f you needed
more evidence that most of our "esteemed" members of Congress
are members of a criminal class of ruling elites, who regard the
likes of us in the poor and working classes with the disdain
most people reserve for cockroaches, look no further than
H.R. 1955.
93% of the filth "representing" us in the House voted in favor
of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention
Act of 2007. Once this vile piece of legislation sails through
the Senate and the sociopath on Pennsylvania Ave gleefully slaps
his endorsement on it, the mechanisms will be in place for our
lords and masters to initiate programs that will make Cointelpro
and the murder of Fred Hampton look like child's play.
According to our "betters" amongst the US plutocracy, we can't
afford the "luxury" of dissent. We are waging war on terrorism,
a threat to the continued existence of the American Way of Life,
which we know to be non-negotiable. Besides, dissidents simply
present an obstacle to the wholesale terrorism we are inflicting
on entire nations so that we can bring them "freedom and
democracy." As Bill O'Reilly suggested on Faux News last night,
the only "sane thing" to do is to support the troops. And war
protestors need to be arrested. So whether we are committing
heinous war crimes or not, ignore your conscience, root for the
home team, thank a vet and shut the fuck up!
Under the soon-to-be law Violent Radicalization and Homegrown
Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007, state and local police will
join forces with the FBI, DHS, ICE, and like fascist entities to
eradicate ideologies, plans, Internet "terrorist-related
propaganda," and any other "noxious weeds" which might spring
forth to "threaten" the "aesthetics" of the immaculate grounds
of our glorious corporatocracy, amply fertilized by the corpses
of the millions of victims of our imperial and neoliberal
Within the Orwellian construct of
H.R. 1955, I have not decided whether I am a violent radical
or a homegrown terrorist. Perhaps the powers that be will deem
that I am both. Were I neither, that would mean that I had sold
my soul and taken the last refuge of a scoundrel. What a
nightmare that would be!
Yes, America, I am a thought criminal. Consider my confession:
1. While I have deep reservations about the death penalty for a
number of reasons, I will gladly suspend those misgivings once
the gradually intensifying social unrest reaches critical mass.
Little would please me more than to see the likes of Bush,
Cheney, Condi, O'Reilly, Perle, Clarence Thomas, Bolton,
Negroponte and a host of others who have committed and enabled
some of the most grievous crimes in history dangling lifelessly
from the end of a rope.
2. I view Zionism as a mental disease. The criminal apparatuses
which pass themselves off as governmental structures in DC and
Jerusalem do need to be "wiped off the map." A majority of the
constituencies in both the US and Israel view their governments
with disgust and contempt. Both ruling bodies are infected with
supporters of the Zionist plague and frequently implement
policies which serve to inflict abject misery on millions of
human beings.
3. While I am not a direct participant, I wish the Animal
Liberation Front great success in their endeavors. Under our
depraved system of capitalism, the property ALF destroys and the
profits they stymie are sacred. Yet the billions of sentient
beings they champion are mere objects which we can wantonly
subject to maiming, torture and death.
4. I loath the Holocaust industry. Zionists have hijacked and
exploited a horrific tragedy, cynically employed it to enact
their own ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians, and used it
as a justification for the continued existence of the monstrous
state of Israel. While it is profoundly tragic that the Nazis
tortured and murdered so many Jews, there were also significant
numbers of Romas, homosexuals, and socialists who suffered
similar fates. Besides, there have been many genocides
throughout human history, including the one we have been
inflicting upon Iraqis through the Gulf War, Clinton's heinous
economic sanctions, and the present illegal occupation.
5. I long for the collapse of the American Empire. While we
can't predict what will arise to fill the ensuing vacuum, at
least it will present an opportunity for us to create a more
humane and just sociopolitical order.
6. I believe the world would be a much better place if Wall
Street and Madison Avenue ceased to exist. The greed,
narcissism, and exploitation spewing forth from the entities and
industries they represent are toxins to the human soul.
7. I admire and support demonized people and entities such as
Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Hamas as true champions of
victimized people. Our ruling class portrays them as "threats"
and "terrorists" because they have the cajones to stand up to
the biggest, meanest, and most powerful bullies in history. Are
they perfect? No. Are they admirable? Definitely.
8. I despise the American flag. Since 9/11, it's nearly
ubiquitous presence has helped foster a cancerous form of
patriotism and nativism. The "Stars and Stripes" has become a
symbol of imperialism, oppression, and state terrorism. And yes,
I have burned an American flag.
9. I consider capitalism to be an abomination and a crime
against humanity, the rest of the sentient beings on the planet,
and the Earth. I am aggressively pursuing its demise through my
intellectual efforts, including writing, educating, motivating,
and publishing on my brain-child, Thomas Paine's Corner at
10. I have known, befriended, and helped so-called "illegal"
immigrants, and will continue to do so. People flooding the
United States from Mexico are doing so because of the abject
poverty caused by our neoliberal economic terrorism, NAFTA, and
our support of their right wing oligarchs who joyfully implement
the Washington Consensus, a recipe for misery for the poor and
working class amongst their people. "Illegal immigration" is a
forced migration caused by the ever-growing hubris and avarice
of our moneyed elite.
Much to the chagrin of those of you who remain enslaved by the
intellectual chains of your indoctrination or who are dedicated
reactionaries, I have as much right to remain in the United
States as you do. And I'm not going anywhere voluntarily. So
save your emails offering me passage on a slow boat to Russia.
One thing we can probably agree upon though is the sanctity of
the Second Amendment. My .38 caliber and 12 gauge are ready.
Just in case I need to exercise my right to defend family,
hearth and home.
Meanwhile, let's see if a thought criminal like me, who has
committed no felonies, has no history of violence, and has
formulated no plans to foment violence or engage in violent acts
becomes a target of the Bush Regime's Orwellian apparatus once
they have read my confession.
Jason Miller is a wage slave of the American Empire who has
freed himself intellectually and spiritually. He is Cyrano's
Journal Online's associate editor (http://www.bestcyrano.org/)
and publishes Thomas Paine's Corner within Cyrano's at
http://www.bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/. You can reach him at
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: