(This article is reposted on request from visitors. Also, these days, when
Clinton is portrayed as a worker for peace, this article may be important to
repost. Wes Penre, Apr 16, 2006)
* *

people think that the biggest felony made by Bill Clinton might be that he swore
falsely under oath in the Lewinsky affair. But this is peanuts compared to the
real crimes, yet undetected by most American people.
It was in Oxford as a student Clinton
came to hear about the One World Government for the first time, and what was
required to be a member of this New World Order. In an interview in 1994 Clinton
said that he'd known about the "Shadow-government" already in his youth, and had
been very enthusiastic to get an entrance into the "Inner Circle" and from there
have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding the future of the
He succeeded![1] The "President-maker"
David Rockefeller met Clinton in the mid 80's in Arkansas to prepare him for
what was to come. The State of Arkansas, by the way, is a major seat for the
Brotherhood elite. The south branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has its
center here, and from this area Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) helped creating the
Knights of the Golden Circle,
the infamous Ku
Klux Klan.
Clinton worked himself up rapidly and
became a governor of Arkansas. As a governor Bill Clinton committed a series of
high crimes, related to his Illuminati connection. He became the leader of a
gigantic network which dealt with drug-smuggling, laundering of drug-money and
corruption in general.

good friend of Clinton from Arkansas, Larry Nichols, was
interviewed in a film.
Clinton thought that Nichols would keep his mouth shut, but he
didn't. He was
hired by Clinton and had found out that Clinton's firm, "Arkansas Development
Finance Authority" (ADFA), laundered drug-money. Cocaine to a value of
$10,000,000 (ten million dollars!) a week was flown in from Mena Airport in
Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in
Georgia, to Citycorp in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the
country. All this regarding to Larry Nichols.
Clinton's best friend, Dan Lasater,
led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, later
spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.

