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While parts one and two of this essay
present an in depth examination of psychic
warfare tactics and training techniques,
peripheral aspects of how the NSA fulfills
its mission objectives were, for the most
part, glossed over or simply ignored. In
part three of this essay, we shall explore
these peripheral aspects, albeit in much
less detail.
A number of collateral operations are
required in support of a successful psychic
warfare program. Chief among these are
human resource recruitment (procurement),
technology development, field operations
command/control, and financial/legal
relationships administration. As with
psychic training and warfare, the preferred
NSA management tools include subterfuge,
intimidation, bribery, blackmail, coercion,
and (when expedient) outright violence. To
the extent the NSA could be said to have any
agency wide policy or standard of conduct,
it consists of the following:
If it moves, enslave it.
If it doesn't, steal it.
If it resists, kill it.
If its no longer useful, destroy it.
The philosophy embodied in these four simple
statements is applied uniformly and without
exception. From the lowliest psychic slave,
to the highest echelon of management, none
are immune to the consiquences. Its no mere
coincidence that many DCI (directors of
central intelligence) die suddenly
(accidentally or otherwise), shortly after
resigning their appointment.
What follows will amply illustrate how the
NSA applies its policies to the more
mundane, day to day aspects of managing
psychic warfare.
Psychic warfare
requires as its prerequisite, a pool of
individuals possessing the appropriate
psychic abilities. Furthermore, the
inevitable genetic variability and
consequent inconsistency of psychic
aptitude, when coupled with the draconian
nature of NSA training techniques (2.1.3,
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6) and warfare tactics
(1.2.1, 1.2.3), dictates this pool of
individuals must be many times larger than
the psychic army it supports. Therefore
from its inception, NSA scientists and
medical professionals recognized that a
psychic army of any reasonable size, would
very quickly deplete the available pool of
individuals possessing natural psychic
abilities. Hence the NSA would need to
artificially expand the number of children
born with useful psychic talents. And
thanks to the acquisition of Nazi scientists
and medical experts via Operation Paperclip,
the techniques and procedures required to
create children with artificially boosted
psychic abilities, were already sitting on
laboratory selves at the US Army biological
warfare facility (Fort Detrick, MD.).
The only question left unanswered was, how
best to proceed...
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Operation
Paperclip (opens in a new browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Fort Detrick,
MD (opens in a new browser window).
Click Here
to visit US Army Fort Detrick, MD website
(opens in a new browser window).
Based on the
discussion of psychic abilities in section
1.1.1, there can be little doubt that
powerful (psychic) abilities represent a
departure from normal human (homo-sapiens)
development, and therefore in the strict
sense of the term, can be viewed as a type
of birth defect. If we accept the concept
of extraordinary psychic aptitude as a form
of birth defect, it follows that
artificially creating children possessing
this birth defect will involve the
application of drugs, that disrupt normal
fetal development.
Teratogen - Definition: A drug or other
substance capable of interfering with the
development of a fetus, thereby causing
birth defects.
The German discovery of techniques required
to create children with boosted psychic
abilities, was entirely serendipitous. As
WWII dragged on and causalities mounted,
Nazi leadership became increasingly alarmed
by the precipitous decline in the male
population available for military service.
Even with active recruitment among the
conquered nations of Europe, Nazi military
manpower requirements still exceeded supply.
Clearly, a radical approach was needed to
solve this critical shortage. One promising
avenue involved treating selected portions
of the surplus female population with
synthetic analogs of male sex hormones,
thereby triggering growth of masculine
traits (increased muscle mass, stamina,
aggression, etc.). However, when this same
synthetic hormone treatment regime was
adapted for intrauterine/neonatal use, Nazi
scientists got far more than they ever
bargained for...
While both male and female children
developed as expected, exhibiting
accelerated physical maturation, increased
strength, endurance, etc. A significant
number of female children also exhibited
very potent psychic abilities. From there,
it was one short step in deductive reasoning
that led to the intrauterine/neonatal use of
synthetic female sex hormones to create male
children with boosted psychic abilities.
Even though most children treated with
synthetic hormone analogs failed to manifest
enhanced psychic capabilities. The military
value of those who did, made this area of
scientific enquiry a very high priority for
Nazi military leaders, as well as their
American counterparts who subsequently
acquired the scientific knowledge and
medical techniques (via Operation Paperclip)
at the close of WWII.
Although research in this area remains a
closely guarded government secret (highly
classified), the author theorizes these
synthetic hormone analogs interfere with
normal fetal development of certain brain
structures known as sexually dimorphic
nucleus. The consequence being a subtle
shift in the neurotransmitter balance within
the brain, resulting in heightened psychic
In America of the early 1950s, no sane
parent would knowingly allow their unborn
child to be dosed with teratogenic drugs,
thus making that child a possible candidate
to undergo NSA sponsored torture and
brainwashing. All in preparation for
involuntary conscription into a secret
government controlled slave army. Yet this
was the exact chain of events that had to
transpire, if the NSA psychic warfare
program were successful. Furthermore, it
had to be implemented quickly, and on a
massive scale. The key to transforming this
nightmarish scenario into a functional
reality, is the phrase "knowingly allow".
