Dr. Reisman received her Ph.D. in
communications from Case Western Reserve University and has lectured and
testified the world over to professional organizations, legislatures,
parliaments, and courts regarding the power and effect of images and the
media to alter human behavior. She has served as a consultant to the
U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services.
Dr. Reisman was interviewed by William F. Jasper, senior editor of THE
Q. To
begin with, Dr. Reisman, allow me to extend, personally, a profound
"Thank you" for your perseverance over the past 20 years in your
investigation of the monstrous fraud perpetrated by Dr. Alfred Kinsey
and his disciples and supporters. I vividly recall, 28 years ago, while
studying psychology as an undergraduate student, the frustration that I
and many of my fellow students felt at being confronted with the absurd
"scientific" claims of the militant sexologists for the moral legitimacy
and "normalcy" of homosexuality, pornography, pedophilia, incest,
sadomasochism, adultery, group sex — virtually any and every sexual
deviancy imaginable. Always, the "research" of Kinsey and his successors
was cited to refute and silence the "moralistic" qualms of dissenters.
Finally, 50 years after Kinsey burst upon the scene with such
devastating impact, your book, Kinsey: Crimes
& Consequences, exposes not only the incredibly fraudulent "science"
of Kinsey and company, but the depraved, criminal
activities of Kinsey and his pedophile associates.
Everyone concerned about the terrible moral and social breakdown we see
all about us owes you a big debt of gratitude for your excellent work.
A. Thank
you, and let me also note my appreciation for the wonderfully positive
review your magazine gave my book [see January 4th issue], which hasn’t
enjoyed a universally favorable reception. As you said, it’s been 50
years since Alfred Kinsey published his infamous 1948 report, Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male, which has so profoundly and grievously
affected not only American society, but the moral, social, and political
order worldwide. It is difficult to exaggerate the horrendous effects of
the widespread promotion and acceptance of his work. Kinsey’s "research"
shook America’s moral foundations and launched the Sexual Revolution in
the 1960s. Its terrible results are obvious in the skyrocketing
incidence of all the social pathologies afflicting us today: divorce,
abortion, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases,
illegitimate births, cohabitation, pornography, homosexuality,
sadomasochism, rape, child molestation, sexual crimes of all types,
family breakup, endemic violence, etc. We cannot hope to reverse this
destructive, downward spiral if we do not recognize and openly confront
the Kinseyite falsehoods and subversive premises and ideas that
undergird popular attitudes and official policies today.
Q. What
specific changes would you cite that most dramatically demonstrate
Kinsey’s negative impact on society today?
A. Well, I
think the influences most people recognize — although they may not
understand Kinsey’s role — have to do with the erosion of sexual mores
and inhibitions. I’m referring particularly to the erosion of morals as
reflected in what is now considered acceptable in popular culture — in
the movies, television, books, magazines, advertisements, etc. — and the
steady invasion of more and more sexually explicit and pornographic
material into these areas. This is troubling to a great many people
because it has become so all-pervasive and is so clearly destructive.
Certainly the cultural validating and
"mainstreaming" of homosexuality is one of the major shifts that can
marked down as a Kinsey triumph. And the people who are trying to
preserve traditional values and Judeo-Christian morality — and I believe
we are still the majority — feel desperately besieged on all sides by
this "new morality" being promoted by the small but powerful minority of
artistic, intellectual, academic, and scientific elite.
One of the important areas where I
think my research has made a very significant contribution is in
uncovering the legal subversion that Kinsey is greatly responsible for.
Very few Americans have any knowledge or appreciation for the enormity
of his influence in this important realm. One indicator of this is the
fact that Kinsey is the most cited sex scientist by far in Westlaw
and the other legal indices. In my latest book I give several pages
listing hundreds of law journal citations. His bogus science has been
cited in case after case to overturn laws, for instance, that protect
society against sex offenders.
Kinsey claimed to have proven, based
upon the deviant samples used in his research, that 95 percent of
American men engaged in deviant sex and thus were sex offenders. This
obviously proved that our sex laws were based on repressive, antiquated
notions and had to be radically changed. Morris Ernst, Kinsey’s ACLU
lawyer, wrote that "virtually every page of the Kinsey Report touches on
some section of the legal code." That was no exaggeration. Kinsey
believed that all sex was legitimate — pedophilia, bestiality, incest,
adultery, prostitution, group sex, transvestitism, sadomasochism — and
he worked to overthrow all laws prohibiting any of these perversions.