Larry Nichols and Dan
The Chief of Police in Arkansas at
that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in
Lasater's surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually.
During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police
department, paid by Clinton.
Bill Clinton created new laws that
helped "Tyson Foods" to be the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don
Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay back.
Doc says he has evidence enough against Tyson to start an investigation
regarding illegal drug-trade. Nichols says in the film:
first loan ADFA approved was to "Park-O-Meter" ... When I investigated the
company, I found that the Directive Secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell
... Guess who wrote the law proposition ... which made ADFA possible. Webb
Hubbell. Guess who drove the law proposition which looked into- and admitted
(Park-O-Meter's) request. "Rose Law Firm" (owned by Hillary Clinton). Who
signed the admittance? Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton.
Nichols said that when journalists
started investigating the loans to "Park-O-Meter", they discovered that the
company did not make parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones,
delivered to the air-field in Mena. The equipment was used to smuggle narcotics
into the country, and with this Clinton and his companions participated heavily
to the pushing of street-drugs in the USA. Nichols says further that Clinton most
of the time was involved in drug trade and the people he surrounded himself with
followed him all the way to the White House.
When Clinton became President he
elected Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice(!). Hubbell had to go back to
Arkansas, though, to plead guilty to having cheated customers of the "Rose Law
Firm" on $500,000.
Maybe the largest drug smuggling event
in the USA history started in 1982 on Mena Airport by Barry Seale, pilot for the
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). He had had problems with the authorities in
Louisiana, so he moved his dirty business to Arkansas, where he could work un-disturbed.
Seale said later in a police investigation that he had used nose-cones to
smuggle drugs (Park-O-Meter).
So what did Bill
Clinton do, when he came to power in the White House? Just like
the drug trading president before him, the Illuminist George
H.W. Bush, he started a war against drugs(!)
The interesting part
is, though, that when different people have started talking
about Clinton's affairs, they have suddenly and mysteriously
died. One of them was Barry Seale, the drug smuggler. He was
killed in February 1987.
By that time, several
murders were committed in Arkansas.
Two young boys
were out walking late one night in the surroundings of Mena
Airport. They were found dead on a railroad track. The
examining doctor, sent by Clinton, said it was an accident.
But their parents didn't agree. Later it was found that the
boys had been stabbed and got their heads crushed.
Six other persons,
who had talked to the police regarding the murder of the
boys, were killed themselves! Some of them had said to their
families they had to leave town urgently, as they knew too
much about the murders, but they were all traced and shot to
death. All this happened while Clinton was the governor of
Arkansas and used Mena Airport for drug smuggling.
Coincidences, folks? Right.
To make research on,
or accuse Clinton has too often showed to be a lethal business.
In Arkansas there is a
law saying that autopsy is not necessary if the diseased through
a court-order can be classified to have committed suicide. This
law was written by Bill Clinton. Almost every death around his
person has been classified as suicide.
The crimes just don't
stop! During the Whitewater investigations Patsy Thomason,
Clinton's companion, searched through Foster's office the same
night Foster died(!). It was justified under the means of
"national security". Patsy Thomason, by the way, is in the
police reports for drug related crimes, and it was she who
stopped the drugtests on employees in the White House.
Gary Johnson, a
lawyer, wanted to reveal the money laundering and corruption in
Clinton's business ADFA. Johnson was a neighbor of Gennifer
Flowers, one of the ladies Clinton has denied having a sexual
relationship with. Johnson had a camera outside his house, and
it caught Clinton on his way into Flower's apartment. He had his
own key. Johnson had it on film and could prove that Clinton
lied. He was then attacked in his home and badly wounded. The
intruders also stole the film.
But why hasn't Clinton
been thoroughly investigated and put to trial when so many
people knew about the crimes? Larry Nichols may have the
Many people
wonder how Bill Clinton could lead a whole state in the size of
Arkansas with the ultimate power he expressed. It's not that
hard. After 12 years, after having "made friends" with the rich,
Clinton was in charge of the constitutional laws, the judges,
the lawyers and the banks.
When Clinton moved
into the White House, he continued as before. He is just one
more of the top controlled Presidents, whose purpose is to make
way for the New World Order and the new slave community. When
Richard Nixon resigned in the 70's the Brotherhood took over the
USA with the help of Henry Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller.
Since then there haven't been any true democratic elections in
the USA. The Presidents have all been selected carefully by the
Illuminati, with David Rockefeller on top. The "free" elections
are just something to keep people busy and to make them think
there is a choice. As a matter of fact, no candidate will make
it to Presidency if he didn't get the necessary support from the
Illuminati top. Non-supported candidates will be ridiculed, lied about, or
financially overthrown already early in the campaign.
Another peculiar thing
about Clinton has to do with Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs
is a city that has 47 thermal springs which has brought the jet
set from all over the world. The mafia with their night clubs
made the city a hot bed of vice, gambling and prostitution.
During the 1920's the territory was so popular with people
dealing with organized
crime, that the criminals considered the area to be "neutral
ground" like they did Hollywood. In the early 60's Hot Springs
had the largest illegal gambling operations in the entire USA.
Clinton's uncle Roy was a politician in Arkansas's legislature
connected to all the named mess. And Bill's uncle Raymond
Clinton, who had a Buick dealership, was tied to all this
corruption. Bill and his brother Roger's cocaine habits are well
known by people who were connected with them, but how many knows
about Bill's and Hillary's connection with the Illuminati?
Hillary is sometimes called the "dragon lady" behind her back -
for good reasons. Now it seems like the Illuminati is putting
quite some money in her basket to make a real politician out of
her. She has been the "poor victim" for Bill's sexual behaviors
and got the American people's sympathy and envy, as she seems to
be a very strong and loyal woman. In fact she is as much
involved as her husband and we can only hope she won't be the
first female president of the United States. The only person to
feel sympathy for in the Clinton family is their poor daughter,
who has to live with this wickedness, and who knows what else...
Also, Bill is closely
connected with Charles "Chip" Whitmore, who is a Satanist and
Programmer for the Illuminati and probably has
Bill and Chip have often met on a weekly basis over the years.
They still do; when Bill was in England Chip was there too, and when
Bill went to Florida, so did Chip. Chip was also a drummer for
Jerry Lee Lewis, who also is a Satanist and a programmer. He was
also a friend of Jack Ruby. Chip had a programmed girl murder a
man, and then the Illuminati Network got him off his murder
charges. He has also been in charge of assassinations in his
area, and controls the local law enforcement in Arkansas.
So it doesn't matter
if Clinton resigns or not, as the next representative of the
White House will be just another of the many Illuminati-created
Presidents[2]. In the background the current Vice President Al Gore
is preparing himself to take over after Brother Bill - Gore
being a 33:d degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite and with a
doubtful background[3]
...Or will we all be surprised by having Hillary Clinton as
a candidate? Time will show ...[4]
So, what is the sense moral of this story? If
you steal food because you're hungry, you'll be prosecuted. If
you are a serial-killer, you'll be president.
Now, if you still do not believe me, watch this:
William Jefferson Clinton & Hillary Clinton.

[1] Clinton definitely succeeded in becoming
part of the "Inner Circle". He is a member of the "Council on
Foreign Relations", "The Trilateral Commission", and "The
Bilderberger Group". If you are part of all three of these
Illuminati organizations, you are considered being in the "Inner Circle" of the
Illuminati. By being a member of all these groups, you are
supposed to know approximately 90% of the New World Order
Agenda. Ref: "Who's Who of the Elite", by Robert Gaylon Ross
[2] True enough. Since this article was
originally written by me in 1999, George W. Bush has moved into the White
House. As we can see, Clinton and Bush are both carved out from
the same rotten wood to become marionettes for their Illuminati
[3] This didn't happen, but it really doesn't
matter. If Gore would have been elected (read 'chosen'), the New
World Order would still have continued to develop per the plan.
However, George W. Bush was a better fit for the moment.
[4] We still can't count out Hillary Clinton
from becoming the first female president of the United States.
She may very well be Bush's successor, but like I said, time
will tell...
More on the Clinton's:
Arkansas connection
William Jefferson Clinton & Hillary Clinton (Movies)
An overview of
Clinton's crimes
A lot more on Clinton's crimes
Political Whore Alert:
The Anti-Gore Extortion-Friendly Media List
Jesuit/Vatican Controlled Government Massacre of Men, Women, and Children at
Waco Texas
Icke, David: And
the truth shall set you free (Gateway books)
Spotlight magazine:
Various articles
Springmeier, Fritz:
Be Wise As Serpents [App. 3: Clones]
Lots of Internet research...