To the NSA, the answer was obvious, and
embodied in a single word: "subterfuge" If
parents wouldn't knowingly sacrifice their
children to expand NSA psychic warfare
capabilities, then (child) sacrifice would
be accomplished without parental
The era immediately following WWII saw a
veritable explosion of new drugs and
bio-active chemicals. Many resulting from
war related R&D efforts instigated in the
late 1930s and early 1940s. Insecticides
such as DDT, and antibiotics such as
penicillin revolutionized human
civilization, resulting in changed
expectations that are still influencing
society today. In this environment of
sweeping societal transformations, it was a
relatively simple matter for the NSA to
covertly promote new and novel uses for
drugs and other chemicals that would result
in creation of children with the required
cluster of teratogen induced birth defects.
One of the most widely prescribed and
thoroughly documented (teratogenic)
synthetic hormone analogs of that period was
DES (diethylstilbestrol). First synthesized
in 1938 at the university of Oxford, and
approved by the FDA for prevention of
miscarriages in 1947, DES was manufactured
and sold by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly
until 1997. Even though the teratogenic
properties of DES were (publicly) documented
in 1971. It is estimated that between 1941
to 1971, five to ten million pregnant
(American) women had taken DES, thereby
exposing their unborn children to this
teratogenic drug. All of this, in spite of
the fact that a 1953 (double blind) study
found pregnant women who were given DES had
just as many miscarriages and premature
deliveries as the control group. Are we to
believe the FDA allowed the continued use of
an ineffective drug (on pregnant woman) for
eighteen years? Or was there a hidden
agenda behind their apparent lapse of
If we assume that only one in every hundred
of these (DES exposed) children developed
enhanced psychic abilities, and of those,
only one in ten were of sufficient strength
to be useful in psychic warfare, then this
single teratogenic drug added five to ten
thousand potential soldiers to the NSA
psychic slave army. All without any public
awareness of the real motivation behind
introduction and aggressive DES promotion.
Truly, subterfuge and collateral damage on
a massive scale.
DES is typical of first generation
teratogenic inducers of psychic abilities.
Besides wide spread (covert) promotion of
drugs like DES, the NSA exploited other
avenues in their quest to create children
with enhanced psychic capabilities. For
instance, medical staff at facilities for
unwed teen mothers were infiltrated
(subverted), thereby enabling the covert use
of experimental teratogenic drugs on naive
underage girls. It is a safe assumption
that in the intervening decades since WWII,
NSA funded pharmaceutical research has
developed a number of more potent (and
narrowly targeted) teratogenic drugs for use
on an unsuspecting population.
Along with synthetic hormone analogs (such
as DES), certain organic chemicals used in
the production of plastics, also exhibit a
similar ability to disrupt normal gender
specific fetal development. A good example
is BPA (bisphenol A). Known to mimic
natural hormones since the 1930s, it remains
in wide spread use today (including the
manufacture of baby bottles and other food
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on the sexually
dimorphic nucleus (opens in a new browser
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on DES (opens in a
new browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on BPA (opens in a
new browser window).
As explained in section 3.1.2 (above), the
vast majority of children exposed to
teratogens fail to manifest any above normal
psychic aptitude. Consequently, a set of
techniques are required to uncover those few
individuals who are potential candidates for
exploitation by the NSA. Furthermore, since
trauma (torture) based brainwashing (2.1.3,
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6) is most effective when
applied before the child's personality is
fully developed, these techniques must be
able to detect latent psychic talent in
children at the earliest possible age
(preferably before the age of six). To
achieve this goal, the NSA employs a number
of methods, organized in a layered
hierarchy. Were the bottom layer is most
sensitive but least discriminatory, and the
top layer is most discriminatory but
narrowly targeted.
The bottom layer of detection consists of
small groups of specially trained psychics,
based in several hundred locations across
America, evenly distributed by population.
Each group spends its waking hours at
night, scanning the dreams and emotional
context of young children within their
respective territories. They are looking
for vivid dreams, dreams of future events or
distant past events, dreams of distant
places, out of body dreams, or "in the body
of another" dreams. While not an infallible
predictor of psychic abilities, such dreams
are a fairly reliable indicator of potential
psychic aptitude. When detected, the
parent(s) mind is queried to obtain their
names(s), and geographical location. All of
this information is recorded on a contact
sheet, and passed on to the next layer in
the detection hierarchy.
The second layer of the detection operation
consists of several specialized psychic
teams located at the Black Hole (1.2.1), and
NSA headquarters (Fort Meade, MD). Using
the psychotronics network (1.1.3), these
teams will deep probe the memories of all
family members of the target child, looking
for any unusual physical events, or traces
of direct mental influence attributable to
the target child. For instance:
A family (or neighbor's) pet that is
normally irritable, but becomes very
docile in the presence of the target
child (or visa versa).
An older sibling (or parent/grandparent)
that always seems to know when the
target child is hungry, lost, scared,
etc. without any direct physical
A favorite toy that always seems to be
near the target child, even though its
put away several times a day.
Any other physical/mental phenomena that
is not easily explainable.