He and his associates also testified
and wrote in favor of parole for sex offenders and violent felons, and
are greatly responsible for the reduction of penalties for rapists and
child molesters and the release of these repeat offenders back into
society. In the Kinseyan view, brutal sex predators were deserving of
"therapeutic," not "retributive," action. Millions of American children
and women have been brutally victimized as a result of these
Kinsey-inspired "reforms."
Q. One of
your important discoveries is the connection between the Kinsey cabal
and the American Law Institute (ALI) — the "educational arm" of the
American Bar Association — and ALI’s adoption of the Model Penal Code in
1955 to alter the sex crime laws and family laws of America, both
nationally and state by state. Explain this nexus and its significance.
A. My
chapter on Kinsey’s impact on American law provides evidence of the
deceitful coordination and collaboration between Kinsey and key members
of the ALI to overthrow the Common Law, biblical, and constitutional
underpinnings of the legal protections provided against sexual
predators. The ALI’s chief author of the Model Penal Code was Professor
Herbert Wechsler, acclaimed legal scholar at Columbia University and
formerly a confidential assistant to President Franklin Roosevelt.
Wechsler launched the Kinsey/ALI crusade with an article in the May 1952
Harvard Law Review entitled "The Challenge of a Model Penal
Code." Three years later, the ALI’s Model Penal Code was sent to state
legislatures and our society’s legal protections began to crumble under
a coordinated assault.
Kinsey’s network included New York
Judge Morris Ploscowe, who published Sexual Patterns and the Law
in 1951; journalist Albert Deutsch, who published Sex Habits of
American Men in 1948; the notorious French pedophile and jurist Rene
Guyon, who wrote The Ethics of Sexual Acts in 1948; and Morris
Ernst and David Loth, who co-authored American Sexual Behavior and
the Kinsey Report in 1948. Dr. Manfred Guttmacher and Dr. Harry
Benjamin were also part of the Kinsey cabal.
This cadre of "experts" had a very
well-oiled propaganda apparatus in the sympathetic national media, which
accepted and promoted the Kinseyan legal and scientific claims without
question. Kinsey was on the cover of most of our magazines and was
celebrated in newspaper headlines and television news stories as a great
scientist who was freeing the world from our unhealthy, puritanical sex
Q. The
Kinsey/ALI cadre had a "hit list" of 52 crimes and legal subjects that
they targeted for radical revision.
A. Yes, they
intended to topple, or greatly weaken, laws concerning rape, statutory
rape, seduction, prostitution, sodomy, bestiality, indecent exposure,
incest, bigamy, nudity, obscenity, adultery, fornication, adult-child
sex, illicit cohabitation, pornography, smoking opium and other
narcotics, etc. Fully 100 percent of the Code’s citations addressing
empirically any American data for sex behavior refer to Kinsey’s false
research. The effects have been calamitous.
Prior to Kinsey, rape was treated as a
heinous crime in keeping with the Common Law standard. If convicted,
rapists faced mandatory execution in three states, the possibility of a
death penalty in 20 states, and a minimum of a 20-year sentence in all
but one of the states. Kinsey changed all that.
Now the most vulnerable of society —
women and children — are victimized twice: once by sexual crimes and
vice, and again by the changed laws that refuse to penalize the
perpetrator. This is Kinsey’s legacy, which is anti-marriage,
anti-father, anti-mother, and, most definitely, anti-child.
Q. Kinsey
made a world tour and testified in England before Britain’s Wolfendon
Commission and in California before the state legislature.
A. Kinsey’s
triumphal tour included Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands,
France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and England. In England he helped craft
the Wolfendon Report to Parliament recommending
sexual license and the
end of restrictive laws. In Sicily he made a pilgrimage to Thelema
Abbey, the Satanic temple where the fiendish Aleister Crowley conducted
his brutal orgies and human sacrifices. Kinsey was fascinated by Crowley
and wanted to acquire his diaries for the Kinsey Institute.
Q. Kinsey
portrayed himself as a normal "family man"and "devoted father" from
Indiana University in conservative Bloomington, Indiana, but that was an
enormous lie, wasn’t it?
A. Even by
today’s more liberalized standards, Kinsey would be considered a
terrible pervert by most people. He was a homosexual sadomasochist who
not only pushed his wife and his Kinsey Institute colleagues into
engaging in immoral, humiliating, and illegal sex, but he actually
filmed many of these sessions in his attic. He so immersed himself in
every kind of sexual deviancy that he found, as usually happens with
such persons, it was taking more and more bizarre and painful stimuli to
arouse himself. This led, ultimately, to his sexual self-mutilation.
