Congresswoman Marci Kaptur on the North American Union
YouTube, April 03, 2008
This is an EXCELLENT video.
Ms. Kaptur does a
beautiful job revealing
the plans the Illuminati
are planning for Canada,
the US and Mexico. And
even more important: she
is asking the RIGHT
QUESTIONS! If people
watching this video
don't get alarmed, then
I don't know what will
wake them up.
Comment by "Slavesrevolt":
trades American jobs for Mexican workers. They
get a 2 to 1 better labor ratio in the depressed
Mexican economy. Send the starving north to live
off the unemployed American Tax payers.
If the NWO Elite's Master Plan for a UTOPIA is
so sweet why does it involve wars on every
continent, mass homelessness, unemployment,
starvation all the while the wealthy and their
banks, corporations and industries record RECORD
...Put away your hate and anger with the world.
Free your mind, educate the ones you love and
care about. Stop buying the lies and giving away
your power in the name of fear and helplessness.
Wikipedia Aspartame - Health concerns - Brain
Tumors. Approved by.......drum roll
please........ Donald Rumsfeld.
You think your government cares about you? These
guys are more like Tony Soprano crossed with
Hitler, all smiles and facade while they rape
and pillage your country.
All the while they feed you fatty foods with MSG
poison, water with fluoride poison, beverages,
diet products to counter the fat foods,
medicines for your children and over 6,000 other
products with Aspartame. All designed to keep
large portions of the population stupid and
Just bright enough to make it to work and push
the burger shaped button on the till at the fast
food poison distribution outlet. Just awake
enough to make it to the polling booth to vote
for the person their TV tells them to.
Here's three names, Ralph Nader, Mike Gravel,
Ron Paul, and the list goes on. People are
trying to tell you something but being trained
to be sycophants to authority you turn away. You
trust blindly in the GODverment.
The structure stays the same but my content is
evolving. I chose 12 steps as a format because
it's as well known as the bible yet not all the
scriptural plagiarism. I've revised this list
many times. It used to be over 15 hours long. I
hope you enjoy it but if you simply delete
that's ok too. We all make choices to take
actions or not every minute of our lives.
Wes Penre is a
researcher, journalist, the owner of the domains
Illuminati News
Zionist Watch and is the publisher of the
same. He has been researching Globalization and the New World
Order and exposed the big players behind the scenes for more
than a decade now. He has published his research on the Internet
at the above domains, which are currently updated to keep people
informed what is going on. You can also find his articles linked
up, discussed and republished all over the Internet.
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specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
available in my efforts to advance understanding of environmental,
political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice
issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted
material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In
accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.