Aleister Crowley
The Greatest Magician of the 20th Century?
by Wes Penre, Dec 29, 1998
Last Updated:
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 06:11:16 PM |
Crowley is probably the Black Magician who is the most popular
foreground figure in
Hollywood and the Music Industry today. He is "accused of" being the one who
invented backward messages on music recordings (used by The Beatles, Led
Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones to name a few), although it has not been proven
that it was Crowley who originated this and his organization, the OTO, denies
this. Backmasking, some people claim, was
originated by Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. However, a great percentage of the
rock/rap/hip hop musicians of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s are highly
influenced by this occult, black magician named Aleister Crowley. You will
learn more about this as we go along.
So now, let me introduce the most popular black
magician (together with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of
Scientology) of today. Crowley has had a significant influence on the young
peoples' minds from the 50’s up to this date ... Wes Penre, 1998

Wes Penre |
Crowley is the occultist and Satanist that is perhaps the most well known. His
works “The
Book of the Law”, “Magick in Theory and Practice” and “The Book of
Thoth” are broadly used in occult circuits. His perhaps most important book
is "The Book of the Law, which Crowley himself didn’t take much
credit for have written, as he stated it was written by automatic
handwriting, being channeled from a higher being
called Aiwaz (or Aiwass). This
being said he had lived in Caldea during the reign of Hammurabis (around 1750
BC), but later, in his book “Magick in Theory and Practice”, Crowley
identified Aiwaz as his own genius. He was actually very proud of this book,
which he used as a Bible for his own religion – Thelema. Crowley looked at man
as a sleeping god who gradually started to understand what powers he possesses.
He also taught that Satan was identical with the Sumerian devil/god Shaitan, who
he stated had been worshiped in the Egyptian deserts long before the ages of the
He was
also a drug- and sex addict and was addicted both to opium, hashish, cocaine,
mescaline, amphetamines and heroin, in order to perceive higher states of
beingness (drug abuse is very common to occultists in general). When he
discovered mescaline, he developed seven rituals, Rites of Eleusis, and
rented Caxton Hall to demonstrate them. Later, he opened up a Temple of Satan in
London, where many high society ladies became his pupils. By that time Crowley
had shaved his head and filed his canine teeth so sharp that he could initiate
every new woman with a “kiss of the snake”, as he gave them a bite either
on the wrist or in the throat.
what thou will shall be the whole of the Law”
[The work of the OTO ... is geared towards the achievement of a world-spanning
empire ... The Law “Do what thou wilt” is the law of this new state – a One
World Government] was his motto for the OTO, which was the secret order he
himself was the Grandmaster of. He rejected traditional morality in favor of the
life of a drug addict and brutal womanizer (“I rave; and I rape and I rip and I
rend” is a line from one of his poems). He even enjoyed being called the
“wickedest man in the world”. He was married twice, and both his wives went
insane. Five of his mistresses committed suicide.
Although the above is true, Crowley found great amusement in trying to
shock his environment, the sleeping population, and when the newspapers named
him “The Wickedest Man in the World”, he was very pleased.
Due to his nature of wanting to shock people, he also sometimes exaggerated to
create an effect.
who met Crowley verified that he had occult powers, and as an example William
Seabrook tells the following story: Seabrook wanted a demonstration of Crowley’s
powers, so the latter chose a man by random out on the street and followed him,
imitating his walk. Suddenly Crowley fell, but was rapidly on his feet again. At
the same time the other man fell on the sidewalk. Crowley and his companion
helped the man up, and he looked confused, trying to find the banana peel.
was also the man who came up with putting backwards messages into musical
recordings. Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin used this on some of
their albums. Jimmy Page put a backward satanic message on the mega hit
“Stairway to Heaven” (“Here’s to my sweet Satan”). Page also bought
Crowley’s mansion in Scotland and was/is a true follower of his teaching, as was
the late drummer John Bonham from the same group. Beatles also used