LLOYD PIE is an author, researcher, and lecturer in the field of alternative knowledge. He calls on over 30 years of experience to write and speak about the origins of life, human origins, Hominoids (bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, and others), and the work of Zechara Sitchin. This broad base of knowledge makes him one of the world's leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins, which stands in sharp contrast to Darwinism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design. His classic book about these subjects, Everything You Know Is Wrong -- Origins of Life and Humans, has been fully revised and updated as of July, 2007, and will be available from bookstores or directly from www.BellLapBooks.com. More information about Lloyd and his books can be found at www.LloydPye.com.
Lloyd is also the caretaker of the famous Starchild skull, and has written a new book about his eight years of struggle to get it scientifically tested to establish beyond dispute the precise genetic heritage of both of its parents. So far, extensive testing indicates that its mother was a normal human but its father was, in all probability, something other than entirely human. More information is available at www.StarchildProject.com. Lloyd Pye's new book titled The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid? will be available in July, 2007, in bookstores or directly from www.BellLapBooks.com.
In Full
Born in 1946, Lloyd Pye is a native of Amite, Louisiana. He attended Tulane University in New Orleans, graduating in 1968 with a B.S. in Psychology. After graduation, he joined the U.S. Army to become a Military Intelligence (M.I.) agent. (Yes, he knows it's an oxymoron.)
For 20 years Lloyd wrote fiction and scripts while studying aspects of alternative knowledge. Especially intrigued by Hominoids—bigfoot, sasquatch, abominable snowman, yeti—he felt they were the Earth’s only indigenous bipedal primates, leaving fossilized skeletons anthropologists labeled “pre” humans rather than “advanced” Miocene apes. Lloyd felt nothing about them was human, “pre” or otherwise. From Australopithecines through Neanderthals, they were upright walking primates, with physiological traits of primates and none of humans.
skull (left)
and human
Lloyd realized that if Hominoids were real, their ancestors were being passed off as “pre” humans and modern humans could not have evolved on Earth. But he had no idea where we DID come from or how we got here. Then, in 1990, he discovered the work of Zecharia Sitchin and found a “front end” to the research he’d been doing. He realized his own work provided a plausible “back end” to Mr. Sitchin’s controversial theories. He believed he could fuse the two bodies of work to produce a book that would establish a middle ground in evolutionary theory.
Mostly by word of mouth, “Everything You Know Is Wrong—Book One: Human Origins” has sold nearly 40,000 copies. On TV, Lloyd has been featured on The Learning Channel ("Mystery of the Skulls"); Animal Planet ("Animal X"); EXTRA (best UFO segment of the 1990’s); London’s "Richard and Judy Show" (British equivalent of Oprah Winfrey); four times on "Your Turn" with Kathy Fountain on Fox TV's Ch. 13 in Tampa, Florida; "Naturally N’Awlins" with Frank Davis on WWL-TV (CBS) in New Orleans; and WJTV in Jackson, Mississippi (also CBS). He has given over 200 lectures in the U.S. and around the world (Brazil, Egypt, Netherlands, England, Australia).
Lloyd is an articulate, consistently engaging guest on television, and on radio shows like Coast to Coast and Jeff Rense. From the beginning of this part of his career, his verbal skills combined with a natural gift for platform presentations to vault him from obscurity in late 1997 to being well-established in alternative knowledge circles by late 1998. That reputation brought him to the attention of a Texas couple that had recently acquired a normal human skull and one that looked as if it could fit inside the head of a prototype “Grey” alien. The couple asked Lloyd to take the unusual skull and have it scientifically evaluated.
Thinking he knew something about science and scientists, Lloyd estimated the testing could be completed in six months. And it might have been. However, he soon learned that scientists protect their paradigms with every bit of the ferocity displayed by religious zealots when supporting “divine” causes. It’s been over EIGHT YEARS since the Starchild skull was made public, yet final results of its testing cannot be initiated until 2009 or 2010. For those interested in what it’s taken to get to that point, please visit www.starchildproject.com and find two slide shows available as Flash downloads. Both give vivid photographic evidence to support the assumption that the Starchild may well have been a human-alien hybrid.
Click here
to watch the
lecture by
Lloyd Pie:
I don't
agree with
every single
Mr. Pie
makes, but
he does make
points and
proves that
mankind did
evolve from
the apes or
any other
species on
Earth, but
suddenly and
from 'out of
nowhere'. He
also has a
strong case
for that
homo sapiens
by an alien
Wes Penre