Q. You
have mentioned Kinsey’s use of fraudulent data and methods, which has
been admitted by many of his colleagues. What are some of the means by
which he perpetrated scientific fraud?
A. Well,
they are many. One of the most egregious examples was his deliberate,
repeated use of aberrant samples of males and females for his study, and
then claiming that the sexual practices of these groups were
representative of the activity of normal men and women. His male
sampling was heavy with homosexuals, pedophiles, pederasts, convicts,
pimps, and other sexually aggressive males whom he recruited at
homosexual bars and bath houses, so these were completely
unrepresentative of the average American male. The same was true of his
female cohorts, which included the most sexually radical women:
prostitutes, burlesque performers, models, artists, and strippers.
In addition, Kinsey’s "interview"
technique involved leading and badgering the subject to obtain the
answers Kinsey wanted. And when the subjects still didn’t give the
desired answers — meaning, they didn’t admit to engaging in the sexual
activity Kinsey wanted them to admit to — Kinsey regularly played "God,"
dismissing their responses and putting down what he thought their
answers should be. All of this was necessary, of course, in order to
obtain the much higher reports of deviant behavior, which could then be
redefined as "normal" because it is supposedly so commonplace.
Q. One of
your most shocking revelations concerns Kinsey’s use of criminal
pedophiles to sexually abuse children, including infants, in the name of
"research." Not only have the Kinsey associates escaped prosecution and
punishment for these unspeakably evil acts, but they have not even been
condemned and repudiated by professional colleagues, public officials,
or the media.
A. This is
one of the greatest scandals of our day. Kinsey stands condemned by his
own "research," but no one seems to have the courage to declare the
obvious. Kinsey claimed that his data proved that children are "sexual"
from birth. What was this based upon? According to the admission of his
associates, such as Wardell Pomeroy and Paul Gebhard, much of this data
came from an habitual pedophile Kinsey code-named "Mr. Green" (also
referred to sometimes as "Mr. X"), who had molested as many as 800 boys
and girls over many years, and who kept meticulous records of his
We now know that this predatory
pervert was Rex King, a U.S. government land examiner, who traveled
about Arizona, New Mexico, and the Southwest. Much of Kinsey’s data
comes from the diaries of this monster who sexually tortured children,
some infants as young as three months, and recorded their screams of
pain as "orgasms."
Instead of being repulsed and
horrified by this, as any normal person would be, Kinsey was tantalized.
He told King, "I congratulate you on the research spirit which has led
you to collect data over these many years." He assured King that his
insidious criminal activity had great scientific importance. Research
spirit! We do not know how many other violent pedophiles — even child
murderers — Kinsey may have used as "researchers," nor do we know for
certain how many children Kinsey and/or members of his staff directly
abused themselves, but there is evidence in their own notes that they
were present and at least witnessed some of this activity.
Q. What
Kinsey and his teammates were involved in was not only evil and morally
repellent, but blatantly illegal back then, and much of it would still
be illegal now. The perpetrators could have been not only imprisoned,
but possibly even executed.
A. Kinsey
knew much of what he did was illegal, but the moral questions didn’t
concern him. He scorned "morality" and intensely hated Christianity and
Judaism for shackling society with "repressive" moralistic retraints.
One of Kinsey’s main associates, Paul Gebhard, admitted in his seminar
with fellow sexologists Masters and Johnson that what he, Kinsey, and
their associates were involved in was "definitely coercion." But Gebhard
felt that "coercion is acceptable in the interest of encouraging
research participation." He also said of the Kinsey Institute’s work, in
a recent interview in the excellent British television documentary,
Kinsey’s Paedophiles: "It was illegal and we knew it was illegal,
but it’s very important to study childhood sexuality...." The Kinsey
people still justify and defend their indefensible, horrid
Q. One of
the tremendous advantages that the Kinseyites and their ilk enjoy is
that they are able to operate largely without critical examination
because the things they are dealing with are so disgusting. Most of the
people who form the natural pool of opposition to these schemes do not
want to sully themselves with even thinking about this stuff, let alone
researching and refuting it.
A. That is a
major problem, because these things are, naturally, repellent to any
moral person. But ignoring it is a sure guarantee that the evil will
spread and encourage even worse depravity. And don’t think it won’t get
worse. Even ten years ago, few would have imagined that the homosexual
movement would be triumphantly dominating our culture as it is today,
and that Satanic, androgynous creatures like Marilyn Manson would be
leading legions of young people into the most hideous lifestyles and
violent crime.
