Canadian Corruption
Sexual Abuse &
Political & Legal Conspiracy. RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
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Page 5

T. Alexander Hickman
their mother had men over quite often; the girls got the honor of
picking in the clothes that their mother had suppositly slaved her heart
out over. Oh yes! Things looked so good on the outside, but inside that
castle of Harriett's, lived the children she had never wanted; the
products of her sexual desires; the children who were never loved by
her; the children, some of whom, would go on to the things that she had
told them they could never be; the little slaves she had produced; the
children that suffered at the hands of a very sick, deranged mother who
could only love money, and the things it could buy her. Inside this
castle, live the children that would struggle the rest of their lives to
find the love they had never know from their mother. CHAPTER 3 "No, Pa",
she wimpered. "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me", she cried.
"Be quiet. If you don't do what I want you to do, I'll tell your mother
you did it anyway and then you'll get a lacin'", he retorted angrily.
There had been many times before that her grandfather had sexually
molested her and her sister. He had always frightened them in to not
telling anyone with the threat of a beating, if there mother had found
The girls knew that their mother would say
that they had led him on if they told her what he was doing to them. He
would even give them a nickle to make sure they wouldn't tell anyone. It
was the same thing all the time. He would pull down their pants, and
play with their little vaginals, while he held his penis and stroked it
with his hand. He would let them go when he had squirted, always
threatening them with the beating they would get if their mother found
out. Donna hated her grandfather, and would hide whenever he came to the
house. On the days her mother was home, she knew she didn't have to hide
because he wouldn't bother her or her sister. He would always go to the
bedroom with her mother. Like the other men, he would always give
Harriett money before he left the house. It was on the days that their
mother was not at home that Donna feared her grandfather the most. She
didn't like what he did to her, but, at five years old, who would
believe her if she did tell anyone. After all, her mother always called
her a liar, so she certainly wouldn't believe her! What if she did tell
someone, she would really get a beating then, because it would make her
mother look bad.
There was no where to turn, so the
molestation continued, and Donna's heart grew colder towards her
grandfather. On this day, Pa wanted to do something different. He wanted
her to be a big girl and let him put his penis inside of her. The mere
thought of this horrified the little girl. She had been in the kitchen
when he had come in the door. Byron and their other sister were in the
parlor playing jacks. She had tried to run to the parlor with her
brother and sister, but he had caught her by the arm and pushed her up
against the kitchen wall. Donna was so scared she couldn't even scream.
She just stood there shaking with her arms raised against her face. As
her grandfather pulled her pants down, Donna wimpered again, "Please
don't do that, Pa, please don't hurt me." Her fear seemed to excite him
even more. He frantically tore at her pants. He went back and forth from
his pants to her pants, and then it happened. His huge maness tore at
her little body, and she had all she could do to stop from screaming. It
burnt as it entered her, and she could feel the blood run down her legs
as he grunted. It hurt so much she just wanted to close her eyes and
pretend it wasn't happening, but the pain was too much for her to bear,
and she let out a bitter cry. Byron and his sister came running from the
parlor and were horror struck at what they saw. Immedaitely, their
grandfather pulled up his pants, and backed away from the little girl.
Byron very cautiously approached his
little sister and took her hand gently. He never spoke a word to his
grandfather, but the look he gave him warned his grandfather not to say
anything. Byron took his little sister upstairs to the restroom and got
her cleaned up. Donna was crying uncontrollably, and Byron tried the
best that he could to comfort her. After Byron had gotton Donna cleaned
up, he took her back down stairs. Pa was in the kitchen sitting at the
table smoking his pipe, and their other sister was in the livingroom
sitting quietly. As the three children sat there, not a word was said.
Their other sister put her arm around her little sister and tried to
help her brother comfort Donna. They knew they had to tell someone about
what had happened, but who to tell was the question. After what seemed
to be an eternity of silence, Byron spoke. "We'll have to tell mom what
Pa did to Donna", he'd decided. "Just don't go out to the kitchen until
she gets home, neither of you". The three children sat on the floor and
awaited the return of their mother. As soon as she entered the door,
Byron and his sister ran to the kitchen and told their mother what had
happened. Their mother was furious! She gave Pa a hard look, and turned
away from him. "Where's the little whore?" she screamed! She grabbed the
braided nylon rope and headed for the livingroom. Donna had heard her
mother scream and had hid behind the couch. Harriett grabbed the little
girl from behind the couch and as the nylon rope came down upon the
little girls body, she kept screaming at Donna that she was a little
whore. Byron and his other sister tried to stop their mother from
beating the child, but their mother would not be stopped. Harriett kept
screaming at the child, "You led him on, you let him do that to you, you
little whore, you little whore!" she kept repeating over and over!
The little 5 year old was totally broken.
He little body felt like a little rag doll. She could bearly hold her
head up when her mother finally stopped beating her. Donna crawled into
a corner and wept bitterly. The other children couldn't help her now.
They knew if they did, they would get the same beating, so they just
turned away from their little sister and went into the kitchen. Donna
stayed in that corner, crying, shaking, and wishing to God that she
could leave that house and never come back. She knew she would never
forget what had happened that day. The mother that should have protected
her; the mother that should of had her grandfather arrested for what he
had done; the mother that she so wanted to love her; the mother that she
would have done anything to please, had just destroyed the heart of a
little 5 year old girl. Things would never be the same for that little
girl's heart. The betrayal she suffered that day would follow her to her
adult life, and eventually to her grave. Her spirit was destroyed -
another broken toy on the floor. A few months went by and Pa took sick
with lung cancer. Mother tried to get the children to agree to go and
visit him before he died. All of the children agreed to go, except
Donna. She just couldn't make herself agree to go to see the man that
had raped her just a few months earlier. She pleaded with her mother
that her mother not make her go to see her grandfather, but her pleas
went unheard. Her mother literally dragged the little girl to the
grandfather's house.
When the family arrived at the
grandfather's house, Donna still refused to go into the bedroom to visit
with her Pa. When her mother insisted that the child go in to see her
grandfather, Donna began to cry uncontrollably. Harriett just ignored
Donna's crying, and pushed the little girl into the bedroom and up to
the side of the bed. Donna was horrified! She was scared to death of the
old man! She kept remembering what her grandfather had done to her. The
smell of death loomed ominiously in the room, and Donna couldn't stand
the stench. "Give Pa a hug and tell him you love him", Harriett
demanded! The little girl pulled back from the bed and just couldn't
make herself do as her mother had commanded.
"Give Pa a kiss, you little brat! There's nothing to be afraid of! He
cannot do anything to you", Harriett shouted! Donna cautiously
approached the bed where her grandfather lay. It took her a long time to
muster up the courage to bend down to the bed and kiss her grandfather.
The smell of death nearly knocked her off of her feet. "Tell Pa you love
him", her mother commanded! Donna, coyly let the words excape her lips,
knowing in her little heart that she didn't mean it. As her mother and
the rest of the family visited with her grandfather,
Donna slipped quietly out of the room and
into the kitchen with her Uncle. A few days later Pa passed away. They
laid his body out in the livingroom of my uncle's house. All of the
family were to go pay their last respects to their grandfather, but
Donna was still scared to go anywhere near his body. Even though he was
now deceased, she still feared the old man. Ever since the molestation
indicent, Donna kept having terrifying nightmares, and she just couldn't
bear the thought of being near her grandfather, alive or dead! It was
horrifying for the little girl to go to her uncle's house to view her
grandfather's body, but no matter how much she cried or begged her
mother to not make her go, her mother commanded her to do so. Once
again, Harriett dragged the little girl to her uncle's house.
Once Harriett and the children arrived at the uncles house, everyone
congregated in the kitchen. An half an hour passed, and their mother had
not made the children go into the livingroom to see their grandfather's
body. Donna began to relax a little. "Maybe Mom won't make me to see Pa
after all", she thought to herself. No sooner had the thought crossed
her mind when her mother got up from the kitchen table and told the
children it was time to go see their grandfather. Once again, horror
filled every crevass of Donna's body, and tears welled up in her eyes.
