research and guided direction is taking me to places
I don’t really want to go. That said I realise that
to escape the prison that you and I are in, I simply
have to ‘go there’. It was not easy for me to write
my last article about the real reasons behind May
Day & Labour Day festivals.
For those that have followed me up to now I will say
to you 'it is time to go deeper'. We cannot stay on
a level of understanding that stops with ancient
Egyptian symbolism popping up at seaside resorts in
Ferris wheels or symbolic monuments and logos etc.
Things like that should now be far easier for you to
see more clearly now and indeed those things should
also be far easier for you to accept than they were
back in 2004 and if so I am very glad. I really do
hope that the information has sunk into a few of
you. If you can now accept that the symbolism all
around you is and has been used as hypnotic triggers
to keep you in a trance like state then you are
ready to move on to more difficult levels of
understanding about how the Serpent controls us all.
My last article about trade unions and May Day/
Labour Day was a tester point for you, so if you
understood it then please follow me in this article.
If you did not understand the union article or it
confused you then I suggest you re-read some of my
earlier articles again and then take it from there.
There is no rush, simply take the articles in or
leave them for a rainy day or even laugh at them and
never return to them if that is the way you feel
about them. I won't be offended. For those that are
new to these articles I suggest you go back to my
article Beside the Seaside and start
reading them from there.
Anyway my little band of truth seekers I need to
explain Remembrance Day which is also know
as Poppy Day , Armistice Day and Veterans Day
to you. This ritual, that we all
blindly take for granted usually takes place in the
11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and
basically consists of everyone stopping what they
are doing at 11am on the 11th November and staying
silent for two minutes. Then on the nearest Sunday
to the 11th a far bigger ritual takes place in some
countries and all the worlds leaders hold ceremony's
in symbolic places all around the globe. This is
known as Remembrance Sunday in the UK. Some
countries only have the 11th November as an official
holiday. In 2007 the 11th of November falls on
Sunday anyway making it an extra special day.

An agent for the Serpent leading the ritual
The official
reason given for this is that World War One ended on the 11th
November 1918. There is some information about the history of
Remembrance Day and information about the Sunday ritual
respectively below.
Click below for
brief details about
Remembrance Day
You must realise that all
generations of human beings in the world today are
programmed to respect, buy, and display 'poppies'
every November. We automatically do this don't we? Silly
buggers we are and we just buy a flower out of respect for
all the brave men and women who died for us don't we? It is
hard to pass a poppy seller in the street isn't it? It's
just one of those things we do isn't it? We basically
'respect the dead'.
Let me make it perfectly clear before we go any further that
I am not disrespecting any brave soldier who died fighting
in what they thought was a good cause and to protect their
fellow countrymen and women. I need to make that clear.
I am only trying to expose the deceptive forces that I
believe covertly rule this world. If I can help do that then
no man or women need needlessly die in a war again. EVER.
Lets get on then eh?
I will briefly
mention the basic numerology involved. We all stop for
two minutes death silence at 11x11x11 which is a symbolic '33'.
Ask yourself
what you do on 'Poppy Day'? Do you join in the two minute
silence? Do you even wear a poppy? Do you watch the ritual live
on TV? Do you buy poppies for your kids? Do you shove coins in a
respect vessel (charity tin) and wear your poppy with pride?
If you do any of the above now is the time to ask yourself why.
I know you believe you do it for good reasons but do you really
'know' you do it for good reasons? You don't really know what
you are doing do you? Be honest. You just do it because you have
been told it is the right thing to do don't you? Maybe you just
do it out of routine? Just like you follow the traditions of
Christmas. It is the right thing to do and we all enjoy
doing what we believe is the right thing to do, yes?
You are showing
disrespect if you don't wear your poppy with pride aren't you?
There is also no spiritual harm in donating money to the
charities is there? I have written about charities and their
figureheads in my book
Is It Me For A Moment-
Breaking The Serpent's Spell
and I strongly suggest that you read a copy if you want to fully
understand what I am trying to say in this article.
Anyway. Let's have a look at what goes on at the official
Remembrance rituals shall we? I totally believe they are the
opposite of what you think they are. Let's look at London as a
prime example. All you Brits should know that our Remembrance
Sunday ritual takes place at the Cenotaph
monument near Downing Street in Whitehall,
London. This scenario is similar to events that take place all
over the world at all major monuments in major cities, for
example the Arc De Triumph in Paris.
Most small towns and cities also have a memorial to 'honour the
dead' and they do so on either the 11th November or on the
second Sunday in November, sometimes both. Small towns often use
an obelisk if they have no Cenotaph...
Read the full
article here:

Saved version here:

Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: