What Happened To
the War Criminals From the Balkan War? - by Wes Penre, December 1999 -
happened in Bosnia? What happened to Radovan Karadzic and his trained killers?
Why wasn't he put on trial due to his crimes against humanity?
It's interesting to notice how fast people
seem to forget. Everything happens in such a speed; new wars, new
wars, conflicts and terrorism arising all over the world. There is so much
happening, that most of us feel we don't have the mental strength to get
involved anymore. We become apathetic. Old conflicts stop and new ones appear.
How many of us have even thought about Karadzic lately? Well, the media have
definitely "forgotten" about him in favor for new new sensations to report, so
therefore we have a tendency to forget, too.
The last thing I ever heard about this Warlord
was when there was a demand that he should be put to trial before the tribunal,
and NATO forces patrolled outside his residence. Oddly enough, they never
stopped by, "ringed the doorbell" and arrested him. Why? What was the real
purpose of the NATO forces at that time? Was it to arrest him or
to protect him?
Instead other, lower ranked butchers were put
on trial to keep the masses satisfied. They were indeed criminals themselves and
should be judged, but the big guys always seem to get away with it.
I don't know how many people know about it,
but all the war leaders in former Yugoslavia were highly educated psychiatrists.
They were all trained in Tavistock Center
in England, an Illuminati created institute for the studying and developing of
mind control. All sides of the Bosnia conflict of course were financed by the
Illuminati Elite, and Karadzic himself never had any back-off to telling the
media he was a psychiatrist. His father, by the way, was an infamous butcher in
the SS during World War II.
That psychiatry would be a science with the purpose to
resolve peoples' spiritual and mental problems is a myth.
Instead, psychiatry as a science is an important mind-control factor for the
Elite, and the most highly trained psychiatrists on this planet are evil people
indeed, with a sole intent to dull the human mind and brainwash the people. The
evidence for this is overwhelming and could fill hundreds of web sites in
itself, but I just want to mention it here, as it is a big part of the
conspiracy and from where concentration camps once evolved etc. The Freeman
family, one of the top Illuminati families, is deeply involved in psychiatric
developments and practices.
The story of Radovan Karadzic and how he has
escaped justice is nothing new. The big psychiatrists and Nazi leaders behind
the scene, were all supported after World War II. The US government helped the
most evil guys to escape from Germany to the US and got high positioned,
classified posts as scientists and officers in the CIA, Interpol and other
suppressive institutes in the secret "Operation
Paperclip". The only way to put Karadzic on trial seems to be if
people require it loudly enough. In that case the Brotherhood probably would
sacrifice him for the sake of the "Great Work of the Ages".