Video details the U.S. Government's disturbing covert plans which are currently and quietly being pursued. Main topics covered: the Verichip, the North American Union (the N.A.U., which will do away with the American Constitution), the Amero (new currency for Mexico/U.S.A/Canada), and the NAFTA Superhighway, which will connect Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. All without borders and for cargo/business only! Keep doing your research...Most of this footage 'has' been in the 'mainstream media' too. It's just been spread out, and not talked about very often.
This is a great video to show friends or whomever is ignorant or in doubt regarding the New World Order and the One World Government. It is a great summary of what is happening right now and the plans for our immediate future. In just 9 minutes it brings up all the most important issues using reliable references. Wes Penre, Illuminati News.