s you read this work and put its principles into
practice, there are two basic axioms you never
want to forget. They are the rock upon which all
your actions are based.
anywhere or any time and under any
circumstances has the right or power in this
country to immunize you or your children
against your will and conviction.
If they attempt to do so, you can legally
charge them with "assault with a deadly
weapon" and have the full resources of our
laws behind you.
At all times in attempting to avoid
unwanted immunization, you have the Law of
the Land behind you. Those who would try to
vaccinate you against your will are on very
shaky ground. Into every compulsory
immunization law in America are written
legal exceptions and waivers which are there
specifically to protect you from the
attempted tyranny of officialdom. It is not
only your right, but your obligation to use
them, if this is what your conscience tells
Article I
In all your contacts with any member of the
school, public health, or legal establishment,
always remain calm, courteous, and humbly
reverent toward their position. You are only
asking of them that which the law duty binds
them to give you. There is no reason, or
advantage, to be gained by antagonizing them.
Most of these officials believe they are
discharging their trust as outlined by law. If
they are overstepping the law, then you must
very diplomatically bring the true facts to
their attention, but without attempting to
belittle them.
The more you can preserve their ego, the more
easily and quickly you are likely to get what
you desire - a waiver of immunization.
Rule No. 1: Do not harass, belittle, or
antagonize officials unnecessarily.
Article 2
All compulsory laws concerning vaccination
(including the military) contain exceptions and
waivers. It is these protections placed in the
laws that you may legally use to exclude
yourself and your children. Surprisingly, these
exceptions were placed there, not for your sake
(although you may take advantage of them), but
for the protection of the establishment.
How is this? Let us assume that these exceptions
were not there and everyone was actually forced
to be immunized. Should a child die or become
mentally or physically disabled, the parent
would have the perfect case to sue the doctor,
the school, the health department, and even the
state legislature for enormous damages.
Since they allowed no exceptions, they must
accept full responsibility for all the adverse
consequences of the law.
However, if exception waivers are placed in the
law, the responsibility is then transferred back
to the parent. If a child should be injured by
immunization, the officials can say, "Well, the
parent should have exempted him if they thought
there was any danger."
Therefore, there
is in truth no such thing as a compulsory
vaccination law in this country. They are
ALL, in
The problem is that practically no one in
authority will let you know this fact.
Rule No. 2: There are no compulsory
vaccination laws. All are voluntary, and you are
held responsible for the adverse results upon
you or your children.
Article 3
While all immunization laws have exceptions you
can use, the wording in each state differs, and
you must know the exact wording for your state
to make the proper request of waiver. This
information can be obtained in one of two ways.
Go to the reference section of your local
library- look in the State Statute Revised
Law Book under Public Health Law or
Communicable Disease sections. The list of
immunization requirements will appear first
and then the exemptions will be given.
Usually one or two provisions will be
listed: either on religious or medical
grounds or both.
You may call or write your state
representative and ask for a copy of the
immunization laws in your state. Making this
available is part of his job, and it will be
sent promptly.
Rule No. 3: Know your own state law so
that you can conform to its exact requirements
for exemption.
Article 4
There are two basic reasons for exception -
medical or religious. Which one you choose will
often depend upon the wording of the law in your
state and your personal convictions.
We shall discuss medical exemption first. While
laws do vary, nearly all states require that a
note or certificate of waiver be submitted by a
physician licensed in the state of residence. In
some areas where states are small and people
continually travel from one to another for
business, a statement from a physician in a
contiguous state will be accepted.
In this letter it is usually necessary to state
the reason for the requested waiver and the
length of time it should extend. Many laws limit
all such letters to a school year and they must
be renewed each fall.
The two most valid reasons for medical waiver
are "the fear of allergic reaction in a
sensitive child" and "to prevent possible damage
to a weakened immune system." Both of these can
occur in a child who has been immunized, and
since no one but the physician and the parent
will be held responsible for their consequences,
it is up to them to protect the child.
It is possible that some states may require the
letter from an M.D. or D.O., but many will allow
an exemption letter from a chiropractor if it is
courteously and properly written, as outlined
Rule No. 4: Medical waivers are always
valid but must be written to fit each state law
and often need to be renewed annually.
Article 5
The foregoing may work for school exemptions,
but are there any such waivers in the Armed
Forces? Yes. All branches of the Service provide
"immunization waivers."
Again, if they did not you could sue them for
millions of dollars if a reaction occurred from
their immunizations. Because of these waiver
provisions, you become responsible if you react.
