"The Godmakers" -
Cartoon Banned by the Mormon Church
This first video is showing the supposed belief
system of the Mormons in cartoon form:
The Godmakers
[7 min 38 sec]
In this second, third and fourth videos, a Mormon explains which
portions are true, which are half-true, and what
is completely false. The cartoon in question,
"the Godmakers", mocks the Mormon faith and
leaves people with a distorted view of the
Latter-Day Saints, according to this member of
the Latter-Day Saints:
Response to Anti-Mormon Cartoon
Part 1 [6 min 53 sec]
Part 2 [9 min 27 sec]
Part 3 [10 min
00 sec]
Lastly, a comment from a former member of the
Mormon Church:
"This person seems nice, but a little
misinformed. He is only going by the current
beliefs of the LDS church. He isn't bring up
the original beliefs that Joseph Smith implied.
A lot of LDS people aren't aware of all of what
the Church believes. They just follow blindly. (Believe me I know first hand)."
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website:
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