If probing reveals any unusual incidents,
the target child is put on the "watch list"
for further observation. In this context,
"observation" consists of several
unconnected activities, all of which are
collateral to the ultimate goal of reliable
psychic detection (and acquisition). These
activities are:
Psychics specializing in remote viewing
monitor the target child on a daily
Federal, state, and local
government/comercial databases are used
to build up a detailed family profile of
the target child.
Local NSA field operatives instigate
very discrete casual contact with
neighbors, friends, daycare staff, baby
sitters, etc, looking for any anecdotal
evidence in support of psychic
After a period of observation lasting
several weeks to several months, a
determination is made whether to proceed, or
drop the target child from the watch list.
If the decision is made to proceed, the
complete dossier on the target child is
passed on to the final (top) psychic
detection level. If dropped from the watch
list, the child will be telepathically
probed every 12 to 18 months, until his/her
late teens. Periodic probing is useful
since some children do not manifest their
full psychic potential until the onset of
The final layer of psychic detection is more
concerned with degree or strength of
aptitude, rather than mere possession of
capability. As with most human abilities,
stress or crisis has the effect of
amplifying psychic response, thereby
providing a reliable estimate of potential
value to the psychic warfare program.
Therefore, NSA psychologists design an
incident, specifically tailored to the
target child's mental/emotional makeup and
psychic skill set. This "incident" can take
many forms, but always includes the
following elements:
Some form of physical or emotional
crisis/stress, either inflicted on the
target child, or a cherished secondary
target (parent, sibling, pet, etc.).
An element of imminent (impending)
danger, injury, or death.
An obvious method or avenue by which the
target child can utilize their psychic
skills in an attempt to counter, defuse,
or deflect the impending event.
The precipitating "incident" is directly
executed by NSA field operatives (and/or NSA
psychics), or they act in the capacity of
agents provocateur to initiate the event.
In either case, the target child's response
to the "incident" is carefully documented
and forms the basis for a final decision as
to whether the NSA will proceed with torture
based psychic training (2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3,
Along with the general multi-layer detection
method (outlined above), the NSA employs
more narrowly focused detection techniques
in those situations were the child's
eventual psychic potential is more certain.
i.e. Targeted use of experimental
teratogens (on unsuspecting pregnant woman).
Another avenue of detection involves
monitoring the initiates of certain science
based religions and fraternal organizations
for any signs of latent psychic talent. In
addition, numerous other psychic detection
operations are deployed as opportunities
arise. For instance, in the 1970s, several
self help organizations gained pop culture
notoriety for their use of alpha (brain)
wave training devices. During their (brief)
existence, members were covertly monitored
for any indications of enhanced psychic
capabilities. Groups involved in occultism,
the paranormal, shamanism, and mystery
religions, etc. are also routinely monitored
for any unusual psychic activity. As are
those individuals who purchase books and
other precursor materials associated with
these practices.
A number of methods are employed by the NSA
to gain control of the children targeted for
torture based psychic training and eventual
conscription into psychic warfare. Which
method is used depends in large part on
information contained in the family profile,
compiled during the psychic detection phase
(3.1.3). For instance, with a low income
family, NSA field operatives might arrange
for both parents to lose their jobs, thereby
throwing the family into the waiting arms of
state welfare case workers. Who having
received prior warning from the NSA, will
declare the family to be dysfunctional, and
petition the court to make the children
wards of the state. At that point, the
target child will be handed over to the NSA
for torture based psychic training (2.1.3,
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6).
If financial ruin isn't feasible, then other
methods are employed to strip the parents of
legal guardianship over the targeted child.
Can one of the older siblings be induced
(via psychic influence) to juvenal
delinquency? If so, then perhaps child
welfare workers can obtain legal custody of
the target under the pretense that the
parents are unfit. No potential to juvenal
delinquents in the family? Well then, does
the father (or mother) have any repressed
tendencies to commit acts of pedophilia (see
section 1.2.4b). The list of methods and
techniques used to acquire control of a
targeted child, is limited only by the
imagination of NSA tacticians. And if all
else fails, assassination by accident is
always an option (1.2.4c). To the NSA,
children possessing psychic talent are
nothing more than a resource. To be
ruthlessly acquired and exploited by
whatever means are expedient, including the
mass murder of the target child's entire
family (if necessary).
In those situations where the targeted
individual is a teenager or adult, a
determination as made as to his/her probable
future usefulness. Among the factors
considered are:
Can the target be trained (enslaved)
through trauma based techniques?
Is the target useful as potential
breeding stock?
Is the target useful as an experimental
test subject (3.2.1c).
Is acquisition of the target likely to
cause a public incident, or create an
unacceptable security risk?
Are there any unique or mitigating
factors involved?
Based on the determination of future
usefulness, the target is acquired, or the
target is destroyed. In very rare
situations, the target is left unmolested.
Governments always
desire to have some legal justification for
their actions. Especially when those
actions are likely to cause public outrage
if discovered. This was true of Nazi
Germany in the 1940s, and is also true of
contemporary American government. Just as
Nazi Germany used the trick of labeling
Russian, Polish & French soldiers as
detainees rather than POWs, thereby
permitting exploitation as slave labor to
build V2 rockets at Mittelwerk, Germany (in
direct violation of The Hague and Geneva
Convention restrictions on treatment of
POWs). So too have American government
officials used the label "detainee" rather
than POW to describe those individuals held
at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp
(thereby abridging their legal rights under
international law).
Legal maneuvers of this type also serve two
distinct ancillary functions. First and
most obvious, any legal justification no
matter how flimsy or ill-conceived, will
blunt the inevitable retribution when
questionable (secret) government actions are
exposed. Second and perhaps more
importantly, legal justification allows
those who carry out government policy to
rationalize their actions, thereby
alleviating any conflict they may feel
concerning the nature of those actions. For
instance, it is often said that Adolph
Hitler killed six million Jews. This is
incorrect. It took the combined efforts of
many thousands of ordinary Germans to
accomplish the task. Architects and
construction workers to build the camps,
managers, janitors, and cooks to operate the
camps, engineers, brakemen, and dispatchers
to run trains, etc. All of these (and more)
were required to implement Hitler's "final
solution". And while the vast majority of
those men (and women) knew what they were
doing was very, very wrong. Nonetheless,
they justified their behavior through the
simple expedient of: Obeying the Law &
Following Orders.
The NSA also required a creative legalism to
justify their arbitrarily imposed custody,
and absolute rule over (targeted) psychic
children. So the DoD (department of
defense) created it by reinterpreting the
National Security Training Corps subsection
of the Selective Service Act (statute that
authorizes involuntary conscription of
citizens for military duty). The orignal
legislation was singed into law (in 1951) by
President Harry S. Truman, the same
president who one year later, created the
NSA by secret executive order (see last
paragraph of section 1.1.2). Within the
Selective Service Act, those portions of the
law that define who must register for
selective service (military daft) use the
"male citizens of the United States who are
between the ages of 18 and 26"
However, the final sentence of that portion
pertaining to National Security Training
Corps eligibility reads as follows:
"The President is authorized, from time to
time, whether or not a state of war exists,
to select and induct for training in the
National Security Training Corps as
hereinafter provided such number of persons
as may be required to further the purposes
of this title."
In other words, the president has the
authority to select "persons" for
(involuntary) induction into National
Security Training Corps, with no limitations
whatsoever as to age, gender, citizenship,
or even nationality. And where do you
suppose those "persons" selected by the
president (or his duly authorized
representatives) for induction into the
National Security Training Corps will be
assigned after they are trained? The
National Security Agency (NSA) of course.
This is the reason why the NSA was created
as part of DoD, rather than being a separate
civilian intelligence agency (like the CIA).
Through the misapplication of this
quasi-legal government statute, without the
consent or knowledge of the American people,
by means of deceit, color of law, and
outright violence, innocent children are
being abducted (3.1.4), brutally tortured
(2.1.3, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.6), and when
mature, mercilessly used as soldiers in a
secret war (1.2.1, 1.2.3), waged for the
sole purpose of enslaving humanity (1.2.4,
To the American government, these psychic
children (and the secret army they will
eventually serve) are nothing more than
chattel slaves. The NSA holds Allodial
title, and the Selective Service Act, serves
as the deed of conveyance...
Click Here
to visit V2 rocket website, click on
Mittelwerk to read short history of facility
(opens in a new browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Guantánamo Bay
detention camp (opens in a new browser
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Geneva
Conventions (opens in a new browser window).
Click Here
to view Selective Service Act (requires
Adobe Acrobat reader - opens in a new
browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on CIA (opens in a
new browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Color of Law
(opens in a new browser window).
Click Here
to view article on chattel slavery (opens in
a new browser window).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Allodial title
(opens in a new browser window).
Ancillary procurement & training:
Along with (brainwashed) psychic slaves, NSA
psychic warfare operations also require a
continuous supply of Suits (mission
coordinators, 1.2.2), sexual slaves, and
children for use as experimental
medical/pharmaceutical test animals.
Procurement and training for each of these
human resources is fulfilled through a
separate, unique procedure, as outlined
3.2.1a - Suites:
Mission coordinators (suits) are always male
and members of the armed forces. They are
not recruited in the conventional sense of
the word, instead like the psychic children,
they are targeted based on their physical
and mental aptitudes/abilities. The NSA is
looking for individuals with good physical
stamina, along with a history of emotional
instability. Such individuals are ideal
candidates for trauma based brainwashing,
since their physical strength will allow
them to survive the rigors of torture, while
their lack of emotional stability
facilitates the process of mental splitting
into separate, manageable personas (2.1.2,
2.1.3, 2.3.3, 2.3.4). When conscripted into
the NSA psychic warfare program, all public
(government) and private records of their
existence are purged.
As with psychic children, trauma based
training procedures are carried out in two
distinct phases. However, unlike psychic
children, candidates for suit training have
fully developed, mature personalities, and
therefore require far brutal torture
techniques to initiate the process of mental
splitting in any reasonable period of time.
During phase one, they are routinely hung
by their wrists from an overhead hook, and
severely beaten for hours at a time. They
are starved for several days, then given
food containing an emetic drug, thereby
inducing uncontrollable vomiting. At the
same time, they are given liquids containing
diuretic drugs, thereby causing progressive
dehydration by inducing massive water loss
through urination. Of course, their
physical condition is very carefully
monitored, and the level of torture is
constantly modified to maximize pain and
stress, without actually killing them. In
this way, the future suit is broken, with a
minimum expenditure of time and resources.
