; a little bit more truth leaking out to the people.