She knew that the nighmares would get worse if she had to look at the
body of her grandfather in that casket. "What's wrong with you? Pa
cannot hurt you, he's dead! There's nothing he can do to you anymore",
her mother said, sternly. Harriett, once again, grabbed the little
girl's hand and dragged the struggling child into the livingroom. Donna
was totally horrified, and fought to break free of her mother's firm
grasp. "If you don't go see Pa and give him a kiss, you'll always have
those silly dreams of yours", Harriett shouted! Donna kept struggling to
break free of her mother's grasp, but the little girl was definately no
match for her mother's strength.
Eventually, Donna and her mother were
standing at the side of the coffin. Tears were streaming down the
child's face. Harriett grabbed the child by the shoulders and shook her
voilently. "You stop that crying and kiss your grandfather!" she
commanded. "I just cannot kiss him, Mommy. Please don't make me do that.
Please don't make me kiss him", the little girl begged, as the tears
streamed down her face. "If you don't kiss him, I'll beat the hell out
of you when you get home", the mother threatened as she lifted the
little girl up to the coffin. Choking back the tears, Donna finally
conceded to her mother's demands, and bent over and kissed her
grandfather on the cheek. She thought this would be satisfactory to her
mother, but it wasn't. "You have to kiss him on the lips or you'll keep
having those dreams!" her mother commanded. Once again, Donna bent down
and kissed her grandfather on the lips as her mother had told her to do.
As soon as Harriett stood the little girl
on the floor, Donna ran out of the room, and out of the house. She
waited outside for the others. As she sat on her uncle's front step,
tears still falling from her little eyes, she could feel that no matter
what her mother had said, she knew that she would continue to have those
horrible nightmares. She could find no solace in anything anymore. Even
escapping into her little dream world, could not find her the comfort
that she so desperately needed. Two days passed, and the funeral was to
take place that afternoon. Donna begged her mother to let her stay home,
and not attend the funeral. Her pleading went unheard. Like the rest of
the children, Donna dressed in her Sunday clothes and made her way to
the church with her mother. At least she wouldn't have to kiss the old
man this time! As they entered the church, Donna could see that the
coffin was laid out at the front of the church, and the lid was closed.
She whispered a little prayer to thank God that she didn't have to look
at her grandfather's face. Donna sat quietly through the memorial
service, dreading the time when they would have to leave the church and
go to the cemetary. She hated cemetaries ever since her mother had
threatened to push her into the grave when her Uncle Doug had died.
Donna was petrified of the dark! She remembered how she had felt the day
Uncle Doug was buried. She stood at the side of the grave, and after
looking in at the coffin holding her precious Uncle Doug, she was
overheard, by her mother, saying that she was never going to be put into
a deep dark hole. Her mother had turned to her with that sinister grin
of her's, and spoke, "You'll have to go down there some day. Maybe I
should push you in right now." After leaving the church, everyone made
their way to the cemetary. Donna stood at the graveside, feeling nothing
but disdane for her grandfather. She didn't feel said like she felt she
should have. She didn't feel a sense of loss. She actually felt a sense
of relief that he was gone. For the first time since the rape, she felt
a little comfort.
The preacher said all sorts of nice things
about Pa, but she couldn't remember anything nice about him at all. She
hated him, and she knew she might never be able to forgive him for what
he had done to her. She stood quietly by the graveside as each and every
other person started to walk away. As soon as they had all left, she
looked straight down at her grandfather's coffin, "I hate you, Pa! I
hope you go to hell!" Before she turned to walk away, with all the force
she could muster, she spit on his coffin. It would be many years before
she would ever go back to that grave site and tell her grandfather that
she had finally forgiven him. She would go through hell on earth before
she realized that she could not go on with her life until she forgave
him - genuinely forgave him. CHAPTER 4 Shortly after her grandfather's
death, Donna was sent to live with her Uncle Bill and Aunt Vera. They
lived near the ocean, and Donna was very fond of her uncle and aunt.
They had no children of their own, and had always favored Donna. The
house was not as big as the one where she had spent the first 6 years of
her life, but it was very beautiful. They had a dog named Butch, and
Donna loved dogs. For the first time in her little life, Donna knew she
had a chance of happiness. When her mother had first told her that she
didn't want her anymore, the child had felt great pain, but when she had
learned that she was to go live with Anut Vera and Uncle Bill, she was
very relieved to be getting away from the horror of Harriett's CASTLE.