Legitimizing pedophilia is now
the current Kinseyan campaign. In 1973 the American Psychiatric
Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its list of "disorders."
Most observers of the homosexual movement recognize that that move by
the APA was a major milestone in the legitimizing process. Just 22 years
later, in 1995, the APA removed pedophilia and sadism from the
"disordered" classifications in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
Just as the homosexual propaganda and
psychological softening campaign took years to get us where we are
today, the pedophile lobby is following the same road to "normalizing"
adult-child sex. They already have the APA "professionals" on their
side. Homosexuals are winning the "right" to adopt children. Textbooks
and "diversity" classes are recruiting children into the homosexual
ranks. The organized child molesters have gotten "consultative status"
at the UN and you have all of these UN conferences and conventions
proclaiming the "rights of children," including "sexual rights."
Parents, grandparents, and everyone
who believes in morality had better realize soon that we are in the
middle of a terrible war, and "our side" hasn’t bothered to mount a
defense, much less an offense.
Q. A key
factor in Kinsey’s impact was his early funding and promotion from the
Rockefeller Foundation, correct?
A. Yes. The
Rockefeller Foundation was the major funding source for Kinsey, even
though it had ample, repeated warning from noted statisticians and
social scientists that Kinsey’s pseudo-science was a hoax. The
Rockefeller Foundation began funding Kinsey in 1941, mostly by grants
funneled through the National Research Council, but it also funded
Kinsey directly.
In the early 1950s, when the Reece
Committee of Congress exposed Rockefeller grants in support of Communism
and socialism, and started going after the Foundation’s funding of
Kinsey’s sex research, the Rockefeller people backed off from funding
Kinsey. Besides, he had already done his work for them. The next step
was to apply Kinsey — to the law, education, etc. — so
Rockefeller funding shifted over to the Kinsey-allied American Law
Institute and SIECUS [Sex Information and Education Council of the
United States]. The Ford Foundation and others have also funded Kinsey.
Let me read to you here from the Kinsey Institute’s Spring 1998
Kinsey Today newsletter, which reports that the Institute has
received a Ford Foundation grant to "fund a media relations firm in
planning a pro-active strategy to counter the on-going campaign to shut
down the Kinsey Institute and discredit its character."
Q. It
sounds like the Kinsey folks are concerned about your work. I’ve seen
Kinsey’s Paedophiles, the powerful British
television documentary based on your work. Has that been shown yet in
this country? And has CBS’ 60 Minutes or
any of the other network programs followed through and produced anything
on this huge story?
A. No,
Kinsey’s Paedophiles has not been shown here. That really shocked
the British producers, because they are a prestigious company and their
programs are regularly aired here. And they knew they had a very
explosive story that deserved a big showing. They just didn’t realize
how powerful are the interests they were exposing. 60 Minutes has
backed off, apparently, as have the other television programs that
initially expressed interest.
Q. Your
latest book, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences
has been out now for several months. Has it been reviewed yet by the
New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, Newsweek,
or any of the major press?
A. No. In
fact, even some of the more conservative publications, like the
Washington Times, have not reviewed it. There has been a concerted
effort by the Kinsey people to discredit and silence me. When I sued the
Kinsey Institute for libel and defamation, we obtained in the discovery
process the notes of June Reinisch, the director of the Institute, in
which she outlined their plan of attack. They went after American
University where I was doing my research, to stop me. They told people
that my degrees and the professional experience listed in my vita were
bogus. They collaborated with Penthouse, Playboy, and Hustler
to attack me.
Naturally, they have many sympathetic
ears in the media and academe, even though the vile crimes of Kinsey and
the Institute have been exposed — by others beside myself — and even
admitted to by many of the Kinsey associates.
Kinsey is second only to Darwin in the
secular pantheon, and a lot of people recognize that exposing Kinsey’s
lies is a major assault on the Sexual Revolution and a threat to the
sexual license that they enjoy. I learned this long ago, back in 1981,
when I created an uproar at the Fifth World Congress of Sexology in
Jerusalem with my early research on Kinsey’s child abuse. I was sure my
fellow research professionals would be as outraged as I was at Kinsey’s
phony data and his reliance on pedophiles in his child sex research.
But, instead, the global human sexuality brain trust turned its wrath on