Like the trauma based training of psychic
children, the future suit also receives
multiple ECT (electro-shock) treatments to
wall off (lock in) personas created by
mental splitting (2.2.2). Another form of
trauma is unique to suit training. The
future suit is repeatedly locked in a padded
room (while wearing a straight jacket) for a
period of several days. Meanwhile, a team
of psychics constantly assault him with
sensations of mental, and emotional pain.
This aspect of suit training is in many
ways, even worse than physical torture. Its
designed to make any kind of mental
intrusion (by psychics), immediately
recognizable AND absolutely intolerable.
Mental conditioning is imperative, if the
suit is to safely handle trained psychic
Unlike psychic children, suits require just
two (split off) personas. The one who
maintains control, and the one who is
suspicious. Therefore phase two suit
training is very abbreviated. The training
room contains a single (high backed) metal
chair with head, chest, arm, and leg
restraints. The chair is bolted to the
floor, and wired to deliver electric shocks
to various parts of the human body. An
elaborate AV (audio-visual) system is
employed to supply trigger stimuli and
training commands. In early phase two
training sessions, both arms are restrained.
Over and over he is drilled to maintain
control. You must maintain control at all
times. No matter what happens, you must
maintain control. The thoughts of others
are not to be tolerated, you must maintain
control. You must maintain control. As the
final form of control, the future suit is
conditioned to kill everyone in sight, then
kill him self. During later training
sessions, this is accomplished by leaving
one arm unrestrained, thereby allowing the
future suit to use a (unloaded) hand gun.
The AV system flashes images on the walls
of men, women, children (including babies),
his parents, grandparents, brothers,
sisters, etc. He is trained to point the
gun and fire at these images without
hesitation or judgment of any kind. The
following are typical command sequences from
phase two training sessions:
You will maintain control at all
You are the only one to control.
No information or knowledge is ever
You do not exist in any records.
You will be told your job and given
orders for each mission.
You will carry out the mission and
maintain control at all costs.
No feelings.
No sorrow, sadness, joy, or
No pain.
No thoughts.
No emotions.
We have taken your past away.
No memories. |
While suits exercise absolute (life & death)
rule over psychic warriors, in all other
respects, they are as much victims of the
NSA, as are the psychics they command.
3.2.1b - Sexual slaves:
The NSA requires both male and female sex
slaves as adjuncts to their psychic warfare
program (1.2.4b). Sex slaves ranging from 8
years to 40 years old are needed, depending
on the particular mission profile and/or
objectives. Generally speaking, underage
sex slaves are employed in high value
political/corporate blackmail missions,
while older sex slaves are used to breakup
marriages, ruin professional careers,
covertly administer NSA supplied drugs, etc.
As with psychic children and suits (mission
coordinators), individuals are targeted for
(involuntary) recruitment. Orphanages,
convents, and state run group homes are all
used as recruiting grounds for underage sex
slaves. Drug/alcohol rehab facilities,
women's shelters, and vocational training
centers are prime locations for recruiting
older sex slaves. Since most of these
organizations are chronically short of
funding, money is the prime motivational
factor. Their cooperation with the NSA is
justified through the simple expedient, that
sacrificing a few individuals will help many
that otherwise, would not receive any help
at all. Of course, these would be
do-gooders meticulously avoid any detailed
knowledge of what happens to those "few who
are sacrificed"...
Preparation for sexual slavery involves both
trauma (torture) based training, as well as
certain medical procedures designed to make
the slave more useful in their future
career. Tonsils (if present) are removed
and pharyngeal (gag) reflex deadened to make
deep oral penetration easily accomplished.
For a similar reason, certain drugs are
injected along nerve pathways leading to the
anal sphincter. Trauma (torture) based
training techniques employed on sexual
slaves more resemble that of psychic
children, than suits (3.2.1a). However,
along with the standard Protector, Empathy,
Wanting, Memory, etc. personas of a psychic
child (2.2.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4), several others
personas unique to sexual slaves, are also
created. Foremost among these are The One
Who Enjoys, and The One Who Desires Safety.
During phase one (as the base personality
is being shattered - 2.1.3, 2.2.2), all
pleasurable sensations and memories of joy
are sequestered (segregated) within The One
Who Enjoys. Then during phase two training,
while The One Who Enjoys persona is invoked
(via trigger word or keying gesture), the
future slave is taught to perform various
sexual activities, and fetishes, thereby
linking these with sensations of physical
gratification and emotional enjoyment.
Finally, this persona is merged back into
the base personality, creating a slave who
is not only proficient at, but also derives
intense snesations of pleasure from, any
sexual act regardless of how perverse,
painful, and/or demeaning.
A sexual slave must work in a variety of
situations, from parties and other
gatherings where promiscuity is useful, to
more traditional one on one assignments
where pseudo-monogamy is required.
Furthermore (depending on their
assignment), they may need to have
(manifest) a hetero, homo, bi, or pansexual
orientation. The One Who Desires Safety
persona is used to control these aspects of
slave behavior. This persona is created
during phase one torture sessions (2.1.3,
2.2.2), by instructing the future slave to
pull all of their desires for safety in one
place (accompanied by a keying gesture).
