As a nation
Britain prides herself on having the mother of parliaments as the cornerstone of
her democratic liberties. Unfortunately this is only an illusion.
In reality the nation has been ruled since around 1603 by a secret society that
has always functioned from the shadows but has exercised a rigid control over
every aspect of Britain’s national life. Originating as the Priory de Sion in
the medieval era, it evolved into the organisation we know today as the
Illuminati. Its ultimate aims may be summarised as follows:
1.) The abolition of all ordered government.
2.) The abolition of private property.
3.) The abolition of inheritance.
4.) The abolition of patriotism.
5.) The abolition of all religion.
6.) The abolition of the family – via the abolition of marriage.
7.) The creation of a World (Illuminati) Government.
Bearing in mind the above precepts which they envisage taking place over
centuries, we shall look in some detail at certain aspects of contemporary
society to bring to light the dire effects of the work of this ‘hidden hand’.
One of the major public concerns in Britain in recent years has been the massive
increase in house price inflation which has been interpreted by the media as a
symbol of the country’s economic prosperity. This is but an illusion. The
reality is that the market has been ‘rigged’ on an enormous scale by a ruthless
exploitation of the laws of supply and demand.
The media has drawn attention to the fact that the increase in property prices
has been largely driven by the buy-to-let market. The media then continually
gloats over the grossly-inflated state of the market and the fact that an
increasing number of people are being ‘priced out’ of ever owning their own
home. The premise is reasonably accurate but does not give the complete picture;
in some areas of London properties have been bought up en bloc for letting
purposes. In the window of an estate agency in south London a year or two back I
observed a sign stating a willingness to purchase property in multiples.
Obviously individual buyers (unless they are exceptionally wealthy) would never
have the capital available for such purchases. Who then is seeking to buy
property on such a scale?
The answer is that property conglomerates who are Illuminati ‘front’
organisations have moved into the market on a vast scale. It was even announced
recently that the world renowned Rothschild (Illuminati) bank was abandoning its
stake in the gold market. Having forsaken gold where are they likely to
re-deploy their assets? I believe banks such as Rothschilds are financing the
corporatisation of the housing market in Britain. To what end one may ask?
For a number of years successive British governments have been telling the
electorate that between 3.4 and 4.3 million new homes (depending on which
sources you believe) will need to be built in Britain within the next 20
years. The reasons they say include a rising divorce rate and more people opting
to live alone following divorce/bereavement or simply wishing to follow a single
lifestyle. Considering that the birth-rate in most of western Europe is
relatively static the figures simply do not compute unless you factor in another
major consideration; that of mass immigration.

In the late 1940’s the Illuminati think-tank known as the
Tavistock Institute on
Human Relations proposed allowing mass immigration from Britain’s colonies to
the U.K., supposedly in order to assist in rebuilding Britain’s shattered
economy, but in reality to effect a fundamental change in the structure of
British society over the next 60 years.
“What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking
– not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already
undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand
years of English history……………… Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first
make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual
inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the
future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a