anti-Zionist, Daryl Bradford Smith, who claims to be at the
forefront in the fight against the New World Order, wants me
added to a list of people who should be
guillotined, the mode of
execution preferred by the
Noahide Laws. The heinous crime
for which Smith would behead me is, a belief in UFO’s! He has
much in common with extreme Islamophobe,
Daniel Pipes, who also wants
ufologists marginalised and “driven out of business” as Daryl
Smith puts it.
they have no interest or knowledge of this subject. I have, and
so does the Illuminati, who have focused on spinning a
concoction of lies and disinformation about
ET’s in Hollywood for half a
century. UFO’s have now reached saturation point in the
entertainment media, with “little green men” popping up
everywhere, except in real life. For something which is
‘covered-up’ by TPTB, ufology gets excessive exposure on the
mainstream Discovery Channel.
They have an
agenda and will publicly disclose a distorted version of events
when the time is right, to stage an
“invasion” from outer space, to
maintain fear of an unknown enemy. Whether you believe that
‘flying saucers’ make reconnaissance flights to Earth or not,
the electrogravitic technology which propels them exists and was
re-discovered in the 20th Century by eminent
physicists like
Townsend Brown,
it is utilised by the B-2 Bomber to reach supersonic velocities.
However, the
murdered ufologist
Dr. Morris K. Jessup observed
that ‘anti-gravity’ was employed in remote antiquity by the
builders of colossal cyclopean edifices, such as
Baalbek and
Sacsayhuaman, whose ruins still
mystify researchers today. Primitive tribes could not possibly
have raised 800 ton blocks of stone, some of which are now below
sea-level. Therefore, our
ancestors must have enjoyed an advanced civilization in
pre-history, to acquire this science.
It is irrelevant
if the technology was developed here or brought from another
planet. The point is, that mankind once had the ability to
‘vimanas’ and the elusive discs
witnessed by millions of people could be piloted by our
predecessors, rather than alien visitors from ‘Planet X’ as
suggested by
Rockefeller’s luminaries.
Whatever the truth, I have a right to speculate and investigate,
without being labelled insane by Daniel Pipes or threatened with
death by DBS!

This is what will happen to UFO
researchers if
Daryl Bradford Smith will have his way