Later, during phase two training (2.3.1),
the persona is trained to associate the
desire for personal safety, with overt
control and ownership by others. This
persona will remain hidden, and exert
subliminal influence over the dominate
personality. Sexual tasking is accomplished
by invoking the persona (using trigger word
or keying gesture), then showing the slave a
picture of his/her target, accompanied by
the phrase: "this person will keep you
safe". In a similar manner, promiscuous
behavior is achieved by using the phrase:
"there is safety in large groups" or "you
are safest among many people". As with The
Protector persona (2.3.3), once more we see
the inside out, black is white logic of
human slavery. The quintessential trademark
of NSA brainwashing techniques.
3.2.1c - Human experimentation:
There have been numerous eye witness
accounts of facilities in America, where
large numbers of children are being held
captive in cages. As vile and revolting as
these eye wittiness accounts may seem,
nonetheless, they are accurate. These
children are used as test animals in NSA
funded medical experiments and
pharmaceutical trails. The children are
harvested from the streets of American
cities and housed under conditions that
closely approximate that of a mass
production chicken farm. Large metal sheds
are used, with row upon row of wire cages,
stacked three or four high. Sanitation is
accomplished by twice daily wash down, using
a cold water hose. The children are fed and
watered using dog bowls. Diet consists of
commercial (pellet) animal feed, similar to
dry dog food. At one end of the shed,
several (FEMA style) single wide mobile
modular structures house the
operating/examination rooms, pharmacy, and
administrative offices. Prior to arrival,
the children are injected with a drug that
washes away all traces of personality and
memory, leaving behind nothing more than a
diffuse sense of loss and loneliness. The
buildings are eerily quiet, since the
children have lost all language skills, and
do not even cry...
Hundreds of these facilities are scattered
across the American continent...
Unlike surgery performed at hospitals, where
long term survival and health of the patient
are considered the yardstick of success.
Surgical procedures inflicted upon the
experimental test children are exploratory
in nature. In other words, the procedures
are intended to investigate "what if"
medical questions. For example, what
happens if a certain section of the liver is
destroyed? Or what happens if a particular
artery (or vein) is removed or blocked?
Because many of these children die on the
operating table, and those who survive only
live for a few days, no attempt is made to
maintain antiseptic conditions within the
operating room. Like the cages, a cold
water wash down is considered sufficient.
Anesthetic is never used because the
children do not respond coherently to the
sensation of pain. Dead children are
stuffed into garbage bags and stacked by the
incinerator to be burned at night, when the
smoke (and smell) are less noticeable.
Pharmaceutical testing is no less cruel or
barbaric. The NSA operates in partnership
with most American pharmaceutical
corporations. The pharmaceutical
corporations supply the drugs, the NSA
supplies the test animals (children), and
they jointly share research data. The NSA
is particularly interested in ANY drug or
chemical compound that exerts an effect on
the CNS (central nervous system).
As a side note: Many American citizens are
aware that Canadian prescription drug prices
are significantly lower. This is true, even
for prescription drugs manufactured in
America and exported to Canada. The primary
reason for increasing drug prices in
America, is a frenzied search for the holy
grail of mind altering drugs. A chemical
compound that will remove all traces of
desire for personal autonomy (free will),
while leaving learned physical and cognitive
skills intact. This is the motivation
behind a covert alliance of American
pharmaceutical corporations and the federal
government. Although American government
could exert regulatory power over consumer
prescription drug pricing, it does not
choose to do so. In return, pharmaceutical
corporations spend billions of dollars on
NSA directed mind control research.
However, to successfully compete in drug
export markets, American pharmaceutical
corporations are forced to sell their
products in other countries at fair market
value. Hence the wide disparity between
Canadian and American prescription drug
prices. This "devils pact" between drug
manufactures and American government also
explains why government officials were so
quick to act, attempting to bar American
citizens from purchasing prescription drugs
in Canada. Concern expressed by FDA
officials over the safety of (re)imported
prescription drugs amounts to little more
than a feeble attempt to prop up
pharmaceutical industry profits (and NSA
mind control research). Remember, this is
the same FDA that allowed continued use of
an ineffective (but NSA condoned)
prescription drug on pregnant woman for
eighteen years (3.2.2).
A number of laws are supposed to limit the
type of activities NSA personnel may
undertake, as well as the geographic scope
of those activities. For example, FISA
(foreign intelligence surveillance act of
1978) was originally intended to limit
government surveillance of American
citizens. However, in recent years, the
legislation has been amended and distorted
to the point where, in its present form,
FISA is little more that a defense for any
government surveillance activity (no matter
how egregious), and a one_size_fits_all
blanket of immunity for the private
telecommunications industry. Clearly, in
this context, the American government
operates under the guiding principal that
privacy is a right, exclusively reserved for
those who originate, implement, and execute
government policy.
