Manhattan Institute was
chosen to be the lead organization for George W. Bush's Faith-Based
Initiative to give taxpayer money to religious organizations. It is widely
believed to be a CIA front. However, many persons associated with the
organization also have ties to the Jesuits and thus to the Nazis, the UN and
3. According to SourceWatch ,
it is "the preferred source of information" for Rudy Giuliani when he
was Mayor. Including his broken windows approach to crimefighting.
4. It is a favorite hangout
for American Mayors, including...oddly enough, Governor Moonbeam Jerry
Brown. Remember him? Recently he was Oakland, California mayor.
Mayor Daly, has granted the
previously mentioned prize to Norm Coleman when he was mayor of St. Paul
Minnesota. He is now a Senator due to the odd plane crash of
Senator Paul Wellstone. CCI will
also provide "assistance" to Baltimore Mayor O'Malley. The Mayor of Miami is
also a member of the Board.
www.ci.miami.fl.us/cms/mayor/119.asp . He is the co-chair of the
Faith-Based and Community Task Force .
17. The Jesuits control the
Knights of Malta. A member of the Knights was German General Reinhard
Gehlen. He was absorbed directly into the US Army by an act of Congress.
He was the key man in the creation of the organization known as the CIA-
Central Intelligence Agency. He is implicated in the death of FOUR
left to the reader as always and as appropriate. However, one possible
postulate is that anyone tied into the Manhattan Institute is
Controlled, connected to or
conspiring with 'the agency'. The biggest surprise in all of this would be
Governor Moonbeam as a CIA asset. He is the only one on the list of
mayors connected to the Manhattan
Institute that does not seem to 'fit in'. YET THERE HE IS.........PH,
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Last Updated:
Monday, October 17, 2005 07:01:17 AM