When you first sign up or enlist, you must state
your objection to the vaccinations and tell
whether it is "religious conscience" or medical
reasons, such as allergies or a low tolerance to
medication of any kind. If you do not show
objection at this time, you have given the
military the right to do what they will with
If there is any difficulty, the same rules apply
here as in the school program. Never forget,
even though you may be in the Service, no one
has the right to immunize you against your will.
You do not give up your constitutional rights
when you join the Armed Forces.
Rule No. 5: The rules that govern school
vaccination exemption also apply to the
military. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
They do not know, or are hiding, the facts of
the law.
Article 6
about international travel? May I go around the
world without vaccination?
The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva
grants American visitors the right to REFUSE
shots when traveling internationally. However,
if an area you wish to enter is infected, you
may be detained until the public health servant
gives you the "go" (at his discretion).
Thousands travel world-wide each year without
shots - so you may if that is your choice. Many
of our co-workers have traveled over much of the
world and have never taken any immunizations,
nor were they ever detained.
It would be wise to request a copy of Foreign
Rules and Regulations, Part 71, Title 42, on
immunization when you receive your passport.
Never forget the basic rule, "No one will
vaccinate you against your will because by doing
so they assume full responsibility for the
consequences both legal and medical."
Rule No. 7: You may travel
wherever you wish in the world without
vaccination. The worst that can happen is that
in very rare circumstances you may be detained
Some Important Details
The above seven articles constitute all the
basic rules. However, there are many important
little "tricks of the trade" to having your
legal requests honored. These will now be
While waivers and exemptions are written into
all laws on immunization, most public health
officials, doctors, and especially school
officials are loathe to discuss their existence
when questioned, and rarely, to our knowledge,
volunteer such information.
A top Philadelphia school official was on the
radio with the unequivocal statement, "NO SHOTS,
This statement is of course completely counter
to state law, with which presumably he is
familiar. Such unwarranted dogmatism is common
in the people you will encounter. Once the end
of their legitimate authority has been reached,
they will use their next most powerful weapon -
They will threaten to keep your child out of
school, take him from you, or send you to jail.
These are all idle threats because they can do
none of these thing, if you follow our simple
The basic rules have been given to you, but
there are a few important details to be
considered if the officials start on this course
of unlawful intimidation.
You must send a letter to the school
to inform the education officials of your
stand. A phone call is not legal. It can be
a note from your doctor, minister, or a
notarized letter from you stating your
sincere objections to the immunization. If
you do not do this and fail to have your
child immunized, it could be construed as
negligence on your part and in some states
there is a possibility of legal action
against you.
If the school
should refuse to honor your letter, request
that they give you a statement in writing
outlining their reasons for refusal. If they
their refusal
is legally invalid,
and your letter stands; they must enroll
your child. If they do (they rarely will)
they take the risk of incriminating
themselves, especially if they are acting
contrary (as is common) to what is specified
in the law concerning your rights for
exemption. Remember they are on tenuous
ground, not you. They are your servants, you
are not their servant. If worst comes to
worst and you have a very knowledgeable
official who writes you a refusal and states
accurately the lawful reasons for refusal,
he will also in a negative way tell you what
the accepted exemptions are, and then you
can go about meeting them, by one of the
routes suggested in this handout.
Child neglect is the one legal point you
want to avoid at all costs. No legal parent
or guardian can be charged with neglect
unless he shows complete lack of concern or
action to be more informed. Stripped of
legal jargon, this simply means that if you
can show that you have investigated the
situation, have come to a specific decision
concerning immunizations, and have informed
the authorities of the same, no neglect
charge can be brought. Neglect can be
brought only when it can be shown that you
have failed to have your children immunized,
not out of respect for their medical or
spiritual integrity, but only because you
were too concerned with other matters.
At times there may be a question of whether
you have given or withdrawn legal consent.
Legal consent is dependent upon being
properly informed on both the advantages and
the risks in any choice or decision you
make. In other words, if a physician were to
tell you that vaccination is perfectly safe
and effective to obtain your consent, such
consent would not be legal because he lied
and you have not been properly informed.
Conversely, it could be argued that
non-consent is not legal if you are not
fully informed about the risks and
advantages of immunizations.
What do I do if everyone refuses to give me
a waiver?
This would be an extremely rare
circumstance. But should it happen, you
are not left without resources. Here is
where we pull out one of our big guns.
Send notarized letters by certified mail
to the vaccine laboratory which makes
the shot (ask your doctor for the
address), to the doctor who is to
administer the shot, to your school
principal, to the school board, and to
your local health department.