As originally enacted, FISA was also
supposed to limit the geographic scope of
NSA activities. The NSA has employed a
different tactic to circumvent this
limitation. Domestic surveillance field
operatives are not directly employed by the
NSA. They work for shell companies, owned
by former NSA (or DoD) employees who have
taken early retirement, then operate as
private contracting companies. While these
private companies receive tasking
instructions from, and supply surveillance
intelligence to the NSA, there is no direct
(traceable) connection between the NSA and
the domestic surveillance operatives. ALL
communications between domestic surveillance
operatives and the NSA moves through secure
computer links and/or satellite based cell
phones. None of the field operatives are
even aware of who they are really working
for, or where their tasking instructions
originate. This same tactic is used to hide
ownership of smaller psychic warfare ops
centers (see last paragraph, section 1.2.1),
and other domestic installations used by the
As a side note, one particularly intriguing
aspect of this domestic network, is the use
of purpose built dormitories specifically
designed to resemble motels. Many operate
under the name "Day Inn", and are easily
mistaken by the casual observer as part of
the (non-government controlled) Days Inn
nationwide chain of motels. However, the
NSA controlled Day Inn motels have several
distinguishing characteristics (besides the
name) that make identification possible.
The Day Inn lacks the distinctive Sun
Burst logo used on Days Inn motel signs.
Even when the parking lot is almost
empty, the Day Inn sign will show "No
These fake motels are found in locations
that make no sense from a commercial
business perspective. For example, in
the middle of an industrial district.
If you try to book a room at the front
desk, you will be told that check in is
by reservation only.
Many of these NSA controlled dormitories are
used to house Suits and Technicians (1.2.2)
assigned to the smaller psychic warfare ops
centers (see last paragraph, section 1.2.1).
While Technicians are civilian contractors,
Suits carry DoD (department of defense)
identification cards and government issued
credit cards.
CAUTION! Suits have
undergone trauma based
programming (3.2.1a), and
carry concealed hand guns
(with silencers). If for
any reason they believe
their mission has been
detected and/or compromised,
they are hard wired
(brainwashed) to kill them
selves (and anyone else
around them). For this
reason, the author urges
EXTREME caution when
observing or investigating
ANY installation believed to
be under NSA control.
Along with the use of shell companies, early
retirement of NSA/DoD personnel, legislative
perversion, and legal reinterpretation
(3.1.5), the NSA also co-ops corporations,
small business owners, charitable
foundations, and religious institutions into
its web of illegal domestic operations. The
recruitment tactics include sweetheart bank
loans, bribery, blackmail, intimidation,
protection from prosecution, sexual
pandering, and illicit drugs. However, no
mater what recruitment method is employed,
the end result is always the same. The
targeted organization takes all the risks,
and the NSA reaps all the benefits. In this
sense, domestic NSA operations quite often
bear more resemblance to an organized crime
racketeering operation, than anything one
would reasonably associate with a legitimate
government agency. Regardless of the actual
technique, method, or tactic employed by the
NSA to accomplish its government mandated
objectives. Minimizing any possibility of
exposure or traceable connection to illegal
domestic activities, is always the agencies
first priority and overriding concern.
Furthermore, just like any organized crime
syndicate, the NSA will take whatever action
is necessary (including murder) to guarantee
its continued immunity from legal
prosecution and/or public retribution.
In conclusion, the NSA psychic warfare
program, along with its other domestic
operations, are cloaked in nothing more
substantial than a thin tissue of lies,
subterfuge, and legal fictions...
HVT - Acronym: High Value Target. These
individuals include politicians, influential
journalists, business executives,
entrepreneurs, popular entertainers,
innovative educators, scientists, etc.
The NSA employs a number of EM
(electromagnetic) based technologies on
those individuals they consider to be an HVT.
Foremost among these technologies is the
high power psychotronic transceiver (PT).
While the cell phone network is sufficient
for wide area coverage and one shot targeted
strikes (see 1.2.4c & companion paper
entitled "Remote Mind Control"), when long
term 24/7 coverage is required, the NSA
relies on multiple dedicated PTs, aimed at
the HVT residence and/or workplace. Each PT
consists of:
Small dish style transmit/receive
antenna (Fig. 1 below) aimed at the HVT
Transceiver electronics package.
Large satellite dish linking PT back
into the NSA psychotronics network.
Fig. 1 - Psychotronics transmit/receive
In residential neighborhoods, NSA field
operatives (posing as FBI agents) will
contact homeowners near the HVT location,
asking permission to place a "radio
monitoring device" (PT) in a spare bed room
for "national security" use. The NSA
operatives are always very polite, and offer
to compensate the homeowner for use of their
bed room (generally $1000 to $1500 per
month). With the allure of monthly cash,
most homeowners are more than willing to
cooperate. Optimal PT targeting involves
pointing the transmit/receive antenna
(figure 1), through a window having an
unobstructed line of sight to HVT location.
Alternant PT antenna sites include cell
phone towers, high rise building roof tops,
and government offices. PT antennas in
outdoor locations have a white or gray
plastic weather dome covering the dish. In
extreme circumstances, the HVT may have as
many as 10 PTs encircling his/her location.
Besides fixed location PTs tied into the
psychotronics satellite network, the NSA
also deploys (SWAT style) teams equipped
with portable PTs, for use against HVTs in
remote domestic or overseas locations. The
team will consist of one (or more) Suits
(1.2.2, 3.2.1a), several psychics (often
brother/sister or twins), and one (or more)
techs. Depending on the mission parameters,
teams may also include a specialist, trained
in psychiatry or internal medicine.