Donna (Sharl) Prior
When almost everyone started abusing and persecuting my family Grand
Bank had 2500 people approx. A/.R.C.M.P. office with full-time staff,
B/.Dept. Of Social Services Office, with full-time staff, C/ A Cottage
Hospital with full-time staff, D/ Three denominational churches with
full time ministers, E / Two denominational schools from Kinder garden
to grade eleven, F / A Salvation Army Ladies Home League, who could
discuss everyone's grocery bill in the town, but now most all of them
say that they knew nothing about my family. The Newfoundland Government
department of Victim Services must disagree, they have provided me with
almost 2 years of therapy and continued to offer hypnosis so I could try
to forget the ordeal and after this treatment nothing I could say can be
used in a courtroom, no thank you. I have to inform the public of this
injustice and corruption in our Nfld. Legal system so I can sleep at
night, have my personal pride and self respect. For now I can live with
myself and look any person strait in the eye and know that I am telling
the truth, but how these self righteous religious people can look at
other people, their own children or themselves in the face, shows what
kind of moral conscious they really have or I should say they don't
To my uncle, Salvation Army Captain Don
Snook, how can you look your congregation in the face when you have that
Sunday morning religion and pretend to preach from the Bible? Jesus
said, "forgive them father for they know not what they do". All of you
people have crucified me and my family and you know exactly what you are
doing. May you all burn in Hell for all eternity. I called the Grand
Bank MHA in Nfld., Judy Crowley Foote, to ask if she could give some
help or advice. She said "Byron, you have a wife and son, count yourself
lucky you have that much and forget about it" end of conversation. The
Federal MP for Grand Bank, Bill Matthews, thought it was necessary to
have his lawyer, Ed Roberts, deliver me a letter saying he would charge
me, my wife and my teenage son with slander if I didn't sign papers
saying I imagined some of the things I had written where he was
involved. I signed those papers to keep my wife and son far away from
the corruption of this legal system but the only thing I imagined was
there is still justice in Canada, there isn't. Immediately after I
signed these papers for this lawyer Ed Roberts he was APPOINTED TO THE
POSITION OF LT. GOVERNOR OF NFLD. AND LAB. by the Prime Minister, Jean
Chretien. I ask you has the position of Lt. Governor been so degraded as
to be a reward for a lawyer who further persecutes an abused and
dysfunctional family?
For the past five years I cannot find a
lawyer in this province who will do anything to help me. I have been
stonewalled and badgered by everyone I've asked. The last lawyer I
called told me "If any lawyer in this province tried to represent you,
it would mean the end of their career and no judge in this province
would even listen to the evidence". I said to her "It's okay to rape and
impregnate an eleven year old child in this province and destroy my
family if you have the power and position". She said "I guess so". I ask
her will you represent me? She said no. Will victims of corrupt
politicians and bureaucrats in this province be forced to become
vigilantes or terrorists or will the system begin to protect the people
and not the corruption. I ask you, if you raped and impregnated an eleven
year old child, how many cops, lawyers, judges and politicians would be
stonewalling and running interference for you? It's time for him to
stop manipulating our legal system and face the truth which I have been
telling the legal System all of my life. Seven times to our local RCMP
officers, Ministers, Social Services, Doctors and other family
members. Three other sisters also reported on two other occasions. My day
in court came on Sept.18/02 at Grand Bank, NFLD Hickman,s home town, where
we were abused and persecuted, at the local courthouse named THE T ALEX
HICKMAN BUILDING, I can say no more about that because Hickman,s legal
system have a complete publication ban to protect himself and the
corruption so obviously visible in our legal system, there are no minors
or other children involved here and no-one can tell me if it will ever
be lifted but I will say the proceedings would make a kangaroo court
look like fair justice. Hickman,s Legal system have also been
stonewalling me for almost 5 years now, everyone telling me I have a
good case but no-one will represent me, my yellow pages are full of just
NO, or excuses from every lawyer I have contacted and I still have no
representation. It's a very bad situation when a police officer says to
me, we all know Alex Hickman is the most corrupt person in our province
but what can I do about it.
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Editor's note: T. Alex Hickman is also
a member of the Order
of Canada, and a past GRAND MASTER of all Newfoundland Freemasons.
He is also a member of the St. John's, Masonic Temple Group. Wes

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