In these letters make it clear that
since they have refused to give you a
duly requested waiver, you can no longer
be held responsible for what may happen
to your child if they force these shots
upon him. You then state that you will
allow immunization if each will present
you with a written signed guarantee of
safety and effectiveness of the vaccine
and that they will consent to assume
full responsibility for any and all
adverse reactions that your child may
develop from the required shots. Of
course none will give you such a
guarantee. They cannot do so because all
vaccines are considered potentially
highly toxic. We have yet to hear of an
instance of further harassment of
parents after such letters have been
That's about all that is needed to obtain the
necessary exemptions for your children. All that
has been said in this last section (1 to 5) is
also applicable to the military and
international travel, if required.
Potpourri of Ammunition
"As long as each individual who opposes vaccines
has sincere objections, states them in writing,
and signs his name - it is considered legal and
proper action and must therefore be honored."
"Since many medical controversies exist
surrounding immunization, drugs, and various
other medications, it mandates that each
individual have the right to control his own
decisions and freedom of choice; anything less
would be contrary to the constitutional laws
that protect the citizens' rights. "
"When you deal with school officials and
lawyers, you are playing with legal terminology
- move the wrong words around and you get hung."
The terminology used in this booklet has worked
before and should work again.
"It is important to state your objections in
such a way that it complies with your state's
exemption provisions. They must then accept your
request; if they do not, they are breaking their
own law." That is why it is absolutely essential
that you know your own state law word for word
before submitting your objection.
"According to CDC (the federal Communicable
Disease Center in Atlanta, Georgia), physicians
are required to first inform their patients of
the risks involved before they consent to
vaccines." If they do not do so, it is prima
facie evidence of deceit or negligence on the
part of the physician.
This regulation by the federal government would
also seem to assume that the patient has the
right to refuse if he feels that the risks are
too great. If this is so, is not the federal
government on record as supporting voluntary
immunization and, by obvious implication,
against state-enforced compulsory immunization?
Should you ever have to go to court, or what is
more likely, to appear before a "kangaroo" court
of school and health department officials, here
is some class A evidence you might find useful
to mention.
No vaccine carries any guarantee of
protection from the laboratory that produced
it or the doctor who administered it.
The U.S. military allows no-nonsense
"immunizations waivers."
There is
on immunizations. They don't dare. Their
lawyers know the consequences.
Your rights have been infringed upon by
officials attempting to use force against
your will.
Most state officials like a nice, stress-free
job. When you send in your objections and refuse
to fit their ordered world by not having your
children immunized, you make waves.
This rocks their quiet existence, and there are
only two ways their life can become orderly
again: either by forcing you to their will or
acquiescing to yours. What you must do to obtain
an early waiver is to make the latter the
easiest path for them.
At first, however, an attempt will usually be
made to bend you to their will by some form of
intimidation. Many uninformed parents give in to
this tack, and so it is tried again and again.
If you are adequately informed, as a reader of
this publication should be, you will let the
officials know in no uncertain terms that you
understand your rights under the law and will
not stand for any such shilly-shallying.
Invariably, once they discover you are adamant
and acquainted with the state law, your waiver
will be rapidly forthcoming.
An Acknowledgment
The greatest part of the material on the first
four pages is taken from the work of Mrs. Grace
Girdwain, of Burbank, Illinois. Our staff has
rearranged and edited the information, but we
wish the full credit for its existence to go to
this courageous woman who has for twelve years
worked arduously, without compensation, to help
her fellow Americans obtain their legal rights.
The following is an example of the state of
Illionois law (where I live) relating to
immunizations. Illinois, like most states has no
philosophical objection, but does have a
religious one.
Illinois Administrative Code Title 77: Public
Chapter I: Department of Public Health
Subchapter i: Maternal and Child Health
Part 665 Child Health Examination Code
Subpart E: Exceptions
Section 665.510 Objection of Parent or Legal
Parent or legal guardian of a student may object
to health examinations, immunizations, vision,
and hearing screening tests, and dental health
examinations for their children on religious
grounds. If a religious objection is made, a
written and signed statement from the parent or
legal guardian detailing such objections must be
presented to the local school authority.
General philosophical or moral reluctance to
allow physical examinations, immunizations,
vision and hearing screening, and dental
examinations will not provide a sufficient basis
for an exception to statutory requirements.
The parent or legal guardian must be informed by
the local school authority of measles outbreak
control exclusion procedures per IDPH rules. The
Control of Communicable Diseases (77 Ill. Adm.
Code 690) at the time such objection is
Section 665.520 Medical Objections
a) Any medical objections to an immunization
must be:
1) Made by a physician licensed to practice
medicine in all its branches indicating what
the medical condition is.
2) Endorsed and signed by the physician on
the certificate of child health examination
and placed on file in the child's permanent
b) Should the condition of the child later
permit immunization, this requirement will then
have to be met. Parents or legal guardians must
be informed of measles outbreak control
exclusion procedures when such objection is
presented per Section 665.510.