One side effect of PT operation, is a subtle
but very distinctive psycho-acoustic
phenomena, perceived by the HVT as a high
pitched "zipping" sound, lasting mere
fractions of a second. These perceived
sounds generally happen in pairs (or
triplets), with random intervals between
pairs. The phenomena is most noticeable in
quiet environments (bedrooms, studies,
etc.). Detection of this psycho-acoustic
phenomena is incontrovertible evidence of
NSA targeting.
Starting in the early 1990s, hand held
devices capable of inducing a deep hypnotic
(trance like) mental state, have been
deployed by the NSA for use in situations
where direct one on one confrontation and/or
control of a human target is necessary. The
device makes use of an asymmetrical
microwave modulation technique to produce
TMS (transcranial magenetic stimulation)
within the frontal lobes, inhibiting
volitional thought, thereby rendering the
target immobile and extremely suggestible.
A side effect of frontal lobe stimulation
by this device, is a very odd
visual/acoustical artifact. It consists of
a glowing ring of pulsating light,
accompanied by a deep (synchronized)
throbbing sound. Once the device is switch
off, subjects recover full volitional
cognition within 30 to 90 seconds.
Another EM based system deployed against
HVTs uses directed microwave energy to
generate/catalyze free radical cross linking
reactions within the human body, thereby
damaging key metabolic pathways. The
overall result being a rapid decline in
health and vitality. The directed microwave
generator is tripod mounted, and resembles a
stove pipe, approximately 5 foot long and
eighteen inches in diameter. The generator
has two connections for water cooling lines,
and one for high voltage cabling to the
power supply cabinet. Peak microwave beam
power is around 4000 watts, and is effective
at distances of two miles or more. At
distances under one mile, effects are prompt
and devastating. Primary power is generally
supplied from a 220V electric range/clothes
dryer outlet. The system operates
unattended, with control/management handled
via auto-answer modem and dedicated phone
line. System components have no markings
indicating manufacturer, neither are there
any visible model or serial numbers.
Apparently, the NSA (and its corporate
accomplices) have no desire to take credit
for their handiwork...
Several other EM based weapons are also used
on HVTs. Most are designed to either
disrupt key biological processes (such as
heart muscle contractions), or brain
neurotransmitters (such as dopamine).
Click Here
to view Wikipedia article on Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation (opens in a new browser
Throughout this essay, I have tried to
present the facts, devoid of any emotional
bias. In this effort, I have failed
miserably. And as a consequence, I've
seriously depleted the inventory of
derogatory adjectives, available within the
English lexicon. Neither do I believe any
sane individual could have remained
emotionally detached, while traveling the
road of discovery that made this essay both
possible AND obligatory. However, when
stripped of all its secrecy and mystique,
the NSA is best characterized as little more
than a psychopathic advertising agency,
promoting a product (government sponsored
slavery) no one really wants. While their
marketing techniques are, to say the least,
unconventional. Their message is as old as
humanity itself. i.e. Do as we say, or we
will hurt you.
ALL information contained herein is derived
from public sources, widely accepted
scientific principles, remote viewing,
and/or deprogramming sessions of (former)
government trained psychics. The author has
NO written or verbal agreement with ANY
governmental agency forbidding disclosure of
the information contained herein. In
disclosing this information, the author is
exercising (what little remains of) his
right to free speech as a private citizen of
the United States of America.
National Security Agency (NSA) - Part 3
Some sections, especially in part 2, are very
graphic in their description of NSA torture
techniques. Readers who've been subjected to
these brainwashing tactics, may suffer from
flash backs (triggered recall of suppressed
memories) by reading these sections.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Steven J.
Smith is considered a rogue scientist by
the government, for refusing to cooperate with
them. He e-mailed me on June 6, 2005, because he
"found [my] approach to UFOs and Government
both refreshing and collateral to [his] own".
I strongly
advise you to check out
his website, as there are some very
interesting links, especially on the right side.
I will link those articles separately here
below, and if Mr. Smith's website is ever going
down for any reason, please e-mail me and I will
send you the articles, which I have saved to a
safe location.
Thank you,
Wes Penre
Scientific Papers of Steven J. Smith
Funding Covert Government Projects - The Masters
of Magic
Underground Infrastructure - The Missing 40
Trillion Dollars
The Tehachapi Covert Underground Complex -
America's Flying Saucer Factory
Brookhaven - Montauk - Shoreham, A Portrait of
Atmospheric Lensing - A Weapon of Selective
Synthetic Earthquakes - Diplomacy
by Other Means
Want your opinion to be heard?
Make a comment
have it posted here, uncensored and unedited!
Write me an email
and put the same title in
your email subject line as the name of the article you want
to comment on. You can be anonymous if you like,
or write under a pseudonym. Wes Penre.
Penre is a researcher,
journalist, the owner of the
Illuminati News
and is the publisher of the
same. He has been
researching Globalization
and the New World Order and
exposed the big players
behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has
published his research on
the Internet at the above
domains, which are currently
updated to keep people
informed what is going on.
You can also find his
articles linked up,
discussed and republished
all over the Internet.
addition, he has done
spiritual research
to present a solution to the
problems of this world. His
MySpace website address is:
You can also visit his blog
and make comments at
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